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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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The worst thing the Devs did was include the number of players in your zone right there on the standard UI. I've heard people complain that there was only 10 People on Hoth. If you went to a similar leveling zone in WoW you'd be lucky to find 10 players during prime time.


I've played on two servers so far and on both Rep Fleet have had ~140 people, vast majority of these are lvl 50 because most people that are leveling are out on the planets. Frankly I don't know how many people were in Stormwind when I was playing in Cata because the /who searches were capped at what...40? 50?


The big question is how easily/quickly can I get into a group to play the game. PvP queues are pretty fast, the longest I've waited is 10 minutes (I'm sure we'll get some sob stories). I've never felt like I couldn't get a group for HMs when I wanted.

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this game is pretty dead and most of the ppl are leaving it, the only ppl that don't agree with this is the fanboys, nuff said this game is over


Try playing on a server with a population ;) Chances are your whole server moved to Canderous Ordo.

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The worst thing the Devs did was include the number of players in your zone right there on the standard UI. I've heard people complain that there was only 10 People on Hoth. If you went to a similar leveling zone in WoW you'd be lucky to find 10 players during prime time.


I've played on two servers so far and on both Rep Fleet have had ~140 people, vast majority of these are lvl 50 because most people that are leveling are out on the planets. Frankly I don't know how many people were in Stormwind when I was playing in Cata because the /who searches were capped at what...40? 50?


The big question is how easily/quickly can I get into a group to play the game. PvP queues are pretty fast, the longest I've waited is 10 minutes (I'm sure we'll get some sob stories). I've never felt like I couldn't get a group for HMs when I wanted.


i have to disagree with you, the thing is that the genreal chat in wow was waaaay more active than it is in swtor, i mean rember crossroads? the genral chatt had alot of ppl talking, u don't see that in this game genreal is dead in my server

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i have to disagree with you, the thing is that the genreal chat in wow was waaaay more active than it is in swtor, i mean rember crossroads? the genral chatt had alot of ppl talking, u don't see that in this game genreal is dead in my server


If you consider massive ammounts of /general trolling because people aren't playing the game as "active" then yeah I'll agree with you.

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Interesting ... the numbers came in and the game has lost subs since the launch. They had 1.7m at the end of January and they ended up with almost 1.7 million by the end of February. Good for the game, I really thought it was going to be around 1.35k million. However I was correct in the notion of no way in hell the game has hit 2 million subs. Well even with the Asian launch it won't bring more active players to N.A servers and they are still going to feel empty on a ton of them outside of peak times. I wish Bioware would do something. Edited by Touchbass
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Try playing on a server with a population ;) Chances are your whole server moved to Canderous Ordo.


i will check out that server couse artho city is dead imo, I'm on my third toon here and the server is empty some times is just me on some planets

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I think this is the original source of the current 1.7 million sub figure



Wish I had the exact quote. Could he STILL be using figures from that first month?



If they still have 1.7 million active subs (and aren't using older figures), then there are a LOT of people still subbing but not playing.


Just from personal experience of the 20ish people that came to SWTOR with me, only 3-4 are still playing regularly (the reasons given by the people that quit are all the ones you see here time and again), maybe that loss is a freak occurrence, but I can't imagine the retention of that group is 80+% off the average.

Edited by Goretzu
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What kind of charts are you going to find that are up to date? Subscriptions are bought 1 month, 3month, 6months and a year at a time or whatever. Subscription #s are not indicative of the fact that I don't see one word in RED next to server population when I log in. I play on Anchorhead, Sith. Imp Fleet is 80 right now, 5:42 on a Thursday. Not Normal.
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Maybe the kind of customer that enjoys SWtOR is different from what some are used to seeing. I for one don't live in this game but I love it and will continue to sub and play. I play on weekends mostly and I never have a hard time with group content. Friday and Saturday Ajunta Pall is healthy. Just because everyone isn't playing 24/7 doesn't mean the game isn't successfull or that the servers are dead. Edited by Derfmiolleh
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Maybe the kind of customer that enjoys SWtOR is different from what some are used to seeing. I for one don't live in this game but I love it and will continue to sub and play. I play on weekends mostly and I never have a hard time with group content. Friday and Saturday Ajunta Pall is healthy. Just because everyone isn't playing 24/7 doesn't mean the game isn't successfull or that the servers are dead.



Assuming the figures are correct.



Either people that are subbing, but not playing much/at all, will stop subbing.


Or people that are subbing, but not playing much/at all, will keep doing so.




