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When do Ops/Scoundrels realize they aren't ranged?


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You backstab and shiv and and use the other skills at melee range doing anything else is just silly. Shiv generates TAC that's ur bread and butter for everything good and backstab hits like a truck it's a silly argument the only reason to stay at range is if AOE is out of hand period and for the most part should move in and out still for max dps.


Indeed sir. Again if you want to sit in cover (and you aren't even healing?) what the hell did you go operative for? If sitting in cover and going ranged is your idea of fun then why in the world didn't you go sniper? Seems the obvious choice if that's the "way I like to play the game". Just seems ridiculous, obviously you picked the wrong AC. Time to REROLL

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You backstab and shiv and and use the other skills at melee range doing anything else is just silly. Shiv generates TAC that's ur bread and butter for everything good and backstab hits like a truck it's a silly argument the only reason to stay at range is if AOE is out of hand period and for the most part should move in and out still for max dps.


Has to be the worse post on excusing not L2P your class so many spend 0 time learning what they can do and cry the insert class is broken. The last post I read on sent are under powered and needed a buff had me lmao just to funny need a buff to what God mode? Played correctly the class is pure carnage.


So you are saying you are just spamming your 2 melee attacks with a 6 or 9 sec delay ? Without the use of corrosive dart, your explosives or any other ranged ability ?

Edited by BobaFurz
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Ranged abilites can actually be used in melee range too. Shocking, I know.


Oh really ? Well only an idiot would assume it is not possible, especially when people did write that you can mix close combat and ranged abilities.

Edited by BobaFurz
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nice thread, but on my sniper I use shiv too.


so that makes me a lousy sniper that should reroll to operative?


Geeze peeps, if a Scoundrel/Operative want to combine some ranged attacks with melee attacks just let them. as long as they are completing what they should, I really dont see the problem.

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So you are saying you are just spamming your 2 melee attacks with a 6 or 9 sec delay ? Without the use of corrosive dart, your explosives or any other ranged ability ?


You really must have absolutely no idea how operatives work or just trying to go for the troll of the year award I can't figure out which? If you actually read my post and understood it I state other skills at melee range a operatives abilities all can be used at melee range heck u can hit cover/couch and sit on the mobs *** and interweave range and melee attacks without issue. If your not getting and using tactical advantage as a operative your DOING IT WRONG. Clearly now I see why peeps cry ops damage they have no idea what they need to do period.

Edited by LordbishopX
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You really must have absolutely no idea how operatives work or just trying to go for the troll of the year award I can't figure out which? If you actually read my post and understood it I state other skills at melee range a operatives abilities all can be used at melee range heck u can hit cover/couch and sit on the mobs *** and interweave range and melee attacks without issue. If your not getting and using tactical advantage as a operative your DOING IT WRONG. Clearly now I see why peeps cry ops damage they have no idea what they need to do period.


I did write that the best at this lvl would be a combination of the ranged abilities and melee skills since he is only lvl 28, especially when he is lethality.


With such a build you have only 2 melee attacks with 6-9 sec delay, so of course he will also use his ranged abilities, his dart and his explosives attacking the target. Its about a combination of both and you write about it yourself. So whats your problem.


...now relax and have a beer.




Edited by BobaFurz
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I did write that the best at this lvl would be a combination of the ranged abilities and melee skills since he is only lvl 28, especially when he is lethality.


With such a build you have only 2 melee attacks with 6-9 sec delay, so of course he will also use his ranged abilities, his dart and his explosives attacking the target. Its about a combination of both and you write about it yourself. So whats your problem.


You are jumping on people and not reading what people actually write...now relax and have a beer.





Just to remind you u wrote against my post that clearly stated using other skills below:


So you are saying you are just spamming your 2 melee attacks with a 6 or 9 sec delay ? Without the use of corrosive dart, your explosives or any other ranged ability ?



