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Because its proven fact watchman is better right? I play combat and tear throu pve and pvp faster than the watchmen around me. I cant wait to post my parsed numbers here when 1.2 hits! I bet there will be alot of suprised people out there.


i wont be surprised :) combat also here and loving the dps :)

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3. Just not anything gamebreaking. Master strike shouldnt be used that often, except when abilities are on CD, and then only for first 2 strikes (except combat of course.) Force Statis is also nothing special. Situational, at best, and even if on a 20 second CD, it would be a waste of 3 seconds trying to stun a target, instead of slowing it and dpsing it down. Zealous strike's CD is lowered, in the combat tree.




I just wanted to point out that Force Stasis is amazing as Watchman as it allows me to stack all my burns and then hold my target while they tick away, and damage them with the stasis. A 20 second cooldown of this ability would be ridiculously useful for watchman.

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No. Honestly. There are 3 things i want and single target push is one of them


1. A single target push (20 second cool down. does not generate focus)


2. To get rid of dispatch and make it the saber throw the guardians have that generates focus and has a 30m range (hopefully pick this up around lv 38 and has a 9 second cool down and generates 3 focus)


3.) shorter cool down times on Master strike (sense it has to be channeled in the first place)

Force Stasis (maybe knock this one to 20 seconds?)

Zealous Strike (I think a 10 to 12 second cool down would be nice here sense it's our main focus builder)

Pommel Strike (20 seconds again)


that's all i want. I'm not asking for us to be beefed up. just a few useful abilities and shorter cool downs. it'd sure as heck help in pvp


honestly only thing i agree with is force push not like we need push but it's fun to use and feels weird this is the only force user that doesn't get the basic for push or pull skill. Well i can see why no pull it would be op

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Well, you may think I am clueless, and you can say anything you want. THe simple fact of the matter is this. YOu get into a situation where you are surrounded, by enemies, and you can't get them off of you, for whatever reason, bad tank, soloing a class quest alone, whatever, and you need to push the mob off of you, so that you can concentrate on the one that your dealing with at the moment...yes that means you would push them back to force leap on them, but it gives you distance, space, a break, just for a moment, of not taking damage! To kill the one opponent that your working on at that moment. Sentinel does not have great aoe skills, period. Doesn't matter if I have Blade Storm and can hit five guys in front of me, if there are six behind me!


Furthermore I will go so far as to say this. Because I have seen it with my own two eyes. Time and time again, I see people telling me or others, "I soloed this quest over here alone. NO help!" And all I can think of is, "Really? YOu did? Cause you asked for my help and I came and helped you beat that quest."


It's alright, to say that your Sentinel class is great, and wonderful and to defend it. I get it, I like the idea of having two sabers too. Really I do. I dig it. But....time and time again...I see people struggling with this class, even on there solo missions. And I use every single skill! And have since I started playing. I don't just 1 button spam. I do understand what a lot of my skills do, some I think are absolutely worthless....others are ok. As an example I think Force Camoflauge simply is a worthless skill and doesn't do a lot to get the damage off of me. It can and has in those rare moments gotten me out of a fight...but two seconds is just almost not even worth having it.


Bottom line, all I am saying really is, give me a way to push the guys off of me when I'm in a position that is screwed from the word go, so I can continue to work on the one I was fighting to begin with. Thats all. If I get pulled off of my speeder, and I have a large group on me, it would be nice, to push them off of me, so I could get my feet under me and target a npc, and go to work. Buys me time. I could care less about PVP, but even there a force wave would be nice for those moments when you have muptiple opponents on you, and have to get some damage off of you. Push them back and leap on your opponent....would help much? Maybe not, but it will help. ANd I don't believe a Sentinel is going to take a Guardian on either side of the equation. Whether they be republic or Sith. Not equally matched. There armor is heavy number one, so it protects them better, an they have WAY! More health points. ALong with force push. The leap on you, push you back, your on your ***, and then they leap on you again. It's a hard fight against a Guardian.


I aint asking to be better or be given better than another class. I am asking to have the playing field leveled, and it just to me doesn't feel that way. ANd I hear it a lot in game. ALOT! Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't see it, when I meet people in game that are telling me the same things that I see. I just don't see it. Sorry guys.


