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Server population is dropping...


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I totally agree stop playing with yourself reroll ON this dudes server or reroll on "THE SWIFTSURE" ok just do one of these 2 servers start rerollingto one of these two servers and you wont regret it trust me and this dude best move you can ever do untill Bioware can come up with server transfer


Isn't SS about to have an exodus because of the new servers?

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I think the damage is done, there is just no coming back from this, i dont hate SWTOR it is fun at times, but like others have said it is just a game to tide me over. Nothing grabs me here it lacks the login factor. I just dont care, getting to 50 does not matter othing to do, no mounts or really anything to unlock, really nothing. Story lol It is ok at best, like a c video game at best. I like my guild, the combat is ok, but everything else just sucks cant put my finger on it bit it lacks something. AS soon as another mmo launches I am out
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The biggest problem is that there are WAY too many servers; the population is way to spread out over 100+ servers; they REALLY need to condense things (merge low pop servers together). I have a 41 Guardian on Zakkeg Beast and I have to start over on another server cuz each planet I go to there's never more than 6 people on it, and four of em are AFK. It makes it impossible to play.


So yeah, WoW didn't even have HALF as many servers as SWTOR did when it launched; now SWTOR has 100+ Servers for the US alone; that's simply too many; they need to merge servers to where they're down to the 65-85 server range, to start with. Then allow some Free Transfers a few weeks later to balance things out. It's a very simple fix. Just get it done, BioWare. I mean c'mon, there's like 50 servers with Standard Population; and then 50 more with Light Population. CONDENSE THINGS! MERGE SERVERS! Make it so there are only a few dozen servers that are all 'Heavy,' population and the game will thrive.


I mean, this isn't even close to being the end of SWTOR; every single MMO ever made has gone through this, people just need to be patient. I know it sucks, but BioWare will sort things out, they're too big of a company to let their name be ruined by a failed MMO of this caliber.

Edited by Red_Ripper
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The biggest problem is that there are WAY too many servers;

So yeah, WoW didn't even have HALF as many servers as SWTOR did when it launched; now SWTOR has 100+ Servers for the US alone;

there is nothing about server number,

it is all about the game design,

they should use cloud computing technology,

let all subers can live in ONE world.

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I totally agree stop playing with yourself reroll ON this dudes server or reroll on "THE SWIFTSURE" ok just do one of these 2 servers start rerollingto one of these two servers and you wont regret it trust me and this dude best move you can ever do untill Bioware can come up with server transfer


why should a paying customer have to re-roll?

that's so stupid things,

BW should provide a free server transfer or re-design this game,

cause this is their fault.


BTW, even the swiftsure server population is dropping,

last time i re-roll a alt on it, there is 9x ppl on newbie zone,

now it is drop to 3x ppl in GMT+8 peak time.

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We have almost half the servers that Wow has. Half for 10% of Wows population.


As an example as to what that means?


(This is only an example)

Say we had a subscription base of 850 000 players

Usually only 10-20% of the players are on at once so that 850k becomes 85-170k at once


Now there are currently 214 servers according to mmo junkies so that means 393.5-787 players per server on average


Not including ships there are 33 different zones so those numbers evenly spread become

12-24 players on average per zone


Those numbers do not take into account faction imbalance (which there is) and assumes the population is spread between all the servers (which they are not)


So, Does the fact that with a 850 000 player subscription base you can have as little as 393 players on a server? No but it might show that there are TOO MANY SERVERS and that makes the servers look dead not people leaving (which some probably are)

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I know my server is dying (or the people I know on different servers also) cause they have stopped playing, people got to high lvl got bored, then got over going through the same missions to lvl an alt also, sorry to say the game got old real fast, one of the most looked forward to mmo's I had (went all out bought collectors etc) and the quickeset one I have got bored with (and also my friends and now on to my 3rd guild cause the other 2 have died, and this one is also now....)
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I know my server is dying (or the people I know on different servers also) cause they have stopped playing, people got to high lvl got bored, then got over going through the same missions to lvl an alt also, sorry to say the game got old real fast, one of the most looked forward to mmo's I had (went all out bought collectors etc) and the quickeset one I have got bored with (and also my friends and now on to my 3rd guild cause the other 2 have died, and this one is also now....)


