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Ahsoka Tano.... What do you think?


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I think Ahsoka is adorable. She and the mercenary Cad Bane are wonderful EU characters that the show created.


With that in mind I'm not sure I like the principle behind her addition to the lore. She has practically become like a sister to Anakin and fairly close to Obi-Wan and Padme. Considering that, it's extremely immersion-breaking to know that she wasn't even created as a character by the time the PT ended. It's just so obvious that she is an afterthought and that they will come with some insanely convoluted reason to explain why nobody mentions her in Episode 3 :i_frown:


But the character herself is likeable.


Thank GOD she was an afterthought, imagine if they added her to Episode 3, she would be like Gen. Grievous, just an unecessary addition (cool or not) that has a shelf life of about an hour until the movie ends, except she wouldn't have been in an awesome cartoon shown before the movie... just a terribad digital cartoon added afterwards to keep Star Wars alive to the little kids.

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I think Sidious should turn her to the Dark Side, forcing Anakin to kill her. It wouldn't be hard to turn her. And Anakin killling her would send him further down the path to darkness.


And him killing her would explain why she isn't mentioned in ROTS. You know how he doesn't like to talk about the bad things he's done.


Well if you remember..in, I believe it was, season four..Ahsoka has a vision of her future self...who warns her that she might never see her future if she continues to stay by Anakin's side. So I think its safe to say that the creators and writers of the show have something in mind to explain why there is no mention of her in ROTS.

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I think something happens for this season. I can only imagine one of two things right now.


A) Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan come under attack by Darth Maul and Savage Oppress. Ahsoka intercepts a killing blow from Savage meant for Anakin and is instead killed by it rather than parrying it. In a rage Anakin tries to break passed Maul to get to Savage, however in a rare hate-filled moment, Obi-Wan attacks and kills Savage. Which, in turn, drives Maul into a rage, bringing the remaining three into a stalemate until something happens and Maul is forced to retreat and once more swear his revenge against Obi-Wan.


B) Anakin does something, acting in a blind rage, and kills someone in front of Ahsoka. She is so shocked, disgusted and confused by what she witnessed that she seeks guidance from the Jedi Council, only to have them Forgive Anakin's actions, which only confuses her further and drives her to lose faith in the Jedi she had believed to be about Justice and honesty, and faith in her master Anakin, and leaves the Jedi Order for parts unknown.

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Well if you remember..in, I believe it was, season four..Ahsoka has a vision of her future self...who warns her that she might never see her future if she continues to stay by Anakin's side. So I think its safe to say that the creators and writers of the show have something in mind to explain why there is no mention of her in ROTS.


They had better find some way to end the tale of Ahsoka. No matter what that ending is. So long as it makes sense when it comes to ROTS.

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unfortunately Lucas has decreed it canon and it is actual considered by LL to be higher canon than all the EU novels, comics and games so no SW authors are allowed to contradict it (they made a new canon level called T canon for the series which is now above C (the EU) and right below G (the movies)) ... there is even talk about them retconing a brand new timeline for the clone wars era once the series is almost over to fix the few continuity errors


hell the last EU novel series even referenced an episode of the Clone wars series... the main villain Abaloth was tied into the Father, daughter and Son from the Clone Wars series...


I'm ok with the series in general except for one thing... and that is *********** Darth Maul coming back with robot legs... seriously *** I really wanna know how Obi-wan is gonna explain that one to Qui-gon's force ghost


I dont see that as possible since the majority of the EU Novels take place AFTER TCW (and since there have been novels set during the Clone Wars that have been published that contradict much of what has been shown these I tend to consider part of the cannon over the tv series). Also from what I have seen them do with the series its not part of the official cannon at least as far as I am concerned and last time I checked Abeloth was not connected to any characters in the TCW series in anyway. She was still imprisoned in the Maw Cluster at this point in time, and had no contact with the outside in anyway until the Yuuzhan Vong War caused the barrier that held her to weaken. I am not saying that the entire series is bad and there are parts of it I liked and I enjoyed some of the characters. I just think that they played a bit to fast and loose with the timeline aspect of it than they should have in order for me to consider it part of the official cannon thats all. Plus bringing Maul back is what really caused me to not consider TCW as cannon as far as I am concerned he died on Naboo in Ep I.

