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Commando PVP Help


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Im sorry but i have to ask what is your pvp gear compared to theirs? Even without having jack for pvp gear on my sage I dont believe i have even been hit for 3.2k on a grav hit at least if i have i must have had a full 5 vortex stack on me and they got a lucky high dmg crit. You might be seeing grav followed by a massive demo hit would be my guess. Demo with a 5 vortex debuff combo is just nasty. Getting that 5 stacks takes at least 3 grav rounds unstunned/uninterrupt/unknockbacked.


i really think if this game had a combat log people would stop crying about grav rounds.. i have had grav rounds hit for 3k on some sorcs before but i was using a relic and there gear was prob low end..

Edited by Wolfahm
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i really think if this game had a combat log people would stop crying about grav rounds.. i have had grav rounds hit for 3k on some sorcs before but i was using a relic and there gear was prob low end..


I agree, i also believe that before people cry nerf they should at least try the class out that they are talking about. I had the same issue with troopers/mercs and I have both now not lvl 50 mind you but up to the abilities we are talking about. Its not easy getting grav/tracer off when getting stunned/interrupted/knockback/LoS/ability pushback.

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Im sorry but i have to ask what is your pvp gear compared to theirs? Even without having jack for pvp gear on my sage I dont believe i have even been hit for 3.2k on a grav hit at least if i have i must have had a full 5 vortex stack on me and they got a lucky high dmg crit. You might be seeing grav followed by a massive demo hit would be my guess. Demo with a 5 vortex debuff combo is just nasty. Getting that 5 stacks takes at least 3 grav rounds unstunned/uninterrupt/unknockbacked. Also it can take longer than 4.5 sec to get the full 5 with being pushbacked.


I quite regularly hit people regardless of class for 3.2k with grav round. But their expertise makes a difference on how likely it is to get that high. But as you said its our demo round you need to fear i've gotten 6k crits with it on fresh 50s.

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I quite regularly hit people regardless of class for 3.2k with grav round. But their expertise makes a difference on how likely it is to get that high. But as you said its our demo round you need to fear i've gotten 6k crits with it on fresh 50s.


I know -_- i hate the demo round on my sage. Thats why i know Gunnery Commandos dont give up that ability for reactive shield.

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I have never really felt like I couldn't win a straight up shooitng contest on my Commando....


Serioulsy though grav round spam two or three times to stack up the debuff, high impact bolt and demo round, Full Auto.


Sometimes I'll even charge them while I am using my instant casts and smash them in the face with my melee attack (which is specced for knockback) to knock them from behind their little wall.

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I quite regularly hit people regardless of class for 3.2k with grav round. But their expertise makes a difference on how likely it is to get that high. But as you said its our demo round you need to fear i've gotten 6k crits with it on fresh 50s.




Full battlemasters on my server never crit me for 3.2k, and I am a sage. My gear isn't outstanding either.


I've seen demo rounds get high though.

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So I'm having a real problem with commando pvp Snipers Out DPS me in a straight shooting match. I can be Interrupted LoSed and stunned to death. I have no utility. No movement ability. Other than a burst once every 15sec with a Sticky GR Demo combo i have no ability to boost my damage.


these 3 i can be locked out of with ease

4 of my Abilities have 15 sec CDs on them

HIB needs GR so if I'm interrupted i can't use that

FA can be taken out with a knockback


these are on a 15 sec CD

Demo hits for crap w/o the boost from GR

and Sticky takes 2 seconds to go off


my options after that are Hammer shot and Explosive round


Am I missing something are we better than i think and i'm just not seeing some insanely devastating combo


If i pop my shield and Adrenalin Rush I might last long enough to get that Juggernaut down to 50% heath


What am i not seeing that makes people QQ so much about mandos


Grav grav sticky grav demo HIB.


Your sticky grenade, HIB, and demo round will all be going off around the same time for a huge damage spike. Those 3 grav rounds apply the maximum number of gravity vortex debuffs, which reduce armor and increase demo round damage. If I remember correctly, they will also stack a few charged barrel buffs on you, increasing the damage on HIB.


The damage you get from the grav rounds themselves is just a bonus. Focus on the debuffs and buffs they provide you with and make full use of those.


If you are using anything other than gravity round, you are your own problem.


Gravity round sets up the win, it doesn't do it all by itself. If you think it does, then you are your own problem. You can read what I wrote above and see the best way to fight a gunnery commando now. Keep in mind commandos only have 1 stun that doesn't break on damage, so remove it ASAP, and use your stuns early in the fight. The key is to get a big early lead. It's better to be hit by grav rounds than to be hit by what they set up.