That's odd. I find that there's lots of content and so did the guy at IGN



9.5 Lasting Appeal

"Hundreds of hours of content at launch for just a single character. Playing new ones reveals a wealth more."


"There’s also a massive volume of content to keep you hooked for a long time."

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I think the damage is done, there is just no coming back from this, i dont hate SWTOR it is fun at times, but like others have said it is just a game to tide me over. Nothing grabs me here it lacks the login factor. I just dont care, getting to 50 does not matter othing to do, no mounts or really anything to unlock, really nothing. Story lol It is ok at best, like a c video game at best. I like my guild, the combat is ok, but everything else just sucks cant put my finger on it bit it lacks something. AS soon as another mmo launches I am out


It's possible to come back, it depends on speed.


Having said that I'm not sure that populations aren't levelling off now.

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That's odd. I find that there's lots of content and so did the guy at IGN



9.5 Lasting Appeal

"Hundreds of hours of content at launch for just a single character. Playing new ones reveals a wealth more."


"There’s also a massive volume of content to keep you hooked for a long time."


I have this wonderful toy I can sell you. Its called a slinky.. You + Slinky + Stairs = Endless amounts of fun..


Hundreds of hours of content doesnt make the content actually worth playing. And sorry but doing daily's and Huttball for the 5 millionth time doesnt count as exciting or fun.


You seem like someone that would be extremely easy to satisfy. Have all consumers forgotten what getting a good product actually is? This certainly isnt it..

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I have this wonderful toy I can sell you. Its called a slinky.. You + Slinky + Stairs = Endless amounts of fun..


Hundreds of hours of content doesnt make the content actually worth playing. And sorry but doing daily's and Huttball for the 5 millionth time doesnt count as exciting or fun.


You seem like someone that would be extremely easy to satisfy. Have all consumers forgotten what getting a good product actually is? This certainly isnt it..


Have fun with WoW then. :rolleyes:

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I don't blame Bioware for the server population issues. They couldn't have seen it coming to the extent that it hit, but I do hope they take steps to remedy it in the future,


I started playing early access and after about a month there were 100-150 people on the fleet during peak hours (Republic, Davik's Estate). One time only I saw it get to 200. Now I haven't seen the the fleet hit over 70 in about a month and a half, and there are regularly less than 20 people there during non-peak hours (16 as I write this). The Empire side of the same server has 2-3 times as many, but I couldn't say how far the numbers have dropped there since launch.


Bioware couldn't have guessed how many people were going to drop the game, but some sort of transfers/merges in the future would be nice. Quite frankly I like my faction and my characters, and I don't want to level another one somewhere else. I would also be very upset to leave my guild, and I know a lot of people on low population servers feel the same. If we could have our guilds AND people to group with on the server when guildies aren't around, it would definitely change the feel of the game for the better.

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Have fun with WoW then. :rolleyes:


Good idea Kourgae, chase people off. Then when only the 200 true hard core fans are left playing on one server, you can finally enjoy the game in peace.


When are you guys gonna realize being mean to people does more harm then good to this game?

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Im not going to watse time counting areas as EA RPG division has the numbers and they know the levels.


Suffice to say between 5-8pm yesterday (local server time) no planet I was on had more then 24 people, couple (Nar Shaddaa was one) were into single digits for the time frame.


The population has been dropping since day 1 and these numbers are now getting close to SWG server population numbers.


Server merges would help temporarily but the real issue is this isnt a MMORPG, its a Single Player RP Game with some multiplayer features. People are not going to pay monthly subs for this design long term.


EA would be much better off going F2P and charging for frequent content updates (and I hate F2P games so understand this not some self serving desire behind suggestion).


I dont see this holding on long term as a subscription based MMORPG because it lacks the socialization and interaction features required by real MMORPGs and its probably to late to add them in now. At best they might get 30% of those that left to retry again. Most players, once they leave, they move on for good.

