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This game = Anti-Social


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It's the people who are anti social


I actually said that earlier, which is why I objected to the title of the thread. This game is no more anti social than any other MMO on the market.


What this game does do however is it appeals to players in the 30 -50 age bracket as they grew up with Star Wars. Could that be a motivating factor as to why there seems less of a community in relation to grouping? Theres no doubt in my mind that players of a younger age demographic have no problems grouping with others in a game. Some of us oldies however just prefer to go it alone.

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Some of you people just need to "socialize" with real people outside. This is a *********** video game, not a bar.


This is my first time posting on any forum only due to the fact that ive been reading this whine fest for the last week or so. Feel like this company has to provide more "grouping" experiences? Put down your *********** computer and talk to someone.


I play this game everyday, it's a fun game, I have *********** dreams about shooting republic bastards.That said, I also have a girlfriend, and 2 puppies, and friends(that I "group" up with."


Is everybody that plays these rpgs a pathetic loner? Stop complaining about things that don't exist.

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A LFG tool is really needed, its vital to form a decent PUG. Spamming "HEALER NEEDED FOR CADDEMIMU" for like 45 mins is really burning me out.


LOL you see I take the time to type '50 Sage' or whatever in the social panel and begin asking folks via whisper. I do this in a very outgoing, inviting and friendly fashion and ALWAYS end up with a group of nice people within minutes. You guys are all sooooo detached from real life, that you think you need an automatic tool to even spare you the effort of making true social contact ingame. You know all those I met I regularly group up with again depending on who is on at the time. And it gets increasingly nicer as groups become better and you have different high quality PuGs going. You know you should really try it. If asked nicely I have never been mocked or insulted. Some say no, or I am busy and most are happy as to have a group and come and have fun.




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Some of you people just need to "socialize" with real people outside. This is a *********** video game, not a bar.


This is my first time posting on any forum only due to the fact that ive been reading this whine fest for the last week or so. Feel like this company has to provide more "grouping" experiences? Put down your *********** computer and talk to someone.


I play this game everyday, it's a fun game, I have *********** dreams about shooting republic bastards.That said, I also have a girlfriend, and 2 puppies, and friends(that I "group" up with."


Is everybody that plays these rpgs a pathetic loner? Stop complaining about things that don't exist.


Ok, my way was more diplomatic, but HELL YES! :D

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Most definately interested but not at the expense of being forced to group in order to do so. I dont expect everyone to understand, i was a teenager when SW was released at the movies. I find it difficult to "group" with other players, I have grouped in the past when I was younger in fact I raided for 5 years. My daughter who is a teen finds it very easy to group but she is the facebook generation, I on the other hand avoid virtual socializing.


You can solo boarding party at 50 and get the story. Never tried foundry but probably possible

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BioWare has provided many tools and incentives for people to socialise:



Friends list


The ability to flag yourself as looking for a group

Shared quest dialogue

Group/heroic quests and areas



Pre-made warzones

Social levels

Social gear


That's a lot more then most MMOs have. In the end BioWare can't force people to socialise and group with each other, that's up to the players to do. BioWare has provided the tools and the rewards and it's up to us to use them.

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And the game allows them to do this because there is nothing promoting socialization, interaction, community


Let me ask you something. Do you sit at home in your basement, never go out, never socialize, then post on facebook that its Obama's fault for not promoting socialization? ;p


Honestly people, take some responsibility for your own actions.


There is an LFG tool


There is incentive built into the game to group


Join a guild


Be friendly and social. Meet people.


Here's a tough one. HELP PEOPLE. You see someone needing a fourth, even if you've done it that day, HELP them out. Friend them. Form a regular group of daily friends.


....or does that require you to do more then log onto the forums and complain that the devs are not doing that all for you via some imaginary tool?


A wow type LFG is not going to make you more social. It is not going to build a social environment for you. In fact, that type of LFG is the most anti-social tool one could add to the game. It allows one to group, accomplish their goals with no social interaction at all. In fact, it allows anti-social behavior to flourish.


Nope, this is about being lazy, wanting the game to be made "social" for them without them having to be social. A Wow type LFG tool is not going to grow their friends list. nothing will unless they put out the effort.

Edited by Blackardin
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I completely agree OP




Really bugs me, please explain to me whats so social about sitting at a desk behind a computer for 4-8 hrs oblivious to all thats going on around you? All computer games are anti-social.


You. I love. Thank you for saying it. It's so true.

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BioWare has provided many tools and incentives for people to socialise:



Friends list


The ability to flag yourself as looking for a group

Shared quest dialogue

Group/heroic quests and areas



Pre-made warzones

Social levels

Social gear


That's a lot more then most MMOs have. In the end BioWare can't force people to socialise and group with each other, that's up to the players to do. BioWare has provided the tools and the rewards and it's up to us to use them.


