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SWTOR Endgame = Alts?


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Well seems to me it's solo dailies, group instances, raids, datacrons, etc.


Basically the end game of a typical MMO. What exactly were you expecting?




I've played 3 other MMORPGs long enough to reach "endgame".


Final Fantasy 11, Lord of the Rings Online, and World of Warcraft. All three of these had far more to do after reaching capped level than this game does.


Final Fantasy 11 had multiple battlefield events you could particpate in, like Besieged, the Crystal Wars ect. They had Moogle Trials and a merit system you could work on to upgrade your weapons and armor as well as your skills. They had Abyssea, Dynamis, Limbus ect... - basically it had tons of group and solo content for players to work on to improve their characters after reaching max level.


Lord of the Rings Online had Reputation, Deeds, Skirmishes, Housing, Legendary Weapons, Relics and more available for players to work on after you reach max level. It had a ton of stuff too.


Now World of Warcraft I'll admit had a weak endgame, as it was very similiar to SWTOR - but at least it had a very effective LFG tool that made it's group content easy to access at all times of the day for all players. It also had an achivement system which some players enjoyed....though why I don't know lol


So compared to other MMORPGs i've played, this gam has a very weak endgame, with almost nothing to do outside of flashpoints and some tedious dailies. It's a very boring game after 50 - especially if not enough of your friends are online to get a group together.

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lol yep


Pretty much.


YOu either roll an alt or become bored out of your mind. Choice is yours.



And how is this different from other MMO's?


Once I got top tier PvE and PvP gear in Aion I was bored to tears, actually I was bored to tears grinding that gear out... Same with Age of Conan and same with EQ2...... All you could do in those games was to roll alts also...


I think it's just amplified in SWTOR because it's base mechanics are so similar to other MMO's you get that "Been there Done that" feeling faster....

Edited by Monoth
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And how is this different from other MMO's?


Once I got top tier PvE and PvP gear in Aion I was bored to tears, actually I was bored to tears grinding that gear out... Same with Age of Conan and same with EQ2...... All you could do in those games was to roll alts also...


I think it's just amplified in SWTOR because it's base mechanics are so similar to other MMO's you get that "Been there Done it" feeling faster....


Read my above post, cause I really don't feel like repeating all of it.

Edited by JeremyDale
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I've played 3 other MMORPGs long enough to reach "endgame".


Final Fantasy 11, Lord of the Rings Online, and World of Warcraft. All three of these had far more to do after reaching capped level than this game does.


Final Fantasy 11 had multiple battlefield events you could particpate in, like Besieged, the Crystal Wars ect. They had Moogle Trials and a merit system you could work on to upgrade your weapons and armor as well as your skills. They had Abyssea, Dynamis, Limbus ect... - basically it had tons of group and solo content for players to work on to improve their characters after reaching max level.


Lord of the Rings Online had Reputation, Deeds, Skirmishes, Housing, Legendary Weapons, Relics and more available for players to work on after you reach max level. It had a ton of stuff too.


Now World of Warcraft I'll admit had a weak endgame, as it was very similiar to SWTOR - but at least it had a very effective LFG tool that made it's group content easy to access at all times of the day for all players. It also had an achivement system which some players enjoyed....though why I don't know lol


So compared to other MMORPGs i've played, this gam has a very weak endgame, with almost nothing to do outside of flashpoints and some tedious dailies. It's a very boring game after 50 - especially if not enough of your friends are online to get a group together.



And yet here you are playing this game and not those games... I guess there end game was not all that great either or you would still be over there playing them...

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I played Lotro and WoW as well. Housing? Really? You are calling that end game? Seriously?


I consider Housing content you can do endgame sure. Why not?


It can give you something to do while you are waiting for a group to materialize, and some of us enjoy working on our own house or collecting trophies to mount on our walls.


Anyways...that was only one of many examples I named.

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um...Monoth, I"m not playing it, i'm on the forums talking to you lol


Even worse your not even playing any MMO's at all which proves my point in my original post.....


Also your comparing MMO's that have been out for awhile which have had expansions and lots of content updates since they started....


People who play 8-10 hrs a day and devour all the content at neck breaking speeds are always going to complain there is not enough content. If given a choice most of these people would live in a virtual world over the real world..


I guarantee you the same people complaining over here about the lack of content will be on the GW2 forums complaining about the same thing with that game..


Whats that quote from Battlestar Galactica "it's happen before and it will happen again"

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I consider Housing content you can do endgame sure. Why not?


It can give you something to do while you are waiting for a group to materialize, and some of us enjoy working on our own house or collecting trophies to mount on our walls.


Anyways...that was only one of many examples I named.


So I can count discovering areas in SWTOR as end game content then right?


Or trying to get purple recipes deconning. Etc.

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So I can count discovering areas in SWTOR as end game content then right?


Or trying to get purple recipes deconning. Etc.


Believe it or not,some people consider crafting and exploring "endgame" (see swg)...


Sadly swtor doesnt really have any of those ...at all

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So I can count discovering areas in SWTOR as end game content then right?


Or trying to get purple recipes deconning. Etc.


If there are still places left on SWTOR's very linear levels you have yet to discover and purple recepis you haven't yet learned then yeah.... I suppose.



It helps to have some incentive though to make content entertaining. There isn't much point in me spending time to learn a purple enhancement on my artifice if it can just be replaced by a daily quest reward....


And the area you discover serves no real purpose and is just an empty piece of land that gives you useless exp for discovering it, I really don't see the point.


But anyways...Housing was just one of many examples I named. The fact you have to focus on just one of many examples I gave proves how weak your argument is.

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hey don't throw logic back at him, thats not fair....


lol that was not logic...it's called cherry picking one of an entire laundry list of examples I gave.


How about Skirmishes, the Legendary Weapon system, creating relics, building reputation....yet the only one he chooses to talk about is Housing lol Not to mention LOTRO has a pretty rewarding loot system, as just killing random monsters can give you some pretty impressive rewards, including the best weapons on the game, so there is more of an incentive to simply go about killing things period.



I do think it's touching though watching you run to this guy's defense in you two's desperate attempt to defend this game's pathetic endgame.


Sadly the facts are not on your side, and most people will agree - this game leaves a lot to be desired as far as endgame content goes.

Edited by JeremyDale
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Even worse your not even playing any MMO's at all which proves my point in my original post.....




Well... you aren't even playing any MMOs right now either, because you are on the forum talking to me as well. So any so called point you proved applies to you too...

Edited by JeremyDale
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Believe it or not,some people consider crafting and exploring "endgame" (see swg)...


Sadly swtor doesnt really have any of those ...at all


Certainly for me crafting was a huge part of any MMO, raiding and crafting my 2 primary endgame activities. I did pvp also but it makes me a bad person lol so I stopped:)

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SWTOR's endgame is exactly the same as every other themepark MMO.


Well I'm not going to get caught up in the semantics about what a "themepark" MMORPG is. There is way too many vague debatable terms floating around on this forum.


It's endgame is basically a WoW clone - minus the excellent LFG feature.

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