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Huttball needs to die and be completely replaced


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Huttball Strategies using Football Terms.


Assassins/Shadows = Wide Receivers/CBs

Tanks = QB/HB/FB and D-Line

Other Melee = O-Line and LBs

Ranged = TE and Safeties


If you can get your team to think like that, you win Huttball.


I used to feel like my operative was a blitzing LB... now I think he's 2nd string punter or waterboy. Needless to say, I'm bringing up a Sorc who feels like the star QB.:D

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I friggen love Huttball. Can't get enough of it. As a merc, I've carved out my role of keeping the upper levels clear of the opposing team. They get on my turf and they either get booted off with jet pack & rocket punch...stunned in the fire or just plain killed. If i have our side cleared, then i move to their side and do the same. I know I drive people nuts with my pushbacks, but that's the whole point of it. Stay off my turf and stay away from my ball carrier and we're good, see?
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Huttball is the best warzone of the three. If you play organized ball. If your smart you team will take on roles. Classess are better at some roles more the others.


Gunslingers/Snipers should not be runners, but they are ace at mid control.


Originally Posted by Yfelsung

Huttball Strategies using Football Terms.


Assassins/Shadows = Wide Receivers/CBs

Tanks = QB/HB/FB and D-Line

Other Melee = O-Line and LBs

Ranged = TE and Safeties


If you can get your team to think like that, you win Huttball.


This is exactly how we play it. You should care about time of possession, number of drives, and ability to punch it in from the red zone.

Edited by Ravenolf
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I don't agree that it needs to be gotten rid of. But I do think that I should be able to queue for whichever WZ I want to play in cause I can't stand playing Huttball. I rolled an Imperial alt and I feel sorry for the imps. I went 12 queues and all of them were for Huttball. That would make me never go into a WZ queue again.
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I'd return to PvP if there was a way to take Huttball off the potential Warzones to be queued in.


As a melee class with zero knockbacks, this is the most tedious, unfun piece of garbage Scenario/Battleground/Warzone I've played in since Tor Anroc.


If you struggle with huttball as a Warrior .... the war zone is not broken your mind is.

Edited by Furyofwar
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Gotta love this thread....


So, I am a Jedi on a quest to rid the galaxy of evil. Somehow I know deep inside that Huttball of course helps me on this galactic quest...I just don't know why....and I don't have a choice anyway, so I play the game (with great disdain).


It's a nice game, good teamwork involvement, and all that. It however has absolutely nothing to do with the imperative of ANY of my toons (or anyone else toons in my opinion).


Take the mechanics and the flow of Huttball, and change it something that fits the lore and immersion - like CTF for example - that at least feels like a potenitally realistic scenario in context of my toons imperative. If not that - then add some storyline like you've been capture by the hutts and they are making you play - at least that I fit into my puny thought process as a likely scenario. ;-)


OR - PLEASE - Let ME decided whether or not I want to play the game (and the answer will be no - never again).


Good Hunting,





ps - I admit the better I get at it, the more fun it is, but really - it has no place in 'my' adventure. I know that statement applies to far more players than myself.

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I don't agree that it needs to be gotten rid of. But I do think that I should be able to queue for whichever WZ I want to play in cause I can't stand playing Huttball. I rolled an Imperial alt and I feel sorry for the imps. I went 12 queues and all of them were for Huttball. That would make me never go into a WZ queue again.


Replace were you say hutball with civil war. As a repub I see 5 hutball matches a week tops.

Edited by Umythiel
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Gotta love this thread....


So, I am a Jedi on a quest to rid the galaxy of evil. Somehow I know deep inside that Huttball of course helps me on this galactic quest...I just don't know why....and I don't have a choice anyway, so I play the game (with great disdain).


It's a nice game, good teamwork involvement, and all that. It however has absolutely nothing to do with the imperative of ANY of my toons (or anyone else toons in my opinion).


Take the mechanics and the flow of Huttball, and change it something that fits the lore and immersion - like CTF for example - that at least feels like a potenitally realistic scenario in context of my toons imperative. If not that - then add some storyline like you've been capture by the hutts and they are making you play - at least that I fit into my puny thought process as a likely scenario. ;-)


OR - PLEASE - Let ME decided whether or not I want to play the game (and the answer will be no - never again).


Good Hunting,





ps - I admit the better I get at it, the more fun it is, but really - it has no place in 'my' adventure. I know that statement applies to far more players than myself.


The Hutts are neutral both sides Republic and the Empire are always courting the Hutts. IT makes alot of sense in the world honestly. Its an entertainment death sport thats void of party of lines because its in a neutral territory. Want to win a hutt's favor? Join Huttball and show them what your Jedi is made of. Not sure how your toon kinda doesn't get that he must be a terrible Jedi.

