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I really wish Jaesa was a Sorc healer


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I agree with this whole-heartedy. they may have "wanted" us to try out all the companions (which I am keen with anyways), but I think overall they shot themselves in the foot. because certain AC specs function better with certain companions, you end up with people using that specific companion over the others, even when they wanted to try out the other ones as well..



Exactly right. Seems like all but two of the healer comps are male, when healer comps are easily the most used in the game, which screws people out of the storyline quests and romance options. I've tried using Jaessa, but I have too much downtime, whereas with Quinn I never stop. And Vette, I've been feeding her gifts since I got her it seems like the only thing she's the least bit interested in are cultural artifacts. Level 40 now, and Vette's affection is around 4.5k, while Quinn's is around 7k just from having him out while leveling. And Jaessa...I've been bringing her out for conversations but she RARELY ever has affection gain, can't figure it out (and I'm Dark 4). I just broke 1k affection with her, because, luckily, she's a lot more interested in most gifts than Vette is.

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Honestly, I really like using Quinn as a companion. And yes, I finished my SW class quest. Still like him. Maybe it's because my expectations going into it. Dunno. He's useful and his attitudes and prefs match my character's fairly well. I geared him up and took him off Med-watch, and its decent dps+heals for my immortal juggie. I stick him on med-watch for hard bosses.



I loathe Jaesa. Loooooooooathe. I honestly wish we hadn't been forced to take her on, and had the option to kill her during our class questing. Or send her to Baras in chains. Whichever. Like many felt railroaded in the Quinn story, I felt really railroaded in the Jaesa story.


Vette initially annoyed me, but she's grown on me. Pierce is fun, but wish he were more useful to my playstyle. Broon is ... well, I'm ambivalent about him.

Edited by Rhaethe
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Just use Jaesa and get used to using her and you will not touch quinn again


Agreed Jaesa and I can burn pretty much anything down.

But I do agree being able to change your companions roles would be win

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Quinn slows me down far too much for me to use him. His heals are always pretty terrible for me as well. My marauder alt is only 35 though


Put some gear on him. Quinn's heals are amazing when he's geared out...for instance, mine at 40 is all orange and fully up to date on mods, from just commendations and specialty goods. And if its a tough fight, and I really need some extra power, I drink a perception pot from the cantina vendor. I've used Quinn to heal 4 mans when we couldn't find a healer. He's pretty damn solid.


I just hate having to use him.

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Honestly, I really like using Quinn as a companion. And yes, I finished my SW class quest. Still like him. Maybe it's because my expectations going into it. Dunno. He's useful and his attitudes and prefs match my character's fairly well. I geared him up and took him off Med-watch, and its decent dps+heals for my immortal juggie. I stick him on med-watch for hard bosses.


Well, I admit that he is extremely useful. I go with Jaesa 90% of the time but there are situations I bring Quinn simply because I can solo things which I can't with Jaesa.


My Quinn has mix of Columi and Tionese and I can solo every single daily hc on Belsavis and Ilum no sweat, even the 4man ones (those are the only situations I bring him out). But while I don't deny his usefulness I refuse to acknowledge him as a real companion, not because of game mechanics (in which case he's awesome) but because of the story and what happened (in which case he's a massive douche).


And if BW's reasoning was that we try every companion then the system is already flawed. I hope that this thread will catch up someone's attention.

Edited by gibmachine
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Hello guys,


I don't consider myself a better player than anyone but I wanted to share my experience with Quinn and Jaesa.


I too thought 'yes Im stuck with Quinn it's much easier with heals'. But I got fed up with Quinn around lvl 36-37 (i simply don't like him) and I said to myself: let's play with Jaesa, she's nice, it doesn't matter if it goes a little bit slower.


To my surprise it went okay, and towards the end of the game it went better and better as I equipped her at the same level as mine and of course we get as marauders more powerful at the end. The survability was very good, I'd rate it higher than with Quinn. The killing speed was awesome. You need to heal a bit but generally doesn't take too long. The key is to balance the damage taken between you and Jaesa, control the targets she attacks, use force camouflage to drop aggro to her, cc droids ofc.


I used medipacks occasionally, not too often though. I rotate defensive cooldowns on difficult mobs. I am anni btw, and I used Jaesa set on single target with exanguination (whatever her dot spec is called).


For reference, I did the whole Corellia and end class quest with only one death (and that was avoidable, I just played my cards wrong).



