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Can someone explain the reason Force Lift exists?


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Well let's say you have to kill 2 elites that hit hard. You can lift one into the air and them have one minute to kill his friend while he just floats there helpless. That's for a sage. A shadow has less use as its shorter and we have mind maze but we still do it in pvp as 8 seconds is a long time in pvp. You can lift someone and plant a bomb right behind their back without anything they can do about it
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Force Lift is a marginal CC ability by itself. The cast time makes it unusable for impromptu CC/interruption.


However, the Balance tree has talents that improve it, making it an instant-cast, AoE, and cause a stun to the target if the lift is broken early. So, for Balance consulars, it actually becomes quite powerful.


For each class, there a number of abilities which everyone has access to, but only certain builds will get good mileage from. You might use it here and there for the hell of it, but unless you are specced in the Balance tree (and with the appropriate talents), its uses will be very limited.

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I have never found a use for it so far.


Does anyone actually use it?


For a Sage, it has its duration extended to a full minute, which makes it a pretty amazing CC skill to face groups.


For a Balance Shadow/Sage, it can be instant, so it can be used as a second stun/interrupt/CC against players or mobs.


As a Shadow I'd never use it unless you have those skill points.

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I'm Sage, I use it a lot, depending on the group.


I've been able to solo most Heroic 2's on my own with it. You have to turn off any of your companions AOEs, but you can lift the strongest mob for a full minute and take out the weaker ones.


Secret is timing. I usually stand away from the group, about 25 meters. Target a lower mob, send in Qyzen, who I use the most. As he's running in, aim on a stronger mob, Force Lift him. By the time Qyzen is attacking, the gold is out of the way for a full minute. Enough time to take the weak ones out and heal up and shield him again.

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Maybe I've just been lucky, however for as long as I remember (I am only a low level Sage) my companion has automatically NOT attacked the target I've used Force Lift on.


So I can encounter a group and the very first thing I can do is Force Lift the toughest out of the way, my companion picks a different target and attacks them.


Maybe I've just been lucky, but I can honestly say my companion simply doesn't touch the CC'ed target.

In fact, after the other targets are taken out, if Force Lift hasn't finished I've actually watched my companion hold back on attacking it until I either tell him to or attack it myself.

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Check the AOE attacks. Basically, they will only stay lifted if they don't get hit.


Like with Qyzen, he's got an EMP and nade, both of them, if activated will bring the Forced Lift mob into the fight.


Personally, I only use FL when I need too, like in tough fights or Heroics. I like that Qyzen has his AOEs, coz I think they are handy.

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He's probably asking from the perspective of a kinetic shadow. I will use it occasionally on tougher mobs, where I will mind maze the champ, and then lift a gold to burn down the trash before getting distracted by too many other targets. Those few seconds can make a difference.
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For those who don't know I assume CC = Crowd Control.


Force lift just keeps a mob (more if you have put points into it) out of the way for 60s whilst you kill another.


I use it when I see a group of mobs together. Before I attack anything, I'll 'lift' the toughest mob there. Then I'll kill the other weaker mobs and then go kill the tough guy.

Edited by eldelphia
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Sages = great CC, lasts a full minute, usable in-combat.


Balance (or hybrid) Shadows that have 2/2 talent points in Containment = essentially another instant-cast interrupt to use if both your Mind Snap and Force Stun are on cooldown.


Any other Shadow = in most cases a worthless skill. Takes 2 second to channel the casting on it in order to get 8 seconds worth of CC, which means a full 2 seconds in which you are taking full damage from every mob present and you are doing zero damage yourself. Usually you are better served using that 2 seconds for something else.

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Force lift can be quite powerful if you know when to use it.


As others have said, the ability will change depending on your AC (Sage or Shadow) and your spec.


-Balance Sages and Shadows probably get the most utility out of this ability because of the perks received via their talent tree. (Instant cast and multi target affecting)


-Sages in general also have this ability last up to a full minute.


-Infiltration and Kinetic shadows will find the use of this ability highly situational.


I play a Kinetic shadow so I rarely use this ability. But I do still use it. Mind maze is usually the best crowd control ability a shadow has imo. But it has one drawback in that it cannot be used on a target already in combat. Force lift can.


In PVE Force Lift gives me 8 seconds of breathing room if I need it. If the pull looks really rough, you can even mind maze one mob, then move out to range and force lift another to begin the combat. Then you have two less targets to deal with for a short period of time allowing you to survive a few seconds more and thus do a few more seconds worth of damage. It could mean the difference is living through the pull...or run away.


In PvP 8 seconds is an eternity, as others have pointed out. Objective taking, or even just evening the odds by removing that healer (or any other player) from play for a bit....


Force Lift has its uses, probably even more than I list here. A smart player is one who figures out how to use as many different abilities in as many different ways as is possible. In doing so it gives them multiple options for most situations and the ability to handle situations they would normally not be able to handle.


In short, be creative! (But more importantly, have fun!)

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Pretty much my feelings on it. Unless you are a Sage or a Balance Shadow, it is pretty worthless. I'm a Kinetic Shadow and it is quite useless for how I play. I prefer Mind Maze instead cause it lasts longer.


Keep in mind, they are not mutually exclusive.


It is situational, but it is far from useless as a Shadow even if you don't have points into the Balance skills that boost it. You can Mind Maze the hardest mob, move back to a safe distance then Force Lift the next hardest mob. Force Lift will not draw aggro until it casts, and while it casts, you can switch to another target to be ready for your next ability. This gives you an extra eight seconds to deal with whatever other mobs are with the two you CC'ed.


