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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Just cancelled sub.


Far to linear, both game world and character customizastion.

Far too repetetive repetetive repetetive repetitive.

Far too empty (last 3 planets had consistently < 10 total pop, usually just 4 or 5 of us.)


SWG was a poor game but in reflection was better than this. At least it attempted something different.


And £9/month. Thats just rude.

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1. World - Game world have so many potential but it look so artificial and boring.

a) Weather changing - put weather changes and effects on planets. You can make some really cool and unique weather storms etc. on some planets. Leaves falling etc.

b) Day/night cycle

c) More NPC - put more interesting NPC's and NPC's vehicles, NPC side quest and mini stories.

Make world more colourful and more alive

d)Change the same dull bases, ports, same looking and c/p layout caves and buildings. Make more interesting camps and cities. I don't think empire must have only 2 coloured cities and buildings.

e)Critters - put more critters to make world more alive. Some flying thing. Some mouse like things emerging from sand and doing their own thing on Tatooin while you walking by...

f)Make ad billboards animated (and maybe funny or informational like in mass effect) and more flying taxis/cars which are occupying sky in large cities. We need to believe that this is large city or

large planet with billions of people. Put more cities on some planets. More sounds, live screens etc.

g)Put faction bases and cities on world. For example you do quest in that base or city you gain their reputation and make negative reputation whit other faction. Then you open part of planet map(city, base, camp etc.)

for that faction only. So next time you play you can try other faction quests. That way the planet is not boring and same for you every time.

h) Why whole planet need to be same? One is destroyed city. Can't you put there part where is new rebuild city, part where there is something else maybe something new?


Surprise us. I don't won't to come on planet and play hours and hours on same grass to visit cave which is same as every other cave in game, to go in same looking city/base/camp and than go to same spaceport/dock

where are same 20 people in uniforms just standing there doing nothing... Make more atmospheric and unique parts of planets and ships. Why can't we see that Mass effect creativity in this game?


2. Game play - It's satisfying but it could be so much better. Fights are boring. Make them more active for players.

a) Questing - If you decided to put the same routine for quest you didn't have to bore writing story for them. It's the same. Go there (often killing a large number of enemies you already killed 5 times).

Kill many of enemies on same looking locations(and you can really tell in advance that there will be, for example, 3 easy enemies, than one easy and one with blue star, than one with yellow star, and than same over and

over again) just to do something for quest. I know action is big part of game and important. But can't you do something that it don't look like you just randomly put same groups of enemies on map and i have to pass

by them to do something. Can't there be some triggering events and more different and dynamic quests? And why have large cities when you have 3 quest givers and 3 quest to do in them? And they are basically empty.


b) Story quest zones- That parts are instanced so why not make that your choices in story matter and make them unique to your choices?


c) More things to do beside questing. Why not make pod races? Where you can compete in pod arenas, earn pod parts and build your own pods? And race against time and npc in other pod game mods.

You have this large casino and it's empty. Put inside pazzak rooms, sw chess rooms, and some other creative mini games and gambling so we can spend our credits and make fun in game. Bring unique pets

and pets quest... You have so many companions and you don't have many interesting companion stories and quest (like in mass effect).


d)Race - I don't like them. They are all humanoids with no race bonuses or any reason to try them all. Make robot races, aliens of different sizes etc. And make them more customisable. Some people like to

customise they characters, and like to have them unique and cool. Like little jawas with big guns and something like that. Maybe bring race story quest lines?


e)Build factions on each side so we can be like Sith warrior working for imperial agency or sith warrior working for Hutts.


f)Class tree - It's so old concept and boring. It would be better if you get all bonuses of your advanced class and your specialisation in advance, when you chose them; and unlock their basic abilities as you level. Than

to chose 5 times during your level up for example one from 3 unique ability. And they are your strongest ability and you use them in your "build" alongside with few basic class abilities.That way you could use

only several abilities. Now you have so many of them and everybody have the same. That way you could do your build for pvp, pve groups, more self survival etc.


g) Space exploration, space battles, space pvp, space quests, modding and changing spaceships....


