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No CC Really???


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I'm currently a lv37 vanguard and still no CC this becomes very irritating during PVP were it seems like every other class has at least 1 CC the closes thing i have to CC is the Cryo Grenade.

But truth be told this is frustrating yes but won't stop me playing a trooper anyway what do you guys think???

Edited by Alloha
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I'm currently a lv37 vanguard and still no CC this becomes very irritating during PVP were it seems like every other class has at least 1 CC the closes thing i have to CC is the Cryo Grenade.

But truth be told this is frustrating yes but won't stop me playing a trooper anyway what do you guys think???


Mosr classes have at most 1 CC and maybe 1 root and 1 pushback.

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For the most we dont need CC. Try picking up 2 points in sweltering heat and kite mobs around if you're having trouble. Utilize your interrupts to mitigate damage, and for the most part, use elara dorne if you're finding it too difficult. We are probably the most mobile class in the game as far as damage goes, so utilize it as much as you can.
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You have a bunch


You can use cyro

you can get neuro overload to snare

you have storm

you have harpoon


true we do have those but to clarify when i say CC i'm mainly talking about stuns like that flash grenade thing (that i'm not too sure which class has that ability)

so yea mainly stuns. again it's not a big thing but the amount of times when i've been chasing a guy and he throws a flash grenade or some other type stun and by the time it's over i'm either dead or he's gone againg this is frustrating but won't stop me playing a trooper

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true we do have those but to clarify when i say CC i'm mainly talking about stuns like that flash grenade thing (that i'm not too sure which class has that ability)

so yea mainly stuns. again it's not a big thing but the amount of times when i've been chasing a guy and he throws a flash grenade or some other type stun and by the time it's over i'm either dead or he's gone againg this is frustrating but won't stop me playing a trooper


Don't chase him and harpoon him or use Storm if you speced shield. CC is for classes that cant handle multi opponent combat. Vanguard isnt that class! We are in your face, cast interupting battle masters.


The cool thing with Storm is it imobilizes them for 2 sec and if you addtionally spec it you can get a 30% speed increase for 4 sec. I never try to chase someone down if they are out of my 10 meter range.


It is anoying though to be stunned! Just vent it out on them later when you catch them.

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Powertechs and vanguards dont get a long-duration crowd control ability, but we get one of the best interrupt abilities in the game, so it evens out. Being able to interrupt once every 6 seconds, when most classes have a 12+ second cooldown on theirs, is a pretty hefty perk.
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Powertechs and vanguards dont get a long-duration crowd control ability, but we get one of the best interrupt abilities in the game, so it evens out. Being able to interrupt once every 6 seconds, when most classes have a 12+ second cooldown on theirs, is a pretty hefty perk.


You need to be specced into the most gimped dps tree in the game for that, Tactics.. /shivers


Now I do agree that our lack of ccs is mainly because of our large amount of flexibility. If specced pyro (or whatever, troopers version is) we can do great dmg range AND melee, been able to both kite and interrupt in melee is awesome. Now I don't agree we are meant for multiple targets focus firing us.... Well unless you are a tank in which case yea sure. But a dps vanguard is squishier than say marauder and THAT classs is built for 1v1 situations...

Edited by Assaultrooper
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I have, as a A.S. Vanguard, one 4s single target stun, one 2'5 (3 with pvp stuff) AoE stun, a permanent single target 50% slow with autoattacks and ion pulse and a harpoon.


The other trees have other talents (tho most of those were common for all Vanguards), I sincerely don't think we need more CC.

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Go watch Taugrim's PVP videos and tell me Vanguards dont have any CC.


He is in the healer's face all the time, interrupting heals with riot strike, stunning groups with Neural Surge, peeling with harpoon to stop a cast, creating a gap and using storm to stop a cast, tossing a cryo grenade to stun a single target. All of those together can keep a healer or cast-time nuker locked down almost indefinitely if you do it right. Go have a look and learn a thing or two about PVP while you're at it: http://www.twitch.tv/taugrim

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