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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I don’t think there needs to be any explanation


Yes there can be improvements, yes I am looking forward to expansions.


But I am subscribed, and I don’t subscribe to games I don’t like

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I wouldn't be wasting my time playing it, or posting about it otherwise. ;)


Actually, the fact people feel so compelled to post negativity about it speaks volumes about how much people actually care about this game. A lot, it seems.

Edited by ProsaicProse
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For the most part no. To keep it simple for the tl;dr people:

Lack of violent interaction between factions

Lack of choices in instances (minus kaon/esseles/bt)

Pvp gear is acceptable in raids

Weekly patches are fine but some critical bugs could have been fixed sooner with a hot fix.

They have no activities for end game players. How about pazaak and swoop races? Get creative, give me something to do other then daily commendations!

Lack of interesting space combat rewards

Most crafting professions are useless.

No UI options or a combat log.

Bad lag on Ilum.

Bad design choices on Ilum so they give up on it and let you get credit in warzones.



Patch 1.2 will be fixing a lot of my gripes but these should have all been implemented at launch. Patience will win the day and I will continue to subscribe to this game. If Bioware continues with their lack of direction then I will reconsider.

Edited by pezdestroyer
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No, I found it to become quite the slog in the mid twenties. Fairly low amount of people on my servers. Too much area for too little to feel is alive. The skill tree is fairly unimaginative, or like the many other games based around a boring little effect leveling system (Hurray! -1.5 seconds less cool down on this skill... etc. etc. Not interesting or intuitive.) Side quests are worthless given that the main quest even exists, why so little time was spent on a focused main quest is beyond me. Things like morality and affection points are terribly arbitrary.


Just all around, aside from all the time put in to make a polished product, the experience is lack luster after the initial enjoyment. It feels like very few chances were made, making fairly little for experienced players to pull out of this aside from the settings and the copy/paste gameplay.


Like has been said before, if you are to compare this with the other MMORPGs of its kind, you would end up objectively with a game that is competitively decent. Yet if you were to put it up against the ilk of single player RPGs, it would feel disjointed, out of focus and as immersive as playing PSO alone. Making games of this type lack the real bite that has been missing for years. KOTOR 3 this is not, and yes I'd still love to get my hands on KOTOR 3.


I get that the OP didn't want the posters to go nuts about comparing it to KAPOW, hence why he asked. Yet it's hard to think of it being necessary to try to keep the elephant out of the room when the cloning job was done at a time where even KAPOW was showing its age. I don't see the point aside from playing it safe, marketing a popular IP, and possibly flooding the very market it's trying to get into itself.


That said, too many systems within this game are poorly implemented/arbitrary to the point of not making sense to even attempt a rebalance or reimplementation. It's a bummer, but I think the Devs should have said somewhere early in the meetings on what type of experience they wanted as an overall. I'm probably wrong thinking they didn't, yet I have a hard time believing they did as I look at the finished product.


Bought the game three weeks ago. Haven't played for a week. Not subscribing anytime soon, but you never know if life can be breathed into even a husk to create a great experience. Hope those of you that enjoy it get something more out of this, but I've put in enough time to feel I got my money's worth. Yet, still feel disappointed I let a friend convince me to purchase this one.

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Looks like the devs got ther e work cut out for them since tehe No's are ruling right now. Looks like we need uopdate on the numbers. I truely hope 1.2 patch fixes a lot of the hate for this game. I love it i said so in post way back 3 threads ago. i still do just wish they fix some of the bugs before 1.2. When characters are stil showing up naked not ifxed at all or fps issue these are issues since beta not fixed.
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m basically done with this broken game ill give a few reasons as to why id like to see someone post a video proving me wrong (if at all possible).


Basically i rolled a Sith assassin and went into the deception tree after watching the character progression (and its completely miss leading) i decided that was my class, I loved the PvE but im a PVP guy and i love to pvp.


Upon hitting lvl 50 back then we could still fight all different levels so i won about 50/50 of my wz's and had a great time some days i won it all and some days id lose basically it was balanced.


lvl 50 bracket was introduced and still no changes had a very good time got my champion gear and now Im working on BM gear.


On Arjun pall (hope i spelt it correctly) the repubs decided lets roll healers (troopers,sages) and group up and go into a wz.