So are you trying to take on 40 strong mobs at the same time or something and then comming on the forums and complaining after getting rocked? Or are you an idiot and ran into a group of 5 imps solo and wondered why you couldn't 1 shot them with 1 aoe? You say you know all your abilities but do you realize how many defensive cds sents get? Guarded by the force, force camo, rebuke, saber ward along with a plethora of interrupts. Are you some poop hybrid spec? Are you watchman specced and if you are do you know how to play? Do you keyboard turn and click your abilities? Are you terrible?

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Well, you may think I am clueless, and you can say anything you want. THe simple fact of the matter is this. YOu get into a situation where you are surrounded, by enemies, and you can't get them off of you, for whatever reason, bad tank, soloing a class quest alone, whatever, and you need to push the mob off of you, so that you can concentrate on the one that your dealing with at the moment...yes that means you would push them back to force leap on them, but it gives you distance, space, a break, just for a moment, of not taking damage! To kill the one opponent that your working on at that moment. Sentinel does not have great aoe skills, period. Doesn't matter if I have Blade Storm and can hit five guys in front of me, if there are six behind me!


Furthermore I will go so far as to say this. Because I have seen it with my own two eyes. Time and time again, I see people telling me or others, "I soloed this quest over here alone. NO help!" And all I can think of is, "Really? YOu did? Cause you asked for my help and I came and helped you beat that quest."


The situation you mentioned above it would be POINTLESS to have a push. It would buy you at most 2-3 seconds, not to mention any ranged mobs would be unaffected. Also, there are VERY rarely groups of mobs large enough with enough HP to make this have any benefit. Most large groups have at least 2-3 weak mobs that die


It's alright, to say that your Sentinel class is great, and wonderful and to defend it. I get it, I like the idea of having two sabers too. Really I do. I dig it. But....time and time again...I see people struggling with this class, even on there solo missions. And I use every single skill! And have since I started playing. I don't just 1 button spam. I do understand what a lot of my skills do, some I think are absolutely worthless....others are ok. As an example I think Force Camoflauge simply is a worthless skill and doesn't do a lot to get the damage off of me. It can and has in those rare moments gotten me out of a fight...but two seconds is just almost not even worth having it.


Force camou is a complete hate dump. It means everything thats attacking you stops attacking and starts attacking whoever has the next most hate (your companion when solo). It is an INCREDIBLY useful move in and out of combat. Anyone who claims its worthless just proves how little they know about the class.


Bottom line, all I am saying really is, give me a way to push the guys off of me when I'm in a position that is screwed from the word go, so I can continue to work on the one I was fighting to begin with. Thats all. If I get pulled off of my speeder, and I have a large group on me, it would be nice, to push them off of me, so I could get my feet under me and target a npc, and go to work. Buys me time. I could care less about PVP, but even there a force wave would be nice for those moments when you have muptiple opponents on you, and have to get some damage off of you. Push them back and leap on your opponent....would help much? Maybe not, but it will help. ANd I don't believe a Sentinel is going to take a Guardian on either side of the equation. Whether they be republic or Sith. Not equally matched. There armor is heavy number one, so it protects them better, an they have WAY! More health points. ALong with force push. The leap on you, push you back, your on your ***, and then they leap on you again. It's a hard fight against a Guardian.


Once again, this shows how little you know about your class. Yes they have that initial set of moves to get you with, but with proper positioning it's not an issue at all. Not to mention, our better DPS, defensive CD's, burns, and zen heals make us a CHORE to try and burn down and tip the scales in our favor. You really just need to get out and experience more of the game, because it seems like you are just talking about stuff based on what you expect, not what you've actually seen.


I aint asking to be better or be given better than another class. I am asking to have the playing field leveled, and it just to me doesn't feel that way. ANd I hear it a lot in game. ALOT! Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't see it, when I meet people in game that are telling me the same things that I see. I just don't see it. Sorry guys.


You are wrong. The people whining in game are the bad players and you are just echoing their sentiment because you don't know any better. If you DID properly play your class you would have no gripes and realize how incredibly powerful a sentinel is. The only advice I can really give you is to keep practicing and try and use ALL your skills more often (you SAY you do, but I doubt it if you don't even understand the utility of force camou).

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If you think Sentinel is underpowered, you're doing it wrong. We have enough shields, speed buffs, slows, etc to get the job done.


Sentinel is just a VERY contextually based class, not all abilities are suitable for every situation. You just need to know what to use and when.


