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Sith Inquisitor vs Sith Warrior


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I'm having a hard time trying to decide which route to go, and the deciding factor is the story. Can anyone provide some insight on how each classes story is without any major spoilers?


My main thing is if I go inquisitor, I will go assassin. But the Inquisitor storyline (havent made it past level 10) seems like it's Tomb Raider-ish.


So in terms of the story, how is the inquisitor story as well as the warrior? Thanks!

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Hi i got my assassin to lvl 45 now and the story is just awesome, especially if you go dark side.

In a nutshell the inquis story is how you start as a slave and claw your way to the top with a large piles of corpses behind you of people who got in your way.

I got a few other alts in various levels and imo from what i've seen so far the inquis story is by far the best.

Not to mention being a stealthed tank is pretty cool, and assassin has pretty high survivabilty in pvp.

and a small but very cool perk for going down tanking skill tree- Force pull (Scorpion's "get over here...") :)

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I'm afraid that my input won't help much. I've played an Assassin up to 33 and gone through the warrior storyline up to Voss (near the end), and I think both stories are very good and very much worth experiencing. My personal taste leans toward the warrior story, just slightly, though.


IMO, the first 10 levels of the inquisitor story were the worst of the chain. After you leave Koriban, the story gets much better. So if you're enjoying it now, it should get even better for you. (note: worst is a relative term, and the story is by no means "bad" up to level 10.)

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Hi i got my assassin to lvl 45 now and the story is just awesome, especially if you go dark side.

In a nutshell the inquis story is how you start as a slave and claw your way to the top with a large piles of corpses behind you of people who got in your way.

I got a few other alts in various levels and imo from what i've seen so far the inquis story is by far the best.

Not to mention being a stealthed tank is pretty cool, and assassin has pretty high survivabilty in pvp.

and a small but very cool perk for going down tanking skill tree- Force pull (Scorpion's "get over here...") :)


Now as an inquisitor, without spoiling anything, are there any points in time where you, say, have any story-related parts where youre fighting against the republic, namely any Jedi? Or is it just a bunch of plotting your own rise to power that doesnt include the republic in any way?

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Now as an inquisitor, without spoiling anything, are there any points in time where you, say, have any story-related parts where youre fighting against the republic, namely any Jedi? Or is it just a bunch of plotting your own rise to power that doesnt include the republic in any way?


I don't want to spoil anything but, let me just say, your first companion just LOVES Jedi, though for a very different reason ;D


And yes, The story is a little tomb-raider-ish at first, but later its gets incredibly good!

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The Inquisitor story is considered by many as the worst story in the game.


Mainly because, unlike what one would expect when taking in account the characters the class is based uppon, you will not be Darth Maul and/or Palpatine.


You won't be a young force user being sent by his powerfull and manipulative master to deal with galactic issues.


You won't be the supreme manipulator, orchestrating events from the shadows in order to achieve his objectives and turning people to the Dark Side.


Tomb Raider and Ghostbuster is what you will be. In fact it is you who is manipulated time and time again.


Other faults, such as there being no real reason for your "nemesis" hating you, contribute to making it a worse story than the Warrior's.


Trust me, go Sith Warrior. Be Darth Vader, with a side order of Maul and a little of Palpatine for dessert.

Edited by Recaredo
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