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Open World PvP is ALIVE!!!!!!


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While we held hoth, no additional sith could get there and do missions. So we disrupted the entire sith faction by denying them a place to lvl and do missions.


You are telling me that "taking" ilum is a more worthwhile objective?


Sith got owned.


Well, if you took Ilum and denied the level 50 PVP characters (you know, the ones rolling you in warzones all day) from completing 50% of their objectives for the day, then yes it would be considered a much more worthwhile objective.


Battlemasters have two things to do every day, and while you were on Hoth you were making 1 of those things incredibly easy to do. Fact of the matter is you screwed with probably 10-20 level 40ish characters who took a few hours off and either did warzones or just logged in later to finish what they missed. Woohoo.


Meanwhile, the Imps controlled Ilum which directly affected ALL the level 50 pvp'ers on your server. So while you could have been helping your entire faction get gear, you not only screwed them but directly helped the Imps continue to widen the gap.

Edited by LexiCazam
Insult - already warned.
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im 60+ valor, after i do my dailies, wzs and ilum are mostly a waste of time for me. sure i could earn some valor that will come in handy later on. but frankly, after grinding to 60 im sick of wzs and ilum.


this kind of play, (non ilum world pvp) is what im looking for after my dailies are done. other bm probaly would feel the same way on both sides. im not really losing anything and i can have some real fun for a change instead of the wz grind. it doesnt matter at all to me if im not actually hurting the other side, just as long as enough of their lvl 50s show up ill have fun.


note im not talking about farming lowbies, im talking about attacking a planet besides ilum to illict a response from the opposing factions high lvl players.

Edited by Pat-Rat
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Glad you had fun.


It would be more substantial if you actually blocked Belsavis or Ilum (not the PvP side, the daily quest side) since then you'd have more of a response from actual 50s. What you probably ended up doing with this is stall a few 40s, who went to fleet to ask for help, and a limited number of lvl 50 people actually had nothing to do and showed up.


Besides the enjoyment you get from the siege atmosphere of it, I don't actually see the point, since it's not beneficial for your side or exactly detrimental for the other side (players blocked planetary access can still level through other means).

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Sith player here


Well done guys!

This is world pvp!

Ilum and valor farming is sh*t compared to this



world pvp is all about fun!

sadly, I understand that most of the players in this game don't care about it,they only want in-game rewards


I would love to see similar acts of war in my rp/pvp server (Lord Calypho)





I always go out of my way to help guildmates or other players of my faction who are attacked by reps while questing

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




We did this on a smaller scale in the Alderaan Spaceport, maybe a week ago with the same thing in mind: Get World PvP realized.. Anyway, BioWare seems to not like the idea as sometime in the next few days all of the level 21 npc's inside the spaceport were replaced with level 50 Champions.. So, it looks as if the 'open world PvP' is supposed to remain in their designated areas.. =(


Check the spaceport again in a few days to see if they did the same thing to Hoth..

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I blame BW for making world PvP absolutely crap. Who got the bright idea of making PvP servers where you gain nothing by killing other players outside WZs? This sort of stuff would bring alot of people if BW actually rewarded players for doing it, right now they are discouraging it.


But dont kid yourselves. You had fun, and that is a good thing in and of itself. But you did not deny the whole Sith of progression and what not. You merely annoyed a few people =) Then again, if you had fun, power to you.

Edited by Drack
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Sith player here


Well done guys!

This is world pvp!

Ilum and valor farming is sh*t compared to this



world pvp is all about fun!

sadly, I understand that most of the players in this game don't care about it,they only want in-game rewards


I would love to see similar acts of war in my rp/pvp server (Lord Calypho)





I always go out of my way to help guildmates or other players of my faction who are attacked by reps while questing


I do hear you mate and I was saying - few levels ago I was doing the same on Tatooine for 2 hours BUT point is - once I will be 50, once I will have Champion / Centurion and finally Battlemaster gear ONLY think left for me is to do stuff like that. But happy and geared.


At that point they still will wear a crap on them and they will have no experience in real PVP (attacking with 20 people guy who appear is hardly PVP :p). And lvl 50 have no interest in them right now.


Can I ask what server is this ? I would love to see noobs like that on my server.

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What is wrong with you guys?? This shows all that is wrong with this community. To the OP (as a sith player) great job!


And to all you haters, you should really ask yourself exactly why you are playing games? The OP has understood it, but you apparently dont and i feel pity for you.


The game is all about FUN! Not grinding endlessly for some new gear, so you just can start all over again and grind some more and better gear. Taking a spaceport and having fun is what this game should be about. Thats all that matters. I feel sorry for you people that has lost your way.

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I blame BW for making world PvP absolutely crap. Who got the bright idea of making PvP servers where you gain nothing by killing other players outside WZs? This sort of stuff would bring alot of people if BW actually rewarded players for doing it, right now they are discouraging it.

This I don't get. Why should you always get something, when did the need to get a pixel reward take control of you? Shouldn't playing and killing opposite players be enough fun and reward in itself? Isnt that what gaming is about? It's sad when people feel the need to get rewarded for everything they do. You are like dogs, the game give you small rewards for tricking you to do stuff you dont really wont to do.


