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Premades catching hate?


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LOL at all the premade fangirly replies...


People don't like losing.


Who really does ? but I dont care about losing that much, it happens.. I do care about losing over and over and over and over to the same few players when your unlucky enough to roll on the other side match after match, and just as they leave another group takes its place.


I really hope they give premades their own queue system, I just cant wait for the amount of ************ from the bad premades then after being used to killing in the pugs they start getting their butts handed to them...

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LOL at all the premade fangirly replies...




Who really does ? but I dont care about losing that much, it happens.. I do care about losing over and over and over and over to the same few players when your unlucky enough to roll on the other side match after match, and just as they leave another group takes its place.


I really hope they give premades their own queue system, I just cant wait for the amount of ************ from the bad premades then after being used to killing in the pugs they start getting their butts handed to them...


The irony is if premades were not scare of losing, why would they be so terribly opposed to facing other premades, especially if premade team forming is put into Xrealm queue so wait time isn't long?

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If you're one of those players whose only interest in PVP is to queu until you win a daily quest, you should consider your options:


1. PVP more than just your daily quest, not only will you improve more on your own skills this way you will start to learn more about your PVP community and you start to see the same players queu-ing up and you can learn to work well together. Quite honestly the people that queu once per day and expect to have their win carried for them by other players who invest far more time into PVP than them are the types of players that bring down their team.

2. Just don't PVP at all and let the people who enjoy PVP do it. The PVP quest gives PVP REWARDS which don't help your PVE game. No I have nothing against players that PVE, I do both, I just don't see why some people think they can do one match per day and consider themselves a PVPer. Unfortunately for you all PVP games are against other players... you need to get on their level to compete and expect results.


Queuing solo as a republic my win/loss ratio is probably around 3:1, and I've noticed that ratio improve considerably the more time I invest into improving my own skills.


Well, to start with, I'm not 'one of those players whos only interest in PVP is to win daily quests'. I like PvP when it's done right. But the current state of it is a joke, which is only highlighted by the fact that you essentially just told me to L2P, to which I say go back and actually read what I *********** said.


I already addressed every point you made in this reply. I told you I am doing better than most people on both teams in a lot of situations, and still all you can think of is

you need to get on their level to compete and expect results

Yeah, well YOU need to learn to READ.


But by all means use your personal (doubtful) experience as a way to dismiss the complaints of hundreds. That's totally logical, for sure we are all just lying to spite BioWare. I actually win 99/100 WZ matches, solo vs 8 other guys whilst naked. Totally.

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Funniest thing I have seen and read all night...HAHAHa....gimmie a sec...




You can't be serious right? Or are you?


So what you are saying is that it is unfair that premades are organized and Pugs aren't? Well, if that is what you are saying then you are obviously correct. League of Legends does it premade against premade, so I suppose it could work. I guess it's just funny because I have never been in an MMO where people actually complain about it.


Anyway, Bioware has MUCH bigger fish to fry. There are more serious issues that need to be fixed and worked out. I doubt that this is a major issue right now or at least it shouldnt be.


I'm sorry but i don't understand why you're reacting this way.


Alot of games use different kinds of matchmaking systems, it might differ from your valor rank, your "skill rank" or just if you're playing with a guild.


Now. having premades play against non-organized people just means it's free kills for them -> forcing anyone to play in the pvp to actually do premades. Why do we even allow people to solo queue anymore?


The bads want to play faceroll matches, cause they couldn't handle the even ones.

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Pre made groups when they go up against pugs dominate the WZ completely it destroys the game play of others and leads to frustration and hatred. It should never be allowed. The premade gain valor and everything else with ease by almost not having to do a damn thing there by pushing a bigger gap between the startes and end game, again destroying the game.


Most premades only try to go against pugs and will leave a WZ as soon as they see they are up against another premade group.


There should be no option to qroup que and then go up against solo qued players. It in no ways promotes game play or enhances it but does the complete oppersite.

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Most premades only try to go against pugs and will leave a WZ as soon as they see they are up against another premade group.


Where do you get ideas like this? Most competitive premades enjoy challenging other premades. It's human nature.


Here's another tip: Most competitive premades have had the gear for a while and don't care about gear nor valour.

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My guess as to why it's just now the qq of the week is b/c people are finally getting to level cap. I rarely face premades in the 10-49 bracket b/c those people who have chosen to group have already done so & have reached 50.


The 50s bracket is night & day compared to the other bracket. I was playing a Huttball the other night (50s bracket) that finished 4-6 & was over in just over 7 minutes....That's more than 1 score per minute! People just aren't used to that kind of fast paced action. It takes teamwork to score that fast and team work is almost exclusive to premades.


The average pugger doesn't really stand a chance in that kind of environment.


I'm OK with the current premade limit of 4 people. If it ever went beyond that then I'd probably drop the game or submit to a play style that is not my favorite.

