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Server population is dropping...


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fixed it for you:D


Lol. You think that a "natural drop off" is just my opinion? Seriously?


I suggest you do a little research before you try to alter what people are saying ;)

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Lol. You think that a "natural drop off" is just my opinion? Seriously?


I suggest you do a little research before you try to alter what people are saying ;)



Its is your Opinion. To say there has been a drop off without proof...is a opinion.:rolleyes:

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My server population has definitely grown.


The Red Eclipse (EU) has grown quite a bit, almost always 50-70 people on starter planets, around 120-170 on fleet at any given time, and about 50 people on planets, not sure about in warzones, on ship, etc...


What I have noticed is people switching server a hell of a lot, my original server Dune Bantha steadily dropped in POP, so I went to The Red Eclipse, and noticed ever since joining the average pop has grown steadily.

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Its is your Opinion. To say there has been a drop off without proof...is a opinion.:rolleyes:


Firstly did I say there WAS a noticable drop off? No.

I would suggest you re-read my posts before jumping to conclusions ;)

Here's a hint that might indicate where you went wrong with your assumption: I'm not the OP.


Secondly, ALL MMO's experience some "natural" drop off. No matter which ones they are. Although, the actual amount in terms of subs attributing to "natural" drop off can differ from MMO to MMO. This natural drop off comes from the result of the "spike" in box sales at launch, followed by people leaving the game within a few months afterwards because basically the product doesn't suit them. No particular reasons attributing to major design faults. It's just not for them. If someone honestly believes that SWTOR will never experience ANY natural drop in subs, then they are really just kidding themselves. It's a fact of life.


Now, whilst natural drop off is usually minor compared to the amount of players leaving for actual design decision reasons, nevertheless, it can still attribute to the reduction in population levels and the perception of a relatively empty server.

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Unless hard numbers are present, servers being "dead" or "growing" is completely subjective.


Absolutely. But one should not just dismiss such perceptions outright because of that. Especially if more and more people happen to say the same thing about the same server. Regardless of whether or not the devs release figures.


I've seen people try to discredit such perceptions before, in other MMOs, based on the fact that no actual numbers have been released. And yet, those perceptions turned out to be true in the end.


My point is: Not everyone is automatically telling lies because they are a "hater", or has false / inaccurate perceptions about what is going on.

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Firstly did I say there WAS a noticable drop off? No.

I would suggest you re-read my posts before jumping to conclusions ;)

Here's a hint that might indicate where you went wrong with your assumption: I'm not the OP.


Secondly, ALL MMO's experience some "natural" drop off. No matter which ones they are. Although, the actual amount in terms of subs attributing to "natural" drop off can differ from MMO to MMO. This natural drop off comes from the result of the "spike" in box sales at launch, followed by people leaving the game within a few months afterwards because basically the product doesn't suit them. No particular reasons attributing to major design faults. It's just not for them. If someone honestly believes that SWTOR will never experience ANY natural drop in subs, then they are really just kidding themselves. It's a fact of life.


Now, whilst natural drop off is usually minor, compared to players leaving for actual design decision reasons, nevertheless, it can still attribute to the feeling of a server being "perceived" as being relatively empty.


Nice story brother...But its quite clear which aisle you stand on.;) But to say because something has or has not occurred in the past WILL repeat itself is of itself foolish

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Nice story brother...But its quite clear which aisle you stand on.;) But to say because something has or has not occurred in the past WILL repeat itself is of itself foolish


And which "side" is that? From my perspective I'm straddling both sides. I can see that the general levels of the game are quite healthy, but I'm not stupid enough to automatically assume that the levels on EVERY server are healthy at peak times. I'm also not stupid enough to believe that SWTOR could not possibly experience a natural drop in subs.


But I suppose it's hard for someone to appreciate how a person can actually be objective, and use common sense and reason based on trends of the last 10 or so years, when that person is being blinded by the holy light emanating from the devs :rolleyes:


I reminds me of that infamous video of the Gulf War whereby an Iraqui official was trying to claim how everything was fine and in control, when all hell was breaking loose behind him.


Such devotion and blind faith is admirable. But ultimately foolish.

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And which "side" is that? From my perspective I'm straddling both sides. I can see that the general levels of the game are quite healthy, but I'm not stupid enough to automatically assume that the levels on EVERY server are healthy at peak times. I'm also not stupid enough to believe that SWTOR could not possibly experience a natural drop in subs.