Not to mention a healer at least patching you up a little in wz's makes you a the most dangerous player in the match. I play watchman and love watching my burns and constant saber swings melt enemies apart.

Edited by Toochbag
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Well, you may think I am clueless, and you can say anything you want. THe simple fact of the matter is this. YOu get into a situation where you are surrounded, by enemies, and you can't get them off of you, for whatever reason, bad tank, soloing a class quest alone, whatever, and you need to push the mob off of you, so that you can concentrate on the one that your dealing with at the moment...yes that means you would push them back to force leap on them, but it gives you distance, space, a break, just for a moment, of not taking damage! To kill the one opponent that your working on at that moment. Sentinel does not have great aoe skills, period. Doesn't matter if I have Blade Storm and can hit five guys in front of me, if there are six behind me!


If you are pulling 11 mobs then you are going to die. WHY you are pulling this many mobs for ANY reason is beyond me.


Furthermore I will go so far as to say this. Because I have seen it with my own two eyes. Time and time again, I see people telling me or others, "I soloed this quest over here alone. NO help!" And all I can think of is, "Really? YOu did? Cause you asked for my help and I came and helped you beat that quest."


Why would someone tell you they soloed a quest if you just helped them with it? I'm not sure you know what the word 'Solo' means.


It's alright, to say that your Sentinel class is great, and wonderful and to defend it. I get it, I like the idea of having two sabers too. Really I do. I dig it. But....time and time again...I see people struggling with this class, even on there solo missions. And I use every single skill! And have since I started playing. I don't just 1 button spam. I do understand what a lot of my skills do, some I think are absolutely worthless....others are ok. As an example I think Force Camoflauge simply is a worthless skill and doesn't do a lot to get the damage off of me. It can and has in those rare moments gotten me out of a fight...but two seconds is just almost not even worth having it.


Force Camouflage is one of our most powerful defensive cooldowns. Current watchman trees allow you to spec into it for a full 100% damage reduction for 4 seconds (not the 2 seconds you are indicating) in addition to the abilities increased speed. As far as learning this class it is perhaps one of the hardest to master when you can have up to 24+ abilities to manage in any given fight. Learning this class requires time and patience and is something that can usually be achieved during the leveling process.


Bottom line, all I am saying really is, give me a way to push the guys off of me when I'm in a position that is screwed from the word go, so I can continue to work on the one I was fighting to begin with. Thats all. If I get pulled off of my speeder, and I have a large group on me, it would be nice, to push them off of me, so I could get my feet under me and target a npc, and go to work. Buys me time. I could care less about PVP, but even there a force wave would be nice for those moments when you have muptiple opponents on you, and have to get some damage off of you. Push them back and leap on your opponent....would help much? Maybe not, but it will help. ANd I don't believe a Sentinel is going to take a Guardian on either side of the equation. Whether they be republic or Sith. Not equally matched. There armor is heavy number one, so it protects them better, an they have WAY! More health points. ALong with force push. The leap on you, push you back, your on your ***, and then they leap on you again. It's a hard fight against a Guardian.


Ok, this just screams L2play if you get knocked off your speeder and get mugged. Now what happens if you get knocked off by some ranged dps? You still want that knockback? Great, now you just smashed them farther away from you, allowing them to rail on you for an even great amount of time. Guardians? Push them back and they will saber throw/forceleap at you while you attempt to close the gap. I've PvP dualed guardians/imps before and believe me, if they don't know what they are doing I can rip them apart in seconds.


I aint asking to be better or be given better than another class. I am asking to have the playing field leveled, and it just to me doesn't feel that way. ANd I hear it a lot in game. ALOT! Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't see it, when I meet people in game that are telling me the same things that I see. I just don't see it. Sorry guys.


You don't see it because you don't understand your class or it's abilities. You really should try a trooper class, they have two knockback abilities (AOE knockback Concussive Charge or single target Stock Strike) and sounds more like your playing style. I don't know who these "other" people are that are telling you these things about the sentinel, I think you are only hearing/twisting what you want to hear because I have NEVER heard anything even remotely close to what you stating as fact about our class.


