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New PVP Abuse Incoming


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And in a WZ of 8 people, you're never going to get 6 who are all that type of person.


Aimbotters are a very low percentage of any community.


It just depends on th4e actual details of the vote to kick system. Like I said, WoW had to change theirs because of how much it was being abused. You know it will be abused here as well.

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And herein lies the problem. The developers don't put your desire to win above other people's desire to not be treated poorly. Your point of view is skewed towards your benefit (and don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that), but the developers do not and should not share that view. They need to make a game that is an enjoyable experience for everyone.


League of Legends takes the stance of banning feeders from their game. Many feeders are just griefers, but some are honestly bad players and they get banned for being bad.


Riot stepped up and finally said "If you suck at our game, that's too bad for you" and LoL's competitive community has prospered because of it.


If Bioware did the same, the competitive pool of players in SWTOR would be cleaner.

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League of Legends takes the stance of banning feeders from their game. Many feeders are just griefers, but some are honestly bad players and they get banned for being bad.


Riot stepped up and finally said "If you suck at our game, that's too bad for you" and LoL's competitive community has prospered because of it.


If Bioware did the same, the competitive pool of players in SWTOR would be cleaner.


Not familiar with the term "feeders." I'm assuming it means bottom-feeders, as in the baddies?


But back to the point, Bioware is never going to say that. They're too concerned with making the game a fun one for everyone no matter their skill level. Obviously, everyone has different opinions on whether that's a good or bad thing, but if you want to continue to play SWTOR you'll just have to accept that as the way it's going to be, because I'd bet anything that stance will NEVER change.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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Pretty much this. Remember when WoW did this for their dungeon finder? It was abused so hard, they changed it from needing 3 votes to 4 votes to kick someone out. People will abuse any system in place.


World PvP? LOL, you know what command is being abused right now. If you don't know don't worry about it. If you do know then you know how it's being abused.


It's not just in World PvP. People are using it on bridges and stuff when they get knocked off so that they magically appear in a safe spot.

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League of Legends takes the stance of banning feeders from their game. Many feeders are just griefers, but some are honestly bad players and they get banned for being bad.


Riot stepped up and finally said "If you suck at our game, that's too bad for you" and LoL's competitive community has prospered because of it.


If Bioware did the same, the competitive pool of players in SWTOR would be cleaner.


Dont agree with this the best way to clean feeders up is to do somthing simular to star craft 2's ranking system or the old gears of war system where if you showed certain skill you get this rank and can play with this lot of people. If you just say ok you are bad your not allowed to play then how you expect people to get better and how do you expect this game to survive?

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Vote kicking exists in almost every MP game outside of MMOs.


It's not going to suddenly be abused more in an MMO than it already is in FPS games.


Actually of all the multiplayer games i own and play... there is not a Vote kick system..


Modern Warfare, Battlefield series, FIFA, PGA12, Madden... None of these have a vote kick system....


Infact when i get a chance, ill go and phsyically check each of my "Multiplayer" games.. and i can Almost garuntee none of them have a vote kick system because of how garbage said system is...


it Can and Will be abused...


Infact i can only think of one game that has a vote kick system in it that i play... Gran Turismo.... However the only person who can votekick is the guy who made the "race match"


so they can specifically dictate what cars/tunes can participate in the race...

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An AFKer vote kick system would be a good idea if we had a problem with lots of AFKers.. but we don't.


And if they arent doing a deserter buff, there wont be any AFKers in the future either, cause WHY go AFK, if you can just leave and queue for another game?


So WHY exactly do we have to accept the risk of an AFK vote system that certainly will get abused at some point in time, if we have no reward for using it?

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A Reward system would be abused even more, if you were givin a reward for using the mechanic.. people would get singled out, vote kicked just for the specific purpose of getting a "reward"


LOL I am not talking about giving a reward for kicking someone...


I am talking about WHAT do we get out of the AFK voting system, we do not need it for anything. What is its advantage?


We call it the risk/reward comparison... is the reward worth the risk?

Edited by skyflash
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Oh... i see what you were saying lol, thought you were talking about like a credit/valor reward or whatever lol...



Yea the risk/reward is far to great in my eyes, it will be abused without second thought by alot of people...


You dont have the Bm title, you dont have X amount of hps, your not pulling X dps, you dont have X amount of Expertise... you get vote kicked


And really thats just the tip of the iceburg

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If 5 or 6 votes are needed, what abuse? Premades won't kick anyone alone and even if they could, why would they kick someone who is participating?


Some people must had it tough in childhood, seeing everything as potential abuse now.


He just knows human nature too well. If there is a loud mouthed leader in a group for example where someone breaks his cc on accident and he rages for a vote kick people can go along.


You have to remember that loud mouthed opinionated people who should not be leaders are simply because they are the ones that make themselves heard and everyone fears. These kinds of people in the gaming world we call elitists, people who insult pugs, troll l2p a lot, etc.

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LOL I am not talking about giving a reward for kicking someone...


I am talking about WHAT do we get out of the AFK voting system, we do not need it for anything. What is its advantage?


We call it the risk/reward comparison... is the reward worth the risk?

^ One of the most important tenets in economics and business. But, like most large corporations, BW is not showing a lot of intelligence in that department, lately

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How they SHOULD do the idler thing is make someone eligible for idling if they haven't entered combat/are not gaining defender points for over 3? 4? minutes.


Oddly enough, this is what I thought they were implementing. It never occured to me that you would just randomly choose to kick someone already participating.


I need to stop thinking the best of people.:rolleyes:

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LOL I am not talking about giving a reward for kicking someone...


I am talking about WHAT do we get out of the AFK voting system, we do not need it for anything. What is its advantage?


We call it the risk/reward comparison... is the reward worth the risk?


Maybe you have some how managed not to have to deal with AFKers but you would be the only player in the game who hasn't lost multiple war zones in part due to them not playing. While vote systems can and will be abused, the abusers can also be reported. And yes, there is a large problem with AFKers, just apparently not for you.

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As I said in another thread about kicking people who are trying to gear up....


"With 1.2 people will HAVE to run Randoms or Ranked WZ for the Comms they need to get gear, your vote kicking makes it so that they can't run the WZ they need because they get kicked out every time their Deserter Debuff finally wears off. Your not helping them gear up, your making it more certain that they leave the game because they are getting kicked for not having the gear they can't get BECAUSE they are getting kicked.


But like the other guy said, with Ranked WZ's they will probably be increasing 4-man to 8-man premades, so you won't have to worry about the guy who is trying to gear up."

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Except if you can only do it to people who aren't moving or haven't engaged in combat...


That does nothing to deal with an instance where a level 50 in nothing but starting whites showed up in warzone and had autorun and walk on and steadily marched to his death every time he respawned. Did it in Civil War too.


He had 4800 hp

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