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7 losses in a row for the Republic


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I find it fun that some seems to think that a flag in the database (imp or repub) decides wether you are good or bad at pvp and good or bad at coordinate.


Theres so many factors coming into account to decide who wins and looses and I am sure the database flag is the least factor. :p


Ops composition (class balance, healers, tanks etc), gear (or lack of), coordination, focus and luck to mention a few.

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I just LOL'd you are thinking of re rolling because you cant win? I got an idea find some friends pvp together if you cant win. If you do switch because" you cant win" i hope the tide turns and republic on your server starts winning.



3 other BM's should not be a requirement to play the game.

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LOL I had no idea it was that bad for others. I'm curious if you are Imp or Repub?


Imp. And 80% of imperials are brainless morons that simply zerg in the middle instead of doing objective. The only thing we win most of the time is huttball. Alderaan and Voidstar are mostly losses.

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Imp. And 80% of imperials are brainless morons that simply zerg in the middle instead of doing objective. The only thing we win most of the time is huttball. Alderaan and Voidstar are mostly losses.


This. Listen to this man. Honestly.


Or, heck, level an Imp to level 10 and queue and see for yourself.

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Some servers are hard to win on. when you have a imbalanced server like Cho Mai for example you join a lot of warzones and ur always down 2-3 players and not enough for the WZ to end early.



Plus the fact that almost every IMP player is BM on our server.


1/2 cent 1/2 champ geared can beet a BM its not that hard their isnt that big of a gap. and before you go on complaining you cant get gear because you dont win. I went from nothing to full centurion in 4 days....and thats only doing regular play no all nighters or anything like that. Within 2 weeks 2 weeks!!!! you could be full cent with a t least 2 pieces of champ just playing casually. Also the likely hood of you being down 2-3 players if you join with a 4 person group is pretty slim.

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I had a very bad stretch of matches this morning. You can't carry bad. I got frustrated today and I regret it. It's not worth getting upset over this. I'm about to log back in and do it some more. :o Edited by Exilim
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Me and my brother basically win it all. Is it due to our server having good players? Are we making enough of a difference most of the times? Or are our imps really just..useless?


I dont know, but I really dont feel that the imps win more, rather the other way around! And no, I wont tell you which server it is, I dont want all the sucky reps to come over to us.


But I can tell you, by experience, that it most likely wont change much if you change side. For a couple factors I dont think you want to hear.

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I lost 5 in a row last night IMperial on The Deadweight. So it happens yes. imperials just dont complain about it, is what im seeing.


That would be the imbalance in favor of sith on all servers. It's more RARE that imps get a losing streak, of course they still get losing streaks but Rep suffer them much much more. 25 matches for me all losses and failure to complete daily. ratio is too great and therefore until fixed I will not give bio another cent.

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On our server, it seems more like if you get queued against the republic, you are going to get rolled way more often than not (assuming you are in a pug). It seems like when there are enough of their players for voidstar or Civil War they are always a guild/pre-made; although it is getting a little better.
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Well let's put it this way, you having the worst night ever means some other people had their best night ever. It happens!


I've gone both good and bad nights. Mostly bad and "ok" nights pugging solo, mostly good nights when organized in a group. That's just the way it is.


For instance, on my server those that PvP on the republic side tend to be MUCH more organized and do extremely well, they will hardly ever lose to puggers and probably do extremely well against other premades too.

Edited by JohnSixteen
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I've only lost against pubs when we've been people down, which more or less never happens, or when they've merged two parties and ran an organized 8 man high-level squad. In total I'd say we're talking about a maximum of 4 games on my road from valor 1-30.


Hell, the only reason to why I rolled an Imp is that it was more or less impossible to win as a pub.


I imagine that it has to be a really high-density pub server for there to be balance.

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