Exactly. Well stated.


This is not the developers fault at all. They've done an excellent job balancing the ability to solo through the levels in the most painless way I've yet to see in a MMORPG, while still promoting socialization.

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Yeah, I can't wait for an LFG tool.


We saw these same complaints in wow. They introduced the LFG tool. People complained that it ruined the social aspects of the game.


I've drawn two conclusions from that.


1. people will complain no matter what


2. People will not take responsibility for their own actions when there is someone else to blame....even when, or especially when it is their own fault.

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I pre-ordered the collector's edition, got friends together and advertised myself for a guild. My friends were the first to fail, going back to WoW, no guild has shown interest. You would think I'd have covered my bases at least to an extent that would land me in a good group once in a while.


I have forced myself to be patient, spamming chat for up to an hour at times. I've kept myself from complaining about the horrible lack of incentives this game has for playing with thy fellow man - until now.


I paid a lot of money for a single player experience with the increasingly rare group experience outside of PvP. I even quit for a week, only logging in for an hour to get a group at peak hours, and only to be unsuccessful.


You can tell me I'm crazy if you want, and that grouping is easy (for you), but clearly I'm not fabricating this from my imagination, and I know there are others that stand with me, but have probably already lost interest in SWTOR.


I'm leaving, for now, and will inevitably return when there are either more people playing, or Bioware quits making, in my own opinion:mad:, the sad excuse that lack of group incentives and pairing systems is a purposeful decision to make the game more challenging (translation: frustrating). Until then, I'd like there to be more awareness to this problem that effects more people than most of you might think.


Edit - P.S. I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea, swtor is still a great game!


I'm with you bro.

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I pre-ordered the collector's edition, got friends together and advertised myself for a guild. My friends were the first to fail, going back to WoW, no guild has shown interest. You would think I'd have covered my bases at least to an extent that would land me in a good group once in a while.


I have forced myself to be patient, spamming chat for up to an hour at times. I've kept myself from complaining about the horrible lack of incentives this game has for playing with thy fellow man - until now.


I paid a lot of money for a single player experience with the increasingly rare group experience outside of PvP. I even quit for a week, only logging in for an hour to get a group at peak hours, and only to be unsuccessful.


You can tell me I'm crazy if you want, and that grouping is easy (for you), but clearly I'm not fabricating this from my imagination, and I know there are others that stand with me, but have probably already lost interest in SWTOR.


I'm leaving, for now, and will inevitably return when there are either more people playing, or Bioware quits making, in my own opinion:mad:, the sad excuse that lack of group incentives and pairing systems is a purposeful decision to make the game more challenging (translation: frustrating). Until then, I'd like there to be more awareness to this problem that effects more people than most of you might think.


Edit - P.S. I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea, swtor is still a great game!


I don't think you are crazy. My experience has been the opposite of yours. Even before I set up my guild I did not have an incredibly hard time grouping for heroics. Finding groups of ops is tougher and is why I'm glad an LFD tool of some sort, per bioware, is in the works


still - i find the social aspect of the game to be the same as it is in most mmo's.

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Being "social" in this game is as artifical as it gets. It's not really being "social" when you have to reward players or lure them with bait just to communicate/play with other players.


Social in SWTOR means grind in SWTOR.


I'll just leave this here.

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You do realize that the term anti-social is a psychological term for a personality disorder, and the title on this thread seems to be implying that the community in this game, or the game itself is suffering from that?

I was curious and looking forward to a slightly entertaining and original thread. Sad to say I am disappointed...


I believe the word you're looking for is "unsocial" :)

Edited by Esica
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You do realize that the term anti-social means sociopathic, and with the title you're clearly stating that the game is psychopathic?

I was curious and looking forward to a slightly entertaining and original thread. Sad to say I am disappointed...


Well, seeing as how the "antisocial" you are describing is obviously the "personality disorder" version of it (which is self explanatory) where as the OP is obviously talking about the "unsociable" part of it...

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The people in this thread are so silly. Anti-social... yet they talk about hanging out in vent and talking to guildies. Isn't that the definition of being social?


What people mean to say is "People don't stop and talk to me, cause I am the center of the universe!"


Get a clue, people play the game how they want. They are social just not with you.

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Well, seeing as how the "antisocial" you are describing is obviously the "personality disorder" version of it (which is self explanatory) where as the OP is obviously talking about the "unsociable" part of it...


Well, yes. But there is only one "version" of the word anti-social. Which is the psychological term for being... well... a sociopath.

Unsocial is another word entirely :)

But I'm not going to troll the forums for a spelling error. Just thought I'd make that clear, seeing as the title turned out to be misleading if you're picky with grammar.

