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How George Lucas May Erase Star Wars "Original Trilogy" from canon


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Im actually amazed an insane nerd hasn't done what needs to be done in regards to Mr. Lucas' contempt for his fans


just saying.... he wore the "Han Shot First" t-shirt on the set of Indiana Jones 4, he's aware of how annoyed we are.... especially when he doesn't really have the right to change ESB since he wasn't the one who directed it

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But the ones that hate prequels usually either had the "pleasure" of seeing 4-6 first, or joined the band wagon that 4-6 is better and 1-3 is their guilty pleasure.

Or they're people who know what good films are. Don't leave that option out. Feel free to join those people by expanding your horizons a bit.

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Congratulations on becoming Opinion Emperor of the Universe!! With your new position, you get to decide who has good opinions and who has bad opinions! The choice is solely yours and extends to every aspect of one's life. If someone disagrees with you, you are able to label them as stupid, tasteless morons, which will undoubtedly make you feel better about yourself as you reaffirm your own misguided opinions by bringing down the opinions of anyone who disagrees with you. I hope that you have a long and glorious reign as Opinion Emperor of the Universe, just remember that it's all in your mind.

Emo much? Appeals to emotion as an argument is never a good way to debate anything.

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Or they're people who know what good films are. Don't leave that option out. Feel free to join those people by expanding your horizons a bit.


Good/Bad is a point of view..

If you can't accept that, you are a *insert bad word here*



Edited by _Zorth_
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Who's on their high horse? Us or You? Im confused... the way your speaking makes me think your saying what we say as crap isn't actually crap and it isn't because of a horrible writer and director ruining Star Wars, it's us? And "You" are one of the few who can appreciate the slock he throws out there to make merchandise off of? But anyways, if JJ Abrams was the director of the prequels, they would have been great, I assure you


I'm sorry you didn't understand. What I meant was this, the movies were good, not great. (I will however go on to say they were made for children, and when the 3D version concluded several children proclaimed it to be the greatest movie they'd ever seen.) By ruining I meant you pick on them so much, berate George Lucas, and wine to no end. It just takes the fun out of it when you want to discuss them and people run into the conversation and cry.


It's not that you're not allowed to have an opinion, but that we already know how you feel before you say it. (Not necessarily you, but people who complain about them) The "fans" who simply complain about all the things they hate are what's ruining it.


George Lucas recently stated the reason he wouldn't do more is because, "People would only tell me how horrible it is, and say how much they hate me." (I'm sure those weren't his exact words, but it's the same thing) So, now I hope you see why these people are ruining it, and frankly I don't give a damn if they would've been better had he directed it. They're the way they are, and I love them for what they are. So, when I use the term "high horse" I believe it is fitting.

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Emo much? Appeals to emotion as an argument is never a good way to debate anything.


I wasn't making an argument, genius. I was making fun of you for somehow thinking that your opinion is fact. Speaking of good ways to debate things, shouldn't you know the difference between opinion and fact and treat them both accordingly? And besides, using an appeal to emotion, even in a debate, is not always a bad thing.


Making a blanketing statement that very strongly implies that anyone who thinks the prequel films are good has bad taste and implicitly states that anyone who thinks that the prequel films are good has worse taste than those who don't is a pretty silly thing to do. You can't "prove" that a movie isn't good. You might argue that a movie has a boring, confusing, unfocused, etc. plot, or that a movie has substandard acting, but some movies with bad acting are actually pretty good. Just look at some of Keanu Reeves' movies.

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I wasn't making an argument, genius. I was making fun of you for somehow thinking that your opinion is fact. Speaking of good ways to debate things, shouldn't you know the difference between opinion and fact and treat them both accordingly? And besides, using an appeal to emotion, even in a debate, is not always a bad thing.

Yes it is. I don't need to respect someone's opinion, though I respect their right to have one.


Making a blanketing statement that very strongly implies that anyone who thinks the prequel films are good has bad taste and implicitly states that anyone who thinks that the prequel films are good has worse taste than those who don't is a pretty silly thing to do. You can't "prove" that a movie isn't good. You might argue that a movie has a boring, confusing, unfocused, etc. plot, or that a movie has substandard acting, but some movies with bad acting are actually pretty good. Just look at some of Keanu Reeves' movies.

Name some of Reeves' films- I know you'll start with The Matrix, to which I'll say "Meh, that film was average on its best day, then was followed by a couple of lousy follow-ups.".


Perhaps "poor taste" isn't the exact term. It might be more accurate to say "unrefined taste", because it's not a surprise to me that people who like the PT films either are mostly children or were children when they first saw them.

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Yes it is. I don't need to respect someone's opinion, though I respect their right to have one.


But you do need to recognize the difference between an opinion if fact if you're going to try to lecture someone about debating. Ignorance to the differences between the two is a big knock on any debate, even one solely in your head!



Name some of Reeves' films- I know you'll start with The Matrix, to which I'll say "Meh, that film was average on its best day, then was followed by a couple of lousy follow-ups.".


Perhaps "poor taste" isn't the exact term. It might be more accurate to say "unrefined taste", because it's not a surprise to me that people who like the PT films either are mostly children or were children when they first saw them.


I was thinking more like Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, but the Matrix works, too. And again, taste is absolutely dependent on an individual person. Some people like asparagus. I think it's terrible. It doesn't make either side's taste bad, it just makes them different.


I grew up loving the Original Trilogy, but I see a lot of good things in the prequels as well. The plots are actually more complex than with the OT, which more or less follows Joseph Campbell's Hero/Myth theory to a tee. Obviously I prefer the scripts and acting in the OT, and I actually prefer the "look" of the OT to the shiny look of the PT, but the PT movies are still enjoyable movies, especially RoTS.


People that like them don't automatically have bad taste, or even "unrefined taste". That's an opinion of bad taste in itself!

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George Lucas recently stated the reason he wouldn't do more is because, "People would only tell me how horrible it is, and say how much they hate me." (I'm sure those weren't his exact words, but it's the same thing) So, now I hope you see why these people are ruining it, and frankly I don't give a damn if they would've been better had he directed it. They're the way they are, and I love them for what they are. So, when I use the term "high horse" I believe it is fitting.


Exactly. I don't even know if half of these folks complaining could actually give a coherent explanation of what is wrong. They moan right from the get go- its entertainment folks, ,and here you are. You can't hate it all that much, you just complain because others do-the "in-crowd" needs from high school die hard.

I frankly went with the attitude of enjoying all the movies and I did. Period. I don't have to over think this. It was never meant to be Shakespeare, and even if it were that would leave most of you out of the running for understanding it.

And if you think your opinion is the be all and end of of the universe I am amused by the surprise when someone calls you on it. After all isn't that what you were doing with George Lucas and the universe he has a great hand in owning and creating?

Edited by Noelie
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