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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Here's the best website concerning population dropoffs. Granted it's not BW, but programmers that know their stuff and have subscriptions can easily take census data and post it.


Is it 100% accurate? Probably not. Does it give a good "idea" of what's going on population wise? Most likely.

Edited by salvadorellama
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Here's the best website concerning population dropoffs. Granted it's not BW, but programmers that know their stuff and have subscriptions can easily take census data and post it.


Is it 100% accurate? Probably not. Does it give a good "idea" of what's going on population wise? Most likely.


Means very little. Certainly means nothing as far as subscriber base goes.


At best, it shows people are logging on slightly less.

Edited by Drewser
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Means very little. Certainly means nothing as far as subscriber base goes.


At best, it shows people are logging on slightly less.


People logging on slightly less will eventually lead to people logging on even less often. This will lead to cancelled subscriptions due to people not wanting to pay for a game they don't play as much. Especially when new games (possibly better..cough cough GW2..cough) coming out before long.

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1.7million /216=7880 per server if all were on at once,


3900 per faction if divisons were perfect

most say 15-20% pop on during peak which = 585-780 per side

17 planets 13 different flashpoints per faction 3 warzones


if the pop is close to 1000 000 those numbers drop down to 463 per side at 20%


I would imagine they are working on a fix, maybe some kind of cross server warzone finder but that takes more then a few weeks to develop.


One fix would be to add a faction percentage to the server listing and free transfers (perhaps with a legacy reset) later on. Please ask for this in the suggestion forum


Server merges might help pvp some but it would not fix the imbalance

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People logging on slightly less will eventually lead to people logging on even less often. This will lead to cancelled subscriptions due to people not wanting to pay for a game they don't play as much. Especially when new games (possibly better..cough cough GW2..cough) coming out before long.


No, it does not mean that. We will a see a large spike in people logging in when 1.2 is released.


BTW, GW2 is free once purchased so people can easily play both.

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I just love the players that look at fleet numbers and determine that's the server size.


Pro tip: Most people don't hang out at the fleet, they're out doing dailies, Illum, and Datacrons.


Another Pro tip: the numbers you see are only your faction.


What's this? Sense in this thread? Well I never.

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I agree with OP. Not sure if the server with my main has been mentioned, lots of replies.


Tott Doneeta


I was on Rep Fleet 2100 for like 4 different days last week and there was between 5-10 people. 8 people on friday night... this is 100% truth.


Imp side is better but from it being more than 100 people on imp fleet at peak times 3/4 weeks ago its now more like 30. Seeing lots of familiar names dissapearing from WZs.


Server merge or character transfers should be a priority!

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Here is a thought, and it might be a crazy thought....


People are trying to judge the server based on people IDLING in the fleet.


Could it be that every since people have hit max level, they are actually out doing things.


The people who rushed to 50 complained they couldn't find groups, now people are finding groups and have their own lvl 150 PVP bracket and people are complaining about the low fleet populations.


Pick one way or another people!



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I've noticed a decline on my server over the past few weeks (Darth Malak, Imperial side). I knew something had to be up when I was one of TWO people questing on Voss Sunday at noon. At around 5pm Sunday the Fleet had 80-100, which is lower than the 130-150+ it was 2 weeks ago.


I've also been checking the server status page, and we no longer exceed "Standard" loads even during peak hours. Previously it was "Heavy" to "Very Heavy".

Edited by FearNight
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I have characters on two different servers.


The Courageous = not really a large population but I never have hard time finding a group.




Mask of Nihilus = Very heavy population


Do not see a problem and if someone is on a low server just switch to a larger one.

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Sabre of Exar Kun, during peak times IF is loaded to computer crashing proportions, illum has been known to have 2 instances running, some of the lower lvl planets are only 20-50 people a pop but meh.

'4 am east coast time (i can only assume thats off peak lol) still has usually 40-50 on imperial fleet and the same for illum so its still quite the lively server.

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I have characters on two different servers.


The Courageous = not really a large population but I never have hard time finding a group.




Mask of Nihilus = Very heavy population


Do not see a problem and if someone is on a low server just switch to a larger one.


