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I need some serious insight, Maur or Jugg?


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Save yourself the trouble of playing one of the crapiest classes in game atm and pick the jugg.You get survivability, great aoe dmg under the rage tree and you'll faceroll your way in WZs.


How the hell are Maras one of the crappiest classes in this game? Have you even played op/scoundrel?

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Save yourself the trouble of playing one of the crapiest classes in game atm and pick the jugg.You get survivability, great aoe dmg under the rage tree and you'll faceroll your way in WZs.

That's exactly the sort of nonsense that leads to players picking the wrong class because they believe what they read.

I still don't know how anyone can think that Juggs have more survivability then Maras when that's obviously not the case.


To answer the OPs question: If you solo queue most of the time, Mara is by far the safer bet. But even in premades Juggs are inferior imo, with the exception of Huttball.

As a Mara/Sent you can offer more sustained damage, mobility, utility and ultimately more survivability - unless you want to go for an Immortal Juggernaut.

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Save yourself the trouble of playing one of the crapiest classes in game atm and pick the jugg.You get survivability, great aoe dmg under the rage tree and you'll faceroll your way in WZs.


Uh, Marauder is one of if not the strongest class in the game right now. If you have a healer/tank behind you, you're a wrecking machine.


I don't think it's possible for a Jugg to outdamage a good Marauder unless you do something horribly horribly wrong.


Marauder also has 10x the survival as a DPS jugg due to all the various CDs you get, especially with guarded by the force.


Please get a clue before you "faceroll" the comment box.

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I only have a lv50 marauder and dont have a jugg


From what ives seen on the abilities they get on torhead. Marauders seem to have better survivability than a dps jugg and rage generation is better. However a dps jugg can burst higher.


that can be very misleading (the skills at least). Jugg's get lots of residual and regular damage reduction that a marauder does not. Now...you do need to be in immortal spec to use most of those, but they are there.


But if your discussing DPS specs (specifically rage for the jugg..the vengeance tree actually gets a surprising amount of Dr, residual and activated), you may be correct. haven't compared everything. just keep in mind that juggs can pop into tank stance, immediately getting a constant (not on CD) 6% dr as well as a 50% increase in armor, something marauders can't have. but marauders do have better defensive CD's overall then the jugg DPS specs.


But an immortal Jugg's defensive skills, whether baseline DR increases, or CC/control abilities, way surpass Marauders. but to do that you sacrifice a ton of damage...

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Want to know the best part about reading these?


As I am leveling my Mara, I am MOWING through everything that comes near me, as long as I have my CDs up.


The people who hate must not be able to keep track of 3-4 things at once so they are just overwhelmed by the class.


I'm loving my Mara atm. It has an incredible DPS output and its very fun to play.

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Well, as i said i did choose Jugg, BUT as of last night I decided that I was going to level both




After reading the previous comment.. I think I am going to roll Mara 100%, the challenge it'll bring seems like so much fun to me.


I played a rogue in WoW, and I feel like they have the same amount of abilities, but obviously Mara uses rage.


I am excited to learn and master the Mara, I don't know why I tried to take the easy rode out.


P.S. Is there any crazy PvP guilds on any servers I could level my Mara on? That'd be great because that's my main focus. And the server I am on has very few PvP guilds.

(my server is PvP.)


Mara is more enhance shaman than rogue, if you are looking for a WoW comparison. And, good maras are as rare as good enhance shaman were in WoW. Concealment OPs are like WoW rogues, except that OPs have better ranged options.


For the average PvPer, Jugg is a better choice. However, Mara seems better if you know what you are doing.

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marauders are like witch elves from warhammer but with no lengthy stealth and many more defensive abilites and an S-ton of buttons to press. oh and they have sick group buffs like predation and bloodthirst Edited by HBninjaX
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Thanks Aluvi, will do.


Also, I'd say I'm above average to really exceptional in pvp, it's never been an issue for me, i've pvpd for years upon years in many many different games and i've been dominant in all.


I think the Mara would just be better for me because I believe I can keep up with its hard gameplay style.

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I main a marauder, and it's funny to read Aluvi's posts. Between warzone numbers, play style, and guidance, we agree on almost everything. I think Predation looks a lot better on paper than it does in use, so I'd much rather take the 18% health regen than pop predation in almost every situation. There is the occasional group situation when another team recognizes me early and locks me down, so I'll use t strictly to help my team get to the mark.


The other thing, spec choice. I would much rather take the 6% crit in rage tree for both PvE and pvp specs, and this may also encourage you guys to then go for the 10% heal in your pvp specs (snag 10s cdr on channel stun while you're at it).


It's all preference, but I can agree 100% with almost all of the statements here. The marauder is an unstoppable force with any healer, and without a healer, you'll win nearly every 1v1 or 1v2, and as long as you properly manage everything: blind, stun, knockdown, dr cool downs, interrupts (6s as anni + 12s charge), you won't have much of a problem with healers. In terms of play style, I would definitely say a marauder relates to a fury warrior from WoW, if that's a comparison you need.