As someone who plays assault commando, I find all the grav round hate on these forums entertaining. When I played that spec I felt gimped heh.

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So Looking at the class more and reading a lot of this i realized that

Full Auto, HIB, and Demo ALL require a buff from GR to do their max damage making EVERYTHING dependent on that one ability is really dumb.


I think that if perhaps they lowered the CD from 15sec to say 6-8 sec

Make Charged Barrel not get eaten by HIB

have Curtain of fire proc off crits instead of GR

Lastly give us a freekin dot have it be part of our sticky grenade or something


i'm not looking for more damage just more buttons to press besides GR

Edited by Nannrz
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I suggest you try out Assault Specialist.


So Looking at the class more and reading a lot of this i realized that

Full Auto, HIB, and Demo ALL require a buff from GR to do their max damage making EVERYTHING dependent on that one ability is really dumb.


In assault spec., it's the dots that boost your full auto and HIB. You will have 3 dots (plasma cell, plasma grenade, incendiary round).


All those dots, especially the 18 second burn from incendiary round, are real pains to anyone trying to capture a node/plant a bomb. If you can get all 3 dots rolling, health bars will drop.


i'm not looking for more damage just more buttons to press besides GR


While assault spec.'s play style is much more diversified, you probably won't keep up with a gunnery commando on the damage charts. Just remember that WZ's aren't about topping the damage charts. ;)

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So Looking at the class more and reading a lot of this i realized that

Full Auto, HIB, and Demo ALL require a buff from GR to do their max damage making EVERYTHING dependent on that one ability is really dumb.


I think that if perhaps they lowered the CD from 15sec to say 6-8 sec

Make Charged Barrel not get eaten by HIB

have Curtain of fire proc off crits instead of GR

Lastly give us a freekin dot have it be part of our sticky grenade or something


i'm not looking for more damage just more buttons to press besides GR


You seem entirely incapable of understanding your spec's strengths and weaknesses and using those to your advantage. Instead you're demanding that an already solid spec be given even more tools, because of your own issues. As Thumby suggested, maybe you should try out assault. It's more dynamic and requires a lot more adjustments to be made on the fly.


I suggest you try out Assault Specialist.




In assault spec., it's the dots that boost your full auto and HIB. You will have 3 dots (plasma cell, plasma grenade, incendiary round).


All those dots, especially the 18 second burn from incendiary round, are real pains to anyone trying to capture a node/plant a bomb. If you can get all 3 dots rolling, health bars will drop.




While assault spec.'s play style is much more diversified, you probably won't keep up with a gunnery commando on the damage charts. Just remember that WZ's aren't about topping the damage charts. ;)


Gunnery commandos have trouble keeping up with a well-played assault on anything but huttball (if they're allowed to perch without being pressured). The problem is a lot of people who play assault have no idea what they're doing.


Most people have this misconception that it's the DOT damage assault relies on, but that isn't necessarily the case. While the DOTs are nice, the HIB spam from IA is what lets us shine. When ionic accelerator is cooperating, you're doing burst damage like gunnery (maybe better) and killing people before the DOTs have done much.


If IA isn't triggering and your ammo is low then you change tactics and start to focus more on your DOTs. Sometimes you'll use them for line of sight reasons, or if your team is just being slaughtered, but in general they play a secondary role. Our first option is always to milk IA for all we can get out of it.

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So I'm having a real problem with commando pvp Snipers Out DPS me in a straight shooting match. I can be Interrupted LoSed and stunned to death. I have no utility. No movement ability. Other than a burst once every 15sec with a Sticky GR Demo combo i have no ability to boost my damage.


these 3 i can be locked out of with ease

4 of my Abilities have 15 sec CDs on them

HIB needs GR so if I'm interrupted i can't use that

FA can be taken out with a knockback


these are on a 15 sec CD

Demo hits for crap w/o the boost from GR

and Sticky takes 2 seconds to go off


my options after that are Hammer shot and Explosive round


Am I missing something are we better than i think and i'm just not seeing some insanely devastating combo


If i pop my shield and Adrenalin Rush I might last long enough to get that Juggernaut down to 50% heath


What am i not seeing that makes people QQ so much about mandos


Find something to LOS them, use your instants while LOSin, dispell yourself when rooted or if he is dotting you. It's fairly to be honest. Profit.

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