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Things that would make swtor better


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As much as I like The Old Republic there are things that could be improved this does not mean more of the stuff you already like from the game i'm talking about completely new ideas

this is what I've got so far

new races not released all at once obviously but eventually I would like bothans, Codru-Ji, Gungan (yes a gungan) Khommite (well maybe) Rodian, Trandoshan Wookiee (maybe) Zeltron.

higher jumps for all you datacron hunters, the jump height of jedi is pitiful compared to what is should be bounty hunters can use jet packs for similar jump skills

new space ships or custom ship paint pretty self explanatory I either want to have multiple ships to buy at around level 35 or the ability to paint parts of your spaceship or even speeder

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For me?


Bigger, more immersive planets that aren't divided like the current ones.


Better Equipment/Weapon customization ability (Colors, Hilts, etc.)


Customizable animations for our characters so not every class moves the same, etc.


Ability to make a better item stat-wise take the appearance of a better looking (To the individual player) piece of Gear. Ability to mix gear together to make something new.


More character customization.


Guild's fleshed out more (Ranks, Ships, etc.)


Better PvP system with Dynamic PvPvE content (Capturing planets, raiding Fleets, defending planets/cities, etc.)


Something to make Grouping for Flashpoints/Heroics easier, weather it be as simple as a global channel, to more complicated Dungeon Finder (I think Flashpoint Finder will be patched in in any case)


Bigger, better Warzones.


More gear selection.


A lot more exploration ability. Basically, the ability to see something in the distance, and just start walking/running toward it.


Dynamic Content


More lush, lifelike worlds full of creatures flying/walking/patroling/fighting.


Day/Night/Weather Cycles that are planet specific.


More populated planets (Requires re-doing the server structure).


Massive, massive overhaul of the Trade Kiosk.


Legacy System actually in-game (How the **** did it launch without it in the shape this game is in?)


More races (Kel Dor, Torgruta, Mon Calamari, etc.)


Ability to defect (Requires full Light/Dark side points, opens up new quests for the defection)


Customizable Ships.



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For me it's all about the pvp since that is all I do.


1. Find a better way to acquire pvp gear. random comms is not a good idea.

2. Don't let snare stack, don't reset counter on snare until current one finishes.

3. Reduce the cost of respec

4. dual spec

5. resolve is the worst system of cc immunity EVER!

6. nurfbat on CC

7. burn down illum and restart

8. fix hitching in open pvp

Edited by bishup
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A series of quest where you can bring all your companions (or 2 more for a group of 4). It would be fun from a story point of view.


Allow us to use are other companions on the over world +2 and +4 quest. I can never find groups for these so I have to skip them ;P.


I would love other robes and pants that are another color other than brown and more brown for jedi characters ;D.


Someway to get into groups easier. I have an awful time finding people on the same quest or wanting to do the same flashpoint that I want to do. I think most peeps are just hanging with guilds now. I never see anyone running flashpoints on that deck. No ones shouting for groups or anything.


Someway to have your gear all the same color at least. I think they are doing this so I R excited.

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For me?


Bigger, more immersive planets that aren't divided like the current ones.


Better Equipment/Weapon customization ability (Colors, Hilts, etc.)


Customizable animations for our characters so not every class moves the same, etc.


Ability to make a better item stat-wise take the appearance of a better looking (To the individual player) piece of Gear. Ability to mix gear together to make something new.


More character customization.


Guild's fleshed out more (Ranks, Ships, etc.)


Better PvP system with Dynamic PvPvE content (Capturing planets, raiding Fleets, defending planets/cities, etc.)


Something to make Grouping for Flashpoints/Heroics easier, weather it be as simple as a global channel, to more complicated Dungeon Finder (I think Flashpoint Finder will be patched in in any case)


Bigger, better Warzones.


More gear selection.


A lot more exploration ability. Basically, the ability to see something in the distance, and just start walking/running toward it.


Dynamic Content


More lush, lifelike worlds full of creatures flying/walking/patroling/fighting.


Day/Night/Weather Cycles that are planet specific.