Edited by Kyriosgundam
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I didn't like Ahsoka at first, but she defiantly grew on me. I think she is the best EU character to come out of the CW. Also the girl who voices her is almost exactly like the character except even cuter.


Not sure Ahsoka has to die. They did mention in the "movie" I think it was about Anakin having a difficult time letting go of things. This obviously is a nod to the direction this series has to take. Even though she is young and it is only a 3 yr period it is quite possible (even if not quite realistic) they could make her a Knight and break them up that way.


Perhaps Anakin gets angry with her and we see his first (In Cannon) Force Chock and they take her away from his as padawan. Truth is they can take it several different ways I think her death is only the most obvious and to a certain except most practical one. One thing I have learned about CW is that they like to surprise us.


Side Note about Mauls return, it's based on a comic and a graphic novel I believe. So before you hate on CW for it, go back to the source. CW didn't invent this they just adopted it and I think they did a brilliant job. I also believe I heard there was a novella or something coming out with all this in it as well as spoilers for the eventual demise?

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I dont see that as possible since the majority of the EU Novels take place AFTER TCW (and since there have been novels set during the Clone Wars that have been published that contradict much of what has been shown these I tend to consider part of the cannon over the tv series). Also from what I have seen them do with the series its not part of the official cannon at least as far as I am concerned and last time I checked Abeloth was not connected to any characters in the TCW series in anyway. She was still imprisoned in the Maw Cluster at this point in time, and had no contact with the outside in anyway until the Yuuzhan Vong War caused the barrier that held her to weaken. I am not saying that the entire series is bad and there are parts of it I liked and I enjoyed some of the characters. I just think that they played a bit to fast and loose with the timeline aspect of it than they should have in order for me to consider it part of the official cannon thats all. Plus bringing Maul back is what really caused me to not consider TCW as cannon as far as I am concerned he died on Naboo in Ep I.


well you are free to not consider anything canon you want personally but Lucas is the only one who gets to actually decide what is officially canon and he says TCW is and it overrides anything previously published such as other clone wars era novels... I'm not to happy with some of the things they have done in the series either but ultimately Lucas and Leland Chee (the guy Lucas has in charge of keeping canon) have the final say and they say TCW is not only canon but is actually above the standard EU canon


also you seem to be mixing up your lore... the Vong had nothing to do with Abeloth... Her release started when Jacen Solo and the Jedi destroyed Centerpoint station in the second galactic civil war well after the Vong war was over but was also part of a larger cycle and would have been released sooner or later due to the thousands of years of war between the Jedi and Sith... and in the last series published (Fate of the Jedi) it is written that Abeloth ( http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Abeloth ) started out as a servant and was later imprisoned in the Maw by "The Ones" ( http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/The_Ones ) which are from and have only appeared in TCW series... Luke even describes how he read an old jedi mission report about Anakin and Obi-wan's mission where they met The Ones (detailing event from TCW season 3 episodes 15,16,17) ... they even go one further to explain how Abeloth has been released numerous times before when the galaxy was "out of balance" and normally The Ones with the help of a killik nest as servants re-imprison her to start the cycle again but since The Ones died in TCW series when Anakin and Obi-wan were there they aren't around to do it this time

Edited by Liquidacid
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I dont see that as possible since the majority of the EU Novels take place AFTER TCW (and since there have been novels set during the Clone Wars that have been published that contradict much of what has been shown these I tend to consider part of the cannon over the tv series). Also from what I have seen them do with the series its not part of the official cannon at least as far as I am concerned and last time I checked Abeloth was not connected to any characters in the TCW series in anyway. She was still imprisoned in the Maw Cluster at this point in time, and had no contact with the outside in anyway until the Yuuzhan Vong War caused the barrier that held her to weaken. I am not saying that the entire series is bad and there are parts of it I liked and I enjoyed some of the characters. I just think that they played a bit to fast and loose with the timeline aspect of it than they should have in order for me to consider it part of the official cannon thats all. Plus bringing Maul back is what really caused me to not consider TCW as cannon as far as I am concerned he died on Naboo in Ep I.



Abeloth was a servant for the Father...