LT;DR - L2play you class (or do some research via sithwarrior.com) or play a different one.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, after having played a little while longer with my Sentinel now...and having gotten many upgrades to my armor. It does seem, that if you are geared properly, the Sentinel most certainly can hold his own. I think that coming from a game like Guild Wars, to this game was big change in how you play....for me anyways. It took me a little bit of time to figure out how I needed to play. I listened to everyone else, instead of just doing what I felt was right. For me, and it's only for me. I have found that once I invested some time putting alot of Endurance mods on my sent....I can hang with just about anything I want to take on. People were telling me Strength, and telling me Crit....and blah, blah. At the end of the day, I needed Endurance, and Crit mods. Mods that had both, and that made a lot of difference for me. I know other Sents run there characters differently. I do still think some of the skills are pretty well useless. Unless, like with Guarded by the force, you have Doc with you. Cutting your health down by 50% to be protected is a huge risk, and you need to be very, very good, to cause maximum amount of damage in the absolute shortest amount of time when facing a gold elite or some other high end boss. But yeah, it can be very useful.


Force Camo, I still rarely use, and now that I have reached level 50 and I am geared properly, I don't really see much need for it, at all. Usually.


Sentinel IS a good class. It does take practice, and you have to get the gear you need for the way you play. Yeah, it's a dps class, but you can play that class a lot of different ways. For myself, I like to charge in attack and kill everything. I probably should have been a guardian, it probably would have saved me a lot of headache, and problems early on. That being said though....I can do that now with my Sent...I got no complaints anymore. I must concede to the other posters, Sentinel is not broken. I still think a force push would come in handy every now and then, but, you know, you use what you got, and make it work. :) Cause it does.

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Well, after having played a little while longer with my Sentinel now...and having gotten many upgrades to my armor. It does seem, that if you are geared properly, the Sentinel most certainly can hold his own. I think that coming from a game like Guild Wars, to this game was big change in how you play....for me anyways. It took me a little bit of time to figure out how I needed to play. I listened to everyone else, instead of just doing what I felt was right. For me, and it's only for me. I have found that once I invested some time putting alot of Endurance mods on my sent....I can hang with just about anything I want to take on. People were telling me Strength, and telling me Crit....and blah, blah. At the end of the day, I needed Endurance, and Crit mods. Mods that had both, and that made a lot of difference for me. I know other Sents run there characters differently. I do still think some of the skills are pretty well useless. Unless, like with Guarded by the force, you have Doc with you. Cutting your health down by 50% to be protected is a huge risk, and you need to be very, very good, to cause maximum amount of damage in the absolute shortest amount of time when facing a gold elite or some other high end boss. But yeah, it can be very useful.


Force Camo, I still rarely use, and now that I have reached level 50 and I am geared properly, I don't really see much need for it, at all. Usually.


Sentinel IS a good class. It does take practice, and you have to get the gear you need for the way you play. Yeah, it's a dps class, but you can play that class a lot of different ways. For myself, I like to charge in attack and kill everything. I probably should have been a guardian, it probably would have saved me a lot of headache, and problems early on. That being said though....I can do that now with my Sent...I got no complaints anymore. I must concede to the other posters, Sentinel is not broken. I still think a force push would come in handy every now and then, but, you know, you use what you got, and make it work. :) Cause it does.


What i saw from your earlier posts but you didn't mention it exactly is that you were lvling back then, ain't that true? And its true that Sents have a lot of problems PVPing before 40 because you don't have some few really important skills and you don't have acces to last ability in tree (Sents are in no means able to play hybrid builds).


About lack of AoE. It's SINGLE TARGET DPS class, in terms of AoE there is Commando who is really hurt after 1.2 AFAIK.


This thread made day, I must admit that x)

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Well, after having played a little while longer with my Sentinel now...


A few things about your post... This may be a case of simply 'i doing things different' but..


Endurance: Has NEVER been a priority in my stat distribution, its STR/Power all the way, whilst ensuring i have 'enough' crit/surge/accuracy also.


I am assuming by the fact you mention 'Doc' that you mostly or entirely play in PvE, and indeed force camo is of limited use there, it really comes into its own in PvP imo. But even so ive used force camo to bypass one group of enemies here and there.. or to ditch aggro if i am getting too low and let doc take a few hits for me. Likewise Guarded by the Force is as limited in use for PvE solo play as force camo, perhaps even more so, It is again a more PvP orientated ability. (Although both come in very handy in operations)


But all said, it is good you are enjoying your sentinel again :)

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Slows and roots? I know of 2 roots if you spec combat, but any sent worth his salt doesn't spec that tree. Am I missing a root(s) somewhere?


