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Am I doing something wrong?


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I'm a level 39 Sorc on Hoth, and this game has become really hard. Simple groups of enemies have become a major obstacle. I'm not asking for the game to hold my hand or anything, but its getting to the point where a single silver enemy can ruin my day.


I have stayed current on armor upgrades for both myself and Khem (coming mostly as quest rewards or Flashpoint drops.) Khem is dying way too fast, and although I am specced as Lightning, every fight ends up with me spamming heals on Khem and bubbling him when I can. If I try to use any other companion we are dead within seconds, since they can't tank and neither can I. I feel so weak, despite being almost level 40 a simple group of two regular enemies and one silver enemy can kill me unless I just spam heals on Khem. I understand that the game requires more precise skill rotations and introduces a steeper difficult curve, but this is like a difficulty wall. Am I doing something wrong?

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You are doing something wrong yes. As a sorc it should be an easy blast through the leveling part so most likely you're not using all the tools given or perhaps the build you are using is not working for you. I highly recommend a lightning/madness hybrid. It's an awesome build to go through leveling and also works very well in PvP.




If it's still hard, there are only 2 possible reasons why. 1) You really don't have good enough gear and 2) you're not using the abilities you could.


Basic stuff about rotations:


Single target (Strong or Elite): Affliction > Death Field > FL > FL > FL // if Wrath procs -> Crushing Darkenss



Elite + normals: Death Field > tab Affliction > FL > FL > FL // if Wrath procs -> Chain lightning



AoE: Death Field > tab Affliction or just FL them down // if Wrath -> Chain Lightning



So basically you want to use Death Field on packs of enemies and spam Force Lightning to proc Wrath which grants you insta cast for either Crushing Darkness or Chain Lightning.

Edited by PalawaJoko
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Well, soloing becomes more difficult as you get into your late 30's and early 40's. This is normal, and as far as we can tell, intended. Where you could before solo Golds with a bit of effort, and solo Platinums if you were good, Silvers start to take a bit of effort, and Golds start to become major obstacles. If you're not using a solo-oriented build like 21/2/18 or 13/28, you might be able to make things a bit easier by swapping to one, but that level bracket is just designed to be more difficult than earlier ones.
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Okay, thanks for the spec. I'll try to be a bit more specific with my rotation so help figure out whats wrong.


If there is a strong mob, I target him first with my 2 DoTs (Affliction and the 1.5 sec cast one). If possible I use Electrocute to stun. I always have a shield on Khem Val up before the start of a fight. I'll quickly DoT the regular enemies with Affliction. By now the strong mob is un-stunned. I re-up Khem's shield if necessary than begin targeting enemies with Shock, Lightning strike, force lightning, etc. If Chain Lightning procs I use that before continuing on. When my DOTs wear off I reapply.


If its a group of just 2-4 regular enemies, I'll shield Khem, use Force Storm to root and damage enemies, then finish off whats left. That's pretty much the only senario I don't have trouble with.


I'm just concerned because without Khem I am extremely weak, and Khem drops far faster than I think he should be. Literally playing with any other companion is close to impossible. I tried Andronikos and Ashara for a bit but I end up generating the most threat and am killed fairly quickly. Perhaps is equipment...? But I'm not sure what else I can do. Aside from Flashpoint/Quest rewards, I get equiptment/mod upgrades from commendations when possible.


EDIT: Forgot to mention, but I also use the ability (can't remember the name) that traps an enemy for 60 sec when I am in a group with more than one silver, or to keepan enemy off me until I can handle it.

Edited by MikeFL
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Well, make sure that you're keeping up on Khem's gear, it's very important (keeps him from being overly squishy). Also, if you have no-CD Force Lightning, Lightning Strike can be removed from your bar, not worth using. Lastly, don't forget about Whirlwind. You can always Whirlwind the silver (make sure you turn off Khem's two AoE attacks) and kill the normals, then kill the silver.
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I don't know if you are doing this or not, but when I started getting to this point I would always shield Khem before I sent him in, kill the squishies, and then focus on the silver guy. Doing this, I had no problems with Khem staying alive and almost at full health.


If you are still having trouble, you could always CC the strong/elite guy.

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EDIT: Forgot to mention, but I also use the ability (can't remember the name) that traps an enemy for 60 sec when I am in a group with more than one silver, or to keepan enemy off me until I can handle it.


I play a Madness Sorc (3/7/31), I roll with Andronikus, and I rarely have problems unless I'm facing a large group of Strongs (4+), or multiple Elites and Strongs.



Always lead with Deathfield. If you are rolling with Khen this means any melee foes will get "target rich paralysis" where they run at you, then spin around and run at Khem. It's aggro ping-pong. Ranged foes will just shoot the hell out of you, then target Khem once his area taunt goes off.


Follow by WW the strongest foe (if they are all weak, or you know you can handle them, don't bother). Make sure you've turned Khem's AoE attacks off (losing Consume Essence very much weakens Khem, but you can trigger it manually if you think it's necesary).


Follow with your DoTs and direct damage attacks.


Keep an eye on Khem's health, Bubble him and Heal him when necessary.



You will likely take much less damage than I do. But me and Andi can burn through a pack of at level Strongs very quickly.





Final note: Double check Khem's gear. If he ins't in oranges by your mid thirties, get a move on it and kit him out properly. You can easily double his sats with good insets for orange gear. Also, keep your eye for Khem's ornage Vibrosword, it's a quest reward at some point. From what I can tell all the companion's (except Shipbot) get orange weapons.

