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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Open World PvP is ALIVE!!!!!!


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LOL i wondered how long it would take for a carebear to bring this up.


Calling other people names doesn't change the rules of the game. You're lucky the Imps on your server didn't report you all. I bet you all would have, if the situation had been reversed. I'm done with you kid. Enjoy your internet bragging because you're sooooo excited to finally stick it to the side that's been making you its B- since day 1.

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Let me quote some of what you posted, and explain to you what it means.


Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported"


"What this means is you have been warned to make this situation better by leaving the area because of the events going on"


Simple just leave.


"And If a sincere attempt to solve "your" problem isn't meant, and they are offending you, then you can report"


What that means is lets say PvP is going on in Open World, and the other faction decides to provoke PvP in Open World by coming to a base to kill you, then by all means that is not a situation....


That is PvP. :rolleyes:



Edited by Caeliux
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Calling other people names doesn't change the rules of the game. You're lucky the Imps on your server didn't report you all. I bet you all would have, if the situation had been reversed. I'm done with you kid. Enjoy your internet bragging because you're sooooo excited to finally stick it to the side that's been making you its B- since day 1.

what rules? isnt a pvp server? i tell you the worst thing they did to mmos was to split pvp/ pve. but there you go.

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Nice to see some initiative being taken with OWPvP, however while spawn camping is questionable, even on a pvp sever its a real shame that this game doesnt support guild bases/cities. I have a feeling the whole server would have set up shop in In your guilds base if that was the case.


Now that is quality PvP, with meaning and a good dose of politics mixed in.


I really hope that gamers that have only experienced PvP in wow or tor one day get to see true RvR. They dont know what they are missing.

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Nice to see some initiative being taken with OWPvP, however while spawn camping is questionable, even on a pvp sever its a real shame that this game doesnt support guild bases/cities. I have a feeling the whole server would have set up shop in In your guilds base if that was the case.


Now that is quality PvP, with meaning and a good dose of politics mixed in.


I really hope that gamers that have only experienced PvP in wow or tor one day get to see true RvR. They dont know what they are missing.


It seems that 90% of people responding to this thread want to see more stuff like this, but then you get the other minority who prefer to queue for their pvp and want everything to have a reward and handed to them then and there.


Seems a few people dont know the meaning of OWpvp or RvR.

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Well done and this ranks much higher than ilum or warzones as this is coming into the enemy backyard and saying, we are taking this, what you gonna do about it. 100% respect for the Republic for striking first blood in this game, well done and don't listen to the PvE carebears who will try and call the police to have thins stuff stopped.


You have restored some of my faith in this game, I am due to leave it at the next sub round but if this kind of thing starts to happen more often I may just stick around as this is what brings a game alive. Anyone can do Flashpoints, you know what to expect and when to expect it, same with warzones, it's all ready, steady, GO!. World PvP, invading other peopls bases, denying them right of passage is totally different and can easily start a huge scale battle, it is what made WOW so enjoyable for years and years.


Gratz on your Victory, it was well deserved and a huge blow to the Sith on your server.....what is your server btw?

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It seems that 90% of people responding to this thread want to see more stuff like this, but then you get the other minority who prefer to queue for their pvp and want everything to have a reward and handed to them then and there.


Seems a few people dont know the meaning of OWpvp or RvR.


And then the handful of real pvpers want actual pvp content that doesn't suck, instead of stale instanced pvp, and stories of peoples' massive E-peens as they club and violate players who have no way to shore up any defense.


But, of course, the people who actually find this sort of behavior acceptable tend to also be the sort of people who believe that harassing others is acceptable and should be encouraged.

Edited by Greyfeld
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And then the handful of real pvpers want actual pvp content that doesn't suck, instead of stale instanced pvp, and stories of peoples' massive E-peens as they club and violate players who have no way to shore up any defense.


But, of course, the people who actually find this sort of behavior acceptable tend to also be the sort of people who believe that harassing others is acceptable and should be encouraged.


M8 you belong on a PvE server where this kind of stuff can not happen, why oh why do you roll on PvP when you QQ when PvP happens, LOL

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Thats not open world PVP. That's camping a spaceport. I hope you feel real special inside.