If it's the latter then EA have found MMO cold fusion. :)

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What kind of charts are you going to find that are up to date? Subscriptions are bought 1 month, 3month, 6months and a year at a time or whatever. Subscription #s are not indicative of the fact that I don't see one word in RED next to server population when I log in. I play on Anchorhead, Sith. Imp Fleet is 80 right now, 5:42 on a Thursday. Not Normal.


You make the assumption that just because someone is subscribed that they're going to log in and play. I can bet you that a number of people are just simply sitting on their subscription in case they get the urge to play until 1.2 comes out. I'm one of those people. I've been playing very sparingly since hitting 50, but I'm not going to cancel my subscription because I still get the urge to play from time to time.


Furthermore, $15/month is a small price for me to pay, even if I only play 15 hours a month. It is money well spent on a game that I feel is going to become something great over time. I'm glad to contribute and support something that I believe in.

Edited by Dumpiduke
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Assuming the figures are correct.



Either people that are subbing, but not playing much/at all, will stop subbing.


Or people that are subbing, but not playing much/at all, will keep doing so.




If it's the latter then EA have found MMO cold fusion. :)


With the amount of sales pushing towards 2.5 million we are seeing the same rentention rate as other MMORPG's. The reason why this one is different is this game is loaded pre-game so people have tons of stuff to do while leveling if it's there cup of tea. I'm sure in a few more months we'll see sub <50 retention

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Server population is dropping. Drastically.


There was only 180 people on Republic Fleet Saturday night on Jung Ma.



Oh lord. The sky is falling.



Oh wait.. Mass Effect 3 came out. Whoa. Mind blown. People that like Bioware

games *might* be playing this also. Nah. That's logical to assume that people

wouldn't be constantly logged in 24/7, so the population must be dropping.



F2P BY END OF WEEK!!!!11111!


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Assuming the figures are correct.



Either people that are subbing, but not playing much/at all, will stop subbing.


Or people that are subbing, but not playing much/at all, will keep doing so.




If it's the latter then EA have found MMO cold fusion. :)


If you take a look at server population trends in MMOs like this:




You'll see that server population goes up and and down in conjuncture with patch releases, and this is very common in most MMOs.

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or maybe people play a game like... a game and not like a job... so they play a couple of hours a day spread out in different timezone and such...


you know not everybody waste 8 hour of the day on a videogame.

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The Shadow Runner, EU, barely has enough people online for a single WZ, except between about 4pm and 10pm.




This is really infuriating. Virtually every guild on the server is losing people quickly, and most are struggling to get enough people together for even 8 man raids. My guild had previously cleared nightmare content, and at one point had enough active people to run a 16 man and an 8 man simultaneously... we were turning down applications regularly. Now there are so few players that the remaining guilds are merging or biting the bullet and transfering. This needs to change. I love this game, but a number of servers are DYING, and Bioware has done nothing, promised nothing, and barely even acknowledged it. I'm deeply disappointed. :mad:


Edit: to put it into context, there are currently 6 people on the imperial fleet. I understand that there are prime times (but really... why is this? is it a latency issue?) but the game is essentially unplayable on this server outside the only busy hours.

Edited by ParMizaN
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I find it more amusing that people still sit here and ACTUALLY THINK that every server has 7,000 + / - players on it.


With no proof of other than word of mouth from EA, a company that lies about things from paying employees to DLC.


If every server had 7,000 + players on each server...


Your hub would have more than or AT LEAST 1,000 players at ANY given time.


I would be able to find a GROUP for simple things like ESSELES whenever I wanted.


You people make me laugh...not because you are funny but you're just so....so...


Sad and pathetic. Sorry. Everyone who has dead servers has to deal with not finding groups because of these..."players".


This game needs SERVER merges and the only reason they aren't doing it is because they have sheep like 70% of the people on this thread here that can't use simple LOGICAL and MATHMATICAL analysis to understand this game does NOT have 1.7 subscribers.


And if it does, they sure AREN'T playing on the majority of the servers because I have NEVER, EVER seen more than 80 people on my fleet. And that was at launch. Now it,s around 30-40 and every where else has like 4 or 6 players if that.


And my server was one of the FULL ones AT LAUNCH.



Edited by Tiaa
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I love this game, but a number of servers are DYING, and Bioware has done nothing, promised nothing, and barely even acknowledged it. I'm deeply disappointed. :mad:

Says it all

Edited by miikke
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Kai Kan pvp server is pretty dead. Had to merge 3 republic guilds today in order to help the server out with grouping etc.


While I'm sad to hear your population is not what you want it to be, I applaud you for being proactive about it and merging guilds. That takes a lot of maturity and coordination and trust.



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