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DX9 Solves my FPS issues


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There was a thread somewhere but I can't find it.


Basically Windows7 has DX11 built in and does not include the libraries from DX9. SWTOR is a DX9 game so windows tries to emulate it with DX11, this of course causes the Comp to run super hot and also suffer FPS issue


All you need to do is install DX9 from the official windows page. It wont overwrite DX11 but it adds in all the missing libraries that are needed for SWTOR.


I went from 30 FPS to a smooth 60 and never below 40 even in WZs.


Give it a try!!!

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I get a pop-up when trying to install that a newer version is there. The installer then terminates. Can't install.


Is there a trick?


Same issue, I tried it back when the other thread was active but it would not let me install saying there was already a newer version or something along that lines.

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Same issue, I tried it back when the other thread was active but it would not let me install saying there was already a newer version or something along that lines.


That's what happened to me as well, although I can't say I've had any FPS issues since I upgraded my hardware. Main reason I tried to install DX9 was "It can't hurt..."

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if you use an amd/ati card get radeonpro it will sort your issues out as it uses DX9 and will install them to work along side DX11 but it also optimises your GFX card once set up just simply google swtor radeonpro and you will find settings to help you out, am getting 109fps in fleet and 40-60 fps in ilum and wz are round 80-90 fps.



for nvidia users there is a similar program for them too, altho I can't remember the name of it.

Edited by Gobrot
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Many people are claiming this works. Bioware said they were looking into it. I doubt they will ever admit that they made such a huge mistake in programming the game, or more likely they will blame it on Microsoft saying it is DX10/DX11's fault.


Anyone know how to "force" all the DX9 libraries to install? would like to not drop to 15fps in Ilum during 40 vs 40 action. (I5-2500k-8GB-HD6950 2GB, shadows off, v-sync on

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Explain how you can install DX9 on a DX11 system, the MSI installer wont have it, I know DX9c is newer than the compatible DX11 libraray it replaces, so maybe the issue,


Are you using the DX9c web updater?




That's the one I tried to use. Installation was aborted due to a newer version already being installed.

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i did this a while back without effect, but trying again won't hurt. We'll see tonight. Btw i just rerolled server due to mine dying out. I seems i have less issues on the new server with a heavy population. Is this possible or did i smoke one too many yesterday?? :)


Hehe, I don't know, you tell us. :D


Anyway, does seem odd that more people are giving you less lag.

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