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PVE Stealth buster mechanic


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Once I hit Illum and Hardmode Ops I have begun to see a disturbing stealth buster mechanic that some mobs appear to have.


First I want to make it clear I am Not talking about the AoE reveal that BH and trooper have and many mobs have throughout the game. That is fine.


This takes place at max range 30m plus, a mob notices you and a all his group charges you.


The really dumb part about it is that the stealth detection range is far larger than normal agro range. I have group members unstealthed between me and the mob, if i am unstealthed i wouldnt agro but because i am stealthed I am scanned (de-stealthed), agroed and charged.


Anyone else have issue with this?

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Yeah Ive had a very frustrating time with this too.


I understand the need for such a thing, Rogues in other games have traditionally been able to exploit stealth to solo quests they shouldnt have been able too, bypassing bosses to loot a dungeon of chests after stealthing past everything, so I get the idea.


But so many times in a flashpoint, me and my friend kill a pack of mobs, I stealth up, we turn a corner, and Im like:


Oh hey look a boss...okay well he has 2 adds, so what well need to...wait, whats the debuff on my head...


At which point the boss bum rushes me from 200 yards away.


Theres no indication before you stealth that a mob will do that too you. And while you have a couple seconds to notice the "spotted" debuff above your head, if youre talking to a group mate, or just not paying attenton for a second, it will be a wipe for the group, and it seems entirely uneccesary.


The only tip I can give is if you nottice the debuff is above your head, instead of trying to run away, as your in stealth and might not make it, just drop stealth. But I would also like to see it changed. More then once Ive had my friend ask me why the hell I pulled the boss when we werent ready, and Ive had to explain to him what happened.

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It's working as intended, but it's just a poor design choice. Personally I think this is a steaming bowl of fail, but I'm sure there are legions of people ready to defend BW's honor.


Doubt it, since the only ones affected are the ones suffering. It is a lazy system. Obviously they ran into the problem of stealth and realized they had no solution and completely wrecked it instead of thinking up a proper solution like zones/chests/items you cannot use/enter alone and bosses that you cant defeat alone due to mechanics.

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Yeah, I noticed this in some of the earlier flashpoints, but figured since it was flashpoints and not solo content I could deal with it. It was difficult having to run in from way far back in order to start combat in stealth, but I managed to work around it. It was needless hassle, but I put up with it. But after I started seeing it on Ilum, I got fed up. Whoever decided this was a good idea clearly hasn't seriously played a stealth class. It makes no sense to be able to detect stealth outside of normal aggro radius.


It's an enormous hassle to have to walk unstealth to the edge of their normal aggro range, stealth, and then rush in to Tranq and Shoot First before their stealth detection gets me. Especially if it happens to be another group way across the room that stealth detects me. I actually wiped yesterday doing one of the Crystal Ball quests because another group stealth detected my Risha while I was preparing to kill an elite.


This sucks, it makes game play for stealthers incredibly frustrating, and it needs to go. At the very least, it's overpowered. Imagine if Troopers/Bounty Hunters could stealth scan at a 30m radius as a passive buff... because that's basically what these mobs are doing.

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UGHHHHH yeah the bosses all doing it in 4man flash points is nuts!!! i will be behind the group stealthed, and suddenly he is targeting me for stealth.. the stealth detection range needs to be at LEAST the same size as his aggro radius...



Yeah Ive had a very frustrating time with this too.


I understand the need for such a thing, Rogues in other games have traditionally been able to exploit stealth to solo quests they shouldnt have been able too, bypassing bosses to loot a dungeon of chests after stealthing past everything, so I get the idea.


But so many times in a flashpoint, me and my friend kill a pack of mobs, I stealth up, we turn a corner, and Im like:


Oh hey look a boss...okay well he has 2 adds, so what well need to...wait, whats the debuff on my head...


At which point the boss bum rushes me from 200 yards away.


Theres no indication before you stealth that a mob will do that too you. And while you have a couple seconds to notice the "spotted" debuff above your head, if youre talking to a group mate, or just not paying attenton for a second, it will be a wipe for the group, and it seems entirely uneccesary.


The only tip I can give is if you nottice the debuff is above your head, instead of trying to run away, as your in stealth and might not make it, just drop stealth. But I would also like to see it changed. More then once Ive had my friend ask me why the hell I pulled the boss when we werent ready, and Ive had to explain to him what happened.

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It's working as intended, but it's just a poor design choice. Personally I think this is a steaming bowl of fail, but I'm sure there are legions of people ready to defend BW's honor.


You can just go the hell back to WoW with its easymode blue-dot-over-the-head-mobs. I happen to like the challenge of not knowing when I'm going to wipe my group like a hunter named Leroy Jenkins who just discovered the Tab key and left his pet on "aggressive."

Edited by Abanoth
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They need to make it so that the stealth detection range on those mobs is the same as their aggro range. Simple fix, guess we're just not a priority...


Exactly the problem. There are very few places you can get past a boss even if Stealth was normal 40 meter range.

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You can just go the hell back to WoW with its easymode blue-dot-over-the-head-mobs. I happen to like the challenge of not knowing when I'm going to wipe my group like a hunter named Leroy Jenkins who just discovered the Tab key and left his pet on "aggressive."


Having much lower Damage out put is not a challenge buddy. That is called disaster.


And you will notice you are ALL BY YOURSELF ON YOUR OPINION.

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Personally I think the system's ridiculous. It would take a very specific group to be able to stealth past fights that could potentially be ignored by sneaking, as well as the fact that you never have any *********** idea which ones are going to detect you and **** your CC ability completely.


It's great as a means to stop a very small minority of people who would look to exploit FPs with an all stealth capable group, but for the large majority of people who don't/wouldn't, it's kind of a pain in the ***.

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Personally I think the system's ridiculous. It would take a very specific group to be able to stealth past fights that could potentially be ignored by sneaking, as well as the fact that you never have any *********** idea which ones are going to detect you and **** your CC ability completely.


It's great as a means to stop a very small minority of people who would look to exploit FPs with an all stealth capable group, but for the large majority of people who don't/wouldn't, it's kind of a pain in the ***.


As with most other anti exploit systems, usually the ones doing legit stuff get the shaft while those exploiting find new ways of bending the rules (see Ilum changes. If you are strictly kill trading, the changes don't affect you, but god forbid you playing legit. Out of 20 kills in mid i got credit for 6.)

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  • 1 year later...
You can just go the hell back to WoW with its easymode blue-dot-over-the-head-mobs. I happen to like the challenge of not knowing when I'm going to wipe my group like a hunter named Leroy Jenkins who just discovered the Tab key and left his pet on "aggressive."


This isn't Harder in any sense, its just bad design.

Hell most of the fights in this game so far have been easier even then wows dungeons.

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it is pretty damn annoying, bad design or lack of attention to detail. Similarly with boss fights after a cut scene, our opening is from stealth, yet we go from cut scene to combat and miss out opener unless we DA and reset.
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From the 2.0 PTS patch notes. (sorry for the delay, the forum didn't want me to log in for a few weeks)


Enemies with Advanced Stealth Detection will no longer attack players who enter stealth outside of combat range.


Voila, problem solved.

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