3. Other things:

a) Interface - It looks very old, ugly and it's not user friendly or customisable, and colours are terrible

b) Some other bad things and/or not existing: friend list, galactic trade network, chat, filters, combat logs, armor customisation, server balance, empty servers...

Edited by Worfius
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Unfortunately, no. I really want to though.



1) World is too static and too linear. The planets don't feel alive. Everything is far too static, from mobs not moving around a lot, to the skyboxes, to every planet feeling so disconnected from each other that it doesn't feel like an MMO.


2) PvP - Warzones are pretty good. Expertise is a joke. And Illum needs help, needs more objectives, reasons to split people up, etc


3) Crafting - feels there is no point in any of the crafts except Biochem.


4) Companions - A lot of the companions personalities are lacking. I also wish we had more options with them and even more quests and better AI. (Personally, I'd like to have the option to not use my companion and not feel like I am gimping myself while doing it.)


5) Performance - SWTOR makes my computer run extremely hot (around 80-90C) and my FPS is rarely above 30FPS.


6) Scoundrel - healing as a scoundrel is a joke and needs to be fixed.




- the worst Chat system ever (ffs i have to add to FList to see lvl and class ***)




rofl No you don't.

Edited by Aramyth
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No. Not a true MMO in any sense. Cramped, closed instanced environments with heavy sharding combined with lack of any meaningful progression, dead worlds, ease/lack of content, missing basic features and a variety of other things leave this game 5 years behind.


The worst part is, they want you to shell out 15$ a month for it. What a joke. This game would have been much better if it was B2P because at least all these inadequacies could be somewhat justified.

Edited by Esaru
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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?



No talk about/comparison to WoW.


No arguing/provoking others. You get your say, everyone else gets their say too.


No fighting. If someone annoys you, IGNORE THEM. You have your opinion, they have theirs.


No fanboyism and/or hater banter.




Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of many players with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.


















LAST UPDATED: February 20, 2012




(Responses to "Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?"):



765 SWTOR players voted NO.


700 SWTOR players voted YES.


108 individuals are Undecided/Unclear.



CLICK HERE to view pie-chart.

Each vote is counted by hand 3-5 times, ensuring accuracy.











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A total of 1500+ people have voted in this thread so far.

This is currently thread #3 out of 3. If you would like to view the other two threads, please select from the following links according to your desire:

  • Click HERE to go to the original thread (thread #1).
  • Click HERE to go to thread #2.

This thread is the best thread on the forums because everyone did their part to keep it troll free. Thank you, everyone. Let's keep it going.


I like it could use alot of improvements :). Its great game though :)

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No. Not a true MMO in any sense. Cramped, closed instanced environments with heavy sharding combined with lack of any meaningful progression, dead worlds, ease/lack of content, missing basic features and a variety of other things leave this game 5 years behind.


The worst part is, they want you to shell out 15$ a month for it. What a joke. This game would have been much better if it was B2P because at least all these inadequacies could be somewhat justified.


This is true but hey its only 14 bucks :) month i can see me paying 125 month for cable bill :).

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This is true but hey its only 14 bucks :) month i can see me paying 125 month for cable bill :).


Yeah, it's not a whole lot of money but I think that's besides the point. For a game of this quality (or lack thereof), having to pay 15$ a month ontop of the 60$ box price is unacceptable.

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No, im missing stuff to do

like decorating my ship with loot or hanging out with imperials camping some starport (pvp)

or doing some exotic secret quests/ loot gather

and i dont like the looks of the gear available atm and its options in customization

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More pros then cons. It's only a few months into release, and games this big generally do not start out very strong after the first month.


I feel that the game will get better.


In the current state.... Yes, but that doesn't mean that things don't need to be fixed.



Things I find that need to be fixed, but some are known issues.


FPS issue for all systems (even "uber" computers)

Mid-level Sith Marauder... fails (I can only sometimes take on a silver enemy.... or maybe I'm just fail)


Well... That actually isn't that much :p So you bet your *********** *** that I vote yes!