Also, if you don't use keybinds, you're going to hate this class. I have my entire UI mapped, and I'm always looking for ways to become more efficient, because that's what the marauder is about.


Best of luck to you and anybody else interested in rolling marauder!

Edited by Rangrangmigo
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I main a marauder, and it's funny to read Aluvi's posts. Between warzone numbers, play style, and guidance, we agree on almost everything. I think Predation looks a lot better on paper than it does in use, so I'd much rather take the 18% health regen than pop predation in almost every situation. There is the occasional group situation when another team recognizes me early and locks me down, so I'll use t strictly to help my team get to the mark.


The other thing, spec choice. I would much rather take the 6% crit in rage tree for both PvE and pvp specs, and this may also encourage you guys to then go for the 10% heal in your pvp specs (snag 10s cdr on channel stun while you're at it).


It's all preference, but I can agree 100% with almost all of the statements here. The marauder is an unstoppable force with any healer, and without a healer, you'll win nearly every 1v1 or 1v2, and as long as you properly manage everything: blind, stun, knockdown, dr cool downs, interrupts (6s as anni + 12s charge), you won't have much of a problem with healers. In terms of play style, I would definitely say a marauder relates to a fury warrior from WoW, if that's a comparison you need.


Also, if you don't use keybinds, you're going to hate this class. I have my entire UI mapped, and I'm always looking for ways to become more efficient, because that's what the marauder is about.


Best of luck to you and anybody else interested in rolling marauder!


I got marauder to about level 30 and gave up on it. I was getting down to 20% HP on every pull (even non elites, just regular mobs at my level) and there are so so many buttons and crap to keep track of it was a hassle.


I probably wasn't doing it correctly, but any class dps that fills up every button on a razer naga before it even finishes it's skill tree and requires defensive cooldowns to be used constantly is just too irritating for me.


I just want to smash things with a big stick... so odd that the most overcomplicated cumbersome rotation belongs to the brute berserker style fighter. Don't you think the sorcerer should have been the one that is really difficult to manage?

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I got marauder to about level 30 and gave up on it. I was getting down to 20% HP on every pull (even non elites, just regular mobs at my level) and there are so so many buttons and crap to keep track of it was a hassle.


I probably wasn't doing it correctly, but any class dps that fills up every button on a razer naga before it even finishes it's skill tree and requires defensive cooldowns to be used constantly is just too irritating for me.


I just want to smash things with a big stick... so odd that the most overcomplicated cumbersome rotation belongs to the brute berserker style fighter. Don't you think the sorcerer should have been the one that is really difficult to manage?



While the play style fits that of a warrior from WoW, the best comparison I'll give you for skill base/difficult will be a hunter. There was a huge gap (in arenas) between the hunters that mashed buttons and the hunters who managed everything properly. There were few hunters that fell in the 1900-2200 range. One was above or below if they played a hunter. I predict that we will see something similar for Marauders.

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I finally completed my full champion gear set, which is really kicking butt. My Merc friend specced for "PvP Heals" this weekend and we have been running premade warzones with him, myself, a rage spec jugg, and sometimes a random 4th person. The Merc healer just got BM this weekend and has started getting his BM gear, with full champ already.


All I can say is.. what an amazing difference having a dedicated healer is. Having our rage spec jugg charge in and do a nice aoe bomb while i focus down/interrupt the enemy groups healer is amazing. Once the healer is down, I clean up all the low hp enemies from the aoe that our jugg did. I had an absolute blast this weekend, and although we did lose some games to republic side premades that had 4+ BMs fully geared, for the most part we ripped through people like nothing.


Ah there is no better feeling than farming the enemy teams goal line as they spawn in huttball. Normally I can take on several lesser geared people myself with full cooldown use, but with a healer, that went up exponentially. There were times when the 3 of us would take on 6+ players and somehow end up winning, only to face them again as they spawned.


Seeing my friend play his Jugg gave me some new respect for the rage spec as jugg as well. He really really hits hard, I think his record was 6.5k on a smash. We compliment eachother extremely well; while he is able to wear down much of the team with aoes, I am able to finish players off before heals can get to them, or just kill the healers.


Typical games for us this weekend were 450k+ damage done per game by both myself and the Jugg, while I was pushing ~100k heals per game. There were a few voidstar matches where I literally did not stop killing people and did not die for the entire time on defense, racking up 60+ kills per game and not dying once.


So I guess what I'm driving at here is, Juggs are pretty damn amazing as well, and are of immense help in a group pvp setting.

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Farming people at their goalline just because you can and not attempting to score and finish the game is bush league and poor sportsmanship imo.


We only do it to get our 300k medals (if we didn't, game would be over in 4-5 minutes and no one would get any valor or points), but hey, to each his own. I don't try to score because as a marauder my tools for getting hte ball over the goal line are a bit limited if I am not in a "PvP" spec.

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