I suppose on your version of the Empire Strikes Back Darth vader lands on Hoth with a Bunch of flowers for Princess leia?


Well in my version he lands on Hoth, attacks a republic base and then camps it causing the republic players to have to leave the area. So what Guild Exile did was SW lore, maybe you are playing the wrong game.

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I suppose on your version of the Empire Strikes Back Darth vader lands on Hoth with a Bunch of flowers for Princess leia?


Well in my version he lands on Hoth, attacks a republic base and then camps it causing the republic players to have to leave the area. So what Guild Exile did was SW lore, maybe you are playing the wrong game.


Yes you are right camping is world PvP, but it's the only world PvP that you can have in TOR. Such a pity.. :mad:

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I suppose on your version of the Empire Strikes Back Darth vader lands on Hoth with a Bunch of flowers for Princess leia?


Well in my version he lands on Hoth, attacks a republic base and then camps it causing the republic players to have to leave the area. So what Guild Exile did was SW lore, maybe you are playing the wrong game.


+1 Because it is true. Camping is exactly what the Empire does.

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+1 Because it is true. Camping is exactly what the Empire does.


Don't blame the empire for the lag of more starting bases and lag of objectives with rewards all around the map! If you are more you will do the same! Blame BioWare!

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I may have missed it, but what was the FPS/lag like at hoth spaceport?


This is the the first time i havnt rolled on a PvP server as i wanted to RP this game but in general even on PvP servers, spawn camping and ganking is a quick way of gaining a bad rep, and considered very poor behaviour. But then again i never played wow, the games that i stick with longer or sandbox, so SWG,Ultima EvE, Darkfall and minecraft (lol) are my gaming background.


They are brutal in game but it seems to me the communities and expectations are different in themeparks so i wont criticise, i just think i am a different style of gamer than you see around here.

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putting it bluntly...


you know open world pvp is failing when the objective is to kill lowbies to disrupt them hitting the same rank as you.


TBH when you have a game that allows one faction to invade the other factions base and essentially shut it down I would say that is a sign of an amazing PvP game.

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




Thanks for sharing this idea. Sounds like fun :)

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M8 you belong on a PvE server where this kind of stuff can not happen, why oh why do you roll on PvP when you QQ when PvP happens, LOL


I already am on a PvE server, you :wea_03:ing genius. And exactly for this reason; so I don't have to put up with the circle jerk of self-congratulatory griefers that think real pvp is farming lowbie characters.


And before I hear your cut&paste "If you're on a PvE server, then don't worry about it lol" griefer response, attacking my server type is a fallacious strawman argument that completely dodges addressing the fact that this is not real world pvp.

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I already am on a PvE server, you :wea_03:ing genius. And exactly for this reason; so I don't have to put up with the circle jerk of self-congratulatory griefers that think real pvp is farming lowbie characters.


And before I hear your cut&paste "If you're on a PvE server, then don't worry about it lol" griefer response, attacking my server type is a fallacious strawman argument that completely dodges addressing the fact that this is not real world pvp.


And yet a bunch of us lowbies beat up on lvl 50 guild the other day and it was the best fun I've had on SWTOR. Unfortunately, this is so seldom even on my server which has the highest population in the world I will probably be unsubbing.

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I used to love loading into a starports and getting ganked by 50 people before the screen was loaded in SWG too. Just to realize it took 50 Rebs to kill 1 guy loading then wait for the next...


Hmm all too familiar...


Great job, you get my approval of hero of the day!

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




I bet, they will now add Turrets to all Bases, that instantly kill all enemy Players.:rolleyes:

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LOL we had the group split up. 1 group sitting at the shuttle where people come in, 1 group sitting at the rez point killing them. The shuttle group would murder the guys coming in, and the rez point group would kill them when they rez. Win Win.


Sounds more like griefing to me.


If you were camping my spawn point i'd probably just log off and go play something else, i'm sure thats what Bioware wants to see.


If you really wanted a fun PVP battle you would have left their spawn point and maybe they could have organized something to give you a fight, but you were just spawn camping and personally that isn't fun or anything i'd call world PVP.


Edit: But if you had fun then i'm glad for you and your guildies, that is getting harder and harder to find in this game.

Edited by Lumocolor
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