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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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As opposed to the general tone of my opinions on the game, I do like it.

SWtOR has successfully filled the the mmo void for me and holds the unquestioned No.:1 position.


I've had better raiding experiences in the past etc. but this won't come back.

I'm interested to see how our SW game will evolve and I want to be a part of this process.

Edited by Avenox
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There are some things that I really need - for example pazaak/sabacc, Legacy System (is coming!) or better Ilum pvp system - but the game have everything I wanted: good story, fun gameplay, Star Wars and... good story[2].

Edited by Apophis_
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I enjoy the game more than I've enjoyed an MMO in years though perhaps that's just the shiny new paint.

  • The companion system is great.
  • I enjoy the new approach to crafting.
  • Combat animations are fluid and interesting.
  • PvP is unexpectedly a blast (I expected nothing out of this game in regard to PvP)
  • The story is great, I've never been anywhere near this impressed by an MMO's story.
  • Group chat dialogue is fun.


There are many things missing which I hope will be added in the days to come, but yeah at the moment SWTOR is in competition for the most enjoyable MMO I've ever played.

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As a Scoundrel, I don't like the current state of the game.

-We're waiting for damage boost and some utility, and for some bugs to get fixed ("effect condition failed" bug on backblast, overpowered stealth detection of bosses and some mobs, K.O. delay after Shoot First). Also, Disappearing Act should grant immunity to stealth breaking for a few seconds. Lack of developer response is only making things worse.


-It feels like the game was released before it was complete. I've seen game breaking bugs in operations and hm flashpoints. It's like they never tested the content. (can't say it's not getting better though)


My play time is ending soon (10 days remaining as of today). I'll probably not extend it. I don't want to level any alts either.


I'm Trying to get a diablo3 beta key these days but I realized I was too late. Keeping an eye on guild wars 2 btw.

Edited by Mangetsu
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Still fence sitting, though leaning toward No with what I heard this week.


Why I will leave:


#1 Reason - Anything Bioware does or does not do that causes a significant decline in populations, as I play this game to have fun with my friends while making new ones. A little open ended, but I think you get the point. If my server feels dead and my friends quit, I will too.


Personal Top 3


#1 - Performance issues, while much improved, still needs work. If it continues to improve, this won't be an issue for me. However if performance stagnates or regresses, it will become a major negative.


#2 - Lack of cross-server LFG. I'll give the same sever one a chance, but come on, PVP players can already queue from anywhere, get matched with a random group, and be auto ported to the warzone, and have cross-server pools coming soon - so why is this same feature to queue not available to players who would rather do PVE content?


#3 - Substandard feature set for a 2012 MMO offering. I am not impressed by having a personal combat details I can parse offline and out of game. I'm not impressed that in a few months I might be able to resize and move some of the UI elements. I'm not impressed with guild tools that go from a group chat system to a group chat and shared bank system. This is all basic 101 stuff, I want to see some creativity here, new stuff, better stuff, not 'hey look we are going to add another feature that every game in the last five years already has' stuff.

Edited by DawnAskham
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YES. I'm really enjoying the game, even made severals alts of each of the 8 classes, so I'll be playing for quite a long time.

BUT I do really expect bioware can improve the game in the long run. Many successful mmo's died due to lack of updates and complacency.

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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?



No talk about/comparison to WoW.


No arguing/provoking others. You get your say, everyone else gets their say too.


No fighting. If someone annoys you, IGNORE THEM. You have your opinion, they have theirs.


No fanboyism and/or hater banter.




Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of many players with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.


















LAST UPDATED: February 20, 2012




(Responses to "Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?"):



765 SWTOR players voted NO.


700 SWTOR players voted YES.


108 individuals are Undecided/Unclear.



CLICK HERE to view pie-chart.

Each vote is counted by hand 3-5 times, ensuring accuracy.











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  • Click HERE to go to thread #2.

This thread is the best thread on the forums because everyone did their part to keep it troll free. Thank you, everyone. Let's keep it going.


no, i do not like the game in its current state. the hype leading upto the release was better than the game itself. after the 20th of march i wont even be resubbing :)

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no, it lacks depth in end game content


Name one MMO that didn't lack end game content at launch. Can't include WoW, because it lacked end game content too. So what you're saying is, that you won't be re-subscribing because you don't have patience to wait for more content to be added. Should probably not play mmo's anymore.

Edited by ReynoldsCK
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This game needs the following to be great IMO:


1. A true hybrid sandbox/themepark. As of now its all themepark.


2. Better Avatar creation with custom sliders for face and body


3. Player housing - Real player housing, not a glorified port system


4. Interactive furniture


5. RP friendly - we have ZERO tools, see above. BW/EA wont even enforce thier own name policy making the RP servers very non RP conductive.

