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Nerf Healers!


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Hello. Nerf Healers. Bye.



Nah but really. Bioware you gotta do something man... I dont know if its only marauders who has a problem killing a class that can heal, but its impossible for me to solo kill a healer, and and i got full champ + some battlemaster.


And its not only specced healers, also classes who are dps, who just suddenly decides to heal them selves for a bit. you cannot out dps the heal, and SWTOR's interrupt spell SUCKS!


If arenas to come, or rated battlegrounds, it would not be fun at all when healers are in the game.


Either remove healers from game, or nerf them big, or give other ppl something so we got a chance to kill them... Jeeez...........

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They're meant to be focused on. You can't kill them solo because they can't defend themselves. What happens when a healer tries to fight against a dps? Most of the time they will die. Healers are meant to be teamed up against so they can be killed through their healing.
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I think healers should be unbeatable 1v1 provided there's an equal skill level.(ie, the healer knows how to fake-heal so you waste your interrupts)


But on the other hand, they should not be able to survive 1v2+.

Edited by Grotpar
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Either remove healers from game, or nerf them big, or give other ppl something so we got a chance to kill them... Jeeez...........


Are you serious??? I mean you are over Valor 60 and you still think that??


dude, its normal that you cant kill a healer solo easily , specially if he has the same gear lvl than you...


You can´t here as you can´t in other mmo´s.


Healers already are ganged on in WZ´s (if opponents have brains) and you still want them nerfed??


Seriously , seriously..

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I only have a problem against battlemaster healers, the expertise makes it harder for me to rip through their heals. Sage/Sorcerers are the worst, why I say. They have all kinds of stuns and can run away and put distance between us real fast. It is NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL ALL HEALERS therefore there is no need to nerf all of them.


Think about it like me, if I am forcing him to heal himself, then he is not healing his teammates. That allows my comrades to kill whoever he was keeping alive.

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What happens when a healer tries to fight against a dps? Most of the time they will die.




In the long run you will die eventually (assuming I can kill you before you reuse a medpac).


Dps can only single kill a healer if he severely outgears him (assuming skill is similar).

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