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SWTOR Endgame = Alts?


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I like to play alts. There are three major problems though:


1. Server depopulation. This is especially acute out in the worlds. The game becomes a single player RPG that happens to be online. Ditto for trying to get flashpoints. No LFD and your stuck.


2. Rigidly linear world progression. For all the fanbois who say your skipping content by not doing "all" the side quests on each world; wait until you revisit them on an alt. Then you will bitterly regret your decision to exhaust all the side quests and be forced ad nausem into repeating the same quests.


3. Lack of originality between Sith and Republic. Again this goes to the world progression. I mean really, you make Taris have a night backdrop for Imps with nearly the exact same zone layout and expect replay value? Comon. Nearly all the other zones with the exception of Coruscant/Dromand Kaas suffer from the exact same problem.

Edited by grueber
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So games that have added content over the course of YEARS have more content than SWTOR?




/sigh Not again lol


Read my earlier postings as to why I don't feel this is an acceptable excuse for SWTOR's lack of endgame material.


On a side note, just let me stress no one is saying SWTOR should have as many areas or dungeons or as many quests as a MMORPG that's been out for 10 years. That I agree would be unreasonable, and I dont' really think anyone is expecting this.


It should however have a competetive endgame available that keeps players from being getting bored so soon. That's a lot different then saying it should have the total breadth of a game that's been out for many years.

Edited by JeremyDale
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I've played 3 other MMORPGs long enough to reach "endgame".


Final Fantasy 11, Lord of the Rings Online, and World of Warcraft. All three of these had far more to do after reaching capped level than this game does.


Final Fantasy 11 had multiple battlefield events you could particpate in, like Besieged, the Crystal Wars ect. They had Moogle Trials and a merit system you could work on to upgrade your weapons and armor as well as your skills. They had Abyssea, Dynamis, Limbus ect... - basically it had tons of group and solo content for players to work on to improve their characters after reaching max level.


Lord of the Rings Online had Reputation, Deeds, Skirmishes, Housing, Legendary Weapons, Relics and more available for players to work on after you reach max level. It had a ton of stuff too.


Now World of Warcraft I'll admit had a weak endgame, as it was very similiar to SWTOR - but at least it had a very effective LFG tool that made it's group content easy to access at all times of the day for all players. It also had an achivement system which some players enjoyed....though why I don't know lol


So compared to other MMORPGs i've played, this gam has a very weak endgame, with almost nothing to do outside of flashpoints and some tedious dailies. It's a very boring game after 50 - especially if not enough of your friends are online to get a group together.


considering the games been out 2 months, its a good start. I've yet to get bored yet with the game after 50 so far. Much more enjoyable than other endgames i've been part of.

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This is just a video game. It's not my best friend, and I don't feel a need to try and make excuses for it to cover up it's flaws, like you and others seem intent on doing.


It's not really a flaw when it's working as expected.


New MMO's generally have less features and content than old MMO's. You might not like it, or except it, but that's just the way it is. QQing about it won't change it.


If you want lots of content and features, go play an old MMO.

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considering the games been out 2 months, its a good start. I've yet to get bored yet with the game after 50 so far. Much more enjoyable than other endgames i've been part of.


Well I disagree. It's a horrible start, and I've never played a endgame that was so boring. But that's ok, reasonable adults can disagree :)

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considering the games been out 2 months, its a good start. I've yet to get bored yet with the game after 50 so far. Much more enjoyable than other endgames i've been part of.


Exactly. Same here.


OP of course disagrees, which is his right. Best thing for him is to unsub and go play something that does not bore him., because according to him, he's bored and the game is way too weak for him at level 50.

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It's not really a flaw when it's working as expected.


New MMO's generally have less features and content than old MMO's. You might not like it, or except it, but that's just the way it is. QQing about it won't change it.


If you want lots of content and features, go play an old MMO.




Well thanks for agreeing with me that other MMORPGs have a lot more endgame content and features, which is basically what your post just did.


It's funny you accuse me of "QQing" because I agree with you.. How about you stop QQuing about my supposed QQuing? Because your QQing about me won't change me either ^^

Edited by JeremyDale
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Hehe. What's more is they couldn't even clone it well.


I definitely have the same feeling I had with Warhammer..We had over a million people in just 14 days but months later it was a ghost town anywhere you went.


This is my feeling exactly: Warhammer all over again. Sure its not an exact copy of Warhammer, but a lot of it is eerily similar (mirror classes anyone?). I had high hopes for that game and really wanted to like it but around two months in I was completely bored.