Take your power back, don't be a dog. Have fun on your own terms.

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This is why I rolled on a PvP server. Can't wait til the Aussie servers are up and I can start participating in similar shenanigans.


Good job dude. Keep it up.

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Friday night me(level36 Sin) and a friend of mine(level37 BH) went on Alderaan and start fighting with republic.

We didn't attack ppl more than 2 level above us !

After 20mins of farming republics they start gathering and soon we start confronting parties of 2-3 ppl inside them. Was really fun. Republics organised fast and work together.

We make some epic battles and was really fun ;)


.....although we finished massacred by 1 Sage(heal) , 2 Commandos(heal) and 1 vanguard :)

.....Still was really cool and fun !



Cheers to republics on Tomb of Freedon Nadd hope we duel again :)

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What is wrong with you guys?? This shows all that is wrong with this community. To the OP (as a sith player) great job!


And to all you haters, you should really ask yourself exactly why you are playing games? The OP has understood it, but you apparently dont and i feel pity for you.


The game is all about FUN! Not grinding endlessly for some new gear, so you just can start all over again and grind some more and better gear. Taking a spaceport and having fun is what this game should be about. Thats all that matters. I feel sorry for you people that has lost your way.


Sorry that I have fun playing in WZ :p My whole point is that - there is no fun staying in low lvl areas. Especially when there is no gain from that. I would love to see 20 people join Ilum or WZ to make queue shorter.


From my point of view:

~ 22 people enter low lvl planet

~ 22 people sit and waste time on some location

~ 22 people didn't gain anything

~ 22 people are too weak to conquer Ilum or win in Warzone

~ 22 people had no fun since there is no challend and nothing hard in what they did

~ 22 people want to repeat something so pathetic every day

~ 22 people really think that lvl 50 CARE about them while they are NOT doing anything that disrupt lvl 50 routine.


But I learned something from that :) I know few guild :-) Perk from playing WZ in random people most of the time as Ops Leader. Some people know me. We must do the same thing sometimes on my server :-D


We must take 3-4 guild and block Tatooine, Hoth and few other planets while owning Ilum :-) That would block ENTIRE REPUBLIC FACTION :-) Dam - I already love the idea. It will be easy since Imps outnumber Reps greatly.

Edited by DariuszPol
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It's funny coz this is what I did With my gulden last night. XD we camped the spaceport, guarded the hangers so no one could escape, and AOEd everything to reveal the players in stealth. Killed about 40 players. We also found a way to cheat and killed one of their guardian turrets with suffering no deaths. This was on alderaan. It was really a night to remember.
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Thumbs to the OP. This reminds be back in the days of wow ...


... when I organised a a 120 (40x3) man raids + at least 80 stragglers by the 3 top vanilla wow guilds on our server as we took on iron forge. We were all top PvE gear at the time.


Unfortunately due to server load, it crashed the server. We managed to log back in 15 minutes with every dead. Vent was pretty funny. :)


Anyways, we died (by speculation) to the 3 standard mobs inside the front door due running on the spot.


Too many jealous ppl in the forums wishing they did it first. Good work guys. :)

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"(attacking with 20 people guy who appear is hardly PVP)"




this is a pretty fair describtion of ilum most of the time.


What you expect ? You just saw 22 guys from your faction wasting time on some not even important planet doing nothing while you are owned on Ilum. So I think you deserve it :p

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What a stupid response.


Don't know what the heck everyone is hating on here...great job repubs...don't mind the people who are hatin...


They might spend their time farming gear, and will still be bad. This weaksauce above is talking about gaining things. You gained more than he did getting some xp in his 40th WZ for the day - you gained some fun!!


If I ever hear of a Repub guild taking over Dorn Station, I will rally my guildies and we will try to come and displace you...it will be a blast!! BUT OH NO THE ABOVE POSTER WILL BE GETTING PHAT LOOT ON ILUM AND WILL CRUSH YOU ALL TOGETHER LATER. ffs sry can't get over the ridiculous tone of the quoted reply.


I <3 Open world PvP, keep up the good work @ congrats on the Dorn Station conquest.




BTW to the posters that are sayin "blah blah go to ilum its better pvp" most of our guild has full BM because we have done the "super fun ilum grindfest" to death. We wanted something different...therefore we decided to take hostile territory away from them and actually make an impact against the enemy.


Mission Accomplished.

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This I don't get. Why should you always get something, when did the need to get a pixel reward take control of you? Shouldn't playing and killing opposite players be enough fun and reward in itself? Isnt that what gaming is about? It's sad when people feel the need to get rewarded for everything they do. You are like dogs, the game give you small rewards for tricking you to do stuff you dont really wont to do.


Take your power back, don't be a dog. Have fun on your own terms.


Calling people who refuse to play something that is broken - dogs- might be a tad over the top, I know you want to get your opinion through, but stay on the ground.