As a Kenetic, you can wait till Force Lift casts then Force Pull a third mob to you, preferably a ranged. This is especially helpful if there is a fourth mob that is melee and even more helpful if the mob you used Force Lift on is melee. In both cases, by casting Force Lift from max range, you force any melee mobs to run to you, giving you a few extra seconds to deal with the one that you pulled. In Balance or Infiltration builds, you don't have Force Pull, but, especially in Balance, you have some 30m skills you can apply as they run in and 10m skills you can add as they get close. Additionally, regardless of the build, by forcing mobs to come to you, you get them out of AoE range, allowing you to use AoE's you may not be able to use if the mobs stay with the CC'ed mobs.


The extra skills in Balance make Force Lift more useful to a Shadow, but even without them, Force Lift is still useful in the appropriate sitautions.

Edited by Sotaudi
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Sages = great CC, lasts a full minute, usable in-combat.


Balance (or hybrid) Shadows that have 2/2 talent points in Containment = essentially another instant-cast interrupt to use if both your Mind Snap and Force Stun are on cooldown.


Any other Shadow = in most cases a worthless skill. Takes 2 second to channel the casting on it in order to get 8 seconds worth of CC, which means a full 2 seconds in which you are taking full damage from every mob present and you are doing zero damage yourself. Usually you are better served using that 2 seconds for something else.


I'm relatively surprised shadows wouldn't use it on as a double CC option to initiate combat on multiple elites. 8 seconds of no damage from a mob is a good headstart on lessening the pack controlling damage intake and reducing downtime.


as a 60 second CC it's a no brainer, as a CC that impacts targets in combat no brainer ina disciplined PvP fight. Even with a cast time. Pug use ok we all know how fast mez style CC gets broken in AOE spalash wars for DPS leadership.

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Maybe I've just been lucky, however for as long as I remember (I am only a low level Sage) my companion has automatically NOT attacked the target I've used Force Lift on.


So I can encounter a group and the very first thing I can do is Force Lift the toughest out of the way, my companion picks a different target and attacks them.


Maybe I've just been lucky, but I can honestly say my companion simply doesn't touch the CC'ed target.

In fact, after the other targets are taken out, if Force Lift hasn't finished I've actually watched my companion hold back on attacking it until I either tell him to or attack it myself.


in later levels your companions will get skills that cause AoE damage, no your companions will not specificaly target CC'ed mobs but there AoE skill use will definatly break the CC if they use it in damage range of a CC'ed mob, most people just turn there companions AoE auto-use option off on that companion if they want to CC something.

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Any other Shadow = in most cases a worthless skill. Takes 2 second to channel the casting on it in order to get 8 seconds worth of CC, which means a full 2 seconds in which you are taking full damage from every mob present and you are doing zero damage yourself. Usually you are better served using that 2 seconds for something else.


Actually, Force Lift is very useful for Shadows when soloing Heroics as part of your CC stage setting prior to the pull.

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Check the AOE attacks. Basically, they will only stay lifted if they don't get hit.


This is something that bothers me. When I was kinetic balance hybrid and have the instant lift I ocasionally used in PvE as a interrupt/CC to give me some break during a though battle, but I can remember a single time I oculd break the effect. The mob (usually an elite) stayed hovering while I tried to break the CC but couldn't.


So basically I have 2 skill points that makes lift instant, but never stunned nobody because never broke.

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This is something that bothers me. When I was kinetic balance hybrid and have the instant lift I ocasionally used in PvE as a interrupt/CC to give me some break during a though battle, but I can remember a single time I oculd break the effect. The mob (usually an elite) stayed hovering while I tried to break the CC but couldn't.


So basically I have 2 skill points that makes lift instant, but never stunned nobody because never broke.


Your companion will not break a lift if you send him/her on the mob, he will just stand next to the lifted mob and wait until it wears out or breaks. But as other have said your companions AoE will break a lift if he is fighting others too close to the lifted one.


I'm surprised that so many turn off their companions AoE when lifting. I usually bubble myself start with a lift and then run back so the uncontrolled mobs have to chase me a couple of meters and leave the lifted one at a AoE safe distance. Then Qyzen can jump in and AoE all he wants, maximizing dps.

It requires you to start combat with your companion as Passive and then you manually tell him to attack the mobs once they moved a bit.

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Maybe I've just been lucky, however for as long as I remember (I am only a low level Sage) my companion has automatically NOT attacked the target I've used Force Lift on.


So I can encounter a group and the very first thing I can do is Force Lift the toughest out of the way, my companion picks a different target and attacks them.


Maybe I've just been lucky, but I can honestly say my companion simply doesn't touch the CC'ed target.

In fact, after the other targets are taken out, if Force Lift hasn't finished I've actually watched my companion hold back on attacking it until I either tell him to or attack it myself.


Same here! They go for another enemy.

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Force Lift is the reason I stayed Kinetic Hybrid (24/0/17) and did not switch to full Kinetic (31/0/10). I use it _a lot_ in warzones (especially for guarding a team mate's objective tagging, but also as an "8sec 100% dmg debuff") and in the middle hotspot on Ilum, but I agree, you either spend to points to make it insta-cast, or it is hardly worth a slot on your quickbar.
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