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People should be able to play with their friends. That much is a given. Do you want to know why people dislike premades?


It's one thing to be out-played. It's one thing to be outgeared. Nobody likes losing, but everyone loses sometimes, so that's fairly irrelevant.


What people dislike is being creamed in huttball and then farmed. Really, I don't think a single complaint would exist if that practice were somehow eliminated. I've purposefully made the last cap when grouped with a premade because I've been on the other end and know how frustrating it can be. Ten minutes of being slaughtered can ruin a night.


If you people in favor of premades want people to stop complaining, maybe try being decent? In the human being sense, not the e-peen sense. It's all well and good to say that people are just looking for excuses, but speaking as someone who has no need of an excuse, a lot of you are utter d-bags. The behavior drives people away from the very idea of coordinated play, because it creates a mythos that you have to have some kind of e-thug persona to even take part in the practice.


I can't count the number of times I've had people shout "DON'T CAP!" at me. It's one of the reasons I only solo queue despite being more than good enough to get into a decent premade.


Just food for thought.

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I am solo player.


I dont care about premades.


Agains some premades me and my random team are able to win, against some good premades we don't.


Depends if premade is carrying low geared guy of if it's just Battlemaster group going for daily fun.


Loosing isn't something bad, even lost games can be entertaining.

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Where do you get ideas like this? Most competitive premades enjoy challenging other premades. It's human nature.


Here's another tip: Most competitive premades have had the gear for a while and don't care about gear nor valour.


I remember back in those years where I'd play WoW, that it was a pretty common practice for a pre-made team to have just one player accept the queue invite at the beginning of the match for the sole purpose of checking if the other team had a premade, and would then leave instantly if said opposing premade was present.


You do have premades who honestly want competition against others. Just like you had twinks who honestly wanted to play against other twinks. That doesn't detract from the fact that there was a healthy amount of people who's only interest was in facerolling pugs and badly geared players for easy wins.


The main problem with the whole pug vs premade thing is that often only one side of the equation is actually having fun. I personally don't care that much about getting pitted against a premade. I'll do what I can and have at times seen the pug pull off a victory. That doesn't mean that I can't empathize with players who simply do not have any fun being curbstomped repeatedly by organised premades. In a video game, it should not be a common situation for only one side to be having fun if you care about the longevity of the game at all.


Players aren't going to bite the bullet and start forming premades themselves. They're going to quit, just like they did in other games.

Edited by Machazareel
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Can't believe there's actually people defending Premade vs Pug lol


I only queued up in a premade 3 times since I started up on this game - and we roflstomped the enemy team so badly, I really haven't bothered again.


It's akin to cheating.


I'm just hoping premade vs premade queues are implemented so I can start it up again without feeling like a ****.


I'll have challenge with my PvP thank you.

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I've hated premades ever since the first time I saw them hold the flag and farm in WSG. Before I played WoW, I was strictly pve so I didn't know what a premade was.


Since then I've seen them farm pugs, exploit their way into the pug queue when separated, insult, deride, and dismiss the concerns of pug players even though pug players are the majority of gamers, and in general be a bunch of spoiled, self-entitled little children. As a whole, that is. There are some perfectly nice once, but most are absolutely wastes of human skin and oxygen.


So people who have friends and form a group together to dominate and win WZ's are a bunch of losers? and this is because they want to enjoy each others company and enjoy the game as a group?




Can't believe there's actually people defending Premade vs Pug lol


I only queued up in a premade 3 times since I started up on this game - and we roflstomped the enemy team so badly, I really haven't bothered again.


It's akin to cheating.


I'm just hoping premade vs premade queues are implemented so I can start it up again without feeling like a ****.


I'll have challenge with my PvP thank you.

So forming a group, that the game gives you and your friend the function to do so, is cheating? When everyone has the same mechanics?


Again... LOLWUT?

Edited by Shadow_Spec
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So forming a group, that the game gives you and your friend the function to do so, is cheating? When everyone has the same mechanics?


Again... LOLWUT?


I'm not sure which part of the post is hard to understand - since I wrote it in a very simple manner.


You're really just trolling aren't you?


If you see nothing wrong with getting a premade together and facing a PuG then nothing I can say to you will make sense since we have too much of an educational gap between us.

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I'm not sure which part of the post is hard to understand - since I wrote it in a very simple manner.


You're really just trolling aren't you?


If you see nothing wrong with getting a premade together and facing a PuG then nothing I can say to you will make sense since we have too much of an educational gap between us.



"It's Akin to Cheating" is what got me. What part of it is cheating? Please do explain more thoroughly. Plus, since you are already personally attacking me, you already lost your argument. You have no backing and no credibility.


Debate 101, never insult the person you are trying convince. Only proves how arrogant you are on the subject. I only asked you two questions and you answered with a direct insult. "LOLWUT?" was only expressing that your post doesn't make sense, calling premades cheaters.

