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Bioware told me to leave losing WZ's


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As the title says - Bioware told me to leave losing WZ's... As a Battlemaster, their system wants me to focus on wins and losses, nothing else. No use for commendations, no use for valor, etc... All they want me to focus on is completing the daily and weekly, which only means winning.


The positive aspect of this design is that I always focus on winning and not maximizing commendations and valor like they told me to do before Rank 60. Post rank 60, I only focus on winning. But if it's clear that my team is going to lose or I enter a match already down 2-0 for example, Bioware wants me to leave ASAP and requeue (no penalty for leaving of course).


So, I play the game they have designed and do my best to win and leave a WZ that looks like an incoming loss and requeue because that's what Bioware tells me to do.

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As the title says - Bioware told me to leave losing WZ's... As a Battlemaster, their system wants me to focus on wins and losses, nothing else. No use for commendations, no use for valor, etc... All they want me to focus on is completing the daily and weekly, which only means winning.


The positive aspect of this design is that I always focus on winning and not maximizing commendations and valor like they told me to do before Rank 60. Post rank 60, I only focus on winning. But if it's clear that my team is going to lose or I enter a match already down 2-0 for example, Bioware wants me to leave ASAP and requeue (no penalty for leaving of course).


So, I play the game they have designed and do my best to win and leave a WZ that looks like an incoming loss and requeue because that's what Bioware tells me to do.



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As the title says - Bioware told me to leave losing WZ's... As a Battlemaster, their system wants me to focus on wins and losses, nothing else. No use for commendations, no use for valor, etc... All they want me to focus on is completing the daily and weekly, which only means winning.


Bioware wants you to focus on teamwork and co-operation and being the catalyst, the battlemaster, that unites his team and wins the game.


You interpreting that as "people carry me to a win or I'm out" is your own problem.


Know when is a good time to stop caring about the match? When the scoreboard comes up.

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Or you could just be honest and say you dont have Battlemaster gear and this thread is another "I hate quiters in Warzones" thread.


I don't hate quitters in WZ - not at all. I admit to quitting and explain why. The interesting thing is that I almost never left a losing WZ prior to Valor 60 since the game rewarded me with commendations, valor etc. There was value in staying pre 60, win or lose. But post 60, the system tells me to focus on wins only, so I do.


Impact 1 - I focus on the WZ objective and don't farm commendations.


Impact 2 - I leave losing WZ's and requeue.


No judgment, just a comment on the design.

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As the title says - Bioware told me to leave losing WZ's... As a Battlemaster, their system wants me to focus on wins and losses, nothing else. No use for commendations, no use for valor, etc... All they want me to focus on is completing the daily and weekly, which only means winning.


The positive aspect of this design is that I always focus on winning and not maximizing commendations and valor like they told me to do before Rank 60. Post rank 60, I only focus on winning. But if it's clear that my team is going to lose or I enter a match already down 2-0 for example, Bioware wants me to leave ASAP and requeue (no penalty for leaving of course).


So, I play the game they have designed and do my best to win and leave a WZ that looks like an incoming loss and requeue because that's what Bioware tells me to do.




A level 50, with 60+ Valor, but not full BM gear, is after 1 thing and 1 thing ONLY: WINS. Because the only way, in game, to get BM gear bags is wins from dailies.

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I don't hate quitters in WZ - not at all. I admit to quitting and explain why. The interesting thing is that I almost never left a losing WZ prior to Valor 60 since the game rewarded me with commendations, valor etc. There was value in staying pre 60, win or lose. But post 60, the system tells me to focus on wins only, so I do.


Impact 1 - I focus on the WZ objective and don't farm commendations.


Impact 2 - I leave losing WZ's and requeue.


No judgment, just a comment on the design.


some people play just to pvp. others don't, like yourself. bw isn't telling you to do anything.


not everyone just plays for gear.

Edited by zeroburrito
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Bioware wants you to win the games to complete your quest. If you leave, you cannot win that game.


So you appear to be behaving contrary to Bioware's expectations. Fortunately, you will soon be punished for this reprehensible behavior.


Dailies are supposed to be fast. Doing 6+ warzones every day =/= fast.

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some people play just to pvp. others don't, like yourself. bw isn't telling you to do anything.


not everyone just plays for gear.


Fair enough - then you are saying that you play for fun, in spite of the reward/design mechanics. Good for you. Perhaps you will also show up a job you really enjoy, but not need to be paid...


I am only pointing out the system design.

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no, it means you should be able to get it done in one day, hence the word daily.


Right, so 3 hours, since we only play SWTOR 3 hours/day.


8 hours sleep.

1 hour preparing to go to work.

1 hour commute to work.

8 hours work.