This honestly broke the dam game i can complain about many things starting with deception assassins but really to see myself lose everygame its a known thing on my server now IMPS lose every wz because of healers. If 4-5 troopers play you lost your wz if 7 sages/troopers play you lost your wz


Not only can they insta heal/shield/decent dps they do all these too well without any effort needed and I know many of you will tell me ( reroll a healer) but i dont want to be forced to roll a class i dislike for a game im paying for i mean 7 healers shouldn't be able to out heal any dps we manage to push out AND hurt like hell


Troopers can tank Heal and dish out 4k dmg with a grav round thats not even funny the heals are real fast and we arent even starting to talk about them going biochem and completely utterly breaking the game at that point.


In all these months the game has been released i cannot believe / understand why new content was added and bugs/classes are left broken UP or OP


and for this i say good bye ill try again when 1.2 comes out but nope i cannot enjoy this game seeing broken heals and classes like that there comes a point where enough is enough and hell yea im pissed because i wasted my money to lose every wz played and imperials are now rerolling pubs just because of this its literally destroying my server.



Dont believe me ? roll a imp on my server get lvl 10 go to imperial fleet thats all i hear in general chat. Bioware do somthing fast cuz people are getting sick of this

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The game model is outdated.


It needs all the amenities of a modern game such as dual spec options, performance meters, cross-server LFG, and do-it-yourself free character transfers (or a ready check just for starters).


But a certain portion of the community believes it can bring back their perception of the good old days by keeping TOR an "oldskool" game in those respects.


Supposedly it only needs to maintain 500k subs to stay above water. If that's the case then that shouldn't be a problem since it has such world-class branding.


But its still a bare-bones game in many respects built on an outdated model.


If it was going to be a true story driven game, then there wouldn't be an experience bar. You would have a storyline that once you completed a quest series you "leveled up". Sidequests could be done for gear enhancement, but it would still be about objective completion, not "kiling X number of xenomorphs". I don't know of anybody that likes to "go out and kill 20 pirates, now go out and kill 50 pirates, now go out and kill 3 heavies, ok NOW go out and kill a boss". How about we just skip all that stuff and go kill the boss? Or capture the boss, or foil the assassination, or fix the widget and save the town, or whatever?


Graphically, the game is pretty good with the exception of character modeling needing more diversity. A male character model somewhere between Jude Law and Arnold Scharzenegger (like normal people) would have been nice.


The landscapes and architecture are where I really have to tip my hat. Those things are just exceptional, in my opinion.


The voice-overs are pretty cool. Having said that, once you've seen the same conversation a few dozen times, having a "group skip" option at the start of a FP might be a nice little feature.


The classes make sense. Again, dual-spec capability is just a must-have for me, though. I like to be able to do more than one thing with a character.


I will continue to play, perhaps fairly casually, and see where the game goes. Before I hang up my Raid jersey in other endeavors, however, I'm going to have to see some modernization.

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no. I see so much wasted potential and I have no idea why they seem to have consciously made so many basic design decisions to fail and to me that's tragic. I had believed they had pushed for a Christmas release before they had finished making the game and it was a rushed job, but many comments made regarding the direction they want to take have made it clear that not only was that not the case, but they have little to no intention of rectifying them.


1. The UI. It's hideous. I truly believe if addons were allowed in one night people would put far more effort into customizing their UI than the devs did when they created it.


2. The levelling process. It's so rigid with no flexibility. There is no way to make the choice you want to progress faster and have a more challenging experience or take it slower and experience more on each planet with the trade-off being the fights are easier. The absolute and complete hand-holding experience of having every single thing labelled on the map, mini-map and transport service maps makes it feel more like you're a robot rather than a player. Yet disable the tracking and reading the mission objectives leaves you with little to no (or misleading) information about how to do the missions so you are left with no choice - even after listening to the conversations with subtitles on etc.


3. While they have made such effort with the mission objective tracking, the mail service and the way you can simply click a box and take all attached objects and credits, this mindset seems to apply to nothing else whatsoever in the game, and it strikes me as odd that they even seem opposed to making the gameplay aspect more convenient and enjoyable.


Overall it seems very much like rather than aiming for a subscription long-term mmo they have decided to make a game where you buy, you pay for a few months, hit max level and repeat with as many alts as you want then once you've done it, you stop paying. With that in mind I don't understand why we have to pay a subscription. Even if the out-of-the-box cost was higher, I wouldn't have felt so misled. I know there is content, but as of yet, I have been given no indication whatsoever that it will be a game I could take as a serious way to enjoy dedicating nights to end-game operatives and setting a schedule to play this game, and spend time out of game to maximize my performance as well as in the game to progress further and face challenges. To me, my personal outlook is that I'm in for a nightmare and times of annoying tediousness.