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My server curently has the lowest population any time. My guild/friends and I came to Telos

when login q's went past 30 min back in december. Several of us leaving lvl 25+ toons (HOURS

and HOURS leveling time) behind. There are now 20 friends and 70 toons in our guild. We have

about 10 lvl 50's in the guild. 1 has 3 50's and there are 4 others with 1 50.


I now have 3 50's (HOURS and HOURS and HOURS and HOURS leveling time) and have never seen

an operation and only 1 flashpoint. PVP, Operations etc etc must be fun ? I don't no. There is no

economy, long story short NONE, NOTHING, NADA. I'm sure you can use your imagination here.


We just don't have the same time scheduals to get 4 of us together yet. I'm on from 1am pacific

to 10am. I've logged on in the evenings several times to see whats happening but like the last

paragraph NONE, NOTHING, NADA.


I sure hope EA is not going to make us pay to move when they could punch a few keys

and merge our server with another low pop 1 or 2. I see there are about 16 other

servers above ours in population but only by a few people. I will be forced to quit

the game if I have to pay more for the toons I already have.


4:25pm pacific now, think I'll do some crew missions, hope they have fun.

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You know what's funny is all the people who have 3 or 4 level 50s n just 2 months, but refuse to just start over on a high pop server. If your server is really that miserable, then stop punishing yourself! :rolleyes: Edited by Kourage
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I don't have a 50 yet, my highest char is 38. Masses of content? Where? Greatly reduced for me as I cant get enough people to do heroic 4's or Flashpoints.

Get your head out the sand!


How the hell can the game attract new subs when they will be frustrated pretty much straight away when they cant do heroic quests. Plus those of us who are not hard core players are in the same boat and its obvious from the myriad of posts on these forums, it's not an isolated issue. So existing people are leaving, population drops further, rinse and repeat cycle of despair!

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I don't have a 50 yet, my highest char is 38. Masses of content? Where? Greatly reduced for me as I cant get enough people to do heroic 4's or Flashpoints.

Get your head out the sand!


How the hell can the game attract new subs when they will be frustrated pretty much straight away when they cant do heroic quests. Plus those of us who are not hard core players are in the same boat and its obvious from the myriad of posts on these forums, it's not an isolated issue. So existing people are leaving, population drops further, rinse and repeat cycle of despair!


Yet according to some on these forums there are 1.7 million people playing. Never have 1.7 million people been so elusive, come on guys where are you hiding.

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Well I just talked to the other 10 player/friends and they talked to the other 10 of thier friends in the guild. We think the game providers should fix our problem. Myself and 1 other guild member/friend had 2 50's in the first month. 1 1/2 months ago we thought with all the peeps flocking to the game we'd be ok.




I got a great Idea. Everyone here come to Telos. Vast open lands. Pristine rivers. Clean chat.

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Yet according to some on these forums there are 1.7 million people playing. Never have 1.7 million people been so elusive, come on guys where are you hiding.


That might have sold 1.7 million copies of the game, but I think it's safe to say about half those people are probably gone.

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That might have sold 1.7 million copies of the game, but I think it's safe to say about half those people are probably gone.


The game has sold 2.2 million copies, it had 1.7 million subscribers at the same time, and no, half of those people for all likelihood are not gone. Some certainly are, but I would expect the game to have lost no more than a few hundred thousand subscribers, if even that.

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I'm on Uthar Wynn (EU) and the other day I was literally all alone in the Republic Fleet.

I'm level 40 and i only came across 3 open pvp encounters, and haven't done a single FP since level 20 because i can't find a group (a tool could also help with this), nor have I done a heroic in a long time.


Simply put I'm disappointed because i feel like i'm missing out on actual content and fun.

I'm hoping my guild grows even more, and things change as more of us reach 50.


I'm not sure population is actually dropping (except for the initial "boom and drop" after launch which is entirely natural), but I sure would like some mergers (or free transfers), there's simply too many servers and not enough people playing.


My 2 cents.

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