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Official Q&A Thread for February 24th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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I'm curious to know if you intend to allow another avenue to achieve crafting resources and schematics that are only now available in hard mode flashpoints and world bosses. I find it virtually impossible to find a group to do any hard mode flashpoints or world bosses. Could you possibly even make them really rare drops in normal flashpoints? I have maxed out my crafting profession, yet cannot make a majority of my items due to a lack of one resource.
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are server caps going to be raised? Currently, even high pop servers are very 'empty'-feeling. 50 players per world is not mmo-sized, and I'm curious if you have any plans in this area.


Having the mmo world feel dead, due to world design and low pop caps on servers, is not a good thing at all. I hope you understand this thoroughly.

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The more the merrier.


When do you plan to add in same-gender romance options? Are we looking at a few weeks, a few months, or is there simply not even a vague ETA for it?


And while I'm at it, how about that Zenith romancing? It seems i'm not the only one who would appreciate this, and i'm holding off on his affection until SGR is implemented, just in case. (I can hope, can't I?)

Edited by Vekxx
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Please can we have an update on the plans for implementing same-gender romance options. All requests around this topic are either ignored (e.g. in the last two Q&A threads, despite being one of the more frequently asked questions) or given the same stock answer from six months ago. A little more information now about plans and likely time-scales would go a long way for those of us who are keen to see this aspect of the game in place.
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Hey the max level the charecters can go to now is Level 50. I was wondering is there any plans in the future to bring out a mass expansion pack similar to WoW where a whole new sector of space and missions will come available to take the charecter to say level 60 ??


Also is it possible to make space flashpoints where you and 4 others have quests to take down mass fleet vessels ? or something similar along those lines , i think that would be pretty amazing since a good part of the star wars fims were about groups of ships taking down the enemy.

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Dear BW.


Do you plan to give some love ,and when, to:


a) Crafters (espsialy armstech) that suffer from end game uses/purtpose. Compairing them to biochem.


b) Snipers that we have many problems (see class forum) and also the only class that havent received any teweks.


c) The other secondary stats like accuracy and alacrity that are existing en mass on end game gear but of no point for the users of those items.


Thanx for the nice work.

Edited by Narfirill
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Can you please reconsider your decision on enforcing cross-faction chat by giving us a toggle to enable cross-faction interaction. That includes seeing cross-faction custom emotes in /say, being able to create cross-faction chat channels, sending cross-faction whispers and emails, and adding opposing players to your friends list.


While I appreciate the reasons behind your decision to enforce these, it was a decision that ultimately should have been in the hands of the player and not the developer.

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You stated that you were going to be putting in work with expanding the guild page, more depth etc. Could we expect an alliance based chat tab/channel and have multiple guilds coordinating/community building? Something like what the mythic guys did with warhammer?
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I ask this every week but it never gets a reply but I understand you have a lot of questions to get through.


Anyway is there a plan to introduce a Alterac Valley style warzone with 80 players (40 v 40) like in WOW. This was a great warzone, multiple objectives/boses, many different tactics and a great community event.


Can the engine cope with something like this or is it just not viable in SWTOR?

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Can we get an ETA. on one of the most submissive bugs in the game period? There is a majority of helmets that are suppoed to work >WITH< Hoods. 2 of which are HUGE important NPCS suffering this bug. The last boss of the Foundry and the Act 2 completion of the Jedi Knight questline.


This bug currently hurts a lot of helms i.e. sith warrior pvp helmets. They >WORKED< in the Beta. My current avatar shows how it used to be. and YOUR Video "Mysteries of knights of the Old Republic" the Sith Juggernaught has the helmet and the hood working no problem together.

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