1 hour commute from work.

2 hours house chores, eating dinner, family time.

3 hours SWTOR.


So, dailies must be completable in 3 hours.

Edited by Zaodon
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Bioware wants you to win the games to complete your quest. If you leave, you cannot win that game.


So you appear to be behaving contrary to Bioware's expectations. Fortunately, you will soon be punished for this reprehensible behavior.


You know pretty quickly if you will win or lose. There are those few, special games, where it is close and you don't know - those games are truly special and must be savored. But if you are down 3-0 in the 1st 3 minutes of Huttball, you have a pretty good idea what's going to happen.


And is quitting the losing WZ reprehensible? Why? It's only following Bioware's reward system. Like it or not, that is what the design is telling you to do.

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Dailies are supposed to be fast. Doing 6+ warzones every day =/= fast.


How. It takes me ~1 hour to do my warzone daily, which is an average of 3 wins out of 5 games. 9-10 games would take 2 hours. You can't get 3 wins in 2 hours? 2 hours is a long time?


That IS fast. Cry more.

Edited by EternalFinality
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You know pretty quickly if you will win or lose. There are those few, special games, where it is close and you don't know - those games are truly special and must be savored. But if you are down 3-0 in the 1st 3 minutes of Huttball, you have a pretty good idea what's going to happen.


And is quitting the losing WZ reprehensible? Why? It's only following Bioware's reward system. Like it or not, that is what the design is telling you to do.


Why bother waiting? Just have it compute a gearscore at the beginning and award the win. Much faster for everyone, and that's all that matters, right?

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How. It takes me ~1 hour to do my warzone daily, which is an average of 3 wins out of 5 games. 9-10 games would take 2 hours. You can't get 3 wins in 2 hours? 2 hours is a long time?


That IS fast. Cry more.


You know, if you're winning, somebody else is losing? Only one team can win.


Average game + wait is 15-25 minutes. That's 90-150 minutes for 6 games, and then there's still the Ilum daily. I can't think of another game that you're supposed to PvP for at least 2 hours every day for just the dailies. It's usually 1 victory of a specific map, or go win 1 game.


I don't care if it takes 2 hours, because I'll PvP for 2 hours regardless. But why spend 2 hours for the reward when you can spend 45 minutes? Compounded with the fact that bags for Battlemasters are RNG I'm sure everyone wants to get their daily done as fast as possible.

Edited by savionen
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Why bother waiting? Just have it compute a gearscore at the beginning and award the win. Much faster for everyone, and that's all that matters, right?


There is some truth to that, but a team of folks playing to win can certainly beat players with better gear. As a side note, that's also why you see many Battlemasters playing games half naked and still winning.

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don't always assume that being down 2-0 means instaloss. i joined a game of huttball down 3-0 and came back to win the game 6-3 with top Damage dealt in the game. that game was probably the most fun i had in any huttball game ever cause my team was down for a while and we came back to win.
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don't always assume that being down 2-0 means instaloss. i joined a game of huttball down 3-0 and came back to win the game 6-3 with top Damage dealt in the game. that game was probably the most fun i had in any huttball game ever cause my team was down for a while and we came back to win.


well, let's just say that odds are against you, it's just a much safer bet to leave immediately

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Fair enough - then you are saying that you play for fun, in spite of the reward/design mechanics. Good for you. Perhaps you will also show up a job you really enjoy, but not need to be paid...


This made me laugh so hard. When you're comparing a video game to a job, you need to find a new game.

People get paid in a job because they need that money to survive. You getting "paid" with a tiny stat increase and bragging rights contribute to nothing in your real life and very little in your virtual one.


Your job comparison is completely absurd. You're not "working" for anything. You're playing a game. Sure, there's goals to go for and shinies to obtain, but they aren't the point, they're a spice.

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Dailies are supposed to be fast. Doing 6+ warzones every day =/= fast.


You say dailies are supposed to be fast but what is fast about 10+ warzones required to complete your daily that requires you to win. If all are fresh and you don't leave a single one you are investing hours upon hours.


If you give each one 2 minutes to decide if they are worth staying or leaving you saved yourself hours of lost Warzones to just focus on your wins. There is nothing lost when you leave a fail so it is encouraged. :D Big time saver!

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This made me laugh so hard. When you're comparing a video game to a job, you need to find a new game.

People get paid in a job because they need that money to survive. You getting "paid" with a tiny stat increase and bragging rights contribute to nothing in your real life and very little in your virtual one.


Your job comparison is completely absurd. You're not "working" for anything. You're playing a game. Sure, there's goals to go for and shinies to obtain, but they aren't the point, they're a spice.




The thrill of a fight should be more then enough a reward.

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