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Unsubbed as has about 90% of my 200 person guild.


Reasons are as follow


PvP -


Ilum is a screaming nightmare of 2 fps and this is on a myriad of different machines from budget to £3000 monster rigs and from 3mbps connections to 100 fibre ones - it makes absolutely no difference. There is one person in my entire guild that gets more than 10 fps on Ilum. Add that to random crashes, stutters and disconnects its just unplayable.


Ilum design is horrible and the landscape is awful, nothing to fight over, no point other than zerg vs zerg which gets very old, very quick. Thats if you can see anything in the first place.


WZ's are fun(ish) up to level 50. After 50 its just a monotonous grind. If I play another game of Huttball I may vomit




End game raids are bugged to hell and back, uninspired loot, uninspired mechanics.

Levels of difficulty are broken and makes no sense.


Voice acting is good, until you realise that virtually whatever choice you make has absolutely no difference in the end.


I hate the majority of my companions, awful charactarisation and some are just downright useless.



I could go on and on in depth but.... Basically this is a 200 Million Dollar "Also ran", its also a crying shame.

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Name one MMO that didn't lack end game content at launch. Can't include WoW, because it lacked end game content too. So what you're saying is, that you won't be re-subscribing because you don't have patience to wait for more content to be added. Should probably not play mmo's anymore.


It doesn't matter that others didn't have content at launch either, ToR (and the other MMO's to follow) has to compete with ones that do right here, right now and thats what ALL the game devs from multiple other companies are missing. You HAVE to put in masses of end game content on launch or else we'll be going around this buoy for ever having the same argument.


Other wise all that is going to happen is the genre is going to stagnate and lots will just give up playing MMO's altogether.

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YES though i've only just hit 50. This may change if the grind, end game is sub par.


I can only talk about my experience, which has been pvp, space missions and some solo questing.


The story line and voice acting of quests was fantastic, I am hoping this translates when I start leveling an alt and that I don't get bored running the same treadmill.


I missed out a lot when leveling as I was mainly pvping and doing space missions, I only did the first flash point and a couple of +2/+4 quests as they seemed to be a pain to get going.


Tie fighter is one of my all time favourite games, I was hoping the space combat would be excellent, on rails mission whilst ok was a big disappointment.


Things I would change:


Space ports and travel - It becomes a blocker to doing content when it takes 10 minutes, multiple zones and taxi rides to get to where the action is.


PVP - On the whole it was great sub 50, though there could be more bracketing of levels.

- More medals for healers, whilst you've addressed the valor issue, you still look like you are slacking when you get 4 compared to 9 that dps characters can get

- Issues with speeder bikes not re-appearing and being booted should be looked at


Auction House - The ui and cost of placing items meant I looked at it once and haven't since. The whole auction house can be a sub game in itself in other games, disturbingly lacking in a modern mmo


Space missions - I was always excited when I got access to a new space mission, only to be crushed when it was an exact copy of an older mission with harder enemies.


LFG tools - It needs to be more than just spamming chat, the wow tool whilst meaning that people were less forgiving in their groups after queueing was a lot preferable to not doing missions.


There are some minor environmental issues where you can become trapped in geometry or where vendors and objects fail to appear, though I put these down to teething issues.

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No.. fix the bugs in raid zones for god sakes.. 80% of my guild has pretty much quit at this point because raiding is a joke.


Why would a guild even do 16 mans anyway? There is no point.. In fact, there's no point in even posting this. They havent fixed it yet, and I doubt they ever will. "working as intended".. Just like a couple of the Ilum dailies..

Edited by Warbringer
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Yes, but its not because I'm okay with everything in the game atm, but rather future potential is high. If Bioware can keep coming out with quality/content updates like 1.2 I'll be here for awhile. I hope that, even if they don't allow addons/mods, that they'll allow reskinning of the UI at least. :D
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NO, It's honestly ridiculous that we have to pay a subscription every month. This game was obviously unfinished on release. Almost 3 months in and we still can't attack targets that are right in front of us? Its pathetic. Not to mention the THOUSANDS of random crashes that plague your player base on a daily bases... again... PATHETIC. You should have waited to release and just got it finished, instead you pushed it out the door, I for one will be leaving the game, as have alot of people already. You might say "We are working on it", but that doesn't change the fact that your player base is dying by the hour. Pretty soon you wont have any players to fix anything for. Bioware if you don't get your act together you will have another failed MMO, just like so many before you.
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