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MMO's are about grouping and accomplishing bigger and harder tasks as a team not as a solo player. I can understand why people want the ease of playing alone, but this genre is not about that.....and I hope Bioware does not put in measure that discourage grouping, rather see them concentrate on making grouping more prevalent.


So, my vote would be for them to leave WZ's the way they are, and if people are having a hard time going it alone, please take the time to remedy that on your own, it CAN be done, just make your own groups and take care of it yourself.

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In a video game, it should not be a common situation for only one side to be having fun if you care about the longevity of the game at all.


Players aren't going to bite the bullet and start forming premades themselves. They're going to quit, just like they did in other games.



These two sentences sum it up very well. Bravo.

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Can someone please explain to me why there are some forum goers qqing over this? When did this become so prevalent? I'm not qqing but I'm sure a troll will say otherwise. Anyways, I'm curious is all, never had a problem with premades :/


Because they know they suck at pvp. An why would anyone pre-made with them when they suck? Good players get a following of people who want to queue with them. Always have always will. Bad players just hate it.

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Can't believe there's actually people defending Premade vs Pug lol


I only queued up in a premade 3 times since I started up on this game - and we roflstomped the enemy team so badly, I really haven't bothered again.


It's akin to cheating.


I'm just hoping premade vs premade queues are implemented so I can start it up again without feeling like a ****.


I'll have challenge with my PvP thank you.


It is not in any way, shape or form cheating to play group pvp in a group.


Some of you gamers are unbelievable. I wonder why you play pvp at all? It's a team game? You want to join solo and not only do you not want a group of four people to queue together, you think they shouldn't be fighting you in pvp because you are not in an organizd group?


What premades are there out there that roflstomp your face off when you can queue with a maximum of 4?


Reality is some you just complain about every aspect of pvp you find challenging - see gear gap, bracketing, xx class is op etc.


Truth is more than likely you are just terrible, and if they dumb the game down any further to suit you they won't have any subs left, I know Iam tired of this Whiney, self-entitled, vocal, lazy generation of gamers who won't play the game and learn and instead just point the finger at us that do. I'm actually pretty sick of your mememe attitudes.


It's a team game, if you don't like team games then your in the wrong one.

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I played WoW for years and never had a huge issue solo queuing.


This game though as a republic player on Kinrath Spider, you can not win if you solo queue. It does not matter how good you are, if the rest of your team is bad you will not win. For some reason this server is filled with just BAD players. Its not even a organization problem, the people just dont know how to press buttons.


So i Premade with 3 of my buddies and we win 98% of the time. Its insane what a huge difference it makes when you switch out 3 bad players for 3 good ones. I know Imps have their fair share of bad players but when you are out numbered 3-1, its slim pickins on our side.


AND WHY DID ALL THE BRAZILIANS COME TO KINRATH SPIDER!!! (though i do PvP with some really good ones, just about all of them are bad)

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I don't agree, i pug more often than I premade. Facing premades makes me a better player.


It doesn't matter how good you get against premades in a pug. Pugs are pugs because not everyone is rolling with a dedicated character, playign often enough to get better, and other factors affecting team play.


When you're one man alone that knows his class against 2+ that know their class, prepare to just respan constantly. Sure YOU may find the random pugger on the opposing team that is easy to kill and pick on them, but you will never justify a pre-made vs. pug by saying you get better. You're not the only one playing and have to take into account other player's abilities.

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I'm not sure which part of the post is hard to understand - since I wrote it in a very simple manner.


You're really just trolling aren't you?


If you see nothing wrong with getting a premade together and facing a PuG then nothing I can say to you will make sense since we have too much of an educational gap between us.


You know what its called when you don't use to tools given to you in life?





If you don't want to queue with a group then its no ones fault but your own.

Edited by Furyofwar
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Most of the premades I've seen are pretty useless, I'd bet half of them don't even use Vent etc just run around doing the same thing every WZ. I queue solo these days (well until today at least as my sub finally runs out) as my entire guild quit this poor excuse for PVP.


There is nothing more hollow than a premade victory over a pug group.


80% of the premades will avoid ranked WZs as they suck so badly, they will only be able to get some kind of twisted gratification from stomping on PUGs. Any kind of co-ordination is usually enough to stomp most pugs.


On my server I can see why people complain - pops are fairly sparse, 50+ warzones are full of premades and even if there is only 1 or 2 republic premades running you are almost guaranteed to keep meeting them wz after wz.


Some of the most fun in game was doing WZs at 1am or later shortly after 50 only WZs came in when the server was still fairly busy. Hardly a premade in sight, decent enough players on each team and a **** load of fun.


In a fairly poor gaming experience overall some of the best WZs were Huttball pug vs pug where it ended 0-0. And I hate huttball.

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