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Performance of SWTOR


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I have an i7 6 gigs of ram and gtx580 and i have performance issues. Imperial fleet it chugs, sometimes drops to single figures. War Zones for some reason i have terible performance in those, sutters like mad.


Dont get me wrong SWTOR is a really good game but the stuttery, laggy performance is starting to get on my nerves. Somebody told me to try installing the game on an SSD drive so i went out and bought one just for this, cost me £80 for an OCZ 60gb and no improvement what so ever. Tried hundreds of drivers hell i even put my GFs ****** old Nvidia card in my machine and there wasnt any real difference in performance between a 550gt and a 580 GTX. Tried forcing settings in the nvidia control panel like vsync, filtering etc lol u name it ive dont it.


It seems this game is very CPU demanding and ive noticed it doesnt use all the cores when i checked my cpu monitor earlier which is crazy. Perhaps this is the reason, i understand that TOR is new but even so for a modern game like this its very suprising and frustrating to see it built on such a poorly optimised engine, feels the same as it was in the beta test. I really hope BW fixes the performance above anything else as i really like SWTOR, asap.


If anyone has a miracle tweak to share , plz do.

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If I'm lucky I get 18 fps in WZs. Questing, etc. 60fps +.


This is what I'm running...


Processor : AMD Athlon II X4 635 @ 3200MHz

Physical Memory : 8192MB (2 x 4096 DDR3-SDRAM )

Video Card : AMD Radeon HD 6870

Operating System : Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition Media Center 6.01.7601 Service Pack 1 (64-bit)

















Questing / Dailies





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Don't know what to tell you, I have a similiar setup: i7, 16GB ram, gtx 580, 120GB Ocz SSD.. and I rarely have issues.. at fleet with 200+ people i certainly don't have stutter.


mmmm just weird but in Warzones i have this like microstutter all the time, and even when i turn everything to low, turn shadows off i get 60fps but still get like this stutter as if its skipping frames or something. weird cos it doesnt happen when questing or roaming around tattoine or alderan. Fleet FPS is just slow. 10-20fps especially when hanging around the galactic trade area where most players are. Even still 580gtx and i7 should be about to throw those frames out at full refresh rate without problem.

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mmmm just weird but in Warzones i have this like microstutter all the time, and even when i turn everything to low, turn shadows off i get 60fps but still get like this stutter as if its skipping frames or something. weird cos it doesnt happen when questing or roaming around tattoine or alderan. Fleet FPS is just slow. 10-20fps especially when hanging around the galactic trade area where most players are. Even still 580gtx and i7 should be about to throw those frames out at full refresh rate without problem.

Warzones are a problem for me too. This is a serious issue for a pvper. They probably use warzone servers and need to do a better job optimizing them. Hopefully, they will do soon.

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mmmm i think ur in the minority.


Proof? Yeah, thought not....



My computer is nothing special...Gateway I bought at Best Buy. Only upgrade I have is a $150 gfx card (and a larger p.u.).


Game runs on highest settings flawlessly (well, except for that one instance "The Trials"...but that quest was kinda buggy to begin with).

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Another person recently broke down part of the reason the game runs like crap and has instruction for adjusting it as much as one can. Ultimately it comes down to the fact that the game uses a horrible engine, HeroEngine, and has horrible coding.


I have ran this game on several systems of varying performance levels and just as many visual settings in the game. As whole the game runs like crap across the board, especially compared to others.

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Proof? Yeah, thought not....



My computer is nothing special...Gateway I bought at Best Buy. Only upgrade I have is a $150 gfx card (and a larger p.u.).


Game runs on highest settings flawlessly (well, except for that one instance "The Trials"...but that quest was kinda buggy to begin with).


Highest settings, runs flawless? Proof......


Thought not.


Until I see video showing your frame rates on say....Ilum during PvP, I won't believe you. Simply because most of the systems I have ran this game on have been far higher end than what you have.



