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What is the point of a companion gift cooldown?


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It serves no real purpose other then to annoy the hell out of me when I buy 15 companion gifts and have to spend eight minutes giving them to my companion. That 30 seconds is so trivial it serves absolutely no other purpose..So why does it exist in the first place?


There isnt 1 other then another arbitrary(and small) time sink.

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It serves no real purpose other then to annoy the hell out of me when I buy 15 companion gifts and have to spend eight minutes giving them to my companion. That 30 seconds is so trivial it serves absolutely no other purpose..So why does it exist in the first place?


It really exists just to piss you off.

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In before role-players begin drowning this thread with the word "immersion".


Lol I don't think that's gonna happen.. The cooldown doesn't add any form of immersion.. In fact it takes away from it.. If I wanted to give someone 10 gifts at one time I could..


I wouldn't say "hey happy birthday Bob.. here's one present"... Then awkwardly stare at Bob for 30 seconds until I could give him another.. Another 30 seconds of awkward silence until I give him another present, and so on, and so on...


Would it harm Bob in any way if I overloaded him with presents? Why does he need a present blocking force field to protect him? Are they afraid he is going to get to excited if I give him too much at one time and have a heart attack?

Edited by Mcfondles
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Who cares about their immersion. On christmas you don't make little kids wait 30 seconds between each present, why should we wait between gifts?


Actually, my family always took turns. So after 5 people opened gifts I got to open another. We still do it this way even after 24 years. My gf actually wants to try that with her family next year. So 1 minute is peanuts to me.

Edited by Nitrosnwbrdr
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Who cares about their immersion. On christmas you don't make little kids wait 30 seconds between each present, why should we wait between gifts?


So you give your kids 5 gifts at once thereby not making them stop to actually acknowledge what the gift is and thank the person they got it from before tossing it aside tearing into the next one like all kids would? Christmas morning would last 5 mins at your house.


Lol I don't think that's gonna happen.. The cooldown doesn't add any form of immersion.. In fact it takes away from it.. If I wanted to give someone 10 gifts at one time I could..
And if it was someones birthday and you shoved all 10 gifts to them and then run off to join a warzone how much affection would you actually get do ya think? Edited by SithEater
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to annoy the hell out of me


This was the exact thought running through my head when I read the thread title.


And no, speaking as a roleplayer it has nothing to do with immersion. It's just a poorly thought out MMORPG time waster. A way of getting something that should take seconds to take minutes, thus slowing down your progression.

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The entire way they implemented companion gifts is kind of broken, at least compared to how they did it in DragonAge. in that game, there were a limited number of gifts you could buy.


The whole idea of making someone like you by giving them the -same gift- over and over again is kind of silly. Seriously, why don't they just have gift cards or something, and just put 10k credits on it - I'm sure most of my companions would rather just have the cash.

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