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Server population is dropping...


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Hi, just to give real numbers atm. 10:35 CET 24-02-11

Kellian Jaro Republic side

Defender : 3 people

Fleet : 10 people

Ilum : 3 people

Red Eclipse

Defender : 48 people

Fleet : 10 people

Ilum : 7 people


P.O.I Red Eclipse is one of the heaviest populated servers in EU

Hardly enough people to do anything, dont you think?

BTW, on my server (terokkar) on wow, there are more people in Stormwind auction house than on the entire fleet on those 2 servers. I'm not trying to compare the two games, but if something isn't done very soon (merge servers) I and three other people that I play with on Kellian Jaro are quitting (three is a lot of players to lose for that server)

There is nothing for me to do there most of the time but sit around and hope there will be people to ask for flashpoints ....not possible on a server where there is almost noone anymore

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I really like this game and the story too.Game isnt perfect,but i just hope that someone does something !!!!! Population is dropping fast ,very very fast...... In few months Guild Wars 2 will come out ,what will happen then ? 1 player per server ,lol,everybody has their own server ,kinda nice lol .... I hear that many people are going back to playing wow.....I will stay loyal to swtor but people who can fix this ,plz fix this,before its late .... I am typing what many swtor fans are thinking .... SAVE THE GAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or ELSE :wea_03: !!! :) Edited by lordsall
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Yea the thing is I am not trolling. I merely stated my opinion and ended by saying I hope everyone has fun. No trolling.


You said you have no desire to play the game anymore .... even if they fix things you do not like.


What other reason would you have to be here now?

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I have a level 50 Sith Sorc on Terentatek. I would sit on fleet for hours looking for a group as a healer. Usually could get about 3 people together for HM but then not able to find a tank.


A couple of guys at work were playing Republic on Port Nowhere so I rolled up a Commando on Port Nowhere. Level to 50... Same thing. Sit on fleet looking for a group which was even worse this time since the Republic pop is much worse than Imp.


So last night I go to torstatus.net and find out which server has the highest population. According to torstatus Canderous Ordo has the highest pop. Login, create a Sith Warrior. There are 57 people in the starting zone. Someone mentions in general chat that they were re-rolling from another server where they already had a level 50 and that they came to this server because it had the highest pop. Man, that set off a wave of people saying that they had just re-rolled from another server. I would say about 30 of the 57 people in the zone said they had re-rolled from another server because they could not find a group.


If that does not spell trouble for this game, I do not know what does.

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I have a level 50 Sith Sorc on Terentatek. I would sit on fleet for hours looking for a group as a healer. Usually could get about 3 people together for HM but then not able to find a tank.


A couple of guys at work were playing Republic on Port Nowhere so I rolled up a Commando on Port Nowhere. Level to 50... Same thing. Sit on fleet looking for a group which was even worse this time since the Republic pop is much worse than Imp.


So last night I go to torstatus.net and find out which server has the highest population. According to torstatus Canderous Ordo has the highest pop. Login, create a Sith Warrior. There are 57 people in the starting zone. Someone mentions in general chat that they were re-rolling from another server where they already had a level 50 and that they came to this server because it had the highest pop. Man, that set off a wave of people saying that they had just re-rolled from another server. I would say about 30 of the 57 people in the zone said they had re-rolled from another server because they could not find a group.


If that does not spell trouble for this game, I do not know what does.


This is a prime example of why the graphs at those websites are not indicative of overall population. I would suggest reading their faq's and attempting to understand them before blindly saying ok it has more people according to torstatus so I'll go there.


The starting areas on Pere Trade Routes, republic side, regularly has around 70-80 people and coruscant has over 100. Republic Fleet wildly fluctuates between 100-200.


Torstatus is not a population counter it is a server-status website, which in-short means any cap manipulation on biowares part. This will confuse their data in a way that could show a pop-drop when it is rising or vice-versa, a rise when it is falling


Lets say the server you moved to has shown a rise lately. Well maybe a month ago Bioware noticed the population was regularly low or going down and so they lowered the ratings(light/med/heavy) and maybe the cap on that server. So now it shows medium-heavy where as a few weeks ago it would have been light-medium.


We don't know how BW manipulates server so if you are going to rely on pop-estimators like those websites then you roll the dice.


My server's doin great.

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You said you have no desire to play the game anymore .... even if they fix things you do not like.


What other reason would you have to be here now?


Did you read anything else I said? I like to post on forums. I also wanted to post here to tell people that the game is not dying. There are valid reasons for dead servers and I also wanted to point out that Bioware screwed up with to many servers. It was poor planning. That's the real problem, not that the game is dying and sinking.


I figured if someone who does not play anymore can post and say that others will see it and say oh OK this guy isn't a troll and I should not worry about the game dying. Obviously you don't care about what I say you just think I am trolling.

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I have a level 50 Sith Sorc on Terentatek. I would sit on fleet for hours looking for a group as a healer. Usually could get about 3 people together for HM but then not able to find a tank.