EDIT: I would personally define flawless as 60 fps or higher, with no drop below the 60 fps.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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Proof? Yeah, thought not....



My computer is nothing special...Gateway I bought at Best Buy. Only upgrade I have is a $150 gfx card (and a larger p.u.).


Game runs on highest settings flawlessly (well, except for that one instance "The Trials"...but that quest was kinda buggy to begin with).




Flawlessly, plz tell me ur secret. How do u get Smooth fps in imperial Fleet with no stutter... :-P

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Read this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=154568


All about improving performance. Includes setting up a RAM drive to actually deleting game asset files to reduce lag. It's fairly ridiculous what some of these people have discovered and what people are doing to band-aid improve performance in this game. It's a great read that needs to attention of BW.


One person even deleted the primary game asset file and went from 10fps to 50+ in warzones... downside is most of the game affects were missing (AoE spell affects, saber blades, world effects, mounts... etc). Pretty much hits the nail on the head about where the performance issues stem from.

Edited by DarkSirius
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Seems im in the Minority or i just notice it easier i dont know. Aycase if i cant sort the problem as many of u are refering the problem is my end, ill just cancel TOR cos im out of things to try to increase performance. One last thing i could try is uninstalling windows 7 64bit and putting 32bit on instaed.. perhaps that may help my frame skipping in warzones. ill give that a try tomo, or even going back to XP.
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Seems im in the Minority or i just notice it easier i dont know. Aycase if i cant sort the problem as many of u are refering the problem is my end, ill just cancel TOR cos im out of things to try to increase performance. One last thing i could try is uninstalling windows 7 64bit and putting 32bit on instaed.. perhaps that may help my frame skipping in warzones. ill give that a try tomo, or even going back to XP.


See this thread, which I mentioned above. Most of the people in that thread are having warzone issues.



Edited by DarkSirius
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he's not I have similar specs on my desktop and no performance issues as all.



Performance issues are in the minority if they were the majority no one would be playing the game.


The key is to update your drivers.


Drivers are updated 285.62. no diference for me :-(

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he's not I have similar specs on my desktop and no performance issues as all.



Performance issues are in the minority if they were the majority no one would be playing the game.


The key is to update your drivers.



I have ran this game on several systems, to test performance, all ranging from a Core i7 with a GTX 580 down to a Phenom II X 4 945 with a GTX 550 Ti and another with a 6850. In the mix a Core i5 with a GTX 560 Ti. Memory ranging from 4GB to 16GB, all clean installations, fully updated.


Every system ran like **** in Fleet, Illum, and had multiple hitches between cut sense, opening menus, etc.


This game uses HeroEngine, a horrible choice for this scale of a game. To boot the coding isn't that great either, because of the limitations with HeroEngine.

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Read this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=154568


All about improving performance. Includes setting up a RAM drive to actually deleting game asset files to reduce lag. It's fairly ridiculous what some of these people have discovered and what people are doing to band-aid improve performance in this game. It's a great read that needs to attention of BW.


One person even deleted the primary game asset file and went from 10fps to 50+ in warzones... downside is most of the game affects were missing (AoE spell affects, saber blades, world effects, mounts... etc). Pretty much hits the nail on the head about where the performance issues stem from.



lol had a quick read through that, sounds a bit of a task to setup. but i may give that a shot tomo aswell. Thanks mate :-)

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Heroengine can be purchased at your local Costco. You'll have to ask an associate what aisle it's in because they usually have the discount, not selling well items off somewhere 'special'.


I think right now they're having a two for one special. Purchase the Heroengine and they'll throw in a free SWTOR with it! Supplies aren't limited so don't rush it'll be there for a while.

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lol had a quick read through that, sounds a bit of a task to setup. but i may give that a shot tomo aswell. Thanks mate :-)


I find it comical how random forum members have to restructure a computer and Windows to get ONE GAME to run halfway decent. You could do that or you could expect much more from a 200 million dollar game.

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