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This is PvP!


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@ Bioware pls take some ideas from them and make real PvP ;)





How would you like somthing like that in SWTOR?


LOL, was just reading that! The WvWvW concept is nice, if one is getting too much the other 2 gank on it! Was also watching some videos of the upcoming closed beta this weekend. NO gear treadmill (high lvl dungeons drop... SKINS you can use YAH!), ALL classes heal (no more holy trinity)... multi server fights, etc. If this game comes through, it will smash ALL others, no reason to even purchase another game until this is released (for me).

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Until I play it I'll reserve judgment, too many promises broken by too many developers.


Sad to think the next MMO I'm looking forward to is an FPS and not an RPG, roll on Planetside 2 just hope for the love of god they've learned from their mistakes.

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Developers need to be aware that pvp on this kind of scale, may seem like a huge gamble but if you design it once and design it well, its content that keeps people interested for years unlike, raids and warzones which need reinventing and refreshing.
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Developers need to be aware that pvp on this kind of scale, may seem like a huge gamble but if you design it once and design it well, its content that keeps people interested for years unlike, raids and warzones which need reinventing and refreshing.


^ This. I know for me what they are trying to do with Guild Wars 2 is what I have been looking for in an MMO.

Edited by Nezis
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^ This. I know for me what they are trying to do with Guild Wars 2 is what I have been looking for in an MMO.




I was a big fan of Warhammer online really and played for a few years, whilst the initial failing in class design and balance coupled with a lot of launch bugs didn't let the game show what it could those that stuck with it found that after a year of tinkering there was some of the best pvp available on this kind of scale.


Ilum needs to be completely redesigned from scratch, this can not be solved with bolt on changes, such as additional objectives or base capture mechanics. It needs to go back to redesigning the concept of pvp in swtor. If they do it write it should promote three areas, Objective based pvp, Little to no bottle necking in environments, and a system designed to spread the player based over a wide area or potentially multiple maps to accomplish a common goal.

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On paper this sounds amazing.


If they succeed they will win the MMO battle, like others here though I've seen too many MMO hype videos to believe it until I play it.


And for people saying SWTOR has potential, the IP has potential but the game has gone down the direction of.


minigames + gear treadmill = endgame


They don't seem to realise that gear treadmill's are like consumable items, we already have people that have got their BM got bored and left. Dynamic world PvP with takeable objectives and an element of politics(trust me their will be a 2 factions v the biggest faction alliance within 6 months of release) has near unlimitied replay value.

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I dont have anything against ArenaNet or their ideas.. but it is kinda lame of you to go to a released game and say "Hey, I think you should have done it like this" and then post a link to a game far from even released. For all we know it will be the biggest PvP flopp off all times.


You kinda reversed how this whole thing should go.. Usually you take something Past that has worked and rework/add it.. Not something in the future that you have no idea how/if it will work :p I could make up a hell lot of cool ideas on paper myself..

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I dont have anything against ArenaNet or their ideas.. but it is kinda lame of you to go to a released game and say "Hey, I think you should have done it like this" and then post a link to a game far from even released. For all we know it will be the biggest PvP flopp off all times.


You kinda reversed how this whole thing should go.. Usually you take something Past that has worked and rework/add it.. Not something in the future that you have no idea how/if it will work :p I could make up a hell lot of cool ideas on paper myself..


I'd 100% agree with you if the current open world pvp in swtor wasn't so clearly an after thought slapped together in a hurry. The blog post clearly shows a commitment to large scale pvp. I would love to see this in swtor, in a different form to what we have now, so I feel OP has a lot of validity in posting it.

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I'd 100% agree with you if the current open world pvp in swtor wasn't so clearly an after thought slapped together in a hurry. The blog post clearly shows a commitment to large scale pvp. I would love to see this in swtor, in a different form to what we have now, so I feel OP has a lot of validity in posting it.


No, the OP has validity in complaining about OWPvP in SW:tOR, not in copy/pasting a unproved and questionable PvP form from another game developer.. I personally have much against OWPvP just because it will never be balanced, and I can't see why people so desperatly wants it in a MMORPG.

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kind of reminds me about the warhammer hype and how everyone said it was gonna the next big thing in pvp and whatnot ...


well, we all know how that went.


hype = hype, nothing more.

if more then a decade of MMOs has taught me anything its that you can never know how a game will turn out just based on previews and announcements...

