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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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What is also interesting is that out of the 48% that voted no, how many are still here playing? :D


Bioware does not give refunds. . . trust me. When you prepay you have time remaining. I had to explain it to another person. If one stops playing they still have active time. They can post freely on the forums. Honestly I can't believe how many of you cant grasp a simple concept.


If you want to see something VERY alarming out of the roughly 1500 people polled. 700+ said they dislike the game, which there are more that dislike the game than like the game.


Look at the newest poll.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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Well you're on here posting. Does that mean you are also unhappy? If you are happy I'd expect to not see you here judging by your logic.


Nope. Means he is like me. Happy player that came to the boards looking for information and got sucked into a thread. ;p


I just lost an hour of play time, so yeah, I guess, right now, I'm unhappy. Which, I guess, validates both of your contentions that people on the boards are generally unhappy. :D


Carry on.


Waves to the Devs. ;p

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however I feel that the game have alot of potential. I am enjoying it at the moment but I can see a pattern that will leave me with very little to do once I hit the max level and get a few weeks into that. It needs more butter on the bread, a bunch of things need to be fine tuned and looked uppon. But I find that it's worth sticking with and will do so.

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I'm enjoying the game quite a bit, and so is my guild. Sure there is room for improvement, but I could say that about pretty much anything in life. I enjoy the game for its tremendous strong points, mostly because the negative aspects of the game are so minor in my opinion that I could care less. As long as I can log in, have fun with my guildies and enjoy the game to the fullest extent then I wont be unsubbing for quite a while. I'm eager to see the new additions in march, cheers!

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Nope. Means he is like me. Happy player that came to the boards looking for information and got sucked into a thread. ;p


I just lost an hour of play time, so yeah, I guess, right now, I'm unhappy. Which, I guess, validates both of your contentions that people on the boards are generally unhappy. :D


Carry on.


Waves to the Devs. ;p


Waving to the devs for brownie points will do no good here. These boards are for general purposes. If you don't agree with the tone then maybe MAYBE it could be something the general population is upset about? Remember now the majority on this poll are not happy with the game.


But if some of you can't grasp a concept of how gametime works I doubt you'd grasp how criticism and fixing works as well.


/Gives devs evil eyes (>.<)

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NO, becouse of WZ FPS drops, Ilum being unplayable when there are more then 30 people fighting and broken sound. Its the first company which i see failed with sound engine :eek:.

Plus: No chat bubbles! Its the first mmorpg where i didnt see any RP. Congratulations.

Edited by Satanski
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No, this is based mainly on the game play for my Jedi Sentinel. The game play for my Asssasin is nice, she is building up in power and wealth to meet the game requirements at her level. As for the Sentinel, I fill like I have to do more grinding and teaming up than should be necessary. The other issue is all the running around just to get from on location to another (this was mainly in the first two worlds.) The game has potential, but Bioware cannot sit on it laurels and let the game go stale. Listen to the players and spice/tweak it up to give it more life.


^ Plus the fact that Bioware's refusing to talk to concerned gamers about the most common issues being brought to their attention, and their Q&As are a farce; rarely, if ever, telling us anything that wasn't already easily accessed knowledge. Bioware's obvious lack of concern for their customers' views are the main reason I dropped my subscription (That and playability of the Jedi Knight class)

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and here is why, I really liked the game at first, the story for each character I played was quite enjoyable and it made leveling up fun (one little thing, do we really need to save every planet as Jedi guardians?), but there are some major shortcomings in the endgame.


1. The lack of Combat log, that is actually big deal for me (I am tank btw), when you die in the boss fight and you just don't know what killed you, you don't know if you did something wrong or if somebody else killed you with some aoe debuff or similar ability.


2. UI customization, this might be just me but I would expect at least the ability to move and resize bars. I think that it is pretty important to have ergonomic UI.


