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Preorder to PLAY


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No where in that ad says anything about a queue.. Says Buy the game to play! I want to PLAY!



ok im going to be nice to you because this is probably the first mmo you have ever bought. If you let 3 million people in all at once you are going to have a 6 hour queue. you can have 100 servers and still have a 6 hour queue. each server can only so many people at a time. Rift was a perfect example. they let everyone on all at once and guess what, there were 5-6 hour queue wait times. Get over yourself the game isnt even out until the 20th. You can always go back to WOW too.

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I feel like they are saying "60$ for up to a 5 hour massage!"*



*times may vary by queue, you may only end up getting a 5 minute massage, but we will gladly take your 60$*


I feel that Bioware had a PERFECT chance to shut people up today and give everyone who pre-ordered the full 5 days that they stated they might give. It would show that they strive to go above and beyond their word. Now they will be defending themselves with "Hey we said UP TO! 5 days! We kept up our part of the deal!!" which infact they will have, but they had a chance to really show what their customers mean to them and they missed the boat on this one.

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2 million preorders? Last I checked, it was just shy of 1 million. Nice try though!


(That said, OP needs to quit trolling, even though Bioware's ads are, and have been all the while, deceptive)


whooptie do.. your missing the point.. has nothing to do with how many million preorders. it has everything to do with, how i paid money for something (preorder to play) and i cant play..

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ok im going to be nice to you because this is probably the first mmo you have ever bought. If you let 3 million people in all at once you are going to have a 6 hour queue. you can have 100 servers and still have a 6 hour queue. each server can only so many people at a time. Rift was a perfect example. they let everyone on all at once and guess what, there were 5-6 hour queue wait times. Get over yourself the game isnt even out until the 20th. You can always go back to WOW too.



9 85's.. PLayed wow since beta.. be quiet..

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I feel like they are saying "60$ for up to a 5 hour massage!"*



*times may vary by queue, you may only end up getting a 5 minute massage, but we will gladly take your 60$*



You never paid for early access though.


You paid for the game and 5$ extra to reserve a copy for you.


The early game access was just an extra.

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people still do not understand the concept of "Pre-order" .. Means you will have access to the game when it goes public, and not be told its sold out... your pre-aquiring a purchase at the time of launch, anything extra, is a bonus.. be grateful you get anything...


As for not getting in till a day early.... well you should have pre-ordered last year, not last week.... its like going to Call of Duty midnight release at 11:59 and expect to get behind the people thats been in tents for 24hours... no... you goto the back of the line that wraps around the block with no overhand out in the cold....


Nothing is misleading... your pre-ordering a game... you will have it available by/on the 20th.... you cant play a game that isnt released, so in the "pre-order to play" ad... thats saying you WILL be playing it on the 20th... because they even have your game ready and youve already probably downloaded it... so your set...


Anything else...... is a BONUS!!! so stop crying... learn that preordering doesnt do anything except validate that you will have a copy when it goes public..


not only that but in that peticular ad.. at bottom in fine texts.. rules and rewards subject to change.. so basically they can tell you.. you dont get squat, here's your copy, wanna refund.. goto your local game dealer or origin acct for refund.. but your copy is available..

Edited by corwim
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whooptie do.. your missing the point.. has nothing to do with how many million preorders. it has everything to do with, how i paid money for something (preorder to play) and i cant play..




Customers who redeem their Pre-Order Code at the Code Redemption Center prior to launch will be able to pre-load the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Client before the official Game launch. Pre-loading the Game does not grant you access to the Game. Pre-Ordering the Game only allows you access to the Early Game Access period and your Color Crystal. Early Game Access may be up to 7 days. The length of your Early Game Access depends on the date and order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code.


i think it is you who failed to read.

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not everyone knew they were paying $5 extra to stand in line....and not everyone thinks it's necessary to go reading through FAQs and fine print in order to play a videogame.


But clearly lesson learned....I won't preorder any EA product from now on; they clearly just don't have any respect for their customers.

Edited by Masterstat
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I'm sorry I missed the memo or the forum post that stated that the first people to buy it would be the first peole to get in game. When did that post go up and do you have a link?


Customers who pre-order Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ will be able to play the game before the official launch. “Early Game Access” is the period of time before the official game launch when pre-order customers may access the game. Early Game Access may begin as early as December 13, 2011, 7:00AM EST (Pacific: December 13th, 4:00AM PST; European: December 13th, 12:00PM GMT, 1:00PM CET). The length of your Early Game Access depends on the date and order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code at the Code Redemption Center. See the FAQ for more details.
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I'm sorry I missed the memo or the forum post that stated that the first people to buy it would be the first peole to get in game. When did that post go up and do you have a link?


That information has been on the Pre-order page since day one. It is under the "Game Overview" section of that page where it says:


The order in which you redeem your Pre-order Code is the order in which you will gain Early Game Access before the game’s official release. So don’t wait and pre-order now!


Additionally, it has been in the Pre-Order FAQ since the beginning where it says:


How much Early Game Access time do I get?


The order in which you will gain entry into Early Game Access is dependent on how early you burned your Pre-Order Code at our Code Redemption Center.


It has also been discussed on the forums since pre-orders started. Unfortunately, the forums were wiped just before EGA, but believe me, it was discussed ad nauseum.

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I gotta wait in line at McDonalds and so do you. 1st come, 1st served.


The difference is you hand your money over when you get to the f,ing counter at McDonald's...and If you are like me you don't leave the counter till you get your f,ing meal.

The Mickey D's analogy has got to go because it's fundamentally asinine.

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I have to agree with the OP. BW is using false advertising to attract poeple.


On the link he provided, they dont tell you'll join when its your turn.


Dont want to mess up, but I think they can be sued for that. You buy the game being told you can play during early access, wich is now and you get to know your actually put in a "queue" for being granted access only after.


Its like going to burger king, buying a hamburger and after you paid, the employee tell you they cant give you your hamburger now cause they are out of stock and you need to wait 30 minutes to get it.


Most poeple would get uptset, call the police and sue the restaurant.



We have to remember that some poeple who preordered havent been following the game devellopement and wandering the forums, so they might not know there is a queue to get in early access.



No im not whining, I preordered the game the same day it was available, but I do understand the frustration this situation can cause.

Edited by crazysam
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Lol.. this is just like the south park episode where Kyle signs Apple's Term of Service because he doesnt read it... and gets his mouth sewn to someones ********.. lol... learn to read... everything was not in fine print.. everything was out in wide open about the early game access since July.... your failure to not know the subject and terms your agree'ing too... well thats your own fault....


Tip: Dont buy 10 acres of land for 100$ to later learn that land is 99.9% wetlands and its worth 0.01$ and be upset... you got sold because you didnt take the time to learn about what your buying!!

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The difference is you hand your money over when you get to the f,ing counter at McDonald's...and If you are like me you don't leave the counter till you get your f,ing meal.

The Mickey D's analogy has got to go because it's fundamentally asinine.


Do they hand you your order the second you hand them your money, or do you have to wait for them to give out the orders that were processed ahead of yours? The analogy is spot on. The only thing that is asinine is that you think that you are supposed to get special treatment because you could not be bothered to understand what you were buying and that you now want Bioware to let you push to the head of the line because of your assumptions.


The information was there. You ignored it. That is your problem, not Bioware's.

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I had to put down a $5 hold everytime I ordered an expansion for WoW. I did not get to play the expansion early. I didn't get to play Planetside early, but Gamestop wanted a $5 hold. Same with a bunch of other games. 1st come, 1st served. You were told.



Kids today are ridiculous with their expectations.

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