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I subbed for 6 months, heres why


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It's great to see you're playing this MMO as a single player RPG, the sad fact is is that it can be.


While you might call MMO fans "neckbeards", unfortunately they came into this game and continue to pay a subscription because they were told this was an MMO with story, not a SPRPG with multiplayer features.


Its really disappointing that you feel this way.


The class story is simply a way to get you to level 50.


This game has:


Heroic Areas


HM Flashpoints

World Bosses



HM operations



All the above require full groups of 2-16. If that isn't an MMO, I don't know what it.



And no, sandbox games are not the only MMOs. WoW is pretty much the same description above and people would agree it is an MMO.

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Nice to see a positive thread for a change :)


I havent subbed for six months, but pay monthly. Im having a blast while leveling (im playing together with my wife) And will see what is 50 is like when i get there. that will take some time still anyway, im doing all and every quest i can find, just to see the story!

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The amount of clueless fanbois in this thread is funny. "best mmo game ever" facepalm.


Clueless?? Please fill in the clues then. Name a better MMO out? Rift, WoW, "lol" is all that you get on that.


In short, there is nothing else out that can compete with SWTOR. The best part is this game is getting better.

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If you enjoy the game more power to you.There are parts I enjoy and others I don't.

I will not resub if the mechanics of the game aren't fixed.After this months sub if it isn't fix then there is no sense paying for it.I'm pretty sure BW won't miss me so no big deal for them.Also the nerfing that has taken place since 2 builds before early access.Too much has been taken from the player because of peoples dubious postings.


I actually just made 50 with one of my chrs and I am enjoying Ilum and the pvp.I didn't even start pvping Wzs till 3 weeks ago and I am having a blast with it.That is despite some skills not working and getting DCed.I have been using all my alts since the beginning.For crafting reasons.I have enjoy their stories as well as my lead chr.Anyhow if the game is giving you value good luck.Games are suppose to be about fun.Sounds like your getting your moneys worth.

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I have not subbed for 6 months, but I am enjoying the game. I fear I may drop out for a bit when ME3 drops though, and then come back a little later.


I agree with you, when ME3 comes out I fear my attention will turn to that. Only because I dropped $80 on the N7 collectors edition. But i'm hoping I can keep playing them both equally.

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I genuinely love the game. I cant get enough of it. Raiding is a blast. Huttball is the best instanced pvp map I have played in an mmo. The story element makes the game sooo much more interesting than any other mmo I have played.


Ive been playing mmos for 10 years and have never had as much fun as I am having now.


So for those of you also sticking around for the foreseeable future, what are the things you enjoy the most?


and can we please limit the negative posts from the unsatisfied few? theres other threads dedicated to complaining.


When you hit 50... if you enjoy PVP... you'll see how fun getting 2 shotted is while you try to grind out hours upon hours to gear up a bit... and how fun it is to be in games where the moment 1 side scores a point or holds 2 nodes or sets a bomb... how terribly fun it is to then see 3-4 players drop game just like that... how fun THAT experience is. Guaranteed loss.


Ya... I'm taking a break for awhile until thy fix some stuff. I'll be back for sure. But I just can't handle these little tweaks they haven't fixed.

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When you hit 50... if you enjoy PVP... you'll see how fun getting 2 shotted is while you try to grind out hours upon hours to gear up a bit... and how fun it is to be in games where the moment 1 side scores a point or holds 2 nodes or sets a bomb... how terribly fun it is to then see 3-4 players drop game just like that... how fun THAT experience is. Guaranteed loss.


Ya... I'm taking a break for awhile until thy fix some stuff. I'll be back for sure. But I just can't handle these little tweaks they haven't fixed.


I'm sorry your not enjoying the game FadeXF but don't blame TOR for you getting 2 shotted, thats not the game i'm afraid, its you.


I always hated PVP in other mmo's but thought i'd give it a try in TOR. I love it, and despite reaching 50 last week and having zero Expertise no one has been able to 2 shot me. So if its happening to you its either you, your gear (still you) or your class is broken (which its not).

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I went for the three month option but I admit that was simply due to financial restraints. I'd have snapped up the six month subscription straight away but my football team of choice (Chesterfield FC) have got a smeggy little cup final so I need my cash for tickets and the trip to London.


If not for this obvious priority I'd have subbed for the max simply because I'm enjoying the game so much. Never been a fan of MMO's really, didn't like the 'press 5 to thwack people' combat system or having to read text boxes for every little mission. I'm surrounded by books of various different natures and if I want to be entertained by the written word, I'll go down that route instead of gaming. The 'actual story' in this game is the thing that's made me get past my dislike of MMO combat systems and try to enjoy this one. It's worked too. I know this game has bugs etc. but I'm alright with that. I enjoy the game nonetheless.

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I subbed for 1 month at a time, but i'm letting it auto-bill and have no intentions of canceling that.