More populated planets (Requires re-doing the server structure).


Massive, massive overhaul of the Trade Kiosk.


Legacy System actually in-game (How the **** did it launch without it in the shape this game is in?)


More races (Kel Dor, Torgruta, Mon Calamari, etc.)


Ability to defect (Requires full Light/Dark side points, opens up new quests for the defection)


Customizable Ships.




Yes footprints have my vote.

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For me?


Bigger, more immersive planets that aren't divided like the current ones.


Better Equipment/Weapon customization ability (Colors, Hilts, etc.)


Customizable animations for our characters so not every class moves the same, etc.


Ability to make a better item stat-wise take the appearance of a better looking (To the individual player) piece of Gear. Ability to mix gear together to make something new.


More character customization.


Guild's fleshed out more (Ranks, Ships, etc.)


Better PvP system with Dynamic PvPvE content (Capturing planets, raiding Fleets, defending planets/cities, etc.)


Something to make Grouping for Flashpoints/Heroics easier, weather it be as simple as a global channel, to more complicated Dungeon Finder (I think Flashpoint Finder will be patched in in any case)


Bigger, better Warzones.


More gear selection.


A lot more exploration ability. Basically, the ability to see something in the distance, and just start walking/running toward it.


Dynamic Content


More lush, lifelike worlds full of creatures flying/walking/patroling/fighting.


Day/Night/Weather Cycles that are planet specific.


More populated planets (Requires re-doing the server structure).


Massive, massive overhaul of the Trade Kiosk.


Legacy System actually in-game (How the **** did it launch without it in the shape this game is in?)


More races (Kel Dor, Torgruta, Mon Calamari, etc.)


Ability to defect (Requires full Light/Dark side points, opens up new quests for the defection)


Customizable Ships.






All of that would help.


They really need to put in some better space combat too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow some of these lists are great i feel like i thought about a lot of these while playing but completely drew a blank when i sat down to post about it, i wish i had written them down at the time. i think i would like to some thought put into which are more improvements are most important to us in stead of a single list. say limit yourself to 5 or 10 MOST important improvements.


1. a day night cycle would to me be the most important because although character creation is my favorite part most of the time playing is done outside of char crater so this get NO 1 spot who doesn't want to see tatooine at night instead op perpetual twilight


2. character creation options includeing but not limited to new races

3. planet populations, at higher level the planets become desolate hard to group up

4. multi-companion missions can you is there a better way to finish of an arc or chapter than using multiple companions in a story area also gives me a reason to keep all my mates gear up to spec

5. space ship speeder customization it's a little silly everyone is limited to 3 spaceships and 5 speeders (republic) give us either new ships and speeders or color choices for them

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Dynamic content and questing.


To better define dynamic questing - Further immersing the player into the game. Story elements are fine, but content gets stale after 50 levels of essentially doing the same thing and running back and forth. There's tons of vehicles and machinery at Bioware's fingertips. Use them, or better yet; let us use them.


Some big bad guy is trying to escape the system in his ship? Then lets follow him in ours, and much like the typical space missions we try and hunt him down. Perhaps we destroy his ship and kill the infamous villain. Perhaps we destroy his reinforcements. Perhaps we tail him to his fleet ship. Or even better, perhaps we board his ship.


The Empire is attacking a Republic outpost with their Walkers? Let the Republic defend them with some land vehicles or attack speeders. Or even vice versa and allow Imps to control the Walker.


Did I just liberate a village on Tattooine from Sand People? Let them ACKNOWLEDGE it. Let me interact with NPCs even if they say something ridiculous which holds no merit or memorable value.


Breath some life into this Universe Bioware. Story and conversations can only take you so far. People burn out when they're tired of doing the same thing for 60+ hours on end. Plot isn't what hooks us, innovation and immersion is.

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...completely rebuilding the game so that it's not a WoW in space with voice overs that becomes so painful to play you literally have to force yourself to the end of your storyline.


The game was great for about a week until the novelty of the voice acting wore off. Now it's just a huge disappointment. I know some people love it, but this is my experience and my opinion.

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