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Official Q&A Thread for February 24th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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It can be very frustrating in PvP to have a full resolve bar and still not have full control of your character. As many likely know, snares (slows, roots, etc) do not currently contribute to, and are not affected by, resolve.


A common example: I am carrying the ball across a fire trap in Huttball when someone uses a stun and caps my resolve bar (makes it go white). I pop my CC breaker and am immediately rooted in the fire for the duration of both the fire and my supposed CC immunity as my resolve bar empties, and am killed by the environment.


Are you happy with the way resolve is currently working in the game? Do you have any plans to alter the resolve system in the near/distant future?

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Can you clarify the intended threat design for the Old Republic? As it is now, many people have reported a lot of issues in maintaining threat. I have personally experienced this problem, where I tend to fail at maintaining threat at 30-40 second intervals. I find myself continually needing to apply Taunt just to keep a mob on me and it seems to be largely because I only have one high threat ability, which is on a long 60 sec CD.


The same problem applies to aoe threat, except it is worse, to a point where my aoe abilities do so little damage that I rarely bother using them. Instead I use the abilities I need, such as Smash on my juggernaut, to build survivability but otherwise I tab and single target the mobs.


Many juggernaut tanks have in fact respecced 14/27/0 because a) it offers a lot smoother threat experience and b) you lose relatively little in terms of survivability. Although, to me it seems strange that tanks are forced to spec ~70% of their talents into a dps tree in order to maintain their game play.


The issue is of course only inflated by how poorly tank threat scales with their gear, in contrast to how dps scales for damage dealers. Have you noticed these problems and do you plan to address them in an upcoming patch?

Edited by Synti
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I'm excited to hear that dual spec is on the way, it will make life much easier for us players that like to play both pve and pvp as well as learn all three specs within a given class. My only question is, when we swap specs, will our action bars switch as well? Part of the hassle of switching specs is not only having to re-allocate your talent points each time but reconfiguring your action bars. It would be great if when switching specs your action bars were able to reset to the way you last had them configured while in each spec.
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For the Legacy System are you planning to implement some kind of talent or perk that allows us to use our datacrons on one character and not have to, say, for each and every alt to do all of the planets all over again?


Are there any plans to make things like Rampage, or channeled abilities for melee characters, able to be used on the move so we can actually use the ability in any fight where there is sufficient movement (which is most fights, especially pvp).

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When asked about warzone afkers and warzone droppers, the answer given was:


Gabe Amatangelo - It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards. Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes.


My concern is the vote-kick system. Will there be anything in place to counter the (sadly) common "d-baggery" of people on the internet, like vote-kicking somebody because they don't like their guild, or vote-kicking somebody because they were placed on that person's ignore list? For example, if a vote-kick is instituted by Player A against Player B, but Player B is active, will the vote-kick be overridden since nobody has a way to check Player B's stats during the WZ? I certainly hope your development team plays on regular servers so they can see just how poorly people behave because the internet is the only place they can get away with being bullies. This can be a double-edged sword if ever there was one in PvP. Please elaborate on the vote-kick system you plan on instituting since, at least it seems this way, testing is rushed and a lot of scenarios are not taken into account before new content is released.

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Given that warzone leavers and afkers will be punished and that there is no news in the error 9000 issue. Will there be a grace period for people that disconnect with error 9000 ? The game as been unplayable for me as I always get one in 5 out 7 warzones , it takes less than 50 seconds to relog but when i come back, I have lost all my medals and the victory count for the daily quest and I am out of the warzone. On top of that i have to relog a second time because my interface gets bugged stating that I am still within a warzone. On top of all that frustration will I be tagged as a quitter too , or are there plans to handle this ?
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I'd like to know what the plan is for inclusion of same gender romances. Are we going to be able to use existing companions or is there a plan to include new ones? Quite a few people are reluctant to make alts as they are afraid they will level past whatever content is implemented.
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Do you have any plans to stop all the hacking going on in the warzones ? Or are you going to just let everyone cheat and level the playing field ? because as it is right now if you win its because your team had more cheaters then thier team .
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When will we see the next Timeline video?


They were my (and a lots of others') favorite updates. Please could you give us some solid info about it? Because something like 'soon' or 'right around the corner' would be torture to the people who suffered from them during the long wait for the EU beta.


It would be much appreciated, thanks.

Edited by Beti
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I have Talked to 2-3 real GM inGame, (bug reporting)


While it Took about an Hour Plus to Speak to them, Due to them Being AFK Checking ~ haveing to read up on basic things Ingame that they Should know


(no Pc Next to them with a Database of all the stuff ingame?)


Even one where i said Please thank the persion who made the Music on taris -Was A cut and past Job - We Hope to see you ingame Once we Go Live Enjoy the Beta,


Question: are you Going to hire More PPl to Have Live GM chat responses to /Bug reporting as the Auto Closed (cut and past responses)


I may not feal that the matter is Closed


Plus why are /bug reports getting Locked and Disapering from the List ?


(was a comapion bug report btw)


Edit; though i must say they Where very polite and helpfull -to talk to:D

Edited by Lasarith
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