I suppose since some of the SWTOR team is people who made Warhammer this shouldn't be a big surprise.


I really tried to like this game. I pretty much was forcing myself to like it and making excuses to myself as to why I should like it. Playing a Jedi was definitely it's selling point and a hard one for me to ignore.


But alas, my subscription runs out today and I really cannot justify resubbing at this time. It may be worth playing six months to a year down the road with bug fixes and content updates yet that will only happen if people stick around that long to keep it going.

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It's not really a flaw when it's working as expected.


New MMO's generally have less features and content than old MMO's. You might not like it, or except it, but that's just the way it is. QQing about it won't change it.


If you want lots of content and features, go play an old MMO.



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Well I disagree. It's a horrible start, and I've never played a endgame that was so boring. But that's ok, reasonable adults can disagree :)


aye. I enjoy it :D


Most people cant view it as a starting point and instead view it as an ending point. Thats the big problem with the community.

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aye. I enjoy it :D


Most people cant view it as a starting point and instead view it as an ending point. Thats the big problem with the community.


The problem isn't how I view it Brool. The problem is it's boring :)


I would have no problem with it being a starting point if it was an interesting and fun starting point.

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It's so sweet how the SWTOR defenders stick up for each other :)


You meant to day "it's so sweet to see people consistently disagree with a self declared bored person who thinks their view of the game is the only one that counts"


But keep trying with the passive agressive stuff. It's entertaining to watch.

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You meant to day "it's so sweet to see people consistently disagree with a self declared bored person who thinks their view of the game is the only one that counts"


But keep trying with the passive agressive stuff. It's entertaining to watch.


lol funny thing is the guy who's post you /signed actually agreed with me.


And if you think i'm being aggressive I don't even know what to say.... lol


I hope we never meet when I actually am aggressive O.o


And if anything is entertaining to watch it's you having to put words in my mouth and pretend I said my view is the only one that counts which I never once even came anywhere close to saying.


In fact I consistently say reasonable people can disagree.

Edited by JeremyDale
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lol funny thing is the guy who's post you /signed actually agreed with me.


And if you think i'm being aggressive I don't even know what to say.... lol


I hope we never meet when I actually am aggressive O.o


Did you enjoy the game?


Do a /played. How many hours did you put in?


Also, enjoy your search for the next big MMO.



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Did you enjoy the game?


Do a /played. How many hours did you put in?


Also, enjoy your search for the next big MMO.




I enjoyed it up until I hit level 50.


And I defend this game where I think it deserves defending, and I trash it where I think it deserves trashing. I don't try and make excuses for the things they did wrong, and I give them credit for the things they did right.

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I enjoyed it up until I hit level 50.


And I defend this game where I think it deserves defending, and I trash it where I think it deserves trashing. I don't try and make excuses for the things they did wrong, and I give them credit for the things they did right.


I started a thread for just that thing.


SWTOR Pros/Cons



Feel free to post your views there.


It's been constructive for the most part.

Edited by Azzras
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lol funny thing is the guy who's post you /signed actually agreed with me.




Uh, no, sorry. He was not agreeing with you that comparing an old MMO is apples to apples with comaring to this new MMO.


On the contrary, he was pointing out that your expectations were not reasonable in the context of a new MMO and that if you need mature end game content, you need to GO PLAY AN OLD MMO where there is lots of content already patched in over a period of years.


However, you thinking that he agreed with you gives new insight to how you perceive things.

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Uh, no, sorry. He was not agreeing with you that comparing an old MMO is apples to apples with comaring to this new MMO.


On the contrary, he was pointing out that your expectations were not reasonable in the context of a new MMO and that if you need mature end game content, yo need to GO PLAY AN OLD MMO where there is lots of content already patched in over a period of years.


However, you thinking that he agreed with you gives new insight to how you perceive things.


uh, Yes, he was, sorry. At least with the original intent of my post.


He was agreeing with me that other MMORPGs had more endgame content and features. Which was my initital point and why I even wrote that post to begin wtih.


The fact is I was replying to a poster who said this game's endgame was basically the same as other MMORPGs out there, which was false - and why I wrote that long post explaining how the other MMORPGs I have played had a lot more.


This whole excuse-making phase of trying to compare the game to other games at launch released a decade ago came later, and really had nothing to do with my initial point or why I even wrote the post you all went crazy over to begin with.

Edited by JeremyDale
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