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Mercenaries Get Nothing: Ability Boredom


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I simply cannot believe the replies I am reading here. Ignoring the obvious troll/flaming stupidity, there seem to be people who think Mercenaries are well-designed. They aren't.


Are you people actually considering Concussion Missile a CC? It's got a 2-second cast time, breaks on damage, and has a long cooldown. Those factors make it useless in any PVP situation.


It seems like they gave all the CC in this game to Sorcerers, Assassins, Warriors, and Operatives... and even THEY don't have much in the way of interesting abilities. SWTOR is really lacking in this area.


Where are our Blinks?

Our roots?



Immunity Bubbles? (not just our "reduces incoming damage" crap)


These are the kinds of abilities that create INTEREST... I am very bored of WoW, but comparatively it looks like a much more well-designed experience at this point. I'd really like to see Bioware address this very soon. But my hopes are not high.


Ahhh you want to play WoW.


Also nowhere in your opening rant did you mention PvP so I just assumed you were taliking generally. Try and be more specific next time.

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Honestly, arsenal sucks. This is probably 90% of your problem.


Edit: I just realized you're bored with the class, not having trouble with it, so you can disregard what I wrote below. However, I would still say try pyro. It's a much more active, involved playstyle.


As pyro, I can count the number of players I consistently have trouble with on two hands. Not any one class mind you, just good players who are very likely better than me. If you can't make it work as a pyro merc, skill is the issue (or gear if you're not geared yet). Sorry, but it's true.


Either that, or your definition of a class being well designed is being able to faceroll every other class without breaking a sweat. Doesn't work that way. I strongly suggest that you invest time into understanding how the other classes work and how you can beat them before you suggest something is broken.


Lastly, the abilities you mentioned, like pally bubbles, totems, blinks, stance dancing, etc are the very abilities most complained about (whether for being OP or simply not functioning well) and changed/nerfed/tinkered with over WoW's history. Wonder why that is, huh? Funny how they contribute to the incredibly unbalanced roller coaster ride that has been WoW's class balance in PvP.

Edited by LarkBenson
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It's 45 sec if talented and useless in PvP since it brakes on damage and has 2 second cast time.


In 1v1 warzone situations, its hilariously good. I usually bait them with Concussion and wait for them to pop their escape ability, then hit them with electro dart.


I can now lay it on them.


man, don't even get me started on how useless Merc healers can be with all the damn interrupts, force chokes, stuns, the resolve bar is garbage....i've been stun/cc locked at times where i couldn't do **** and bam i'm dead, granted there was like 4 or 5 dudes that had to kill me...but i should be able to make an attempt to run away instead of just sitting there taking the damage



Sorry, I can't hear you over my 230k heals. But enough of that.


I have no idea what you''re doing wrong, but I am mostly top in healing charts in most of the warzones i've been in.


Either you're sticking out too much as a sore thumb healer (also notice how I only have 1 death in that entire Huttball) or your grouping is terrible. I usually solo queue, but when I get in a warzone, I call out for a tank or someone beefy and follow them around, pocket heal them when they arent dead. If he's doing good on hp, I heal someone else thats near him. When I'm in trouble, they come help me.


I haven't had much situation where I'm left alone to either die, or try to heal myself out until someone comes.

Edited by TheZen
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That might work for 1-49, good luck doing it at 50. I had a big shock when I dinged 50 and did my first warzones, in the 10-49 bracket I was dominating usually being the first or in top 3 with 8+ medals, but at 50 until I got champion gear I was constantly getting my *** kicked, barely making 3-4 medals/wz.


what do you expect lv50 is all about gear .

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I play arsenal merc, and I do fairly decent in WZ not because I have a penny jammed into my 1 key but I know how to play and use most of the skills BW gave us.

a) On a platform (trinket->tracer (once or twice)->HSM<->unload->rail shot for the finisher)

This is the most basic rotation I usually start off with, and I'm already hitting this guy for ~10k+ (if this guys doesnt have pvp gear, i just WTFPWNED his/her face)

I add an electro dart onto the tank or if electro cd's down, then surge->concuss or surge->tracer w.e to take that extra 2-3k hp down. It's totally situational.

I do well 1v1 if my cds are up but if more than half of the abilities I NEED are down its GG for me. The only class I can't solo as well are healers...i hate them so much.

b) I use rapid shots more than ANYTHING, its a quick 1 k+ dmg spammable ability. It usually that the last shot to for that kill or that annoying dmg. Or surge-> tracer which hit 3-4.4k which is a nice way to get a chunk of that HP

c) Death from above= GG

d) No surviviability? LOL

we got

1) Jet Boost (if u got the right gear/talent ur cd is wayy down)

2) Rocket punch (i forgot the name lols)

3) Electro Dart

4) Surge-> Concussion

5) Shield+Health Regen ability (i forgot the name but it heals 15% over 10 secs?)

6) WZ health pots <---saved my *** countless times


I'm sure every merc listed the following above, but I had to just write this up. I can't believe there so many QQers. Stop complaining and deal wit it, life is tough son.


BUT! I would LOVE to have a working jetpack on a merc, but i think thatd be too much survivability...idk what ur guys inputs?

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I think a jetpack powered disengage-style ability would be an awesome addition to the mercenary. I don't necessarily think we -need- it, or any other ability, but it would be pretty cool and would make sense given the role.