But I suppose it's hard for someone to appreciate how a person can actually be objective, and use common sense and reason based on trends of the last 10 or so years, when that person is being blinded by the holy light emanating from the devs :rolleyes:


Like I said nice story bro.

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partial hijack.


Had 15 including myself on Belsavis during 'prime time' (live and play on west coast server).


I thought that was bad, but had just me and a smuggler on Voss, tho that was in off hours, but daylight time none the less.


I'd say things are slowing down a bit population wise

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partial hijack.


Had 15 including myself on Belsavis during 'prime time' (live and play on west coast server).


I thought that was bad, but had just me and a smuggler on Voss, tho that was in off hours, but daylight time none the less.


I'd say things are slowing down a bit population wise


In my opinion your post isn't a hijack at all, your perception is quite applicable to the subject being discussed :)


Of course, to some people the very notion that the population may be declining slightly is positively inconceivable. :rolleyes:

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In my opinion your post isn't a hijack at all, your perception is quite applicable to the subject being discussed :)


Of course, to some people the very notion that the population may be declining slightly is positively inconceivable. :rolleyes:


and to some people that it has grown is positively unfathomable:rolleyes:

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My point is: Not everyone is automatically telling lies because they are a "hater", or has false / inaccurate perceptions about what is going on.


Maybe in a court of law, but this is the internet and if your don't automatically assume the above your in for a derp of a good time arguing either way.


Forums consist of .1-.5% of a MMOs population, and nearly all of them look here are a means to push their specific agenda.

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Server population is dropping because an increasing number of people are capping out, discovering that the endgame is a hollow shell, and are returning to better games.


For example, I'll be resubbing to EVE when my subscription runs out later this month, and possibly dabbling in LOTRO again.

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Server population is dropping because an increasing number of people are capping out, discovering that the endgame is a hollow shell, and are returning to better games.


For example, I'll be resubbing to EVE when my subscription runs out later this month, and possibly dabbling in LOTRO again.


Nice story....you got proof?

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Nice story....you got proof?


Nope, people who say population is dropping only have personal subjective experiences. But guess what, so do people who say they aren't dropping, and people who saying they're going up.

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I think this might depend on the server, my server (Legions of Lettow) seems to be still very healthy, I do not have problems doing daily quests on Ilum, evening and weekends most of the time you have about 50+ on each side (perhaps a bit less on rep side), and warzone queues are not all that bad.


However there is no denying that the population is dropping slowly, it's just about time when people even the ones that do take time to level up have experience everything the game has to offer and let's be honest is not all that much.


I can even see that people from my guild rarely log in to the game anymore and I personally only log in to do daily pvp quests.


Also all my friends in RL that played SWTOR have given up already and personally I am not renewing my sub as well in 20 days.


I really don't think this game can be saved anymore, development of futures that should have been included with the game during release are still nowhere to be seen and I am talking about basics like chat bubbles, any UI scaling etc.


It's been a fun game while it lasted.

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Well, my Server is Tott Doneeta.


It took me 15 minutes to travel around the Empire world and count our population. I didn't count my self, so when you see number 1 it means there are 2 people me and smb. else.

Here are the numbers:


Fleet - 9

Fury - 2

Korriban - 3

Dromund Kaas - 7

Taris - 6

Hutta - 5

Corellia - 4

Nar Shaddaa - 7

Quesh - 1

Voss - 1

Balmora - 7

Alderaan - 5

Tatooine - 2

Hoth - 2

Belsavis - 6

Ilum - 2


Total - 69 + me :)


Of course it's not the best time for maximum online, but the numbers don't change really.


Do you think our server still alive? It's boring here...


You've listed 16 zones in the game. You're missing the other 54+.

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Nope, people who say population is dropping only have personal subjective experiences. But guess what, so do people who say they aren't dropping, and people who saying they're going up.


Which sort of makes this long running thread pointless IMO.

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Lol. Yeah, I noticed. It's especially evident when that poster believes that the inevitability of a "natural" reduction in sub levels in an MMO a few months after launch is just MY own opinion and not actual fact understood by the entire MMO industry. lol.


Actually...unless you can factually prove this drop off is caused specifically by a reduction in sub levels, and no other cause........it would be an opinion. If I've been reading this right, you've been basing your arguement on assumption, not actual hard numbers.


Assuming, of course, you actually do know what the meaning of "fact" and "opinion" are. Given the above statement, I'm not sure if this is a valid assumption to make.

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