Edited by evileeyore
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Where do you all suggest I get orange gear + mods for Khem? So far the only gear I have come across for Khem is quest rewards -- this might be the problem since Khem is only in greens for me at this point. Probably explains his over-squishyness.


For a leveling spec, do you suggest sticking with Lightning or going to a hybrid/Madness spec?I'm going to spec as a healer for endgame, but I'd like to finish leveling as damage.


Lastly, I have seen some Sorcs with Khem and their Khem is armored, but my Khem does not show any armor. Is this a bug, or just something I can't do yet? was wondering if this might be a bug causing Khem's gear to not take effect, but I'm probably wrong on this.

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Where do you all suggest I get orange gear + mods for Khem? So far the only gear I have come across for Khem is quest rewards -- this might be the problem since Khem is only in greens for me at this point. Probably explains his over-squishyness.


For a leveling spec, do you suggest sticking with Lightning or going to a hybrid/Madness spec?I'm going to spec as a healer for endgame, but I'd like to finish leveling as damage.


Lastly, I have seen some Sorcs with Khem and their Khem is armored, but my Khem does not show any armor. Is this a bug, or just something I can't do yet? was wondering if this might be a bug causing Khem's gear to not take effect, but I'm probably wrong on this.


I'm also curious where to get orange gear for Khem in the mid 30's?

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I'm also curious where to get orange gear for Khem in the mid 30's?


umm, the AH. khem can wear any heavy armor, not just the stuff that says it's for him.


If there's any intrinsic benefit to wearing just "khem val's armor of awesomeness" i'm not aware of it.


you get a companion weapons orange quest daily at 50, if you haven't found a vibrosword by then, but seriously, check the ah. i've vendored orange helmets from not being able to sell the things.

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A foolproof scheme that worked for me at those levels is to


a) Use Adronikus (easier to manage, more dps, less danger)

b) If the pull is any number of normals + 1 strong -- > Spam Force Storm and CL (on cooldown, if specced for it), if not just Storm over and over again. Let Adron dps on Strong.

b1) If the pull is 2 strongs and more, go with the flow. If you can tank them easily, Force Storm until everything dies. If you can't, use CC to separate strongs, then Force Storm.

c) On platinums dot them, grab aggro, and run around an object healing yourself. Let Adronikus blast them apart while you do so. Just don't let him get aggro.

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Orange armor is stupid easy to get. Check the GTN, take the newbie stuff and upgrade the mods. If not, go farm it, I make 3/4 pieces of OJ gear an hour when I want to farm it.


Also, its been said, but CC is your friend, use it, you will end up using it more and more as you level.

Edited by Kantoro
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I actually only use whirlwind on groups with two strongs.


One thing you're definitely doing wrong is killing the strongs first. You can send khem in to tank the strong mob the whole fight, but you should be blasting the normals first. The idea is that they are easily eliminated sources of dps; killing them is a fast way to reduce the damage khem is taking. You should be able to take them down before khem needs any heals. Then heal him up real quick and start dps on the strong.


Good gear for your companions is a must. Some people bellyache over this mechanic, but Bioware designed it to be important for solo content. I even used commendations as I was leveling to upgrade my companion gear.

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You should be able to take 1 Strong plus up to 4 reg/weak no problem. Bubble yourself, bubble Khem and then Hardcast Chain Lightning into the middle of the pack, immediately followed by Death Field. This will outright kill weak mobs, and a Force Storm will finish off regular mobs. After that it's just a matter of the Strong.
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I had a guild member that was leveling up at the same time as me with a similar problem. I was having no problem and he was having difficulties. In his case it was a rotation issue He switched the the Hybrid 13/28 build and started doing much better. At 36 you can have both Wrath and Chain Lightning. It's been a long time since I've used Lightning so can't help you with the rotation.


The other option is going corruption. You will kill slower but it's nearly impossible to die. Just about anyone can level up with ease using a Sorc in a corruption spec.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes you must be doing something wrong but that’s OK. Levels 1-49 are there to teach us the game: better struggle now than in endgame. You should be tearing through it like a cannonball through tissue paper, and you shouldn’t really ever die unless you have a ‘senior moment’. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Consider going heals spec and getting Asha (although corruption should be absolutely no problems).
  • Make sure Khem's aoe is turned off and that he is in 'tanking stance'. For a tough single fight don't neglect to turn the aoe back on.
  • You shouldn't need to rely on whirlwind, save it for a rainy day (especially if it’s instant). Don’t use it as standard.
  • Don’t open with electrocute, again it’s something to be saved for a rainy day. I’d consider opening with Crushing Darkness because the first set of cast time is essentially free. If you’re playing lightning spec consider opening with chain lightning.
  • Time sending khem in (ctrl+1) so that he arrives with your first spell so as to maximise distance.
  • Keep your dot’s up.
  • Force slow and force speed are great for kiting (making melee opponents spend time chasing you) use them. When used in combination they’ll get you out of most tight spots.
  • Save electrocute for an emergency heal/interrupt. Leave a medpac on your taskbar.
  • Make sure you scope out any healers / glass cannons in a group of mobs and target them first.
  • Make judicious use of your interrupt ability. Place it right next to your main filler in the rotation (FL for me) for quick access.
  • Don’t aoe unless you can get everybody down fast and effectively – use the principle of force concentration – if you get 5 guys to 20% there’s 5 guys pounding you. If you take ‘em 1 by one that’ll be one guy left…
  • If it’s going in the crapper and you have to use the cooldown force channel thingy, pop it early.

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