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  1. I guess I'm on another rather large forum lol I see it every day. *shakes fist*
  2. u mad bro? In all seriousness, it's a common thing on forums. You'll get used to it. I actually hadn't noticed until you said something. Now I get to see it for another day or so before I stop noticing it again.
  3. Heh, I did this on my Knight. It was moreso '**** this I'm wearing the *********** dancer's outfit' because I couldn't find decent looking gear at my level. After that it became more of a running joke. My male character has to wear 'real' gear. I'm not used to it yet.
  4. My main started out being neutral. (JK) Sometimes she was a bit of a dick, but for the most part she did what she thought would have the best outcome. Somehow along the way she went from "I'll help but I won't take sides," to "Are you serious?" and finally, "You can all rot in hell." I'd blame Voss but I think she was already headed down that path beforehand. I still occasionally pick light side options, though. A lot of the choices depend on who she's talking to and what they're asking her to do/not do. Obviously, if she doesn't like you, she's an ******e, and if she does like you and you're asking her to do something she thinks is stupid, she's still going to be an ******e, just not as much. ("This is the dumbest **** I've ever heard but you're cool so I'll give it a shot.") If she likes you and whatever you asked of her, everything's cool. If she doesn't and still wants to try the quest, she'll be getting credits for it. (Kind of sad that I can't use a lot of gear because of this though :c)
  5. They changed something with chests? I still get about the same green/white drop ratio. Edit: More greens than whites, btw. It's always been like that for me though. Sometimes the chests just have crap in them.
  6. If only. I cringe every time I walk by them.
  7. Soon we shall run into each other on a third community. And e-argue about abs.
  8. I know, I just don't care. My profile is set in a way that I won't get random requests or messages. If you don't want someone seeing it, don't post it on the internet. Period. Seems more people need to be told that these days. My facebook has nothing in it I would care about if someone were to post it publicly. My life is not nearly that interesting. Lucid I assume you're the one I'm talking to right now about dreads on FB lololol
  9. It's not freakish! I love the blue! Any time I dye my hair I either start with blue or red and as it fades, work my way into another color. I've had my hair every color of the rainbow but I seem to always start with either blue or red. I usually just do clip-in weave. I used to glue it but I got tired of trying to get the **** out of my hair. I remember getting micros done all the time and sitting 6-8 hours at a time before they were finished. I had hair ADD back then and would have them redone once a month so I could do different colors rather than wait the 2 months that I should have >_> My two favorites sets were these: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/406423_2912607826416_1597278908_2546738_148377355_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/25493_1307256133627_1597278908_748433_7312788_n.jpg Thankfully dreads don't take near as long to put in my hair. I still wish I could take a nap while they were getting put in (I do this with some of my tattoos) but it requires me to move my head frequently enough that it's a no go. I have a skrillex douche cut now because of a compromise I made with my fiance. (He didn't like my head shaved, I didn't like him with short hair....I can keep a patch of my hair shaved and he can keep his above shoulder length but below the chin lol.) At least a dread install on it will look pretty interesting. I still have a lot of wigs but since it's almost impossible to find 'real' looking wigs in unnatural colors, they're all pretty tame. I'm really happy to have a job with open minded people that don't care much about my appearance as long as I have my bits covered. I'm never seen by people outside of the office anyway so it probably doesn't matter much. I need to take more pics of my dread sets when I get around to wearing them. I still have the first two wool sets I'd ever owned. I don't think I'll ever get rid of them tbh.
  10. I'd personally like to see how I'm doing other than "I can kill x and y in z seconds." However, I've seen the retardation damage meters can bring out in some people. I don't think I'd be playing with such people anyway, though, so I can't decide whether or not I care. The endgame is obviously not unplayable due to their absence, though. edit: oh god no not gear score please no
  11. If only people could keep it in check...That was one of the reasons I left the first server I was on with WoW. I haven't seen nearly as much of it on this game, but this game is still pretty new.
  12. You could probably have the same affect with a pleated shrug/bolero. Some of them are styled so short that they end up looking like shoulder pads. I had one that I wore so much it fell apart How long have you been doing shoots? I modeled for about 5 years, although mostly it was because I needed an excuse to own the clothes I did. lol Also, your wig is awesome. I loved pairing red hair with black outfits, the hair always really popped. oh god can't unsee **** yeah wool dreads! I see rexlace too. I'm getting another wool set made soon :3 I should probably get rid of some of the ones I already have....I probably have 10 install sets sitting in a cabinet. I don't have any decent pictures of any of the dreads I've had that aren't crappy manufactured ones or a wig instead of an install. >_> Most of them are cell phone pics. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/395469_3033676573059_1597278908_2591661_1440384206_n.jpg I guess when I get my rainbow vomit hair I'll make it a point to actually take pictures of it before taking them out.
  13. Wow, really? I was guessing at least 50. 'in progress' tattoos are the worst. I regret starting my back before I finished my side. Four years and counting now.....-_-
  14. Four days later.. I know what you mean. When I was little I had reddish brown hair with gold highlights naturally. Now it looks like it's just brown and grey, although I haven't seen my natural color long enough to really tell anymore. Last time I checked I had a lot of grey, which would be fine if it would be -all- grey and not this nasty looking brown/grey hybrid. I'm considering using the red henna dye from Lush....I am not sure if I can part with my white hair though. White is a huge pain in the *** to maintain but I love it. I may compromise and put some silver in it to break it up a bit. If you're looking for a more vibrant (Unnatural) red, I would recommend the SFX dyes. I never had much luck with Manic Panic reds. They're veg dyes so they don't contain ammonia and whatnot, SFX is semi-perm but lasts a good while. I had a cherry red in my hair for months. In an effort to keep this post on topic, here is a picture of some blonde weave that I dyed with henna. Wish I could remember the brand :c @TheHastyTadpole, how many hours on your sleeve? I was considering starting one but I think I need to finish my side and my back first or risk looking like an idiot. I already feel kind of stupid for starting the back and not finishing the side.
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