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No, the OP has validity in complaining about OWPvP in SW:tOR, not in copy/pasting a unproved and questionable PvP form from another game developer.. I personally have much against OWPvP just because it will never be balanced, and I can't see why people so desperatly wants it in a MMORPG.


OWPvP is great because of it's lack of balance but tend to work better in factionless MMO's in my experience. It adds drama to the mundane in these types of game, it makes people socialise in non-faction MMO's.


For example someone is getting ganked while they try and quest, they scream for help or team up with other people in the area and manage to push the gankers back or at least finish their quest. Through this common enemy they've gained friends. I prefer this in Non-factioned MMO's because it allows people to decide who they help or who they attack based on their personality rather than a selection made when creating their character.


Take AoC, I was on Aquilonia RP-PvP in a guild called SCUM, we were on the entire servers KoS list. Levelling an alt as part of that guild was like replaying a game on the hardest difficulty setting because everyone was out to gank you and you really had to kill or be killed. This also united the non-ganker guilds against a common enemy. I remember arriving at skirmishes between two warring guilds and they would stop fighting each other to try and kill me first.


MMO's are about socialising and when there is no negative consequence for treating your own faction badly like in SWTOR and no real benefit for helping your own faction people don't care about the other members of their faction. Outside of my guildies I am completely indifferent to every republic player in this game.


For me this games PvP fails on two huge design points:


-PvP has no impact on anything apart from gearing up as an individual.


-Gear grinds are the cheapest alternative to actual "content".


You see when PvP is a meaningless gear treadmill there's nothing making me care enough to subscribe when my timecard runs out.

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I dont have anything against ArenaNet or their ideas.. but it is kinda lame of you to go to a released game and say "Hey, I think you should have done it like this" and then post a link to a game far from even released. For all we know it will be the biggest PvP flopp off all times.


You kinda reversed how this whole thing should go.. Usually you take something Past that has worked and rework/add it.. Not something in the future that you have no idea how/if it will work :p I could make up a hell lot of cool ideas on paper myself..


I dont want to show another game just the ideas, i have postet already another post with my ideas which looked a bit like this from GW2.




They should not copy the system just think about it and maybe make new ideas, but in my eyes this is more PvP then BG or Illum.

Edited by Haralin
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kind of reminds me about the warhammer hype and how everyone said it was gonna the next big thing in pvp and whatnot ...


well, we all know how that went.


hype = hype, nothing more.

if more then a decade of MMOs has taught me anything its that you can never know how a game will turn out just based on previews and announcements...


Hype or not, the bottom line is that this game's PvP is bland and uninspired.


I doubt anyone could say otherwise with a straight face or without an EA labeled envelope full of hundreds.

Edited by AJMTL
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Hype or not, the bottom line is that this game's PvP is bland and uninspired.


I doubt anyone could say otherwise with a straight face or without an EA labeled envelope full of hundreds.


Where that is true, that SWTOR has bland and uninspiried PvP, if you really watch the PvP videos of GW2, it's not a whole lot different.


The structure its within may be significantly different, but the actual fights themselves look remarkably similar to all MMO PvP, just with a lot more particle effects.


We need a true PvP revolution.


No levels, no classes, no "target and use" abilities.


And bring back full loot ffs. PvP is not enjoyable unless you have something to lose.

Edited by Yfelsung
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Where that is true, that SWTOR has bland and uninspiried PvP, if you really watch the PvP videos of GW2, it's not a whole lot different.


The structure its within may be significantly different, but the actual fights themselves look remarkably similar to all MMO PvP, just with a lot more particle effects.


We need a true PvP revolution.


No levels, no classes, no "target and use" abilities.


And bring back full loot ffs. PvP is not enjoyable unless you have something to lose.


Amen buddy.


Sadly, I believe the majority of gamers are looking for a "safe and hand-holding" environment.


The thrill of venturing out into a world where death = character respawning naked isn't for the meek.

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Amen buddy.


Sadly, I believe the majority of gamers are looking for a "safe and hand-holding" environment.


The thrill of venturing out into a world where death = character respawning naked isn't for the meek.


Well, I think that has a lot to do with a lot of new MMO players seeing loot systems like WoW/SWTOR/EQ and assuming a full loot game has the same super important gear.


If they understood that in most full loot systems, gear is important but not nearly as powerful, they'd realize respawning naked is more of a minor pain in the *** than a major set back.


I'd also love to see permanent character death, but give the option to reroll at same level as like "the child" of your character. Your character's name is gone and locked forever due to his death, but "Son of "XXXX" " carries on his legacy.

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