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Server population is dropping...


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The problem is ppl are leaving the lighter servers for more populated ones. Even if there's decrease in every server it's not as big in the top pop servers. The top populated servers I don't think the pop decreasing that much overall... I'm on Space Slug, and it's a top 7 populated server. Hard to say.


At launch the devs added tons of new servers due to the heavy traffic and wait times... of course, now they raised the cap and levels, so no queues anymore or very rarely... so many of those added servers suffer poor pop. If I was on one of those servers, I wouldn't wait around, I'd just go to a more pop server... just too many of them spread thin to build a base of players.


Those servers should be merged... but... doubt will happen anytime soon.

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I just love the players that look at fleet numbers and determine that's the server size.


Pro tip: Most people don't hang out at the fleet, they're out doing dailies, Illum, and Datacrons.


Another Pro tip: the numbers you see are only your faction.



Nice two pro tips i see so who pay's you to play Swtor as you seem to think your a professional ?

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I see you all complaining about how bad your server is... try ice breaker. you are lucky to see 20 people on the fleet on the weekend. on AVERAGE ive seen about 5 people per planet. The pvp areas are empty. the AH is a joke, as there is so little to buy and no one to sell to. you can be queued for warzones for hours upon hours and never get in.


Ive had to end up soloing the 2 and 4 man content at a higher level, as there is no one to run them with. Same goes for FPs. When I do the lower content, I get whispers begging me to help them run the 2 and 4 mans.


It really is taking the fun out of the game, since so much of it requires the server to be populated.





Think about this for a moment With a base of 850 000 we could have 9 people per instance per server now 850 K is still a good number to build off of but the number of servers make those 850K look like nothing


We need 1/3 of the servers merged and if you do decide to unsub please let them know that it is because the server pop is spread too thin

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I got to agree, man. I enjoy the game, but my server is a ghost-town, and I don't think I want to start over from scratch. I got 2 50's, a 45 and some lower toons which I could live without.


I just can't face having to do the Balmorra quests again. GAK!


If they can't come up with a server transfer (i.e. a glorified stored procedure to transfer data from one database to another) or a server merge, or something I'm going to have to quit as well.


It's particularly aggravating for me because I'm a database programmer, and I know that a server transfer and the accompanying error handling / web interface is probably only a few days of total work by a competent programmer.

Edited by Badhand
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I saw one of the advertising videos bioware or someone puts on the official site that says "We always listen to the community".


If you really do you'd better listen good, saturday night on Senator Constipex Server 6 people on Fleet at 23:15 (european server) I'm a lvl 50 gunslinger waited at least 45 minutes for a wz before I log out the game, a game that I'm actually paying to play but since I got no one to play with I've logged out. I really enjoy the game when I'm doing OPS FP WZ at lvl 50 but if this continues I won't just be loging out I'm cancelling my subscription for good and bringing along everyone since the population is dropping.


So make transfers available or merge very low pop servers...6 people on fleet...I kinda miss the "massive" on this so called MMO.


Best Regards

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Kind of like the people who banter on about their server being literally "dead" with less then 20 people in Fleet, but they can't provide the name of their server.


What's your point?


Senator Constipex, republic side never has more than 20 people at fleet, even during peak.

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Heya there.

I am new to SWTOR - HUGE fan of SW and BioWare since ever I think.

Played KOTOR I & II and was waiting with great impatience and enormous expectations SWTOR.



After having played for only a little now and participated in the Beta I can say this:



I am amazed at how good they've made things so far, setting, feel, players, techniques, systems etc etc.


I absolutely love it and although I could see gaps in relation to graphics and game mechanics that other games have I am pleased.

I did expect more tbh but its a great game.


Now on to the matter at hand - I was very surprised to see how many servers there are - so that is one but hey - the expected pops were huge and they should be.

Indeed by the fleet size we cannot judge a server but I noticed that although I usually find groups rather easily sometimes its not as easy and the world doesnt seem to be very populated.

In each zone I passed through I see - 10, 18, 12, 40, 2 people there - I am talking about low lvl zones right now but still




What everyone is talking I support - Server Merges - at least some of them they are too many at the moment

Transfers? I never liked it - you completely change the pop around you - socially speaking you are most likely to start over rather than push forward with friends as most of them are on the other server.





I certainly hope BioWare and Community leads etc take action as although I love the game if this starts becoming a problem (LFG for a few hours) than the fun of being in an MMO dissapears and indeed it becomes a Single Player game.


PvP is not the only thing - PvE in groups is also very important to this game.





All in all thanks for reading and all the best from me





Luka Sene Server

Jedi Knight/Sentinel

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Anyone who doesnt see that people that have been playing since launch are leaving in droves should pull their heads out of the sand. They seem to be getting replaced fairly well by new players but those will also reach the same conclusions and start moving on. So long as Bioware can continue to attract new players they will be fine as far as the gme surviving is concerned, but fewer and fewer vererans will be in that equation.



Ive loved my time playing this game. I played one beta weekend managing to log in 56 hours of play time. But, Im bored now. I will proably treat this just like I now treat wow. Its good for a comback month or two after expansions, but not an ongoing monthly subscription.

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Anyone who doesnt see that people that have been playing since launch are leaving in droves should pull their heads out of the sand. They seem to be getting replaced fairly well by new players but those will also reach the same conclusions and start moving on. So long as Bioware can continue to attract new players they will be fine as far as the gme surviving is concerned, but fewer and fewer vererans will be in that equation.