You may not consider it canon, but anyone who writes in the EU has to follow Canon or else they get the banhammer. *cough* Karen Traviss *cough*

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No sir, I don't like it. Just because Lucas says CW is more canon than EU does not mean it is a correct or sane choice, star wars universe would not be what it is today without the films, and not one of those films even mentions Ashoka, or even that Anakin had a padawan, ever. Unless hes gona go bak n change that too, n even that wouldnt b as nutbar as changing Empire, which I still can't believe he did. George has had many ideas that were pure genius, however that doesn't mean he hasnt gone old and senile just like any regular person can, sorry if that sounds mean but seriously it's the nicest way to hypothesize it in my opinion, n prolly true, cuz let's face it, not many of the choices he's made in the past decade have made a whole lot of sense.
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IMO, it would be fitting for her to die sometime early in the final season. Then, that season could be all about Anakin's struggle to "let her go." They would have plenty of opportunity to write some deeply moving story, and explore at length what I can only assume is one of the most important contributors to Anakin's fall. The death of his mother, the death of his wife... the death of his Padawan would be right up there, I would think.


If they kill her off in the final scene of the final episode of the series, that would be bad. No time to really how it affects Anakin, which is the whole point of adding her character into the lore in the first place.



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No she has to die,otherwise her character would be pointless and there would be no reason for them not to mention her in ROTS.


If she dies, how does she NOT get mentioned in ROTS? Anakin would be like, "I wasn't strong enough to save my mother, or... that person I trained that I don't really remember anymore. Forget about her."


Either way, Ahsoka would've been mentioned in ROTS. Her story is completely open, IMO.

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I felt the same way at first, but have grown to love her over the last 4 seasons of TCW. She is just a 14 year old eager to prove herself. She sees Anakin more as an older brother than a Master early on. Just keep watching.


i agree i used to hate her, yet now she has grown on me, pitty that didn't happen with jar jar dinks.

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No she has to die,otherwise her character would be pointless and there would be no reason for them not to mention her in ROTS.


No. If she is mature enough to lead her own campiagns she doesnt need to be mentioned. I'm sure you dont mention your friends names in everything you do.


The scenes in ROTS had no place or time for a mention on Ahsoka anyway.

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No. If she is mature enough to lead her own campiagns she doesnt need to be mentioned. I'm sure you dont mention your friends names in everything you do.


The scenes in ROTS had no place or time for a mention on Ahsoka anyway.


I agree.

If Ahsoka was busy in some other campaign (leading or otherwise), there would have been no reason for her mention in ROTS. Especially if she isn't Anakin's padawan at that point.

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I'm going to say this for the last time. Ahsoka Tano must MUST die. Not because of some personal bias on my part, but because of the plot of the whole prequels.


Look at this from the manipulators perspective. Everything that has happened has driven Anakin closer to the Dark Side. Shmi's death, sowing distrust in the Jedi Council, manipulating him with Dark secrets, and finally the visions of Padme's death. Now there are far more, but these are the obvious ones.


Now from his perspective, what is going to drive Anakin further down the path? Ahsoka's death. But this has to be carefully planned. The result of some catastrophie that will force Anakin to look himself in the mirror and ask himself the big questions. Can he protect those he loves? Does he have the power to do so? Ahsoka's death will set him down the path of power and the all consuming desire for more. This also adds to his drive for more power when the visions of Padme begin.


There are plenty of reasons for her to die. If need be I can name many of them, but if you look at this from Sidious' perspective you can see that Ahsoka's death will benefit his plan greatly.

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I agree that there are good reasons for her death. However, I believe Ahsoka's death would be too soon, and would send Anakin nuts way too early.

Look at Season 4, Episodes 15 and 16, when Obi-Wan fakes his death. Anakin goes on a rampage, force choking people, etc. in order to get revenge. He is prevented from this vengeful killing only when he realizes that Obi is still alive.

Do you think Ahsoka would be any different? Anakin would lose it all over again, but this time he wouldn't stop until he had struck down the one responsible. If he's already done this, why would killing Dooku seem like such a huge hurdle in Episode 3? Anakin can't take that plunge to the dark side too soon. Sidious is very careful in his timing.


Again, I agree that there are valid reasons for Ahsoka to die. I'm just trying to make a fair case for the opposite. Like Filoni has said, nothing is set in stone as of yet.

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