Fact is, allow addons, macros, various in-game functions, things like /roll and readychecks, and even modifier keys people can whinge and debate and find reasons to hate them etc and that's a fact. But without these changes there will still be people begging for them and the forums and community won't magically become some sort of utopian paradise. Instead the only effect is more of the same worsening problem we are seeing in less than 10 weeks of release - less and less people playing the game. In other words, yes the debates will go away and so will the players.


I haven't even seen anyone on from my guild for almost a month. Encounters are snooze-fests, getting groups for flashpoints is almost impossible and "healing intensive" fights can be healed with nothing more than static barrier and resurgence. All this game as told me so far is "buy this game but don't expect it to be your actual game - buy it to be a Jedi or a Sith, come look at the scenery but not only is no effort required you won't be allowed to put any in". And that's tragic. This game had everything an MMO could dream of - a stupendous budget, a ready-created entire GALAXY, a story already known (the basics, anyway) and a planet of fans waiting for the game and not to mention countless other games which had become popular enough to have plenty of information to work out what features work and what don't and what attracts and repells customers.



I won't make any comparisons to wow, but it seems the devs did. To me it sounds like they heard that after cataclysm dropped they lost 2 million subscribers. Yet they seem to have blamed features in the game and chosen to avoid them, and completely not taken into account that wow lost 2 million subscribers overnight the instant power PC support was dropped, which was a massive hit to the Chinese market, and at other times the number of people not paying their subscription and playing is the same as it has been at the same stage of every other expansion. In Rift and other games, same deal. They look at what people seem to be whinging about and not looking at ways to improve on their version or seeing what, how and why the same features were used and enjoyed by so many more people than those complaining. People will get burnt out by any game. With this one it doesn't seem like there's anything to be burnt out by. And that's not a good thing.


Also, I just realized something. I had been wondering how this game could have cost over $500million to make, and just then it hit me. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind the voiced missions and hearing my companions talk etc, but it seems they've paid celebrities to do them. Is that where the majority of the budget went? No offense, but companions voiced by celebrities isn't really what keeps people playing a game. I mean, if you can get it done for cheap, then take the bargain. But if they actually went all out to use celebrity voices, then that's nothing more than a waste.

Edited by Darnu
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In it´s current state, NO. Although I had a serious amount of fun with some group flashpoints and the storyline. Unsubscribed and will be back when/if the below disappointments are gone:


Early on I expected a fantastic space flight experience, like in good old X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter times, but even better with huge multiplayer space battles and missions. And a LVL 50 "Deathstar Trench-like" experience, close to Star Wars Episode IV.


Got disappointed.


I expected huge planets to explore, not "Maps". Exhaustion zones and invisible lines?


Got disappointed.


I expected living, breathing worlds with day/nighttime changes and weather conditions, like any recent Rockstar game, e.g. Red Dead Redemption.


Got disappointed.


I expected planets populated by huge numbers of players, and a housing possibility. Also, all players in the SAME world, not seperated over countless instances and servers, which are now deserted. I hoped this would be "massive multiplayer", not "10 guys on my planet multiplayer".


Got disappointed.


I expected "Skyrim"-like, more life-like graphics


Got disappointed.


I expected great enemy AI and enemies acting more natural, not just standing around in groups waiting to be killed.


Got disappointed.


I expected my companion and fellow player would sit in my two-seated taxi when I am using it.


Got disappointed.


I expected a more smooth experience, cool rendered transitions when I travel or land somewhere instead of black screens, mediocre low-framerate game engine animation, a dull loading screen or a chat bubble (!!), when I open the door of my spaceship to land it. :confused:


Got disappointed.


I expected a really cool animation for going into hyperspace, and the feeling to "explore the known or perhaps unknown universe", some Privateer- or EVE like trading. Having the opportunity to manually fly my space ship to other planets. Being able to enter orbit or docking on to space stations.


Got VERY, VERY disappointed.



What I did NOT expect:


I did no expect that every single repetitive side mission needs full voiceovers, ressources should have gone elsewhere.