NOTE: I haven't reached endgame, but it is very very appealing.

Edited by DarthAegis
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Yes I do. Flashpoints are a little stale, but leveling, questing, and the story is a blast. Just add space combat and I will sub for a very long time =D


Agreed. But I take it you don't like Space combat?

Edited by reaperkeepet
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Too many quality of life/convenience features missing. Releasing an mmo in late 2011 without cross server, dungeon tool, dual spec, and the likes was an insult to my intelligence. Gave them a couple months to implement at least some of those mandatory stuff and they did NOTHING, apparently they got their to do/fix priority list all wrong. I won't resub until everything i want is patched in, i just hope people (myself included) will still be interested in the game by then but i wouldn't be so sure...

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I read this statement over and over, scratched my head a couple times... Then I came to the conclusion: da hell? Last time I checked large worlds were a GOOD thing. No idea who wants a small world. I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE the huge areas. Do you know how many times I have litterily stopped to look at a ancient Sith statue, or a beautiful scenery of Hoth, Tatooine, Balmorra, Alderaan and many others? Sillwy wittle wabbit.


Huge IS nice, but IMHO it's very very empty when I play and spending more time traveling than progressing IS a problem.

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this is not a very good mmo.


i find it very hard to believe that they spent as much as they claim to make this piece of garbage.


well how about giving them some ideas to improve the game instead of calling it Garbage the game is good.. It just came out give it chance i sure it will improve later:/

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No i don't, i'm bored, there is nothing to do except for raids, and they are easy clearable in 2 days, so i've nothing to do for the rest of the week and stay log off... this make me focus my attention to other games :\
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YES!!! I am enjoying the game a great deal! :jawa_smile:


For me, I really enjoy Bioware's stories. I always have. What makes a story great, I believe, are the characters. So far, for me, these would be the characters in the female Sith Warrior's epic and the Imperial Agent. I've completed the story for the warrior and it was fantastic.


I can't decide which planet I like best. Dromund Kaas is gorgeous because I like dark, rainy nights and it seems to be an eternal event there. Balmorra is really pretty - s'got flowers. hehe :D Ilum is breathtaking. I've always wanted to run around on Hoth.


Everyone did a great job on this game. The artwork in the entire game is beautiful!! The voice acting is superb. There are a lot of fun lines in the game that have me giggling to myself, just as there were in previous Bioware games. I haven't scratched the surface of SWTOR, there is so much that I haven't seen as I went grinding through the warrior's story. I absolutely adore Malavai Quinn. Mr. Teverson's voice is *perfect*. //happy sigh//


Often, as I'm running through the worlds, I can't help thinking to myself: "I find the lack of music ...disturbing..." I know that there is music *in* the game, and what is there is beautiful. (Balmorra's is my favorite.) I just wish there was a bit *more* of it. I know that some folks may find music that repeats annoying to some degree, however I have to say that one of the things that kept me in a particular MMO for 7 years was actually the music - which I would keep on "repeat". I would occasionally visit parts of the world just to hear pieces of music that are not on the soundtracks currently released. I may be a really rare bird in this regard, however I thought I'd mention it, because I really enjoy SWTOR.


I would like to put in my personal bid for Jawas as a playable race, please!! *We* would know who we are!!! (Even if we all look alike, for the most part!!) :jawa_wink:


Thank you so much for creating this game!!



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Current, no.


However, up until my entire guild unsubbed/stopped playing and the server started to drop in population it was fun.


I had worries in BETA that most of people that I played with in other MMO's ( but not THAT other one, I never liked it personally :p) would only last 3 months, I was wrong, it was less than 3 months.


I feel I have gotten my money's worth, but don't feel another 15 is in the cards currently.


To OP: I don't remember if I actually posted my vote before this or not. I apologize if I have already.

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I got my main to 50, i've 3 alts at 30 ish

I have no reason to log onto my main, and i've seen most of the story lines before now.

Unsubbed now, it's a shame because the first few weeks were awesome, but it feels more like a single person game atm

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