Baras was a joke, most difficult fight was last Draagh encounter which I lost first time since I wasn't prepared for it; then I kicked him three times in a row. Still, that was the toughest series of fights.



Not showing off, but just wanted to say that if played right it's a faster and even safer method than Quinn. Ofc, I believe if you prefer Vette it can be done with her as well.


But to each its own, enjoy the companion you like most.

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I don't get what all the fuss about this is... play with whichever companion you like, the results will vary by about 10% (as long as they are equally geared, of course), it really just depends on play-style:


- You want to wipe out an entire area non-stop, jumping from fight to fight: use Quinn.

- You don't mind healing yourself a bit after each fight: go with Vette.

- You don't mind healing your companion after each fight: go with Jaessa.


You'll see that the "time" difference is very minimal.


The other two are ... well... after gearing 3 companions, let's just say I did not have that kind of time...plus I usually got Pierce working on Cyber-tech anyway.


What I normally do is just attack the group of mobs and depending on how much damage I take I'll decide who I'll be bringing along for the rest of that area (First-try always with Vette as is the one with the best gear right now). Obviously, there are some fights that you CAN'T avoid the need of having a healer with you so Quinn is a must... switching comp is less than 5 secs guys... just bring him out.




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Hello guys,


I don't consider myself a better player than anyone but I wanted to share my experience with Quinn and Jaesa.


.....good stuff happens...


But to each its own, enjoy the companion you like most.


sounds like you had a good experience with jaessa, rock on. can't compare with my jugg, as I know that your defensive CD's are different. I do know that when I ran Immortal, i could run a tank spec and have it relatively easy. I had to (like you) carefully watch and space out my CD's, occasionally allow the companion to pull, slternate who takes the damage, etc. It's not horrible, but it's a definite change to my approach to quinn with a DPS spec.


I can jump in ad smash face, grabbing aggro on everything and mow it down, and dig right into the next group. I can save my CD's for elites and champs. Actually soloed an on level champ the other day as vengance with quinn. Lvl 37 btw, so were not talking about a lvl 50 toon that has gear that outlevels the mobs they're fighting. Came out at 90% health.


Nothing wrong with these changes per-se. but it basically proves my point. that you have to adjust how you play your character to play the companions they offer. Now imagine if each companion had a flip switch. position A was their DPS spec. Position B was their "secondary " spec. for vette that would be healing. Pierce and that other tank guy would most likely be DPS. same with quinn (since his main is healing), and jaesa could have either healing or tanking. she uses double blade, so my initial though would be tank.


If they did that...then Any of the companions could basically be used with ANY of the specs we have. DPS specs excel with tank and healing companions, and tank specs excel with healing/dps companions. The current issue is that in order to play our character the way we want (based on their specs mind you), we have to limit our companion choices. or simply make the leveling process more difficult.


Edit: although...the more I think about it, I'm thinking it would actually be a much finer balance. Moracaibo has a good point. It's not a game defining variance, but a class quality variance, and spec quality variance. But it is still enough to push people towards certain companions, which isn't biowares desire. they give us the companions to experience their stories as well. having to opt out of their story so you can play the way you want isn't IMO the most efficient way to go about it

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All classes have 2 tank companions and 1 healer companions. Why should the Sith Warrior be different again?


No Class needs 2 Tank Companions. 2 damage 2 healers and 1 tank would be better for everyone. go ahead and proceed to tell me how melee/ranged tanks are so very different. But they are not all tanks have to get in melee range so the only difference is gun or sword or primary stat and primary stat is easily solved (Pierce for warriors would be better as a tank because he uses aim gear instead of strength so giving everyone one tank that is different primary stat and different range than them would be for the best, range classes get melee tank and melee get ranged tank). Now in this example if Broonmark was a melee dps and Jaesa was a healer it would be better.

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They do? Color me misinformed then.


However it still makes little sense. If anything, classe that can't have tank AC should have bigger number of tank companions while those that do have tank AC should have more healers. More natural this way.


It makes perfect sense. It's called balance, and gives you the option to have a companion to fit pretty much any role...if you need it.



