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  1. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101ZIbMoZGr0rdbRbGM.1 Been thinking about this build for pvp... instead of going full rage, get the Shien form and lose Force Crush... is it worth it ? I'm still level 24 and I do not have a full grasp of the class capabilites.... Would it be better a more "traditional" aproach focusing on Shii-Cho and full rage build? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101ZIbMZG0RrdrMbGR.1 Comments? Thoughts ??
  2. Ok, conducted some more tests.... basically tested all situations ( pve, pvp in wz, duel ) with around 3k tics on each test ... both chainproccing wrath and removing the buff from tic to tic... that makes 18000 tics for the test... a fairly decent amount ( took me QUITE some time testing it ) Same results as b4... it seems to proc aound 8-10% less in pvp situations, HOWEVER as someone before commented, I tryed testing removing the procs instead of chainproccing, and guess what? crunched numbers balanced around that 30% againd ( more or less ). As far as I can tell... the proc must not be working as intended. btw: negativity bias? Really? That made me chuckle again. I wonder why some people just disregard/mine other ppl ideas or work just for the sake of it. ( I do laugh from time to time with some funny troll post I read, like everyone else... I do have sense of humour... but... meh... )
  3. Troll posters are toll... but thinking in Onyxia made me chuckle. I did not stated as a fact that it was nerfed, I put not one but two interrogation marks at the title for a reason. AND even more, I spent some time testing it ( probably not enough ) on various situations ( PvE, PvP in WZ and PvP outside WZ ) and it crunched some numbers that made me think that either: a) it has been indeed lowered the proc rate on pvp situations or b) I just had bad luck. And I've stated that it might be B, it will need further testing. Besides, the fact that more ppl seems to have noted this happening in pvp might be a signal... as said, I will try to conduct more test ( 1000 + ) tics a few times and check on the results.
  4. Maybe bad luck, maybe not, let's wait for more feedback... I'll try to conduct more tests asap ( my playtime is fairly limited atm ).
  5. Since yesterday's patch I've noted that wrath procs a lot less when doing warzones, but the tooltip has remained unchanged ( 30% chance on crit from LF )... a normal cast from FL means 4 tics, so it usually procs every 1-2 FL's. Yesterday I've counted up to 5 FL's without procs several times during warzones, so I decided to give it a test. Went into pve zone and spammed FL on mobs of my equal level ( 50 ) and obtained that from 600 tics it procced 173 times, wich is pretty close to the 30%. Went into warzones and just spammed FL. From around the same amount of tics, got a total of 116 procs, that's around 19,3%. Tried dueling a friend, and from , again, 600 tics, got a total of 107 procs, that's 17,8%. While it's a proc and chances depend a lot on luck, more testing is needed; but I'm asking myself if more people has noted this happening or is it just that I was very unlucky on the procs. edit: changed the topic title, it has passed through my mid that it may just be a bug.
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