3. Content, the game lacks timed challenges, it would be nice to have some real challenges in hard modes and operations, maybe in form of some bonuses for finishing it in given time, without dying, with limited number of people in a group, and similar stuff (and yes I know that you can get a titles for timed runs in ops, don't get me even started on how that is bugged). I am not QQing here about more content, but these additional "modes" would make current content last much more.


4. Cross realm PvP, lack of rated PvP, I think that this doesn't need explaining and I know it is coming in the future.


5. Master strike / master stun bug, this is actually class related, it is really annoying that you still have 50% chance to get stunned for 3 seconds instead of doing damage (character goes through the animation moves without doing any damage and you can't cancel it), you can imagine this in PvP.


6. Macros, there is way too many abilities in the game for each character to key bind, looking for the right button every time is not really an option, simple macros would fix this easily. Good example are the abilities which are available only on snared or stunned targets. WTB also text macros and emotion macros.


7. Dual spec, different spec for PvP and PvE is a must.


8. Loading screens, do we really need that many loading screens? Traveling from planet to planet through the orbital stations is nightmare, why are they even there?


And some minor concerns (not a deal breakers):


PvP gear up system, I am almost rank 70 and I have only 1 BM item, random drop on those commendations just sucks, I stopped to count at bag nr. 30, i would prefer if I just have to collect X ammount of commendations with 100% drop rate and then get the gear rather than this (yeah this is pure QQ on my part, troll me up if you like).


Server character transfers, I would like to see this, even as a paid feature, being stuck on low population realm sucks. Alternative to this would be to merge few low population servers, but I guess that is huge task.


Guild features, banking, guild space etc.


/who command, it would be really nice if you could see in what guild is the person you look up.


Faction imbalance, I am not sure how to fix this, but man Ilum sucks with 4 imps for each republic player. Actually I liked the old Ilum pvp quests, it might have been easy to trade of the objectives, but you actually get to talk with people from the opposite faction a lot, and that kept the realm community going.


Artifice sucks! Why is there a load of recipes dropping in operations for any other profession than artifice? Give us some too please.


GTN need some polishing too, I would appreciate to have search by name, without the need of filling all the options in.


Reward accepting system is in need of some love too, can't the reward from companion mission just go to your inventory, do that popup really need to close the auction house window every time you fill in all the fields?


Loot in normal mode operations would be much better distributed by rolls than auto assignment.


No realm forums.


Lack of achievements.

Edited by ColdSteam
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I've been playing through the game with my brother. I'm playing a Jedi Consular and he's playing a Jedi Knight so we've been able to see two story lines in just one play through.


The stories aren't exactly biowares best work. They feel lifeless, boring and they completely lack any *real* choice. The story progresses in pretty much the same way regardless of what dialogue option you choose so why even bother giving us a choice?


Quests - mostly the same old kill X number of enemies, right click on the random object, FedEx stuff we've been seeing for over a decade.


PVP - The number of knock backs, overly long CC, poorly implemented UI and the bolster system all come together to make a system that is by far the worst PVP I have ever played. You just loose control too much.


Flash points - Long obstacle laden corridors. They are not fun.




-Sound - Sound keeps cutting out or glitching. This really isn't acceptable. Sound systems are easy to develop and implement and the hero engine has been around for long enough that issues like this shouldn't exist anymore.


-Graphics - Graphics are largely nice, I really like the esthetic. What I didn't like was having to dig around in an INI file to get the settings I wanted.


-User Interface - In a word. Broken. You try opening a few windows while moving and watch your frame rate plummet. I don't know whether this is because it's waiting to populate the frames from the server or what but you should really cache that stuff on the client if the servers can't deal with it.



The game is riddled with bugs, I've experienced everything from quests randomly vanishing from my tracker to picking up other players quest items and even once finding myself stuck in the ceiling of an area after stepping off a lift.

I know it's easy to say in hindsight but this game should never of been released in this state. These are not small bugs.

Edited by cfehunter
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I want to like it, I have liked it, but I don't now.. So my answer would be no.


I enjoy the graphics, the sound, the worlds and stories BW have created. I can't really criticize anything BW have done (yeah I have a few niggles but thats to be expected)


So why have I voted no? Endgame content and lack of community.


