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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Yes, but as with all MMOs, there is room for improvement. Add a LFG tool (yes cross server, yes teleport, yes automatically make groups) would be a step in the right direction.


Disclaimer: This is my opinion. It in no way reflects your opinion (it might, but it is not intended to). Any dissenting opinions are okay, but will most likely not be read by me.

Edited by Jederix
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the game is good. I like it, worth the money except in one area....


datacrons.... getting them. I signed on for an RPG not super mario brothers. No way is getting them story based, it is twitch based.... totally goes against the grain of everything else in the game.

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No. Not enough of the "sandbox" element. I could go on and on as to what I would personally like to see, but for the most part its WAY too much of a single player/co op for me.


Will be ending my sub soon, but will keep an eye out to see if anything changes.

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My vote is NO!


Then why whe stand here yet?


Because whe have hope... Sadly mine is going down...


Sems to me i playing a beta game... Seriously... This game have a HUGE time to be developed, to show this level of bugs.


I cannot say if the game is die or not, i can only supose. But i can say, my guild mates slowly leaving the game, from 19 in begin of the game whe have only 6 now... This is a fact.

And the worst part? I didn't see any real improvement, is like the developers have abandoned us an let only the trainees. I fill like i'm betrayed, i leave a game with mostly part of my guildmates to encounter this...

Rest to me only wait and pray, for now...

Edited by Ebueno
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A friendly question to the guys above me: You do realize that it yet says "Launched!" on this website?


I'm not trying to shove my opinion on someone here I am just a tad curious to what people expect. If this game is half as good as the leading brand on launch, wouldn't you say that is a really good job?


Expectations are so extremely high so I wonder if some might drift of to what is a bit unrealistic at some points.


Just my 2 cents.

Edited by TapSumBatt
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Truthfully no,


Everything here has been done before, EVERYTHING.


Many of the bells and whistles that I love from other games aren't available and may not ever be available.


I think that the more that you add to a game the more people that you can make happy, the better. Minimilists, can choose not to use addons or macros, while people who like bells and whistles can use the crutch. Either way, people should be happy.


Space was a huge disappointment.


Stylized artwork is intended to be friendly for a broad range of systems, but there is something lacking, if you ever watch your character standing still, there is nothing really going on there, I want some attitude, expression.


Its a little grindy, forget that, its a lot grindy.


I could go on and and on, breaking down, but lets build up.


I have seen a lot of games at start, SWTOR was a lot less rocky than many or most, including the game that I shall not name.


Bioware has commited that they are continuing to add content, that is good enough for me to take it on faith, it buys them some time. Ballpark, I would guess until about June 19.


My closing thought is this, KOTOR was a masterpiece. But everything that made that game great was lost in the transition, find it, please.

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The downside: The game has been developed for a long period of time to see as a result a lot of copies; classes are copies of other classes (leaving only graphical illusions of some class distinction. All classes have heal, cc, buff, dps, tanking, etc... doesn't really matter what class you're choosing apart for a few exceptions), skills are mirrored by other skills tree of the opposite side (it'll get worse with the new legacy system when your bounty hunter will force choke a Jedi, thus getting away from class specification and getting closer to jacks-of-all-trade), companions has potential but seems underestimated, missions are repetitive, it takes a very short time to level to 50 (might be a good news for some people, but for me, it only brings the ending taste, especially when your pvping since level 10!)


The upside: with a little tweak to my client .ini, the graphics are awesome. The missions animations have a + value and some storylines are great. Playing dark side is very depressing, which is a good thing :)


Ketzal on Krayt

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Hit max level without that much effort, and then ran out of stuff to do. Crafting system is a joke. In game customer service is lacking. 1.2 is to little, to late, my sub runs out in 35 days, and as of right now, not planning on keeping it going. Haven't even played in weeks.

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NO...the game is more or less a waste of time right now.

I'll see what 1.2 brings and make my final decision whetever I stay or not.


PvP is UTTERLY retarded.

An awful stunfest dominated by overpowered sneaky's and force users.


Crafting/gathering is nearly non-existant.

Gather some completely random stuff that may be logic to use in creating the stuff.

Gathering nodes are a nightmare, gathering missions are even worse...totally random.


Clone Wars.

Everyone looks exactly the same.


Not even a Theme Park, it's a dull rollercoasterride.

You're strapped into a seat and just have to try and enjoy the ride...but you can't do anything yourself, the game leads your hand from one place to the other...NO choice.


Insanely static world.

I've saved countless people on multiple worlds, I've blown up SO much stuff to make the empire go bankrupt.

I've destroyed several superweapons, killed super high ranking imperials and kidnapped a general.

