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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When do Ops/Scoundrels realize they aren't ranged?


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I'm sure in the last 11 pages someone else has said it somewhere, but: Operatives as DPS are actually skirmishers, and have to use both melee and ranged attacks to achieve full effectiveness - they are not purely melee or purely range. The ridiculous cool downs on their melee attacks prevent them from being "pure rogues".


Over and over and over again lol.

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Cant stop laughing while reading this thread.


Its just brilliant!


Imagine that you have your arm broken. How good can you perform some regular actions with your broken arm? And now imagine that someone has broken brain...


I would sugest OP when he/she next time will se a Scoundrel, whos playing range, sentinel with 1 saber, or whatever, ask once about the reasons.


If there is a reason of such playstile, person will tell something like:


"Actually i put more dps this way, because at this lvl i yet dont have core rotation abilities. I know it might look strange, but ive tested it" (expirienced player)




"Mmmm... i kinda like that playstile. Does this affect my group role performance?" (new player)


In that case everything is ok.


If person says something like:


"Who are you to tel me how to play?"


The conversation will not go anywhere. The bain is broken, it cant analyze incoming data, so further explanations will only increase frustration level and agression. The result will be: you are on Ignore or you are reported.


logical conclusions like:

- you are playing a game that have basic rules.

- you are playing a social game and your actions could affect other people in bad way.

- your class has specifily designed mecanic and denying it without number based reasons, you are lowering your overall effectivness, and it affects whole group.


or any other reason you will announce, everything will be countered by:


"who are you to tell me what to do? I do what i wana do!"


Just leave or sugest to kick that person. That will save time and nerve cells. (This topic perfectly shows why).

Edited by Maxkardinal
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I gave up reading on 3rd page because the thread repeats itself. Instead, let me tell you about my experience.


One day, I remembered "Hey, I have a level 25 healing operative, I should go play him".


So I decided to catch up on all the flashpoints that day. Every single group, I had a powertech tank. every single time, the tank failed - really, really hard. Two out of four times, the DPS was miserable as well.


So what did I do? I would /whisper the offending member, and give suggestions. Now mind you, I have training in counselling. Regardless, in every single case, I quickly discovered that the person has no idea how to play their class properly. That's not important though - what is is that to a person they were quite aware of that (I like to think because my awesome outshined everything :D) and eager to learn what they are doing wrong. (No, Full Auto is not a main tanking ability. Neither is auto-attack.)


I had to give up on Mandalorian Raiders, as we lost a DPS and I had to instruct the tank how to use grapple, and every single core tanking ability, and that he has to be in melee. But he absorbed the information, thanked me, and I hope went on to learn to tank.


Give people a chance. They have a natural drive to succeed and do well, especially when given your (hopefully) shining example of what one can achieve.

Edited by JoyProtocol
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Your saber throw cant compete with the dmg an operative can dish out from range and expecially in comparison to his melee attacks at this low lvl when for example the player is lethality. Maybe try the class and you will see.


And your operative at range can't compete with an operative in melee range. If you want to use DPS potential as an argument, you just shot yourself in the foot.

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And your operative at range can't compete with an operative in melee range. If you want to use DPS potential as an argument, you just shot yourself in the foot.


Just read the other posts, enough was said. A warrior class will never touch the range dps of an operative and lethality has less melee abilities than concealment at this lvl. You should decide about what build are you talking about.

Edited by BobaFurz
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no need being polite. the unnamed player prob doesn;t give a ratss butt about what you think how or what he should know. you don't get out alot do you.


theres multiple ways to play each class along with a variant of gear to spec your char to.


talk about a killjoy maybe you should masterbate more..

Edited by Csidronadan
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