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Why am I being punished?


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I could also tell you which mobs drop the most oranges per hour. But I won't because I like having a lot of oranges to sell on the GTN and would rather keep my spot to myself for as long as possible.


Good day to you.


Translation: I am wrong, but rather than admit that I'm going to throw up a few strawmen and then claim to leave the thread before returning with further efforts of derailment.

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Translation: I am wrong, but rather than admit that I'm going to throw up a few strawmen and then claim to leave the thread before returning with further efforts of derailment.


Uhh what are you smoking? My statement about oranges has nothing to do with chest drops. It was not an admission of anything. I was responding to the other person who asked where I farm oranges. So pull your head out of your bum and stop thinking you are smarter than everyone else and that you are somehow winning :roll eyes:


It was an attempt to show you that I track things like chest drops, creds/hour and such. But I can see you are only interesting in proving something, have at it. I know you are wrong, and since you got a special place in your hate for this, you will just keep making things up.

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They changed something with chests? I still get about the same green/white drop ratio.


Edit: More greens than whites, btw. It's always been like that for me though. Sometimes the chests just have crap in them.

Edited by zaea
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Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal. You say one thing, I say another. I suggest people go open a chest or 4 and then we will see who is full of it. I just opened another chest and violah another green. I know you want to be noticed and prove how bad this game is, but really? Making things up? Pathetic.


Are you checking guarded chests or unguarded ones?


The unguarded ones seem to have had their stuff taken out. I'd always get at least a green and a good amount of times blue before the patch. Since then only whites and credits. (though a good amount of credits)

I call them "Explorer Boxes".

I'm talking bout the ones in the out of the way places that are off the beaten path off in the wilds that noone has any reason to go other then "To see the Scenery".


There's 3 notable ones on Alderaan specificaly that I can think of. The one at the ungarded tower (republic side), the one on the snowy cliff overlooking the scenery only landing pad (Near an Empite base), and the one behind the space port (Republic side). These chests never had any mobs to guard them at frist I was wondering if it was some kind of bug then I remembered back before release there was some kind of interview where they said they wanted to reward people who went off the beatn path, and figured that's why they were there for.

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Are you checking guarded chests or unguarded ones?


The unguarded ones seem to have had their stuff taken out. I'd always get at least a green and a good amount of times blue before the patch. Since then only whites and credits. (though a good amount of credits)

I call them "Explorer Boxes".

I'm talking bout the ones in the out of the way places that are off the beaten path off in the wilds that noone has any reason to go other then "To see the Scenery".


There's 3 notable ones on Alderaan specificaly that I can think of. The one at the ungarded tower (republic side), the one on the snowy cliff overlooking the scenery only landing pad (Near an Empite base), and the one behind the space port (Republic side). These chests never had any mobs to guard them at frist I was wondering if it was some kind of bug then I remembered back before release there was some kind of interview where they said they wanted to reward people who went off the beatn path, and figured that's why they were there for.


Now THAT is a great question. I am looting guarded chests, for the most part. I didn't consider that. I know a spot on corellia with 1 guarded and 2 unguarded that I can test this on. I normally don't go back there cuz the bots have taken over.

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