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Healers are OP


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I'm gonna call ******** on this. You cannot tank 2 dps focused on you. Unless they are real bad. I'm talking really bad. The only reason you are possibly staying alive during such encounters is perhaps you have a guard, or another healer healing you at the same time.


Maybe you're just a bad healer.

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I have absolutely no issue killing ANY healing in the game...period. Sage / Sorc die quickly once I catch them (yeah...they are good at running, but they have to stop healing their team to accomplish it). Merc/Commando give me a bit more trouble if their blue bubble is off cooldown...I simply stop dps until it goes away to make sure I have the energy to burst once their cooldown is gone, again, no issues. Op/Scoundral, these can be a pain with all the instant casts, but the key is to interrupt underworld medicine (not sure what IA version is) and all they have is that instant cast, either way they aren't healing their team so mission accomplished again.


I easily kill healers with my DPS scoundral, my DPS guardian and my DPS BH. And if I can't burst them before they heal themselves to full...they sure aren't healing anyone else, which means they are now useless to their team and it takes a tank and/or another dps to come save them, which means as the healer is running away spamming himself trying to survive...I have no effectively take 2-3 of the opposing team out of the fight by myself because most healers run AWAY from the fighting to try to save themselves, not towards it.

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My main is a 50 Seer...and is certainly not OP. Healers are targeted almost every cast, so it is very helpful to have a reliable rear guard. And since there are usually just 1 or 2 per WZ, once one of us is defeated, all enemies target the other healer. OP? Hardly. We certainly don't need a nerf.
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Commando/Mercenary can do it.

Operative/Scoundrel can do it.

Sage/Sorceror can do it.


They all have multiple heals, multiple CC's, and can keep themselves up against 3 targets, especially when Expertise is in the picture that not only heightens defense, but heightens power by percentages, which is a multiplier on an already stacked +power,+alacrity gearset.


I stopped assuming you knew what you were talking about when you said Alacrity stacking is a problem. Alacrity is absolute garbage in PvP for Mercs and Ops, and any healer worth their salt will replace those mods with power and/or crit.


Healing as a whole is fine. Sorcs are OP.

Edited by raelimar
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What people doesnt seem to look... its that a healer wont queue alone (most of them), they will make a premade (either with clanmates or some friends they met), and a healer with a bit of tanking is GODLIKE, but when i say a healer, i mean every class, when i have Guard from a clanmate i can usually slay 2-3 guys bad-geared (obviously with all my cds).


I dont think healers are Op, i think healers got life easy (as in every game) because they will always be the one who will be guarded.

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I stopped assuming you knew what you were talking about when you said Alacrity stacking is a problem. Alacrity is absolute garbage in PvP for Mercs and Ops, and any healer worth their salt will replace those mods with power and/or crit.


Healing as a whole is fine. Sorcs are OP.


Reduces cooldowns, even when interrupted, and speeds up casting (inversely lowering chance of interruption). Shaving off even half a second, or speeding something up just as much can make quite a difference.

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Healers are fine when its just healers by themselves. This issue arrises when they are guarded and their attackers are taunted. The easiest fix I can think of to solve the healing issue is to give all taunt abilities a -30% to heal as well as the -30% to enemy damage which is already apart of the taunt function.
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Reduces cooldowns, even when interrupted, and speeds up casting (inversely lowering chance of interruption). Shaving off even half a second, or speeding something up just as much can make quite a difference.


Reducing cooldowns? Shaving half a second off heals?


Put down the crackpipe buddy. It does nothing for the GCD. If you stack it, you'll knock maybe a quarter of a second off of your long heal. It's garbage compared to Power, and even compared to Crit/Surge.


I'm also seeing people talking about tank/healer synergy being overpowered. This is called teamwork. The DPS equivalent would be two or more DPSers coordinating their damage, CC, and interrupts on a single target. Not one Rambo wannabe smacking his highest-damage rotation on a guarded target.

Edited by raelimar
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Being a healer, I can say that yes, we are OP and need to be nerfed.


Need to run out of resources once in awhile lol. Need be able to be silenced, not just one ability, and not just stunned till resolve fills up and get yourself, and others, back to full hp in a heart beat.


And yea, gear is big, as it is for everyone. Even when I had 13-14 k hp it was still rediculous and felt OP, with some gear it's just stupid.


Any healer who says we're not OP is either lying, or, and I say this with love, absolutely terrible at video games.


IA healer. Not OP in the slightest. If I'm healing teammates I can be burst down in seconds. If I'm healing myself I run out of resources. If I try to damage anyone they laugh. SOME healers may seem OP but there's a healer class out there that is pretty damned iffy 90% of the time. The one with the blaster rifle (or pistol if Repub)

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After facing yet another Republic team stacked with healers today in Civil War, I'm basically ready to retire my Sniper. I just can't take it anymore. Sure, there are ways to overcome the tactic...But it's ridiculous that this game has forced people to play a certain way to be successful in the game.


I applaud some sage/sorcs for coming out, being objective and acknowledging they are OP.

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If a warzone team has more than 2 healers, there's almost no chance of winning against them.


Ahahahahahahaha! You're hilarious!


As a healer, I can't stand seeing that my team has less than 6 dps. Dps are incredibly important, you sprinkle in a few tanks and healers to support them and they murder everything, but if your team is losing bases to a team of mostly healers, you're doing something wrong.


Healers are great on defense, but if you have more than 2 your offense is usually pretty horrible.

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The problem isn't healers, it's heavy armor healers.