Sure buddy.


Go and level my characters for me. I'll wait patiently.

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I don't understand the denial... For example, Uthar Wynn, EU server, Imp side; one month ago you would have +100 players almost in every planet and 150-200 in the fleet. Right now? 40-50 in the fleet, 20-40 in planets...


Fleet numbers are very representative, but when you summon them on the numbers you get roaming around planets, you will get the picture.


I would say that every server that is not heavy or more on peak times is agonizing or dead.


I have chars, both factions, in 4 servers, and I only find decent numbers in the one that is listed as heavy on prime time.


However, no matter how many people show up here in denial, Bioware has the numbers and I think its about time to take some actions, and re-roll is not a decent option.


The game had many servers on release to make things smooth, wich was great. Now its time to reorganize things and give the remaining and loyal playerbase the MMO experience.

Edited by Candomble
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If you do not enjoy leveling characters ...... go play mario.


I am almost sure that he loves leveling the same classes over and over again, doing the same old path several times (because its hard to get alternative paths)...


Abandoning a couple of 50s is just that easy...

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I'm in Bergeren Colony server and I hadn't really felt a drop in population , so it could just be in your server .


I have characters on Bergeren Colony and on The Razor (1.89 vs 1.27 according to http://www.torstatus.net) and let me tell you, it's like you are playing two different games. If you are on a low pop server, you will feel like the game is dead and a failure vs people on high pop servers. Just a small comparison of who was on the fleet from one server vs the next showed a huge difference not only in numbers double some times triple but in the volume of chat and LFG requests. Filling a hard mode from chat is arduous on a low pop. Warzone queues on The Razor at prime times can take 20 minutes. Don't even get me started on the quality of the AH on high vs low. Just talking to guildies more and more are rolling alts on high population servers and playing there. The low pop servers are slowly being drained of players. The game just feels better on a high pop server. I'm honestly near the point of abandoning my 50 on The Razor and starting over. I suggest that anyone on a low pop server who is thinks about quitting the game try a high pop server first.


If merges aren't addressed soon I feel Bioware is doing a disservice to their customers and will lose subs because many on the Low Po servers just won't ever see the game as it can be. There is often a negative stigma associated with merges but in this case there were just too many servers created to start with. MMO's need large populations to feel truly alive.

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Nadds Sarcophagus is def lower than it was in December, 40-60 during off times , peak seen 125ish on weekends, all in Fleet, but still not terrible.


And re-rolling, is really stupid advice, they need a character transfer option. Thats like saying the whatever amount of $ 15 or more- amount doesnt really matter , money is money- is wasted just go ahead and start all over and leave all the hours you spent leveling your characters and grinding for gear behind, and do it all again! lol thats ridiculous, people play this game to have fun, that in no way is fun to most people, maybe some. but defeintly not the majority, and the game isn't going to survive on the small amount of people who consider re-rolling and doing the same thing again fun.

Edited by Atanasov
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While I think there's far too much whining about this, I do sympathize with the point that if you've put a lot of time and love into a toon, it's tantamount a loss of a chunk of your life if it's unplayable with other people because the server is dead. It can be exasperating.


But that's presumably why BW have character transfer in the works?


And surely it's no big deal to play another toon on a busier server while you wait for CT to be able to transfer your old beloved character to a busier server?

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I am almost sure that he loves leveling the same classes over and over again, doing the same old path several times (because its hard to get alternative paths)...


Abandoning a couple of 50s is just that easy...



Thing is this guy could have done it a long time ago and chose not too.


I have 4 Republic characters currently (Consular(34), Knight(35), Smuggler(31), Trooper(13)) and I am loathed to re-roll on another server.


Most likely, I'll roll 4 Sith on a high-pop and see what happens. I doubt I'll like it (Not really a Sith type I guess) but if the trend on my server keeps heading down-ward, I'll probably cancel my Sub. Which sucks, because honestly, I love the game.


Now he blames Bioware.

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Do not see a problem and if someone is on a low server just switch to a larger one.


If you join a guild, make friends, sometimes it sucks to say bye I'm going to a new server to start over. There is a social aspect beyond just the game.

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