Leg slash (slow), cauterize can be spec'd for a slow and force leap is a root. Focus has a 2nd leap which roots. Combat has 2 additional roots as you mentioned.


If you're not using leg slash several times during PVP you have no right to complain about being kited.

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  • 2 weeks later...
A few things about your post... This may be a case of simply 'i doing things different' but..


Endurance: Has NEVER been a priority in my stat distribution, its STR/Power all the way, whilst ensuring i have 'enough' crit/surge/accuracy also.


I am assuming by the fact you mention 'Doc' that you mostly or entirely play in PvE, and indeed force camo is of limited use there, it really comes into its own in PvP imo. But even so ive used force camo to bypass one group of enemies here and there.. or to ditch aggro if i am getting too low and let doc take a few hits for me. Likewise Guarded by the Force is as limited in use for PvE solo play as force camo, perhaps even more so, It is again a more PvP orientated ability. (Although both come in very handy in operations)


But all said, it is good you are enjoying your sentinel again :)

Yeah. I do, play a lot PVE a lot more than the PVP. It just gets really laggy for me. I don't mind PVP, and have found it to be rather enjoyable,as of late, but it's not my favorite aspect of the game. And thanks for the well wishes as well. It's been a lot better once I hit 50, a lot! I still get into trouble every now and again, but nowhere near like I did on my journey up.


As for the guys talking about me pulling 11 mobs or something like that. That's not the case at all. What I was refering to were the occasions when your playing by yourself, and you get pulled off of your speeder, even by a small group of say 4 or 5 in your same level. A push back would have been really nice. I have noticed when playing with my shadow the few times that it happens, it has been immensley useful for just regrouping and getting over the initial shock. It buys you precious seconds that in some cases you do desperately need. It would have just added to my survivability at the lower levels. Even just something like a 'blackout' for 5 seconds to get out of trouble would have been tremendously useful. Again though....Sentinel is a more advanced class to play like I think you all have been saying. Even still.....I have noticed at least for myself, all of the classes use more than a few skills to survive and win a conflict. I haven't noticed any of them to be total one button masher characters. Which is good. Sentinel needs a lot more finess. It's a good class. You just have to be geared properly and really be aware of what's going on around you I think.


Ok, now that all of that is said...let me bring up problem that I do have with dueling or PVP. Seems like Sentinel is a stand there and beat them to death class. How do you do continuous damage against a target that is constantly moving? Besides using leg strike, and stasis? Stasis has a long cool down period, how do you all keep track of your opponent? I find them to be annoying like a bee? All over the place!!! LOL! Stand and fight me like a man you know? Any info would be great, and I do think in the PVP area this is going to be the complaint of a lot of newer Sents as well. Feels like you just can't put out the kind of damage that you need to in order to win when they are moving all over the place. Thanks in advance.

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Ok, now that all of that is said...let me bring up problem that I do have with dueling or PVP. Seems like Sentinel is a stand there and beat them to death class. How do you do continuous damage against a target that is constantly moving? Besides using leg strike, and stasis? Stasis has a long cool down period, how do you all keep track of your opponent? I find them to be annoying like a bee? All over the place!!! LOL! Stand and fight me like a man you know? Any info would be great, and I do think in the PVP area this is going to be the complaint of a lot of newer Sents as well. Feels like you just can't put out the kind of damage that you need to in order to win when they are moving all over the place. Thanks in advance.


How about you start moving constantly as well? It's what i do, i circle around my enemies like a freaking Eagle

Which leads to 2 things:

1) I'm on top of them for a fair amount of time, ofcourse you'll get kited (or people will try to) but you just need 1 leap or quick stun to bring some off balance and start doing some real damage.


2) if you run behind them, they can't hit you so you'll live longer. Especially when facing a keyboard turner it's just almost sad for them when you run around them.


Yes, it is possible to just stand, plant and fight to the death, but it will kill you quite often as well


The great thing about sentinel is that you don't have to stand still to do all your dmg, only for stasis & Master strike you need to stand still, and stasis you want to use as a interrupt or to hold them off for a bit.


And if you didn't understand keyboard turning part: use A & D for left/right strafe and I use right mouse button to turn, that's the thing where mouse beats keyboard: turning

Edited by Stealios
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