A couple of guys at work were playing Republic on Port Nowhere so I rolled up a Commando on Port Nowhere. Level to 50... Same thing. Sit on fleet looking for a group which was even worse this time since the Republic pop is much worse than Imp.


So last night I go to torstatus.net and find out which server has the highest population. According to torstatus Canderous Ordo has the highest pop. Login, create a Sith Warrior. There are 57 people in the starting zone. Someone mentions in general chat that they were re-rolling from another server where they already had a level 50 and that they came to this server because it had the highest pop. Man, that set off a wave of people saying that they had just re-rolled from another server. I would say about 30 of the 57 people in the zone said they had re-rolled from another server because they could not find a group.


If that does not spell trouble for this game, I do not know what does.


Indeed, and the same scenario of not being able to find group's happens on countless servers where populations have plummeted.


Just don't expect a good portion of players to believe it. There are way too many posters on here that refuse to acknowledge the game's pending disintegration.

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population on Kellian Jaro European server at 17:30 CET was 191 Republic players in total. On Red Eclipse which is the highest PVE European server, the total server population was 815 Republic players.

These are real numbers and not out of my head.

Hardly populations for an mmo

Edited by miikke
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Indeed, and the same scenario of not being able to find group's happens on countless servers where populations have plummeted.


Just don't expect a good portion of players to believe it. There are way too many posters on here that refuse to acknowledge the game's pending disintegration.


Yeah, and the "pending disintegration" is years down the road.

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population on Kellian Jaro European server at 17:30 CET was 191 Republic players in total. On Red Eclipse which is the highest PVE European server, the total server population was 815 Republic players.

These are real numbers and not out of my head.

Hardly populations for an mmo


There are severs with that many on just one Fleet each night, like mine.


I don't doubt there are under populated servers but only one Bioware/Ea knows what the current total population is.

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There are severs with that many on just one Fleet each night, like mine.


So how does this address the issue for low population servers? Again the issue is with low (opposite of high).


I don't doubt there are under populated servers but only one Bioware/Ea knows what the current total population is.


So basically its not enough for the people being unable to complete content due to lack of available players to assist but we'd also need confirmation from BW/EA to prove what people are seeing with their own eyes. Gotcha.

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So how does this address the issue for low population servers? Again the issue is with low (opposite of high).




So basically its not enough for the people being unable to complete content due to lack of available players to assist but we'd also need confirmation from BW/EA to prove what people are seeing with their own eyes. Gotcha.


You don't if population is dropping which is the title of the thread. You know what is happening on just your server.


Many people have reported re-rolling on other servers.

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Just don't expect a good portion of players to believe it. There are way too many posters on here that refuse to acknowledge the game's pending disintegration.


Which shouldn't be surprising, given that (1) we haven't experienced what you are describing; (2) we have become used to players like you prediciting doom and gloom since launch; and (3) whenever someone explains the facts to you, you simply ignore them.


No amount of lime green text will change this.

Edited by Kthx
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If you refuse to accept the available data, that's your prerogative.


These same threads & data were presented on both Aion and Rift's forums. Which also included their own defense force of players.


Guess how well those game's are doing now?


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I don't like the idea of populations dropping but yeah .... I just experianced it in Hoth today and there were only four people playing .


That situation is slightly expected though. You have a bulk of players at low levels, it tapers off to the middle range, little bit less at the upper mid range (40, hoth or so) and then balloons at end game with the level cap. Difference being you're getting an unreal expectation from the lower level areas due to people grinding alts, and to make it to hoth you have to at least have a *little* bit of commitment to that character, which some altaholics dont have. =o


But i could be completely wrong too, so take with a grain of salt /shrug

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This topic brings back memories of Warhammer and Rift. Same arguements on both sides.


In regards to those games which side was right?


Continue on people, I have lots of popcorn left.


It also brings back memories of EQ1, Lotro, and WoW.


What was your point?

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If you refuse to accept the available data, that's your prerogative.


These same threads & data were presented on both Aion and Rift's forums. Which also included their own defense force of players.


Guess how well those game's are doing now?



Wait, so do you accept the data that says SWTOR has 1.7 million subs and that the number is growing? You don't automatically win an argument by calling your "opponents" clueless or in denial. Facts, from EA/Bioware is out there. 1.7 million subs. Growing. Do you accept it?


And that last part... What does that have to do with SWTOR? This is not Aion or Rift.

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It also brings back memories of EQ1, Lotro, and WoW.


What was your point?


My point was only time will tell. Y'all can go back and forth all day long and I encourage you to do so as I find it entertaining.


Or y'all could save time and just start posting...







Time will tell.


PS: In a market where people have plenty of choices where to spend their money the old adage of the customer is always right is painfully true. If someone believes he is not getting his money's worth from a game because there isn't enough players...he's right. It doesn't matter if they are wrong or right by your opinion. Their money is still gone.

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