One Heavy Armor healer can out heal 2-3 DPS if he knows what he's doing.


Lately on my server there have been nothing but premades of Tanks + Heavy Armor Healers.


Probably the most boring thing ever.

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Ahahahahahahaha! You're hilarious!


As a healer, I can't stand seeing that my team has less than 6 dps. Dps are incredibly important, you sprinkle in a few tanks and healers to support them and they murder everything, but if your team is losing bases to a team of mostly healers, you're doing something wrong.


Healers are great on defense, but if you have more than 2 your offense is usually pretty horrible.


It's a detractor for Huttball, but for ACW/Voidstar, having more than 2 (3-5) is a huge advantage because of defense. They can keep each other alive indefinitely, and heal the one person being focus fired and just outlast any team attacking them.

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Healers are overpowered because the game is based around PvE. They need more nerfing in the heal department. 30% isn't enough. They aren' healing flashpoint champion boss damage in a WZ so they need to run out of juice. And interrupt is also useless because it's designed around stopping - you guessed it - PVE mobs. Not player classes. There needs to be a silence ability or interrupt need to interrupt ability types. Like ALL dps force abilities or all healing abilities, etc. But even that can be pointless as there is a 4 second window to cast and without a greater heal debuff they can negate 10 seconds worth of DPS in a 1.5sec cast.


PvP is an afterthought in TOR.

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Healers are overpowered because the game is based around PvE. They need more nerfing in the heal department. 30% isn't enough. They aren' healing flashpoint champion boss damage in a WZ so they need to run out of juice. And interrupt is also useless because it's designed around stopping - you guessed it - PVE mobs. Not player classes. There needs to be a silence ability or interrupt need to interrupt ability types. Like ALL dps force abilities or all healing abilities, etc. But even that can be pointless as there is a 4 second window to cast and without a greater heal debuff they can negate 10 seconds worth of DPS in a 1.5sec cast.


PvP is an afterthought in TOR.


10 seconds of DPS from one player is 4-6 abilities...if you can't deal at least 7K damage in that period of time, you're bad. There's no heal that does 7K healing in one 1.5 second cast. Damage dealers are based around beating enrage timers and whacking on million HP bosses, but that doesn't mean they need their damage output nerfed for PvP. The 30% trauma debuff is fine, stop being bad.

Edited by raelimar
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10 seconds of DPS from one player is 4-6 abilities...if you can't deal at least 7K damage in that period of time, you're bad. There's no heal that does 7K healing in one 1.5 second cast. Damage dealers are based around beating enrage timers and whacking on million HP bosses, but that doesn't mean they need their damage output nerfed for PvP. The 30% trauma debuff is fine, stop being bad.


You're right. A player's personal skill effects the calculations that determine their damage output. :rolleyes: Attention everyone: STOP BEING BAD. Thanks! That did the trick. Now everyone magically does more damage.


A sole DPS cannot outdamage a healer. There damage does not have to be ridiculous for PvE and it's not. When fighting a "million hp boss" there are 12+ of them beating on the damn thing. On the otherhand a single healer is designed to mitagate the huge dps output of that million hp boss.


And 7K is just a number you pulled out of thin air. Nobody does 7K in 10 seconds unless their is a huge gear disparity or they were melee operatives/scoundrels awhile back. Otherwise, it's crit luck. I have never had a 1vs1 fight that was over in under 30 secs that didn't involve gear disparity or an operative.

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You're right. A player's personal skill effects the calculations that determine their damage output. :rolleyes: Attention everyone: STOP BEING BAD. Thanks! That did the trick. Now everyone magically does more damage.


A sole DPS cannot outdamage a healer. There damage does not have to be ridiculous for PvE and it's not. When fighting a "million hp boss" there are 12+ of them beating on the damn thing. On the otherhand a single healer is designed to mitagate the huge dps output of that million hp boss.


And 7K is just a number you pulled out of thin air. Nobody does 7K in 10 seconds unless their is a huge gear disparity or they were melee operatives/scoundrels awhile back. Otherwise, it's crit luck. I have never had a 1vs1 fight that was over in under 30 secs that didn't involve gear disparity or an operative.


7K is like 2 or 3 tracer missiles. Again, if you can't do 7K in 10 seconds, you're terrible. That's only 700 DPS...hell, my Medic's Rifle Shot does 800 damage a shot.


A single DPSer can't outdamage a healer? Good. If they could, there'd be no point in bringing a healer.

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You're right. A player's personal skill effects the calculations that determine their damage output. :rolleyes: Attention everyone: STOP BEING BAD. Thanks! That did the trick. Now everyone magically does more damage.


A sole DPS cannot outdamage a healer. There damage does not have to be ridiculous for PvE and it's not. When fighting a "million hp boss" there are 12+ of them beating on the damn thing. On the otherhand a single healer is designed to mitagate the huge dps output of that million hp boss.


And 7K is just a number you pulled out of thin air. Nobody does 7K in 10 seconds unless their is a huge gear disparity or they were melee operatives/scoundrels awhile back. Otherwise, it's crit luck. I have never had a 1vs1 fight that was over in under 30 secs that didn't involve gear disparity or an operative.


You're "Stop being bad" outlook works for light and medium armor healers. For the heavy armor healers this is not the case. They can most certainly out heal the damage you deal, as long as they have equal gear and they are of equal skill.

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if you can consider yourself a reasonable dps you can neutralize of not kill a healer 1 on 1.

People care too much about kills while they should focus on getting the objectives ~~

Healers are not the problem in this game it are the idiots playing the dps classes.

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