I don't find the playstyle of the mercenary boring at all, but that may be due to playing Pyro. I still have plenty of buttons to push, and the only abilities I don't use at least once a WZ are Shoulder Slam, Explosive Dart, Missile Blast, and Rocket Punch (I wish Pyro had a reason to use it).

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bunch of cool kids in here


i agree with OP, in regards to pvping we're pretty much useless when it comes to CC


for those of you that say "you don't play bounty hunter", based on your ******* comments, makes me think you actually don't play bounty hunter


fact of the matter is, to be substantial dps in pvp, you need to use tracer missle a whole lot


bounty hunter's are very close to 1-2 button wonders


pyrotech tree is garbage in pvp (imo of course), it doesn't have any burst damage and instead relies on a lot of burning dots, which is okay if you're in a group, but chances are the target will already be dead before your dots can do anything meaningful


arsenal spec, spam tracer, get a heat sig, spam rail, hit unload to vent heat (if you're specced right)...if you spec all the way up to heatseeker, then yeah, you can do tracer > rail > heat > unload....


nothing magical, nothing that requires a whole of thinking


as for CC in PVP


man, don't even get me started on how useless Merc healers can be with all the damn interrupts, force chokes, stuns, the resolve bar is garbage....i've been stun/cc locked at times where i couldn't do **** and bam i'm dead, granted there was like 4 or 5 dudes that had to kill me...but i should be able to make an attempt to run away instead of just sitting there taking the damage


interrupt are the most annoying thing in this game, especially for merc healers (yeah yeah, energy shield on a 2 min cd), don't know about other healing classes, but i'll be damned if you're not about to pop a heal and you get interrupted and can't use it for the next 5 seconds, and there's no cooldown on this garbage, nor does it add to your resolve bar


and where's our interrupt? oh we can punt/knockback, whoopedeedo, we're a ranged class that needs to be in melee range in order to recreate a ghetto interrupt that is nothing compared to other classes


yes i'm qqing, but i have a basis for it and it cannot be denied


other than this, merc healers can bust out some really good heals when not part of the cc garbage



i read this one til he said he agreed with the origional poster


clueless #2 i will call you

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Overall I find Arsenal to be fine in PvP. It has its strengths and weaknesses. The only thing I think would be awesome is to spec into Power Shot being castable while on the move. Still retains the cast/ channel time, but usable while running. Something else to weave into Rapid Shots when running and gunning. Edited by Rodobson
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i read this one til he said he agreed with the origional poster


clueless #2 i will call you


You should read it, this is comedy, he should find a publisher.


By his logic we should be strong ranged DPS, with ranged interrupt (which we do have), and able to escape from no less than 5 other toons beating on us.


Hell, I like it. Let's change fusion missile to thermonuclear warhead while we're at it. No cast time.

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I have gripes with a few things about mercs in this regard. Mainly its the lack of instant cast, or that the instants available are on long CDs. That combined with lack of a snare as well as the lack of any mobility abilities makes kiting very hard and promotes a kind of turret like tunnel vision burn this guy down spam play style.


Another thing I really have to question is the base 3 ammo cost on power shot. Why did they punish leveling as healer or as a pyro so hard by requiring a split spec to get the ammo reduction? As it is the efficiency healing talents are buried deep in the tree to put a hamper on hybrid specs so healing tree leveling speed is double hit by this.


Overall I'd say mercs just lack the fun abilities like force leap, rescue, storm, guardian leap, force speed or the really cool build up abilities like the vanguard fully buffed pulse cannon with 5 stacked pulse generator or a shadow's tk throw with a fully stacked harnessed shadows and force potency.


Some of the class abilities are even ignored completely by the talent trees where they missed opporunities to do some really cool stuff. Maybe something like utilizing the delay window during explosive dart to cause some ability to have x effect when on the affected target. Or how about an execute effect talented onto flamethrower that would add at least some kind of interesting mechanic with the ranged to melee dynamic for instance.

Edited by Rotm
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I'm going to agree with OP but only at the "borin abilitys".


1) the animation of TM, it would be nice if you switch it for fusion missile or HS missiles animation.

2) the "rotation" of the merc arsenal



unload if proc



Unload if proc





I found myself sometimes lookin at the roof, my cel or reading something while i do that.


Well, its freaking boring, it would be UBER nice if BW gives us 1 more ability to throw into the rotation, something like a dot(imo).


3) Healer rotation is also rly boring (comparin it to sorc rotation)



atm I'm having fun with my BH Merc but im getin a lot of class envy, not because of their dps, just because of their utility and general rotation.


I see myself rerolling a Sniper just because is has "more stuff".

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ok firstly i'd like to mention we dont get any interrupts we have no "jolt" (inquisitor interrupt for those who dont know).


2nd our stun is the poorest in the imperial side doing no dmg and only a 4 sec stun with 1 min CD if your not specced into healing.


we get 1 knockback in pvp which is rocket boost which unless you spec into arsenal and get the buff to rocket punch and boost are nigh useless.


they only snares we have are from I believe pinning fire and rocket upgrade which are both in arsenal tree :-/.


for dmg reduction we get power barrier which is procc'ed by TM or PS and also energy shield which is a 2 min CD unless specced into pyro I believe or healing I cant remember.


we have no speed increase no stealth.


The only utility I've seen is the ability to detect stealthed toons but the radius of said ability is only useful on chokepoints in pvp.


we get chaff flare which is completely useless.


I dont believe we need a true buff with adding more skills but make the skills we have do something different in regards to our current playstyle design

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