Endgame content can be rectified however. As a crafter and a PvPer I would like to see crafting being made worthwhile and more Warzones. Currently crafting (I'm Armstech) is bordering on pointless and Warzones are getting boring. There are numerous threads aimed at adding to these areas so I won't repost them here.


Lack of Community is harder to address. The lack of proper server forums doesn't allow a community to develop. Crafting is on the whole self serving and there is next to no player economy. Other than running FPs with a few friends or Ops with your guild there is no need to interact with anyone else on the server. The game always pushes you into getting better gear, grinding valor etc never to chill out, relax and interact with your server.

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I see the potential in the game, but unfortunately there is absolutely nothing innovative or new implemented at the moment. End game is really boring, full of grinding daily's, armaments, etc.

Most of my guild log on to do their raid and that's it. We are losing a lot of people every day.


PVP is pretty bad at the moment - their loot system in pvp is bad. Logging into a WZ outnumbered and lack of medals for healers makes it frustrating.


Equipment looks so bad for consular!!!


Raids are decent but often buggy making raids often run too long.


There are good things - I enjoy huttball...I enjoy that we have ships (but I wish they didn't make it just a daily quest thing). The storyline i had to do with consular was interesting. I like the fact that this game has potential to be very different from other MMO's (plenty of things you can do with ships....or guild ships...legacy...etc.) but the game doesn't have anything at all right now.

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Nothing to do after a certain point re-rolling doesn't interest me. Classes are clearly unbalanced from a PVE stand point (Ranged are gods) Current ops are bugged so your fighting the bugs not the bosses which is more irritating we should have literally killed SOA 12+ times on HM already...

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Personally, I don't care for solo quest grinding as the meat and potatoes portion of the leveling up experience. I love the class quests and would have preferred to of seen more of those, and far far less side quests/chores.


Instead of solo side quest grinding, I'd of preferred to of seen more class quests, more heroic/area quests, possibly a public quest system, RvR lakes like WAR/DAoC has, and an endgame that pits Empire vs. Republic, RvR style.


I'd also like to see some form of alternative advancement for max level characters, such as Realm Ranks that DAoC has or the Alternate Advancement system that EQ2 has.


If Bioware absolutely has to stick to the quest grind formula, at least have 4 completely different leveling paths, so that we're not redoing the same content on each character.


I cancelled my subscription today and won't buy another MMORPG until one comes out that doesn't revolve around solo quest grinding (ie. one quest hub to the next) to get you to max level. I'd rather go back to the old days of mob camping as a group like in DAoC, than run even 1 more solo side chore, I mean quest.


Quests used to be something that were rare, epic in scope and nature. Think about a quest you read hero's doing in fantasy book novels or a quest done in RPG's made in the late 90's. Even single player RPG's drown you with chore like quests, which drive me to quit even those games.


Another thing SWTOR needs if it's going to remain mostly a solo experience to max level is challenge. Why am I able to easily destroy a group of mobs 3-4 levels above me, regardless of class (I play all 8), or a "STRONG" mob that's 3-4 levels above me. I remember barely making it out alive against a mob of the same level in DAoC.

Edited by XkentuckyboyX
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HOWEVER the MMO experience is terrible on my tiny server of 7-8 people per planet. Torstatus.net tells me we're light-to-standard, but Tat/Alderaan/Taris have all been desolate during evening play. I followed the advice of these boards (my mistake :() and joined a light server during the first week to avoid those nefarious queues - only to have it get so light I see another player maybe once an hour. Rerolling my two+ months away is a rough decision to make just to be able to do heroics and flashpoints.


I for one would vote strongly for a merge of some of these very light servers, but obviously that's a big decision with a ton of dissenting opinions.


Anyway, as much as I enjoy instant access to Arrested Development through Netflix, I'd say the $15 I spend on this provides me with much more entertainment. Now to go create a bounty hunter / caterer and call him Ice...

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