I think i'm most excited about the March Patch. Vanity gear being viable is pure, unadulterated win. However, I'm ripping my hair out in anticipation of the Legacy system. That thing has mind-blowing potential.


Overall, I'm VERY optimistic about the future. My ONLY complaint has to do with Customer Service, but I don't really count that so much cause that's been an issue for everyone. And it has gotten better already, so I see it getting better with time like the rest of the game.

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Loving the game. I am also subbed for 6 months. Main reason what keep me playing.


Voice over + Bioware story telling + Starwars IP = Freakin Awesome

Extreme attention to detail in combat and effects

Amazing envoriments

I have my own freakin starship!

Companions are freakin awesome

Leveling is actually fun



I could keep going, but I'll leave it at that for now.


I'm a 6 month sub, and will be playing 'til the servers shut down, for most of the reasons you mentioned.


Would also add "limitless potential" due to IP and financial backer.


That being said, this game had more at launch in terms of PVP than most games, but still leaves a lot to be desired. That's mainly due to the paradigm shift caused by WoW blowing open the market. Theme-park based gear-grind is all this game is, and that sucks all the life out of any meaningful PVP. Until they add ways for the player to shape the existing universe, that's what we're stuck with once the (Amazing) story runs out and we've experienced all the content.


Of course, player driven content is more for an MMO in its teenage years anyway. I'm looking forward to what the future brings anxiously. In the meantime? Enjoying all my alts' stories, and loving it.

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Err it was just an idea. I like this game but im just tired to roll alts playin in the same zones..

The char stories are fun but few.

It's true Wow totally ignored the story, mine was just an example.. i wasnt sayin Wow is better than Tor, it wouldnt be constructive and a start up of a game (and tor is still in startup) doesnt need distructive quotes.

I think in teh future we'll see more zones with the same level. And maybe diff stories for the same class... depending by the diff choices you take (and that freedom actually doesnt exists)




in my opinion, bioware should add more content or zones for higher levels.. preferably for lv 50s so they got something to do other than pvp or raids.. adding a lv 50 heroic+2/+4 missons to each planet is better imho


creating new low level planets content is ok when bioware add new class. and usually ppl outlevel these zones too quick and dont stay long...



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I subbed for six months too. I figured early on that I would be playing this pretty regurarly. I've got three characters on the go and might start more.


I haven't played MMO's before but had played the KOTOR games a fair bit. I'm here for the Star Wars aspect rather than the MMO but still enjoy hat aspect too.


I really like the game and find the story lines good. I'll be here for some time.

Edited by coille
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Yes and No, Voice over is indeed a good thing although some Voice acts are mediocre at best.

Bioware story telling, well Dragon Age Origins was good story telling, Dragon Age 2 was a disgrace for everyone caring about story...same goes with Mass Effect which was great but Mass Effect 2 was a disaster.

Oh yes and anyone being a bit deeper into Starwars lore can't enjoy this game since there are a lot of flaws




If you like rainbow effects and animations who don't match your actual doing then i guess you could like it.




Sorry but where are those amazing environments? All i see is repeated and reused unoriginal areas. There is even no day and night cycle. Not to mention the graphics...which are ermmmm....





With 0 customization options and absolutely no use except from space missions and travelling...





There is close to 0 interaction with the companions...another feature added without being developped seriously...



Leveling is "fun" when you lvl your first character, after that it becomes boring since there are no alternative leveling areas.


Don't get me wrong i'm not a hater, i still enjoy the game but i think people need to stay realistic on what they write.



Mass Effect 2 was a disaster? What the hell is the matter with you? It was way better than the first one, it didn't have that lame *** mako and travelling around those boring planets with nothing on them, constantly opening map just to see if you are going in the right direction so you can observe an anomaly, maybe you enjoy that, but i prefer story telling and action.


(I am a huge science fiction fan, i love both astronomy and astrology, and i still found most of those gameplay "features" in ME1 to be absolutely tedious.)

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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I've been playing MMOs since 1999 =D I would LOVE a 6 month sub. but sadly I can not afford it with going back and fourth to visit my grandfather at Mayo, school, and several other financial issues. The point is I gladly would if I could afford to =D love the game and can't wait to see the future.
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The game is good but still needs a hell of a lot of work especially on the pvp side of things, its so easy to get the good gear. Ilum also needs to be reworked.


I will stick with this game as no other good games coming in the near future, I saw gameplay of tera and just not for me. As for guildwars I won't touch as the first one I hated.


Anyways once I have done everything in this game I might move on, will have to wait and see.

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I've subscribed for six months and plan to subscribe for six months at a time. Why? Because I'm part of an active guild so there's plenty for my main level 50 to do in the way of raiding, dailies, and helping out others with quests (namely Heroics/Hard Modes). If it's not a raid night or if there aren't any guildies that need any assistance with anything, then I'll play an alt.
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