It had nothing to do with getting a small reward, it has something to do with wasting ones time. Sure I could go fight you guys at the space port, or I could just play WZ and Ilum. There i get progression. On Alderaan, I get to wait for backup and get killed instantly while I zone in, where is the fun in that?


World PvP has been broken from the start. You gain obsolutely nothing from it, but people comming right back at you, and loosing nothing by dying, so it becomes an annoyance. I have actually never seen a game so broken when it comes to open world pvp. You instantly respawn, you lose nothing, and you can keep annoying people who beat you. On top of that the areas is divided on each planet so you will NEVER meet an opposite faction you if you level normally.


I tried to persue world Pvp while I was leveling up my first character, and what I found was that all the mobs that were KoS to them, was freen to me. So actually it looks like BW likes the idea of ganking people unfairly. You can actually go and annoy the livign shít out of people on the planets without ANY risk of being attacked by random mobs, but the people you attack will.


My Point being. World PvP is horribly broken, and dont blame people for not wanting to support or play it. If you had fun zone ganking a bunch of lower levels who zoned in, more power to you. But thats it.

Edited by Drack
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~ 22 people really think that lvl 50 CARE about them while they are NOT doing anything that disrupt lvl 50 routine.


it my not disrupt my or my guildies lvl 50 routine, but when the sith pull something like this we respond, because its fun.

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Sorry that I have fun playing in WZ :p My whole point is that - there is no fun staying in low lvl areas. Especially when there is no gain from that. I would love to see 20 people join Ilum or WZ to make queue shorter.


From my point of view:

~ 22 people enter low lvl planet

~ 22 people sit and waste time on some location

~ 22 people didn't gain anything

~ 22 people are too weak to conquer Ilum or win in Warzone

~ 22 people had no fun since there is no challend and nothing hard in what they did

~ 22 people want to repeat something so pathetic every day

~ 22 people really think that lvl 50 CARE about them while they are NOT doing anything that disrupt lvl 50 routine.


But I learned something from that :) I know few guild :-) Perk from playing WZ in random people most of the time as Ops Leader. Some people know me. We must do the same thing sometimes on my server :-D


We must take 3-4 guild and block Tatooine, Hoth and few other planets while owning Ilum :-) That would block ENTIRE REPUBLIC FACTION :-) Dam - I already love the idea. It will be easy since Imps outnumber Reps greatly.


No, you are not getting it. All the things you listed is just your subjective views.. and it shows that your not getting it.


My guess are that you are fairly young, and havent experienced real open world pvp in the era before wow. (and early wow did also have some great open world pvp in SS/TM)

Maybe they didnt get their pixel reward for being a good dog and doing what BW wanted you to do, but that is not the point. Its about them having fun!. Don't you get it?


I am a really fan of sandbox games, where the main interaction is between players, not between player and devs like in themepark mmos and swtor. What they did, was to choose to create a event of their own. On their own terms. And the feeling when you do something like that is so much better than being a good dog and drooling for the next pixel reward from the developers.


They didn't just hang around there, doing nothing for some hours. They created their own player made event. High level siths did try to stop them. They all had some great PvP. And FUN! Do you remember what that is?


You are apparently so brainwashed, that you claim that they didnt do anything to disrupt the level 50 grinding routine, like that was a goal in itself. That they didnt disrupt your dog vs owner reward for doing pointless tasks is you loss. Not theirs. I would gladly go to a low level planet and fight republics all day instead of continue the pointless, mindless grinding routine. And a lot of sith did.


But, by all means, don't let any real fun ruin disrupt you gear grinding. Be a good dog. Here! Have a pixel!

Edited by Saiwen
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What you expect ? You just saw 22 guys from your faction wasting time on some not even important planet doing nothing while you are owned on Ilum. So I think you deserve it :p


its like that most of the time on many servers whether or not anybodys raiding a planet.


i deserve what? he isnt even on my server as far as i know.



besides, during prime time having 22 extra guys on ilum would just mean the reps would be out numbered by 3 to 1 instead of 4 to 1.

Edited by Pat-Rat
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Lol all these people saying you dont get nothing from world pvp is why noone does it. The things you gain from not going to ilum or wz are


1: you gain fun

2: you annoy sith

3: you take an entire sith base

4: you deny service/missions/vendors to sith

5: sith go and cry to their fleet about getting zerged on hoth

6: multiple sith respond

7: both sides have fun killing each other

8: you dont get super bored and unsub because you got tired of doing the same 3 bland wzs over and over again

9: you dont get super bored and unsub because you got tired of going to ilum and spamming your aoe at the enemy

10: you dont QQ and make a thread on the ToR forums saying you are quitting because you got bored in numbers 8 and 9.


BW has even said we have to make our own pvp content. This is exactly what we did tonight.

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I personally don't need a reward to enjoy PvP in any way, and world PvP is by far my favorite thing to do in a mmo, nothing else comes close.


But yea, had 1, fun world PvP experienceas well, my guild wrecked a rep guild so nasty out in belsavis for a bit, till they left. Noone else came.


IMO though, world PvP, and just PvP in general in this game is terrible and needs a massive overhaul.

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