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The people in this thread are so silly. Anti-social... yet they talk about hanging out in vent and talking to guildies. Isn't that the definition of being social?


What people mean to say is "People don't stop and talk to me, cause I am the center of the universe!"


Get a clue, people play the game how they want. They are social just not with you.


Quoted for truth...


And for people crying after tank/healing, just don't be anti-social, and reroll one...


JPR out!

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It's not just the game though. Not just the lack of tools.


Yesterday I was sitting on Voss, trying to get a group for the Cyber Mercenaries heroic in the bonus series. I was sitting near the mission npc, watching people pick up the mission for hours. They went, took the missions and continued to do the easy ones. Not one even responded to the questions whether they wanted to do the heroic.

In the evening one person took pitty on me in chat and offered to join. It was a person who was newly arrived on Voss and not yet eligible for the mission. Also, when they asked me to invite them I could not, as like so many others, they were auto-declining group invites and had to turn off the setting.

At some point a little discussion started on chat about the difficulty of getting teams and how people knew how I felt. Ironicaly, 1) half the people in the discussion did have the mission but were not going to do it and 2) one person walked up to the mission npc, got the mission and then asked on chat if there were groups for it (were you not even paying attention what you were talking to me about?)

The two of us teamed up and after a while (since my team mate explained to me that he was not reading chat... just running up and down and bunny hopping around the base...) we stealthed the mission.


In chat I was told by one person that he did the entire planet without doing any sidequests, if that made me feel better about not finding a team... and another player then was told to go level through pvp...

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When I first started playing in Early Access, there were constant lfg spams. I had no problem picking up a group for a flashpoint. Yesterday I played for most of the day (nice to have a veg day off) on both the imp and rep side on a number of planets and did not see more than two group requests in chat (which were not answered).


For some reason people are not grouping much any more. I am not sure why. I know that from my experience that most of the time someone is looking for a group in general chat, I do not answer for two reasons. The first is that I am often involved in a quest chain that can go on for ten to fifteen minutes and I do not want to stop in the middle of the questing to join a group. The second is the travel time and finding the people in the group. It always seems that when I see a lfg in chat it is for a heroic that is a five to fifteen minute run away and then I have to find my way through walls or mountains or maze tunnels to actually reach the quest point. My usual reaction is that I hate to make people wait for me to travel to the quest. I have waited for people to join the group and watched them on the map fight their way through a ton of trash (taking a long time) to get to the point that they can actually start the quest.


It is to bad because the group content and playing in a group is a lot of fun. I have always had good experiences when I did do group content. I have been playing quite a bit with my wife as a two person party. Playing with someone else adds another dimension to the game. Since we play as a team most heroics are possible. We have not tried flashpoints yet with our companions because she is a new player and still has a way to go, but we will be doing them together eventually as well.


I have tried two guilds (still a member of both) because that seemed to be a way to find people to quest with and to join in group content. I have not found much success there. My experience (limited to me) is that most people in the guild seem to be doing their own thing and are in different places. They guilds have a subset of people who are real life friends and they seem to play together in game and do not seem motivated to group with other members in game. I understand that because when my wife and I are playing together we pay attention to what we are doing and not to much to the other players around us. We will stop to help someone who crosses our path, but never think of grouping with them.

Edited by asbalana
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You do realize that the term anti-social means sociopathic, and with the title you're clearly stating that the game is psychopathic?

I was curious and looking forward to a slightly entertaining and original thread. Sad to say I am disappointed...


I believe the word you're looking for is "unsocial" :)



You seem to be using sociopathy and psychopathy as interchangeable terms, so what is your view on the opinion that the two should be seen as different subsets of AntiSocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) ?

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I prefer to run solo.


no offense to you.


but I just dont like other players enough to hang out with them.



if I wanna change it up (which I do when I feel like it, not when somebody else does) I'll do a group mission, FP, op, whatever...I'll pug it, otherwise, deal with the fact that I will NOT accept your invite to group or guild. Nothing personal, I jsut prefer solo.


I can get about 300% more done by myself, and I dont have to wait, or deal with bickering or the idiots who cry over need rolls....lol.


Easy to make millions by yourself quickly.... and the mood aint ruined by some random internet dude.

Edited by ArtMonster
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Well, yes. But there is only one "version" of the word anti-social. Which is the psychological term for being... well... a sociopath.

Unsocial is another word entirely :)

But I'm not going to troll the forums for a spelling error. Just thought I'd make that clear, seeing as the title turned out to be misleading if you're picky with grammar.




There are two versions with different meanings.


Antisocial and Anti-Social.


One is being unsociable and the other is being a murderer.

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