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The game is on sale!


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After the game has reached it's potential. Apparently two months was all the hype this game could purchase.


it's funny how you guys were all talking about the mass exodus swtor was going to have before the end of the first month. amazing you didn't have a heart attack when the facts came out and we found that after the first month swtor had one of the highest retention rates of any MMO ever reported.


i wonder if you guys will ever get tired of being so wrong all the time...

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You still didnt explain how SWTOR has been in the top 100 in sales since AUG 2011


what is there to explain? tera is in the top 50 right now and it may never even be released. are pre-orders really that difficult to understand?

Edited by iceperson
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To be fair, SWTOR has one thing only one other MMO has had to date. A star wars IP. While I for one LOVE star wars, it brings the game into a niche market, and its going to scare alot of potential customers away because "Pfft? star wars? thats nerd ****"




Like playing with pandas doesnt make you a nerd but playing with sabers does. Does saving 10 bucks make you any less of a nerd?


The only people who think video games are for nerds only will never buy them anyways so dropping the price to $5 wouldnt get them to play.

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To be fair, SWTOR has one thing only one other MMO has had to date. A star wars IP. While I for one LOVE star wars, it brings the game into a niche market, and its going to scare alot of potential customers away because "Pfft? star wars? thats nerd ****"

STRONGLY disagree with this statement. Most everyone I know who plays MMOs bought this game, whether they were star wars fans or not (unless they just flat out too broke, or their PC couldn't handle it). On top of that, the game attracted a lot of Star Wars fans as well, who aren't big into MMOs. This melding of a real Star Wars-esque storyline, with traditional MMO mechanics was probably the biggest thing the game had going for it. It's too bad it has so many issues that make it less fun for people.

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it's funny how you guys were all talking about the mass exodus swtor was going to have before the end of the first month. amazing you didn't have a heart attack when the facts came out and we found that after the first month swtor had one of the highest retention rates of any MMO ever reported.


i wonder if you guys will ever get tired of being so wrong all the time...


300k left after the first month. They were counting trial accounts AND Bioware removed the cancellation button. Nice way to pad numbers so the Bioware back massagers could feel good about dumping money into a cesspool of a game.


Warhammer had a very high retention rate, apologists were rampant to defend the game. Even the apologists got tired of defending that game and no different will be had here.

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Like playing with pandas doesnt make you a nerd but playing with sabers does. Does saving 10 bucks make you any less of a nerd?


The only people who think video games are for nerds only will never buy them anyways so dropping the price to $5 wouldnt get them to play.


Is that the only thing WoW-haters have to say anymore..?

"Lawlz pandaz"


STRONGLY disagree with this statement. Most everyone I know who plays MMOs bought this game, whether they were star wars fans or not (unless they just flat out too broke, or their PC couldn't handle it). On top of that, the game attracted a lot of Star Wars fans as well, who aren't big into MMOs. This melding of a real Star Wars-esque storyline, with traditional MMO mechanics was probably the biggest thing the game had going for it. It's too bad it has so many issues that make it less fun for people.



Okay, so you know people who bought the game despite the fact that they werent star wars fans. Good for them.


I know at least 20 people who REFUSE TO BUY THE GAME, solely because its a sci-fi setting, not because its star wars exactly but because its sci fi. Now take the people who would play it despite its sci fi, but violently hate all things star wars..Like trekkies.

Edited by acheros
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it's funny how you guys were all talking about the mass exodus swtor was going to have before the end of the first month. amazing you didn't have a heart attack when the facts came out and we found that after the first month swtor had one of the highest retention rates of any MMO ever reported.


i wonder if you guys will ever get tired of being so wrong all the time...


Losing 300,000 players in 10 days is a mass exodus.

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300k left after the first month. They were counting trial accounts AND Bioware removed the cancellation button. Nice way to pad numbers so the Bioware back massagers could feel good about dumping money into a cesspool of a game.


Warhammer had a very high retention rate, apologists were rampant to defend the game. Even the apologists got tired of defending that game and no different will be had here.


rofl. are don't twist yourself too much into that pretzel of failed logic there chief, you might hurt something...

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Dude, after the initial launch period, everyone has bought the game. They're just trying to attract more players. Even if they had 300,000,000 subsribers they would still try to bring more in.


You should probably atleast learn how a business functions instead of starting a thread like this.


WoW does the exact same thing, it's only 29.99 to start and that's for the first 2 games. They also offer a 7 day trial and have for 4 years. That's actually how I came to play it because it works.


Offer people a free trial and they will go out and buy the game.

Edited by KhealThar
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Dude, after the initial launch period, everyone has bought the game. They're just trying to attract more players. Even if they had 300,000,000 subsribers they would still try to bring more in.


You should probably atleast learn how a business functions instead of starting a thread like this.


WoW does the exact same thing, it's only 29.99 to start and that's for the first 2 games. They also offer a 7 day trial and have for 4 years. That's actually how I came to play it because it works.