I pretty much feel like this guy. So disappointing. How does Bioware mess up a Star Wars game honestly ><

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No they need to greatly improve the amount of stuff for guilds, the game feels to much like an RPG with a multiplayer mode MMO means massive multiplayer online which pretty much means doing stuff with your guild not by yourself 80% of the time and with 2 to 3 other people the other 20% of the time
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No I don't, they could add

1. Guildmail.

2. The ability to que for specific warzones.

3. Get rid of the orbital stations ( it's a pain to run thru a sp go down a elevator to your ship, fly to another planet, then run thru a orbital station to land on the planet. SWG had better sp's)

4. Player housing other than the ship, maybe player cities with guildhalls.

5. Space, the rail system is just lame and so 80's

6. A voice chat channel where you can talk to ur guild or group..

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Just waiting for new operations group content other than Soa and Karagga, since guild ops group I run with achieved Unyielding title last week. We help our guild members with normal ops, but when does the large-raid-group content arrive?


Also, I thought I would include this quote since it rings true for me...


The game model is outdated.


It needs all the amenities of a modern game such as dual spec options, performance meters, cross-server LFG, and do-it-yourself free character transfers (or a ready check just for starters).


But a certain portion of the community believes it can bring back their perception of the good old days by keeping TOR an "oldskool" game in those respects.


Supposedly it only needs to maintain 500k subs to stay above water. If that's the case then that shouldn't be a problem since it has such world-class branding.


But its still a bare-bones game in many respects built on an outdated model.


If it was going to be a true story driven game, then there wouldn't be an experience bar. You would have a storyline that once you completed a quest series you "leveled up". Sidequests could be done for gear enhancement, but it would still be about objective completion, not "kiling X number of xenomorphs". I don't know of anybody that likes to "go out and kill 20 pirates, now go out and kill 50 pirates, now go out and kill 3 heavies, ok NOW go out and kill a boss". How about we just skip all that stuff and go kill the boss? Or capture the boss, or foil the assassination, or fix the widget and save the town, or whatever?


Graphically, the game is pretty good with the exception of character modeling needing more diversity. A male character model somewhere between Jude Law and Arnold Scharzenegger (like normal people) would have been nice.


The landscapes and architecture are where I really have to tip my hat. Those things are just exceptional, in my opinion.


The voice-overs are pretty cool. Having said that, once you've seen the same conversation a few dozen times, having a "group skip" option at the start of a FP might be a nice little feature.


The classes make sense. Again, dual-spec capability is just a must-have for me, though. I like to be able to do more than one thing with a character.


I will continue to play, perhaps fairly casually, and see where the game goes. Before I hang up my Raid jersey in other endeavors, however, I'm going to have to see some modernization.


Oh, just remembered this... Ops group loot on normal mode: should not be auto-loot, I have sold to vendor more Tionese/exotech/ect pieces than I care to remember. Instead, have a player-roll round... nobody needs... companion-roll round for that item, since you are unable to see what your companions are wearing, also would need companion-gear comparison (since you are prevented from summoning companions in ops groups).


Though, imagine the possibilities if an 8-man ops group all summon a companion and they 16-man an operation. This may go a long way towards improving ops-group game play, since often someone drops ISP connection or a different group makeup is needed.

Edited by Holytoe
patch1.2 Better Be Freakin Awesome
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I vote YES Maybe the game need some changes, but i'll wait for them and give BW a chance before start to compare this game to other mmo that have years, SWTOR only have a few months and i think the game its not bad.


sorry for my english >.>

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I hoped that what I missed from the start would be be talked about, if not implemented by now. The only thing keeping me in the game now, is that I don't want to let my guildies down and I have a couple of characters locked/paired with them. When I hit 50 with my toons I might have changed opinion, but I doubt it. There is one thing that is talked about that I wanted, I want more slots for alts.

  • The ability to play with people on a different level. No I don't count following a friend who is 15 level higher and clearing my quests for me as "playing with", neither do I consider being the +15 level friend as playing with. As I see it, the only way I can play with people I know now is
    • Pair two toons, so you only play them together to stay in level with each other.
    • Be lucky, so you have toons within a reasonable level distance.
    • Do end game together, which I a) Can't since I have no level 50 and b) has never been interested in.

    [*]Dynamic instances, an instance that is made so that it's doable solo get very easy if you play with someone.

    [*]The feel that the game was heading towards End game and PvP play, and I am interested in neither. I want more choices during leveling, more quests on the planets (preferably quests that exclude one another to keep xp as it is and making me want to play a planet more than once to see it all).

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