As soon as I get out of that instance...NOTHING...EVER...HAPPENED.


Space missions.

Some people love tunnel fighters....others loathes it.


End game content.

Zip, zero, nada....it's just a mindless grind of the same dailies, flashpoints and operations over and over and over again.


Light side VS Dark side.

Works great on paper...but fails in practice...wrecks immersion with non-logical gains of certain points connected to answers.

Restricts the player more than it offers.


Social stuff.

Hehe...oh my...same as Light VS Dark...works on paper...not in practice.

You're forced into grouping with others grinding missions containing ALOT of cinematics and choices.

Give us other social stuff to do, like sitting down in a chair in the cantina forexample.


Skills, abilities and specs.

Waaay too many abilities that only gets a couple of improvements, some abilities are completely ignored (Explosive Round from Trooper forexample).

Some of the trees looks like they're just slapped together just to add a third tree.


.....just to name a few.

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The potential is there, the casual player base is there, and with the assumed information of 1.2 on the horizon. Within in the first quarter of release i believe BW has done a pretty decent job. Sure a lot of problem still exsists, however, thats the beuty of an MMO. We will see solutions to these problems over time.


Keep in mind, at most, we spend less than that of a good meal to play this game as much as we want (outside of maintenance) a month. Perspective is quite enlightening.


ill be stepping off my soapbox for now

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I wanted to love this game. Honestly, I only stuck around for as long as I did because it was Star Wars and Bioware.


The "honeymoon" period was over at around a month and a half. I stayed until now hoping for massive fixes. It hasn't been enough to keep me interested (I just stopped logging on). At the current rate of updates, I may revisit in a year or so, maybe.


I'm leaving disapointed with a :(


Best of luck Bioware!



*Haven't logged on in about 3 weeks.

*Have 7 days left on my sub

*Wish I didn't buy this last month sub.

*Haven't Posted in over a month (until this post)

*Came to watch the 1.2 patch video and my first response was "meh".


I do want to give major props to Bioware with how responsive they've tried to be with the community. The game was fun at first because it was a new experience. It just didn't turn into a sustainable experience.

Edited by NaddaGamer
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after the initial excitement of playing the game it quickly got old. The game doesn't have enough player driven content to be long lasting. The content is all predetermined and scripted so it's the same every time and there's nothing to brighten the day like launching an attack on a rebel base. In short the game is set up in such a way that even though there are a lot of players those players can't do anything outside of perform a few scripted actions.


For example a 50 can only PvE spam Hardmodes for gear or PvP spam warzones and there's nothing to break up the monotony so it quickly loses its apeal.


Also another downer. Nothing ever changes. I feel like there's no reason to log on because I feel like nothing I do has an impact be that in questing/PvP/Raiding/Flashpoints. The only thing I had to really look forward to was the central story (lets face it the side quests sucked) and once the class story was over it got boring very fast.

Edited by Xenedus
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No. That may change depending on how well 1.2 turns out. Lots of exciting stuff in there. Many issues with the game currently though. I'll just keep it brief with one.


Currently my biggest issue is the lack of visual quality in SWTOR. That covers the lack of quality textures (we still won't be getting the cinematic texture quality in their high resolution texture update), the lack of quality armor and weapon art (That could either be from poor decisions as to what items make it into the game, or how it is rendered. I've seen great quality concept art for armor.), and the lack of visual customization. This last bit ranges from clone companions, to repetitive armor visuals (I can count on one hand the number of distinct "looks" for a Sith Inquisitor, for example). Add to that fact that currently most armor and weapons cannot be modded and you have everyone looking the same. Fortunately they said they're working on that.. but there it is.


Last but certainly not least: the character creator is ATROCIOUS


I was, admittedly, never a fan of Bioware's choice of art style concerning SWTOR. I still am not.. but I could look past that if the visuals were quality for what they are.

Edited by Gaff
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I like it so far, and I see plenty of room for improvement, but I also see the potential this game has, give it a year and I think people will be pleasantly surprised. ;)


I think this is what has people so angry. If it needs a year to be good why is it out now? More importantly why should we be paying for a game that won't be good for a year?


The game was forced out the door. By paying for an unfinished product we only reinforce this practice. As a player in the long-run it is in my best interest NOT to encourage this practice.


Lots of business people have been saying SWTOR is the last big-budget MMO. If this is what we can expect from big budget MMOs is that really a bad thing?

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A message to the OP: not sure how active you are still with this thread, but I'd be interested in seeing you pose this same question again after 1.2. Assuming that the majority of the features Bioware has claimed to be in 1.2 actually ship on time, I think there may be quite a few people who have voted who may need to reconsider their vote. Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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