So I was just responding to your silly response to my post period lol 9s .backstab + shiv 6s is a basic in any decent rotation an ops can do this thread is full of so much fail it isn't funny and no wonder ops cry for buffs if played without your bread and butter I cry for a buff as well lol.

Edited by LordbishopX
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I was just responding to your silly response to my post period lol 9s .backstab + shiv 6s is a basic in any decent rotation an ops can do this thread is full of so much fail it isn't funny and no wonder ops cry for buffs if played without your bread and butter I cry for a buff as well lol.


Go cry me a river....

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I did write he can use both abilities his ranged and melee. If you dont agree than your are the troll here. Whats your problem, sir ?


You question and quote my post then with that response that shows you have no idea or understanding what I wrote it is basically a troll.

Edited by LordbishopX
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You question and quote my post then with that response that shows you have no idea or understanding what I wrote it is basically a troll. Do you even have or play a ops at all or know what tactical advantage?


What has this to do with the advice that an operative at his level should use his hybrid skills, melee and ranged abilities, on a target ? I have an operative yes, otherwise I would not give that advice.

Edited by BobaFurz
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What has this to do with the advice that an operative at his level should use his hybrid skills, melee and ranged abilities, on a target ?


You really don't get my post that you questioned said exactly that roflmao. We are talking against a player that plays ops and uses and stays at range only period never closing at any point... Basically the person needs to reroll as a sniper period.

Edited by LordbishopX
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You really don't get my post that you questioned said exactly that roflmao. We are talking against a player that plays ops and uses range only period never closing at any point...


I dont care about the player, I said pure melee at this lvl isnt a good idea especially when he is lethality. Combine melee with your ranged attacks...point. Now you come and call me a troll, silly answers and I dont know how to play this class.


You have a great discussion style, thumps up.

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Your only melee abilities are Shiv with a 6 second cooldown and backstab with a 9 second cooldown, without having cull at this lvl. Best would be a combination of melee and range.


You backstab and shiv and and use the other skills at melee range doing anything else is just silly. Shiv generates TAC that's ur bread and butter for everything good and backstab hits like a truck it's a silly argument the only reason to stay at range is if AOE is out of hand period and for the most part should move in and out still for max dps.


Has to be the worse post on excusing not L2P your class so many spend 0 time learning what they can do and cry the insert class is broken. The last post I read on sent are under powered and needed a buff had me lmao just to funny need a buff to what God mode? Played correctly the class is pure carnage.


If you read my response I will highlight something maybe you don't understand what OTHER skills at melee range means to be honest I now know and understand why peeps cry for a buff of ops if they don't use the bread and butter of generating dps is beyond me.....

Edited by LordbishopX
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If you read my response I will highlight something maybe you don't understand what OTHER skills at melee range means to be honest I now know and understand why peeps cry for a buff of ops if they don't use the bread and butter of generating dps is beyond me.....


You are saying the same thing like I write. "Use the other skills"...and I wrote "Best would be a combination of melee and range".. So whats your problem ?

Edited by BobaFurz
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You are saying the same thing like I write. "Use the other skills"...and I wrote "Best would be a combination of melee and range".. So whats your problem ?



So you are saying you are just spamming your 2 melee attacks with a 6 or 9 sec delay ? Without the use of corrosive dart, your explosives or any other ranged ability ?



This is lmao You responded quoting my post questioning me incorrectly then argueing with me here is my problem. It's troll 101 if you don't get it but you got me.

Edited by LordbishopX
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This is lmao You responded quoting my post questioning me incorrectly then argueing with me here is my problem. It's troll 101 if you don't get it but you got me.


The second quote was just a question to make sure If I did not missunderstand you. I can only give you the advice to learn to discuss with a more relaxed behaviour.



Edited by BobaFurz
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I'm sure in the last 11 pages someone else has said it somewhere, but: Operatives as DPS are actually skirmishers, and have to use both melee and ranged attacks to achieve full effectiveness - they are not purely melee or purely range. The ridiculous cool downs on their melee attacks prevent them from being "pure rogues".
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