No Class needs 2 Tank Companions. 2 damage 2 healers and 1 tank would be better for everyone. go ahead and proceed to tell me how melee/ranged tanks are so very different. But they are not all tanks have to get in melee range so the only difference is gun or sword or primary stat and primary stat is easily solved (Pierce for warriors would be better as a tank because he uses aim gear instead of strength so giving everyone one tank that is different primary stat and different range than them would be for the best, range classes get melee tank and melee get ranged tank). Now in this example if Broonmark was a melee dps and Jaesa was a healer it would be better.


Your tunnel vision is so sad, it's almost funny.


First off, no. Two healers would not be better for EVERYONE. Second, yes. two tank companions are a hell of a lot more versatile than two healing companions....with the way that healing currently works....simply by allowing you to use either a ranged or melee tank, versus a ranged or ranged healer.


What companion you use depends completely on how you're playing. I'm sorry you can't see past what you personally use, and assume that it's the best for everyone. You're not everyone.

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It makes perfect sense. It's called balance, and gives you the option to have a companion to fit pretty much any role...if you need it.

Right. Class that has tank AC gets 2 tank companions and only one healer that has "some" issues to go with it. Balance eh?


Now let's go the other way. Why not have your favourite companion fulfill specific role that's currently most needed? The "experience every companion's story" system isn't working because of gifts + most people can't bring themselves to run around for God knows how long with the companion they don't really care about. If that's the case then why not at least let people have their favourite companion AND the role they need at the same time? It's not tunnel vision. It's reason.


Gonna use massive hyperbole here but I can imagine that it's not that far off the reality. Let's assume you 4 companions that are generally cool and you like them but are complertely useless as far as their role goes or your gaming experience is horrible whenever you take one of them out and 1 companions that's incredibly useful, perfectly suited for your class but at the same time that companion looks like donkey crap, has a personality that you completely abhor and the storyline makes you hate him. Would you willingly choose that useful one?


As far as importace goes, I can't imagine companion role kits being high on the "to do" list but implementing them in future would definately vastly improve the experience of people who like to immerse themselves in the game and from what I gather, that's devs' goal.


I know that I'll be asking about it in weekly Q&A.

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In beta they talked about purchasble kits that would allow any of your companions to tank, heal or dps so you could choose the one you really wanted to play with.


Really hope they bring that back :<


Me too! It would be great if we could change our pets. I love several of my pets personalities, but only use the pocket healer on each of my toons because heals lets me play my preferred dps'ing play style.


I have a connundrum though, because I sent my non-healing pets out on missions, meaning they're not available to call for mission starts or turn-ins, so I don't end up building up their Appreciation except via gifts.


IMHO, the game would be so much more enjoyable PvE if we could make any pet a healing pet.

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Right. Class that has tank AC gets 2 tank companions and only one healer that has "some" issues to go with it. Balance eh?

Because everyone in the class is that single AC, right? Oh, wait........


Now let's go the other way. Why not have your favourite companion fulfill specific role that's currently most needed? The "experience every companion's story" system isn't working because of gifts + most people can't bring themselves to run around for God knows how long with the companion they don't really care about. If that's the case then why not at least let people have their favourite companion AND the role they need at the same time? It's not tunnel vision. It's reason.

They tried that, there were issues with it. People complained. It didn't work as well as the current system works. It's not like you're presenting this unique idea that has never been addressed in the history of TOR's development.


Can it still be done? Yes.

Is it necessary? No.

Will it take a significant chunk of time to impliment? Absolutely.


Gonna use massive hyperbole here but I can imagine that it's not that far off the reality. Let's assume you 4 companions that are generally cool and you like them but are complertely useless as far as their role goes or your gaming experience is horrible whenever you take one of them out and 1 companions that's incredibly useful, perfectly suited for your class but at the same time that companion looks like donkey crap, has a personality that you completely abhor and the storyline makes you hate him. Would you willingly choose that useful one?

What defines generally cool, completely useless, horrible, incredibly useful, donkey crap, or abhorred? For that matter, how do you know exactly what companion is perfectly suited for the class as a whole.


Protip: You don't.


For that matter though, there's a reason you have so many companions, and a reason we're going to get more.


As far as importace goes, I can't imagine companion role kits being high on the "to do" list but implementing them in future would definately vastly improve the experience of people who like to immerse themselves in the game and from what I gather, that's devs' goal.


I know that I'll be asking about it in weekly Q&A.


The question is, are there enough people who are so drastically impacted by this that they revamp the system for a third time? Or, do they just add new companions as they've already told us they would be doing, in order to give players more options. I'd put my money on the latter.

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