Ive loved my time playing this game. I played one beta weekend managing to log in 56 hours of play time. But, Im bored now. I will proably treat this just like I now treat wow. Its good for a comback month or two after expansions, but not an ongoing monthly subscription.


Part of the reason is that there are too many servers right now.Think about this for a moment With a base of 850 000 we could have 9 people per instance per server now 850 K is still a good number to build off of but the number of servers make those 850K look like nothing.

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Well if there is a noticable drop in population numbers it's going exactly as predicted.


The game is past the 2 month mark. The "Honeymoon period" is coming to an end. Meaning that the average gamer has probably burned through that 200 hours of story / 50 levels at a reasonable rate. And now has reached end game, switching their focus from leveling to what other activities are in the game to keep them entertained.


It really shouldn't come as a surprise. Bioware put all their emphasis on the "story" which meant that they couldn't provide enough depth at launch for end game content:



End game Crafting is largely useless and frustrating, unless you choose biochem.

You could remove crafting from the game entirely, and the game would function quite adequately without it because of things like fully customisable gear that has no restrictions. Crafted high end gear is trapped between orange gear that can be modded beyond what crafted gear can be, and the "tier armour" which beats it hands down.


Furthermore, everyone has the facility to craft the same thing (more or less), all that's needed is time (assuming that they aren't experiencing the infamous RE bugs).


In short, Crafters have no "niche".


In my opinion, that is a sorry state for crafting to be in. Proving once again that TOR is another MMO in which crafting is more of a non-essential after-thought than an intergral part of the game.




High end Flashpoints are bugged to hell or need serious tweaking:

  • HK47 bugging out in The Foundry, causing him to enrage.
  • Boss cloning too many "player adds" in D7, overwhelming the group.
  • Bounty Hunter boss bugging out in False Emperor.
  • Final boss in Battle of Ilum enraging far too early.


Resulting in a situation where either players don't want to do certain flashpoints because they are bugged, or burning through the content very quickly.



Also, the "normal" and "hard mode" operations in general are surprisingly easier than other MMO's. Causing raids to burn through them quickly or become frustrated at the bugs with the bosses (Soa in EV for instance).




Beyond the above, there is very little "substance" to TOR. Not much for people to actually "sink their teeth" into because the worlds are superficial, lacking facilities to give people reasons to keep logging in.


On the whole, the end game is currently in a pretty sorry state. A state that resembles other MMO's that chased the "WoW formula" rainbow. All of which realised that the "WoW formula only works for one game: WoW.


It's no wonder people are quitting for a while. And in all probability, some may never return.

Edited by Tarka
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I play on three European (German) servers.

Two of them are pre-order severs and have a healthy Imperial population.


The third one was my alternative to the early waiting queues on the pre-order servers. I play Republic there.

The Galactic Trade Market is almost empty, the fleet averages 20-40 people on good times, questing areas are typically at about 10 or less people. Republic players rarely have seen more than two or three flashpoints because there wasn't the critical mass for forming groups of 4 incl tank and healer. Warzones open, but not nearly often enough considering that PvP needs to be a major part of the endgame in order to keep many players.



I don't give a **** about how many players are on my server.

I see that we don't have the critical mass for random flashpoint teams, we don't have the critical mass for a good economy and we don't have enough warzones open for a good PvP afternoon on a Sunday!

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I've been playing on Zaalbar (PvE, west coast) server since the pre-launch, Dec. 18, but had to leave the game for two weeks due to my job. One of my alts was leveling on Taris before I leave the game at the end of January and the zone channel showed more than 100 people in the peak time but now... she sees only 20-30 people at the same PEAK time.


We might guess majority of players may have leveled up during my absence... but, my lvl 50 main doesn't see any increase in the population on Ilum and fleet, neither my lvl 40. So, I would give a + to the original poster. Now, getting a group for any FP is almost impossible without a highly active guild in this realm. Actually, even with a guild, it takes time to gather last one spot. Heroics on planets? Better to forget them!


I agree the original poster. Server merge or at least a throughout census is required.

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I don't give a **** about how many players are on my server.

I see that we don't have the critical mass for random flashpoint teams, we don't have the critical mass for a good economy and we don't have enough warzones open for a good PvP afternoon on a Sunday!


This is always the risk with lower pop servers, it reaches a point where inside of a sustained drop off, the population just suddenly plummets - because of things like not enough population to sustain PvE or PvP.

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Well if there is a noticable drop in population numbers it's going exactly as predicted.


The game is past the 2 month mark. The "Honeymoon period" is coming to an end. Meaning that the average gamer has probably burned through that 200 hours of story / 50 levels at a reasonable rate. And now has reached end game, switching their focus from leveling to what other activities are in the game to keep them entertained.


It really shouldn't come as a surprise. Bioware put all their emphasis on the "story" which meant that they couldn't provide enough depth at launch for end game content:


This is a logical fallacy. (petitio principii)You are drawing a conclusion, or a cause based on either a false premise, or an assumed, unproven event. There is no proof of your assumption, therefore your conclusion is faulty.


You are also attempting to associate two unrelated events under cause and effect.

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Dont get me wrong, im not joining the torches and pitchforks mob storming SWTOR Castle at the moment but i got to Quesh last night on my Sith Marauder, and i kid you not, there were a total of eight people on, and this was a saturday night! im really enjoying the game but their PR department needs to step it up a little
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End game Crafting is largely useless and frustrating, unless you choose biochem..


biochem in itself is not useless, but as "something to do end-game" is, along all other professions. Once you make your stims/pots/buffs there's no point in doing anything else... there's no use for money, gtn is dead.

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