Offer people a free trial and they will go out and buy the game.


wow is f2p to level 20 now

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No there is more and I bet you would like me to talk them to take the focus off SWTOR and then be closed for being about wow more than SWTOR


No, I really don't care. I quit WoW awhile ago, and I canceled by SWTOR sub as well. I just think its funny how ANYTIME, ANYONE mentions WoW being bad the only thing they say is "Have fun with your pandaz"

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300k left after the first month. They were counting trial accounts AND Bioware removed the cancellation button. Nice way to pad numbers so the Bioware back massagers could feel good about dumping money into a cesspool of a game.


Warhammer had a very high retention rate, apologists were rampant to defend the game. Even the apologists got tired of defending that game and no different will be had here.


couple things.


1. they didn't remove the button get your story straight.



2. the button being hidden lasted less then 24 hours.


3. ROFL Warhammer had a high retention rate? Do you do drugs? It lost 50% of its subs by the end of the free month and 75% of its subs by the end of it's 3rd month.


4. If you look at the box numbers of games that were sold before december 31st then you get around 1.5 million or so copies that had an active paid account at the end of januray. So the vast number of players were paid subscribers when they released that info.


5. 300k left after the first month? So what. 85% retention rate is pretty damn good.


6. your link in your sig is still broken.

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it is not f2p. it is a trial.


Its F2P..You can play as long as you want, with as many toons as you want, until level 20. Heres the thing though. You don't HAVE to buy the game at level 20. You just have to buy it if you want to get a further level.

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300k left after the first month. They were counting trial accounts AND Bioware removed the cancellation button. Nice way to pad numbers so the Bioware back massagers could feel good about dumping money into a cesspool of a game.


Warhammer had a very high retention rate, apologists were rampant to defend the game. Even the apologists got tired of defending that game and no different will be had here



Why do you hang around a game forum of a game you don't even enjoy.. :confused:


Also, you can't just claim they lost 300k after the first month without and evidence to support that.


300k of 1.7 mil is barely a flesh wound, that's amazing for a modern MMO.

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rofl. are don't twist yourself too much into that pretzel of failed logic there chief, you might hurt something...


are don't twist yourself??


You're not making sense now. Hopefully you read better than you type:







(Note the -80% drop from week one to week two)




(Note the weekly decline from December to February)

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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lol. BW has 4 of the top 10 slots for all games at amazon, i'm sure they're doing just fine



swtor is still number 13 in PC games and there's a chance the closest competition (tera) won't even ship in the US





Global First Ten Weeks (Units)

Week Ending Week Weekly Change Total

24th December 2011 1 1,453,494 N/A 1,453,494

31st December 2011 2 316,194 -78.2% 1,769,688

07th January 2012 3 111,762 -64.7% 1,881,450

14th January 2012 4 67,742 -39.4% 1,949,192

21st January 2012 5 58,722 -13.3% 2,007,914

28th January 2012 6 48,748 -17.0% 2,056,662

04th February 2012 7 34,818 -28.6% 2,091,480

11th February 2012 8 27,799 -20.2% 2,119,279


US is even uglier:


USA First Ten Weeks (Units)

Week Ending Week Weekly Change Total

24th December 2011 1 810,019 N/A 810,019

31st December 2011 2 139,752 -82.7% 949,771

07th January 2012 3 42,251 -69.8% 992,022

14th January 2012 4 20,465 -51.6% 1,012,487

21st January 2012 5 17,045 -16.7% 1,029,532

28th January 2012 6 13,645 -19.9% 1,043,177

04th February 2012 7 7,988 -41.5% 1,051,165

11th February 2012 8 6,187 -22.5% 1,057,352


Makes sense for them to put game on sale.

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85% retention is unheard of in an sub based MMO haha


oh noes, the sky is falling. rofl :rolleyes:


Again your using what they said to say 85%. It is no where near 85%.


They had 1.7 million sales in dec. 300,000 quit. Out of the 1.4 still left we do not know how many were on timecards, multi month subs or payed for an extra month andof those 3 types of player how many of them cancelled but were included in Biowares number as active sub because they could still actual play the game but had cancelled.


Then of the 300,000 that purchaced the game in Jan we do not know if they like the game and are going to continue to sub or will cancel.


So at the best case senerio it is a 82% retention rate but that is only if anyone who purchased the game since Jan 1st didnt quit

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couple things.


1. they didn't remove the button get your story straight.



2. the button being hidden lasted less then 24 hours.


3. ROFL Warhammer had a high retention rate? Do you do drugs? It lost 50% of its subs by the end of the free month and 75% of its subs by the end of it's 3rd month.


4. If you look at the box numbers of games that were sold before december 31st then you get around 1.5 million or so copies that had an active paid account at the end of januray. So the vast number of players were paid subscribers when they released that info.


5. 300k left after the first month? So what. 85% retention rate is pretty damn good.


6. your link in your sig is still broken.



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