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Huttball is a great game when you have players that know how to play. When you don't...well it's horrible. I'd love to see organized Huttball, player put together teams that play seasons against eachother.


Ya know - I actually agree - it's like training for more complex pvp to come. I just can't get my head around it as having anything to do with why my character exists - which leads to frustration over being forced to play it, or abandon my spot in the queue and leave fellow pubs hanging (not my style).

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Huttball improves the better gear you get and better knowledge you have of how to win and what to do. Once you get the idea it can actually be fun. When you have a balanced team which does heal and protect the healers. There's strat to winning too.


But remember, kill the stealth guy on the goal line waiting for a pass...

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The Hutts are neutral both sides Republic and the Empire are always courting the Hutts. IT makes alot of sense in the world honestly. Its an entertainment death sport thats void of party of lines because its in a neutral territory. Want to win a hutt's favor? Join Huttball and show them what your Jedi is made of. Not sure how your toon kinda doesn't get that he must be a terrible Jedi.


Where other than your well thought statement does this enter the storyline? (and why you need to attack me is just some insight into your Jedi qualities).


Good Hunting,



Edited by Ellouhollia
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Maybe that is why you hate it so much, because Huttball is by far the most team oriented pvp scenario i have ever played. Everyone has something they can/should be doing.


Everyone i find is effective if they know how to play thier class strengths in the scenario. I play a Sin as main and a Jugger alt, and i love Huttball.


This is how all pvp scenarios need to be designed as it really makes it a ´team´ effort.

The people that hate Huttball are just interested in # of kills or big damage.

You can have a team of inferior geared players that play togather well cake walk a team of BM that dont play togather at all. Strategy for a pvp scenario at its best.


Not gunslingers or sentinels. We don't have a defined roll in huttball. By we I am speaking for my guildies who also don't feel that we have a roll in winning at huttball.

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they shuld have 2 queus for PvP

1 for all the deathmatchers who want to just farm medals and valor Alderan, Voidstar.


and 2 for the fun game of Hutball, they should even expand with multiple maps of hutball, different traps, different landscape and possibly arena like ranking system for 8 premades.


i can play hutball all day long.


we need variaety of hutball maps and comentator. we already ate the translator so many times he is getting stale.

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Not gunslingers or sentinels. We don't have a defined roll in huttball. By we I am speaking for my guildies who also don't feel that we have a roll in winning at huttball.


Sure you do. You cover the middle from above. You also make excellent goalies. I've been only a few feet from the goal before and had a sniper stop me long enough with roots that his team mates got out of spawn and killed me before i could score.

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My sub is up today, cancelled - number 1 reason I gave: Hate Huttball with a passion. Rolled the wrong class for it (melee class with no knockback/pull to/stun) and, after a couple of hundred matches and thousands of knockbacks/pull-tos/stuns into pits/acid/fire... I'd rather stab my own eyes out than play 1 more Huttball match.


You know when you bruised your hand by punching the wall in the last minute of a match you won 6-0, scoring 2 of the goals yourself, that success on this piece of crap map is redundant. It's just completely unfun and frustrating as hell for a handful of classes in the game.


When I did that, I knew it was time to quit.


Letting me decide which scenarios to queue for would probably bring me back.

Edited by McVade
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Huttball or the map isnt the problem


the problem with huttball are:


1 - abilty to play against same faction = means the other two maps get less used, even if it means higher wait times for one side , it should be made faction vs faction like the other


I respectfully disagree. It can be a lot of fun running into your guild mates in Hutball.


I even go farther and say we should have mixed Repub/Imperial teams, "chosen by random draw", right?

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I respectfully disagree. It can be a lot of fun running into your guild mates in Hutball.


I even go farther and say we should have mixed Repub/Imperial teams, "chosen by random draw", right?


Man nothing is more fun then focusing on your guildie the entire time and getting yelled at for it.

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I would guess 50% of the people playing each match already have their daily. The medal farmers have no incentive to actually try to win the game. Thats why they are messing around in mid trying to get kills/dps/heal medals.


I too love huttball... some of the best fun is had in matches where both sides know what they are doing and how to play their roles.



As a BH/Merc/Pyro... I mess around in the middle of the field because:-


1.My class is VERY good at controlling midfield, self sustained, high burst dps, but not primary choice for carrying the ball (good in emergencies though).


2. Its *very* hard to win huttball if you dont control midfield.


3. I have "enough" tank to carry the reset balls the 1st 3rd on the way before offloading to somone who has better "finishing skills" like sorc sprint, or force leap, or intercede.



In football terms (Soccer for you americans), you can usually equate your class to "Back" "Midfield" "Wing" "Striker" "Sweeper"


BH/Merc happens to be a GREAT midfielder.


Some classes are great at defending, others at zone control and some are just plain good finishers.

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